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Ласковец М.А.. Лексико-грамматические тесты для аспирантов технических вузов

376.3 Кб

a.Study of bones

b.Study of birds

c.Study of smells

d.None of these

2.Who invented the Doctor’s thermometer?




d.None of these

3.The velocity of light was first measured by:





4.Who proposed the chemical evolution of life?





5.The telephone was invented by:

a.John Logie Baird

b.Alexander Graham Bell

c.Thomas Elva Edison

d.James Watt

6.Who among the following people evolved the concept of relationship between mass and energy?





7.Robert Koch worked on:





8.Who discovered Uranus?




d.None of these

9. Who among the following people is associated with the invention of computers?



c.Mac Millen


1. b

2. a

3. c




4. c

5. b

6. a




7. a

8. a

9. b






Упражнение № 1. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смыс-

ла, в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous: 1. Helen (to learn) English at the Institute. She (to learn) English since last


2.They are busy now. They (to discuss) an important question. They (to discuss) it since five o'clock.

3.Where is Petrov? — He (to work) in the library. — He (to work) long? — Yes, he (to work) since morning.

4.My brother (to be) in hospital. He (to be) there for ten days.

5.Ivanov (to teach) French. He is a very experienced teacher. He (to teach) French for fifteen years.

6.I (to know) Peter well. — Since when you (to know) him? — I (to know) him since


Упражнение № 2. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Кого вы ждете? — Я жду товарища, — Вы давно его ждете? — Да, я жду его уже около получаса.

2.Что вы переводите? — Я перевожу экономическую статью. — Как долго вы ее переводите? — Я перевожу ее уже час.

3.Я перевожу пять или шесть статей в неделю.

4.Где мой журнал? — Он лежит на вашем письменном столе.

5.Ваша книга лежит здесь уже несколько дней. Возьмите ее,

6.Мы знаем друг друга очень хорошо.

7.Мы знаем друг друга с тех пор, как я приехал в Москву.

8.Г-н Иванов - директор нашего завода. Он директор завода с 1990 г.

9.Мой брат живет в Киеве. — С каких пор он живет там? — Он живет там с 1945 г.

Упражнение № 3. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смыс-

ла, в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite:

1.You (to read) that book yet? —No, I only just (to begin) it.

2.Petrov (to leave) Moscow? No, he is still in Moscow.

3.When the delegation (to arrive) in Moscow? It (arrive) yesterday.

4.I not (to see) Andrew at the lecture.

5.I not (to see) this film yet, but I (to hear) a lot about it.

6.He isn't here, he just (to go) out.

7.I (to have) no news from him since he (to leave) home.

8.We (to discuss) the matter during supper.

9.I cannot give you a definite answer as I not (to discuss) the matter with the manager.

Упражнение № 4. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Почему вы надели пальто? Сегодня совсем тепло.

2.Ваш брат вернулся в Москву?

3.Когда ваш брат вернулся в Москву?

4.Вы кончили свою работу? — Да, я кончил ее вчера.

5.Я принес вам несколько очень интересных книг.

6.Куда вы положили мой словарь? Я не могу его найти.


7.Он положил документы на стол и вышел из комнаты.

8.Я никогда не читал этой книги.

9.Я никогда не купался после захода солнца, когда жил в Сочи.

10.Г-н Д. пришел. Он ждет вас внизу.

11.Я не видел его с лета.

12.Я уже говорил вам об этом два раза. Разве вы не помните?

13.Я не знаю, который сейчас час, так как мои часы остановились.

14.Наконец такси остановилось у подъезда большого дома.

15.Вы написали это упражнение очень плохо. Напишите его еще раз.

16.Он написал упражнение очень плохо, и преподаватель велел ему написать его еще раз.

Упражнение № 5. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смыс-

ла, в Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous:

1.He not (to see) me as he (to read) when I (to come) into the room.

2.When he was in Gorki he (to visit) the places where he (to play) as a boy.

3.The telegram (to arrive) five minutes after you (to leave) the house.

4.It (to rain) hard last night when 1 (to leave) the office.

