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Практикум по грамматике английского языка (90

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V. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастия прошедшего времени с союзами if и when.

1.If corned, he can tell a lie.

2.When written, the article was handed to the editor.

3.When asked, he answered at once.

4.If sent away now, the letter will arrive the day after tomorrow.

5.When asked about the exhibition held in the Picture Gallery, the young man said he had admired it greatly.

Вариант 2

I. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастия прошедшего времени.

1.Received by yesterday’s post.

2.Looked bewildered.

3.Photo taken.

4.When asked.

5.As if startled.

II. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык, используя причастие прошедшего времени.

1.Сказка, (рассказанная няней), произвела на ребенка большое впечатление.

2.(Когда письмо было написано), она быстро побежала на почту отправить его.

3.Она стояла молча, (плотно сжав губы).

4.(Когда его история была рассказана), он откинулся назад и вздохнул.

5.(Книга, которую мы искали), до сих пор не найдена.

III. Определите, являются ли подчеркнутые слова а) причастием прошедшего времени или б) глаголом-сказуемым в прошедшем времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Students translated the text very quickly.

2.Tom liked boiled potatoes.

3.The student used the method described in this manual.

4.The author reflected these events in his novel.

5.The Art Gallery contained about 2,000 paintings collected during two centuries.

IV. Соедините два предложения в одно, употребляя причастие прошедшего времени. Следуйте образцу. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Model: The speaker refused to continue. He was infuriated by the interruptions. → Infuriated by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue.

1.The passengers left their things. They’re taken to the Lost Property Office.

2.The audiences were greatly impressed by the acting. They repeatedly called the actors.

3.The new job has been offered to me. It seems more interesting.

4.I could hardly recognize the street. It was reconstructed while I was away.

5.The explorations work is carried on in this region. This work is of great importance for science.


V. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастия прошедшего времени с союзами if и when.

1.If asked, he always helped me.

2.If asked to assess the chances of victory in a war, the computer will analyze facts quite differently from a military expert.

3.When presented historically, the subject seemed more interesting.

4.When informed of new repression, the workers went on strike.

5.When asked about the latest developments in this African country, the UN spokesman gave a full account of the situations.

Вариант 3

I. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастия прошедшего времени.

1.Greeted by everyone.

2.Looked relieved.

3.When recorded.

4.As if deeply impressed.

5.The report typed.

II. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык, используя причастие прошедшего времени.

1.Дом, (построенный) на нашей улице, очень красивый.

2.Я считаю работу (завершенной).

3.Она повернулась, чтобы взять сумку, и обнаружила, что она (украдена).

4.(Потрясенный) его словами, я опустился в кресло.

5.Он вышел, (окруженный студентами).

III. Определите, являются ли подчеркнутые слова а) причастием прошедшего времени или б) глаголом-сказуемым в прошедшем времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.When asked, the student answered at once.

2.The method used depended upon the material selected.

3.The student translated the article very quickly.

4.They published the results of the experiment.

5.He described the method used by this engineer.

IV. Соедините два предложения в одно, употребляя причастие прошедшего времени. Следуйте образцу. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Model: The speaker refused to continue. He was infuriated by the interruptions. → Infuriated by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue.

1.Food is served at this restaurant. It’s usually very good.

2.Almost immediately Higgins entered. He was dressed in tweeds.

3.This city is originally called New Amsterdam. It was a Dutch possession.


4.The Peace Committee daily receives letters. They come from different organizations and individuals.

5.Yesterday he received the letters. They must be answered immediately.

V. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастия прошедшего времени с союзами if и when.

1.When called in the morning, I found her gone.

2.When recorded, the tape was sent to her.

3.If corned, he can tell a lie.

4.When embarrassed, he didn’t know what to say.

5.If confirmed, these facts can be of great value.

Тестовые упражнения Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутого слова.