5.The train could not stop because it (to travel) too fast at the time.

6.When I (to call) for my friend, his sister (to tell) me that he (to leave) half an hour be-


7.I (to shout) to him to stop, but he (to run) too fast and not (to hear).

8.Large crowds (to wait) at the station when the Russian delegation (to arrive).

9.When I (to hear) the news, I (to hurry) to see him.

10 We (to walk) to the station when it (to begin) to rain.

11.He (to sit) in the garden when the storm (to break) out.

12.He (to thank) me for what I (to do) for him.

13.When I (to wake up) this morning, the sun (to shine) high in the sky.

14.Before he (to enter) the Institute, he (to work) al a plant.

15.The manager (to leave) the office before I (to arrive).

16.When 1 (to go) to the room the next day, I (to find) the books exactly where I (to leave) them.

17.We (to walk) for about two hours when at last we (to see) the lake.

Упражнение № 6. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Я жил в Ленинграде, когда началась война.

2.Его телеграмма пришла, когда я выходил из дому.

3.В прошлом году я часто ходил в театр.

4.Вчера я купил часы, так как потерял свои старые.

5.Он кончил свою работу к 6 часам.

6.Когда я пришел, машинистка печатала письма, которые я ей дал накануне.

7.Когда мой сын был болен, доктор приходил к нему каждый день.

8.Машинистка еще не напечатала всех писем, когда я пришел.

9.Я очень много читал прошлым летом.

10.Стало уже совсем темно, когда мы вернулись домой.

11.Она порезала палец, когда резала хлеб.

12.Я провел свой отпуск в одной маленькой деревне на Волге. Одни из моих приятелей посоветовал мне поехать туда.

13.Летом я заходил к ним каждый вечер.

14.Дождь еще не прекратился, когда мы вышли из дому.

15.Я обедал, когда он мне позвонил.


16.На днях я познакомился с одним старым моряком. Он побывал во многих странах на востоке и западе. Он рассказал мне о многих городах, которые он посетил во время своих многочисленных путешествий.

17.Я возвращался домой довольно поздно. Становилось уже темно, и шел дождь. Я шел быстро, так как я не взял зонтика и боялся промокнуть. Мимо меня проезжали машины. Вдруг одна из них остановилась возле меня, и кто-то окликнул меня. Я узнал голос своего приятеля, доктора А. Он пригласил меня войти в машину, и через пять минут я был дома.

18.Я читал весь вечер вчера.

19.Я пришел домой, поужинал и начал читать газету. Вдруг я вспомнил, что я обещал своему приятелю вернуть ему английский учебник. Он дал его мне на два дня и просил меня вернуть его вовремя. Я встал, взял учебник и пошел к своему приятелю.

20.Моя сестра еще спала, когда я встал, так какона вернулась домой очень поздно.

21.Я ждал его около получаса, когда он, наконец, пришел.

22.Они уже два года изучали английский язык, когда начали изучать китайский.

Упражнение № 7. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смыс-

ла, & Future Indefinite, Future Continuous или Future Perfect:

1.I (to wait) for you at five o'clock to-morrow.

2.I am sure that they (to complete) their work by May.

3.At 2 o'clock to-morrow I (to have) an English lesson.

4.Tomorrow at this time you (to sail) down the Moscow River.

5.I hope it (to stop) raining by five o'clock.

6.I hope the next mail (to bring) news from home.

7.She (to return) from the library at six o'clock.

8.I not (to work) at eight o'clock. I (to finish) my home work by that time.

9.At what time you (to be) here?

10.What you (to do) at eight o'clock? I (to work) on my report.

Упражнение № 8. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Я думаю, что он будет участвовать в этой работе.

2.Не опаздывайте. Я буду ждать вас в библиотеке в 9 часов.

3.Я уверен, что они выполнят свей производственный план к 15 декабря.

4.Он будет работать весь день завтра

5.Не приходите в 2 часа завтра: он будет занят. У него будет английский урок в это


6.Приходите в 6 часов. Директор подпишет все документы к этому времени.

7.Что вы будете делать от 6 до 8 завтра? — Я буду писать статью в стенгазету

Упражнение № 9. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя в придаточных,

предложениях времени и условия Present Indefinite, Present Continuous или Present Perfect вместо форм будущего времени:

1.Я еще буду работать, когда вы вернетесь.

2.Я поговорю с ним об этом, когда я его встречу.

3.Я пойду домой после того, как я закончу работу.

4.Если я буду свободен завтра вечером, я пойду с вами в клуб.

5.Она будет обедать после того, как распакует свои вещи.

б. Если он будет еще работать, когда вы вернетесь, посоветуйте ему лечь спать.

7.Если он не придет завтра, пошлите ему телеграмму.

8.Я протелеграфирую, как только приеду в Одессу.

9.Я дам вам знать, как только получу письмо от него.


10.Мы пойдем, когда перестанет идти дождь.

11.Посидите здесь, пожалуйста, пока не вернется директор.

12.Не сходите с трамвая, пока он не остановится.

13.Я зайду к вам перл тем, как уеду из Москвы.

14.Пойдемте в клуб, когда окончится лекция.

13. Я пойду домой только после того, как пароход скроется из вида.

Итоговое контрольное упражнение. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в требуемом по смыслу времени:

1.The ship (to go) to the north when a storm (to break) out.

2.By this time next year you (to graduate) from the Institute.

3.He (to become) a pilot now.

4.They (to drive) at about forty miles an hour when the accident (to happen).

5.Although the weather (to be) fine during the last few days, this summer is not a good one on the whole.

6.When I (to get) to the station, I (to learn) that the train (to leave) a few minutes before.

7.He generally (to play) tennis very well, but to-day he (to play) very badly.

8.All last week he (to prepare) for the examinations.

9.That man (to teach) in this school since 1932.

10.Water (to change) into ice when the temperature (to drop) below zero.

11.We (to see) your brother a week ago, but we not (to see) him since then.

12.It (to rain) every day since we (to come) here.

13.When we (to reach) the wood, we (to find) that a party of strangers (to occupy) the spot which we (to choose) for our picnic.

14.Kindly repeat what you just (to say).

15.I only (to succeed) in solving the problem after I (to work) on it for several hours.

16.He reminded me that we (to be) classmates at school.

17.My brother (to remain) in Saratov till the end of the war. By that time he (to recover) from the wound he (to receive) during the operations on the Dnieper.

18.I (to hear) that you (to give) up the idea of studying French.

19.Up to now I not (to hear) anything from him.

20.He (to be) a correspondent for «Pravda» since 1941.

21.Come to my room as soon as you (to return).

22.I (to know) him ever since we (to be) children.

23.I shall cash the cheque as soon as the bank (to be) open.

24.He said he (to reach) home by midnight.

25.By the time he is thirty he (to become) a great musician.

26.He (to shrug) his shoulders, (to shake) his head, but (to say) nothing.

27.Dmitry (to go) to St. Petersburg last summer and (to work) there since then.

28.When I get back, they probably (to have supper).

29.He very much wanted to go to the Far East as he never (to be) there.

Ответы к упражнению № 1.



Helen learns

... (or: is learning

...); She has been learning ... .


... They are discussing ...

; They have been discussing ... .


... He is working ...; Has he been working ...; he has been working ... .


My brother is ...; He has been ...



Comrade Ivanov teaches

...; ...

He has been teaching ... .


I know ...; ...

have you known ...

; ... I have known ... .


Ответы к упражнению № 2.

1.Who(m) are you waiting for? — I am waiting for Comrade A. — Have you been waiting long for him? — Yes, I have (already) been waiting about half an hour for him.

2.What are you translating? — I am translating an economic article. — How long have you been translating it? — I've (already) been translating it for an hour.

3.I translate five or six articles a week.

4.Where is my magazine? — It is lying on your writing-table.

5.Your book has (already) been lying here for a few days. Take it.

6.We know each other very well.

7.We have known each other since I came to Moscow.

8.Comrade A. is (the) director of our factory. He has been (the) director of our factory since 1990.

9.My brother lives in Kiev. — Since when (or: How long) has he been living there? — He has been living there since 1945.