Вариант 1



Throw away the broken umbrella; it can’t be repaired.


a) сломали

b) сломанный

c) сломался

d) ломающийся


Many books for children include prefaces written by famous writers.

a) написали

b) написав

c) написанные

d) описывая

3.Produced for the British market, the “British Music Year Book” has also found many readers abroad.

a) созданный

b) создав

c) создал

d) создавая

4. When brightly illustrated by famous artists, children books find much more readers. a) проиллюстрировали b) иллюстрируя c) когда … проиллюстрированы d) проиллюстрировав


It was two in the morning when I returned home.


a) вернувшись

b) вернув

c) вернул

d) вернулся


The secretary posted the letters signed by the director.


a) отправила

b) отправив

c) отправляя

d) отправленные


The secretary posted the letters signed by the director.


a) подписал

b) когда подписал

c) подписанные

d) подписав


His unexpected answer surprised us.



a) не ожидал

b) неожиданный

c) не ожидав

d) не ожидая


It was about midnight when the letter arrived.


a) пришло

b) пришедшее

c) прибывая

d) прибыв


Ice melts when heated.



a) нагрелся

b) нагревшись

c) когда нагревается d) нагреваясь



Though expected on Sunday, he only arrived on Monday.


a) хотя ожидали

b) хотя ожидал

c) хотя ожидая

d) хотя ожидавший


A broken cup lay on the table.



a) разбил

b) разбив

c) разбивая

d) разбитая

13.The laboratory founded by Maxwell in 1871 made Cambridge well-known in the field of experimental physics.

a) основанная b) основал c) основала d) основав

14. The legendary Liverpool musicians known as Beatles were a great success in Great





a) знали

b) знавшие

c) известные

d) зная

15. On the tower of Westminster Palace there is a big clock called Beg Ben.

a) называющиеся

b) назвали

c) назвав

d) называя




Вариант 2



A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.

a) отправили

b) отправляя

c) отправленное

d) будет отправлено


When asked, he answered at once.



a) когда его спросили b) спрошенный

c) спрашивали

d) спрашивая


She stood silent, her lips pressed together.


a) сжимая

b) сжала

c) сжав

d) сжатые


If confirmed, these facts can be of great value.


a) подтвердили

b) подтверждая

c) если подтвердятся d) подтверждаю

5.Most of the scientists invited to the conference were leading specialists in various branches of economics.

a) когда пригласили

b) пригласив

c) приглашенные

d) приглашающие


He sat down quickly, his face buried in his hands.


a) пряча

b) прятал

c) когда спрятал

d) спрятав


Written by an expert, the report could be trusted.


a) так как был написан b) когда написали c) написал

d) пишущий


The speaker faced the audience, his hand raised for silence.


a) когда поднял

b) подняв

c) подняли

d) поднимать

9.If asked to assess the chances of victory in a war, the computer will analyze facts quite differently from a military expert.

a) спросил

b) спросив

c) когда спросили

d) если спросить

10. His speech finished, the audience applauded.


a) когда была окончена b) окончил

c) окончен

d) окончив


11. Arthur Conan Doyle inherited the talent of story-telling from his mother.

a) унаследованный b) унаследовал c) унаследовавший d) унаследовав

12.At the turn of the 19th century Russian journals published the first translations and reports about Robert Burns.

a) печатающие

b) напечатав

c) напечатанные

d) печатали


Moscow’s Friendship House organizes exhibitions devoted to national holidays.

a) посвятил

b) посвященные

c) посвятили

d) посвятив

14. The programme of the festival included folk and modern songs.

a) включала

b) включенный

c) включив

d) включая

15. The series entitled the “Science Fiction Library” began in 1986.

a) озаглавив

b) озаглавленная

c) озаглавила

d) озаглавливающий




Вариант 3



The word said by the student was not correct.




b) сказав

c) сказал

d) когда сказал


They returned home late at night, tired but happy.




b) возвращаясь

c) когда вернулись

d) вернулись


A fish taken out of the water cannot live.


a) вынули

b) вынул

c) вынутая

d) вынимать


Some of the questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important.

a) задал

b) задали

c) заданные

d) задаваемые


A word spoken in time may have a very important result.


a) сказанное

b) когда сказали

c) сказал

d) так как сказал


We enjoyed swimming in the ocean last weekend.


a) наслаждаясь

b) насладившись

c) наслаждалась

d) наслаждались


His girlfriend promised to come, but she wasn’t there.


a) обещать

b) обещая

c) обещала

d) пообещав


Used economically, these food supplies could last for a month.


a) использовал

b) используя

c) использовав

d) использовали


When offered help, they accepted it eagerly.


a) предложили

b) когда предложили c) предложив

d) предлагал


He spent last summer in the country.



a) провела

b) провели

c) провел

d) проведя


The house built in our street is very beautiful.


a) построили

b) построил

c) построив

d) построенный



When asked about the exhibition held in the Picture Gallery, the young man said he had

admired it greatly.




a) когда его спросили b) спрошенный

c) спрашивали

d) спрашивая


The cars produced by our plant are of high quality.


a) выпуская

b) выпустили

c) выпущенные

d) выпускаемые


Mr. James remains the most widely read teller of supernatural tales.

a) прочитал

b) читаемый

c) читает

d) читающий


This collection of stories first published in 1931 has never been out of print since then.

a) выпущенный

b) выпустил

c) выпускаемый

d) выпуская






Модель перевода


существительное, глагол, деепричастие,


придаточное предложение –


чтение, читать, (не) читая, (что … ) читает

Вариант 1

I. Образуйте соответствующие формы герундия от глаголов.

a)Non-Perfect Active, for example: do – doing swim, go, tell, meet, run

b)Non-Perfect Passive, for example: do – being done change, perform, send, decorate, give

c)Perfect Active, for example: do – having done destroy, compare, divide, count, introduce

d)Non-Perfect Active, for example: do – having been done find, lose, refuse, see, pronounce

II.Найдите и выпишите герундий, определите его форму.

1.I prefer going there by air.

2.He likes being listened to.

3.I knew nothing of your having made the report.

4.Excuse my interrupting you.

5.I remember having been shown your project.

III.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Would you mind bringing me a glass of water?

2.The hall was used for dancing.

3.Mastering a foreign language thoroughly is not easy.

4.There are many ways of solving this problem.

5.They started reading the text.


IV. Закончите предложения, используя один из глаголов: use, say, smoke, travel, see, work. Следуйте образцу.

Model: … is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop. – Smoking is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop.

1.I was surprised that she left without … goodbye to anyone.

2.We were able to translate the letter into English without … a dictionary.

3.It was a very long journey. I was very tired after … on a train for 36 hours.

4.We are looking forward to … you.

5.I enjoy … in the garden at weekends.

V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий.

1.Why do you avoid (see) me?

2.I don’t remember ever (see) you.

3.My favourite occupation is (read).

4.The matter is not worth (speak of).

5.She insisted on (treat) like a grown woman.

Вариант 2

I. Образуйте соответствующие формы герундия от глаголов.

a)Non-Perfect Active, for example: do – doing know, sleep, watch, take, use

b)Non-Perfect Passive, for example: do – being done teach, leave, buy, build, preserve

c)Perfect Active, for example: do – having done agree, colonize, win, put, organize

d)Non-Perfect Active, for example: do – having been done mention, invite, freeze, bring, steal

II.Найдите и выпишите герундий, определите его форму.

1.I like playing tennis.

2.Her being sent on business is unexpected to us.

3.I remember having seen this film.

4.I was afraid of my watch being slow.

5.I remember having been sung it before.

III.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.In spite of being tired we continued our way.

2.Reading aloud is useful.

3.Our aim is mastering English in the shortest time possible.

4.He never missed an opportunity of listening to this singer.

5.They spoke of organizing a library.


IV. Закончите предложения, используя один из глаголов: watch, eat, pay, walk, get up, make. Следуйте образцу.

Model: … is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop. – Smoking is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop.

1.They don’t like … and go everywhere by car.

2.They gave up … meat.

3.… television seems to be our national sport.

4.They hate … early in the morning.

5.Could you please stop … so much noise?

V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий.

1.He offered a new method of (improve) technology.

2.We insisted on (send) him the money at once.

3.One side of the gallery was used for (dance).

4.Where are my keys? I remember (put) them into the bag.

5.He couldn’t get used to (call) a grandfather.