Ответы к упражнению № 3.


Have you read

...; ... I have only just begun in


Has Petrov D. left ... .


... did the delegation arrive ...; It arrived ....


I did not see ... .



I have not seen ...

; ... I have heard ... .


... he has just gone out.


I have had ...; ...

he left ... .


We discussed ... .


9. ...

I have not discussed ... .

Ответы к упражнению № 4.

1.Why have you put on your coat? It is quite warm to-day.

2.Has your brother come back to Moscow?

3.When did your brother come back to Moscow?

4.Have you finished your work? — Yes, I finished it yesterday.

5.I have brought you some interesting books.

6.Where have you put my dictionary? I can't find it.

7.He put the documents on the table and left the room.

8.I have never read this book.

9.I never bathed after sunset when I stayed in Sochi.

10.Comrade D. has come. He is waiting for you downstairs.

11.I have not seen him since the summer.

12.I have already told you about it twice. Don't you remember?

13.I don't know what the time is now as my watch has stopped.

14.At last the taxi stopped at the front door of a big house.

15.You have written this exercise very badly. Write it once more.

16.He wrote his exercise very badly and the teacher told him to write it once more.

Ответы к упражнению № 5.



He did not see ...


... he was reading

...; ... I came ... .


... he visited

...; ...


he had played ....



The telegram arrived ...; ... you left (or: had left) ....


It was raining ...

; ...

I left ... .


5. ...

in was travelling ... .


6. ...

I called ...

; ...

his sister told ...; ...

he had left ... .


7. I shouted ...

; ...

he was running ...

; ... did not hear.

8. Large crowds were waiting

...; ...

the Russian delegation arrived.

9. ...

I heard ...

; ...

I hurried

... .




We were walking

...; ...

it began to rain.


He was sitting ..; ...

the storm broke out.


He thanked ...

; ...

I had done ... .


13. ...

I woke up ...

; ... the sun was shining ... .


He entered ...

, he worked...



15. leaved..., I have arrived.



16. ...

I went ...

; ...

I found ...

; ...

I had left ... .


We had been walking ... ...


we saw ... .

Ответы к упражнению № 6.

1.I was living in Leningrad when the war broke out.

2.His telegram arrived when I was leaving home.

3.Last year I often went to the theatre.

4.Yesterday I bought a watch as I had lost my old one.

5.He had finished his work by six o'clock.

6.When I came the typist was typing the letters which I had given her the day before.

7.When my son was ill, the doctor visited him every day.

8.The typist had not typed all the letters when I came.

9.I read very much last summer.

10.It was already quite dark when we came home.

11.She cut her finger while she was cutting the bread.

12.I spent my holiday (or: my leave) in a little village on the Volga. A friend of mine had advised me to go there.

13.In the summer I called on them every evening.

14.It was still raining when we came out of home.

15.I was having dinner when he rang me up.

16.The other day I made the acquaintance of an old sailor. He had been to many countries in the East and the West. He told me about many towns which he had visited during his numerous voyages.

17.I was returning home rather late. It was already getting dark and it was raining. I was walking quickly as I had not taken my umbrella and was afraid of getting wet. Cars were passing me. Suddenly one of them stopped near me and somebody called me. I recognized the voice of my friend, Doctor A. He asked me to get into the car and five minutes later I was at home.

18.I read (or: was reading) the whole evening yesterday.

19.I came home, had supper, and began to read the newspaper. Suddenly I remembered that I had promised my friend to return him his English textbook. He had given it to me for two days and (had) asked me to return it in time. I stood up, took the text-book and went to my friend's.

20.My sister was still sleeping when I got up because she had returned home rather late.

21.I was waiting for him about half an hour when he came at least.

22.They had been studying English for two years when they started to learn Chinese.

Ответы к упражнению № 7.

1. I shall be waiting ... .

2. ... they will have completed... .

3. ... I shall be having...

4 ... you will be sailing... .


5. ...

it will have stopped raining... .

6. ...

the next mail will bring... .

7. She will return... .


8. I shall not be working

...; I shall have finished... .

9. ...

will you be... .


10. ...

will you be doing...

; I shall be working... .

Ответы к упражнению № 8.

1.I think that he'll take part in this work.

2.Don't be late. I'll be waiting for you in the library at nine o'clock.

3.I am sure that they'll have fulfilled their production plan by the 15th of December.

4. He'll work (or: He'll be working) the whole day to-morrow.

5.Don't come at two o'clock to-morrow. He'll be busy. He'll be having an English lesson at that time.

6.Come at six o'clock. The director will have signed all the documents by that time.

7.What will you do (or: What will you be doing) from six till eight tomorrow? — I'll write (or: I'll be writing) an article for the wall newspaper.

Ответы к упражнению № 9.

1.I'll still be working when you come back.

2.I'll speak to him about it when I meet him.

3.I'll go home after I have finished (or: after I finish) my work.

4.If I am free to-morrow night, I'll go to the club with you.

5.She'll have dinner after she has unpacked (or: after she unpacks) her things.

6.If he is still working when you come back, advise him to go to bed.

7.If he doesn't come tomorrow, send him a telegram.

8.I'll wire as soon as I come to Odessa.

9.I'll let you know as soon as I get a letter from him.

10.We'll go when it stops raining.

11.Sit here, please, until the director comes back.

12.Don't get off the tram until it stops.

13.I'll call on you before I leave Moscow,

14.Let's go to the club when the lecture is over.

15.I'll go home only after the ship has disappeared (or: after the ship disappears).

Ответы к итоговому контрольному упражнению.

1. The ship was going...; ... the storm broke out. 2. ... you will have graduated... .

3. He has become... .

4. They were driving...; ... the accident happened. 5. ... the weather has been... .

6. ... I got...; I learned...; ... he is playing... .

7. … he …plays… , has played… .

8. ... he prepared (or: he was preparing)... .

9. That man has been teaching... .


Water changes...;

... the temperature drops... .


We saw...; ...

we have not seen... .


It has raining...

; ...

we came... .

13. ...

we reached...; ... we found...; ... a party of strangers had occupied...; ... we had cho-



14. ...

you have just said.



I only succeeded...; ...

I had worked (or: I had been working)... .


... we had been... .




My brother remained...

; ...

he had recovered...; he had received....

18.1 have heard (or: heard)...;

... you have given up (or: you had given up)... .

19.I have not heard... .

20.He has been... .

21. ... you return.

22. I have known...; ... we were... .

23. ... the bank is open.

24. ... he had reached... .

25. ... he will have become... .

26.He shrugged...; shook...; ... said... .

27.Dmitry went...; ...has been working... .

28. ... they will probably be having supper (or: they will probably have had supper). 29. He had never been... .


Last Wednesday Tom Smith received a letter from the local police. In the letter he_______ 1________ to call at the police station. Tom wondered why ____2_____ by the police. Still he went to the police station.

At the station a smiling policeman______3______that his bicycle ____4____. The policeman said that the bicycle______5______ in a small village four hundred miles away. The bicycle had been sent to his home_____6_____.Tom was surprised when ____7_____ the news. He never expected ____8____. It was stolen____9____ when Tom was ____10____.


(A) asked

(C) was asked


(B) has been asked

(D) asks


(A) was he wanted

(C) he was wanted


(B) had he been wanted

(D) he wanted


(A) said him

(C) told to him


(B) told

(D) told him


(A) had been found

(C) was founded


(B) was found

(D) has been found


(A) was being picked up

(C) has been picked up


(B) had been picked up

(D) picked up


(A) on train

(C) in train


(B) by train

(D) with train


(A) he had heard the news

(C) he had listened to the news


(B) he listened the news

(D) he heard the news


(A) the bicycle found

(C) the bicycle to be found


(B) the bicycle is found

(D) that the bicycle will be found



(A) twenty years ago

(C) in twenty years


(B) twenty years later

(D) after twenty years


(A) a fifteen boy

(C) a boy of fifteen


(B) a boy of fifteen years

(D) a fifteen-year-old boy

Ответы к тесту.












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