Вариант 3

I.Образуйте нужные формы герундия от глаголов.

a)Non-Perfect Active, for example: do – doing conduct, draw, write, sing, cry

b)Non-Perfect Passive, for example: do – being done sell, check, demonstrate, describe, visit

c)Perfect Active, for example: do – having done compose, decode, devote, make, open

d)Non-Perfect Active, for example: do – having been done choose, explain, wash, forget, read

II.Найдите и выпишите герундий, определите его форму.

1.His being so proud makes life very difficult for her.

2.She doesn’t like being asked about it.

3.We have never heard of his having belonged to this scientific society.

4.I like your being attentive in class.

5.Jane remembers having been given the cassette.

III.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.I have an intention of reading this article.

2.I’m fond of reading.

3.His favourite pastime is watching TV.

4.Swimming in cold water is unpleasant.

5.He went away without having told us the necessary information.


IV. Закончите предложения, используя один из глаголов: play, ride, write, smoke, interrupt, go. Следуйте образцу.

Model: … is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop. – Smoking is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop.

1.I can’t imagine George … a motor-bike.

2.Do you like … tennis?

3.Jake has decided to give up … .

4.She kept on … me while I was speaking.

5.Tom suggested … to the cinema.

V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий.

1.They left without (talk) to him.

2.He didn’t like (criticize) by the manager.

3.He had the habit of (joke) at the wrong moment.

4.He insisted on (take) to the party.

5.I don’t like (serve) like that.

Тестовые упражнения Выберите правильный ответ



Вариант 1



When will he finish …?



a) speak

b) to speak

c) speaking

d) of speaking


I never enjoy … in the rain.



a) to walk

b) walk

c) walking

d) of walking


How did you manage to avoid … caught?


a) be

b) being

c) to be

d) from being


Who will discourage Tom … to drive?



a) from learning

b) against learning

c) learning

d) for learning


In spite … very generous to other people, he is strict with me.


a) be

b) of being

c) being

d) on being


Several people insisted … us.



a) helping

b) of helping

c) upon helping

d) on helping


She went … last Sunday.



a) of skiing

b) to skiing

c) skiing

d) ski


…. a present for my friend is not a difficult matter.


a) Chosen

b) Choosing

c) Having chosen

d) Choose


… funny kittens was a great amusement for children.


a) Watching

b) Having watched

c) On watching

d) To watching


10. He mentioned … this question with other teachers before meeting.

a) discussing

b) having discuss

c) having discussed

d) being discussed

11. We agreed … him.



a) helping

b) with helping

c) to helping

d) on helping

12. He objected to … like a novice in laboratory research.


a) treating

b) being treated

c) being treating

d) being treat

13. … in the affirmative way gave him great satisfaction.


a) Me answering

b) To me answering

c) My answering

d) I answering

14. He insisted on … to the concert.



a) being take

b) being took

c) being taking

d) being taken

15. I feel much better myself for … a good deal of my time abroad.

a) having spend

b) spending

c) have spending

d) having spent


Вариант 2


1. I can’t afford … a new car.



a) buy

b) buying

c) to buy

d) in buying

2. Take your time. I don’t mind …



a) wait

b) to wait

c) in waiting

d) waiting

3. Don’t be afraid … mistakes while speaking a foreign language.


a) make

b) having made

c) making

d) of making

4. I look forward … from you soon.



a) hear

b) hearing

c) to hearing

d) for hearing

5. He never minds … me the car whenever I want it.


a) borrowing

b) for borrowing

c) against borrowing

d) about borrowing

6. You can’t afford … such a wonderful opportunity.


a) of missing

b) missing

c) miss

d) for missing

7. Mike stopped … six month ago.



a) having smoking

b) smoking

c) smoke

d) in smoking

8. It’s worth … the film.



a) being seen

b) seen

c) seeing

d) having seen

9. I can’t help … at the funny puppies.



a) laugh

b) about laughing

c) laughing

d) on laughing

10. I’m tired … the same story hundred times.


a) from telling

b) telling

c) to telling

d) of telling

11. They insisted on … with them.



a) I staying

b) my staying

c) my stay

d) me staying


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