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ИздательствоБашкирский государственный педагогический университет им.М. АкмуллыISBNГод2002Страниц24. Методическая разработка к аудиороману Ребекка.pdf
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Методическая разработка к аудиороману «Ребекка» / Составитель Л.В.Газизова. Уфа: Изд-во БГПУ, 2002. 24с.

Данная разработка предназначается для студентов факультетов иностранных языков с целью помочь организовать самостоятельную работу по аудированию. В качестве материала для аудирования выбран аудиороман «Ребекка» Д. дю Морье.

Составитель: Л.В. Газизова, канд.филол.н. (БГПУ).

Рецензенты: Р.К. Гарипов, д-р филол.н., проф., (БГПУ) М.В. Хвесина, канд.филол.н., проф., (ВЭГУ). Т.Д. Шабанова, д-р филол.н., проф., (БГПУ).

© Газизова Л.В., 2002 © Издательство БГПУ, 2002



Listening is a major source of difficulty for most language learners. That’s why listening comprehension is an essential component of any language course. Audio materials used in the teaching/learning process are aimed at developing listening skills that are indispensable for effective communication. Students need to be given the competence to cope with material which is a little beyond their productive level and not to be discouraged if they do not understand the meaning of every word.

There is a wide range of listening materials: short extracts, dialogues, longer texts such as interviews, conversations, stories. For advanced students audio novels have come into use quite recently. Audio novels provide a rich variety of language and cultural experience, enlarge students’ knowledge and vocabulary, further develop students’ confidence in listening comprehension area. Strong motivation of using audio novels is unquestionable: students discover how much of the challenging text they can understand. Like any novel an audio novel based on interesting plot arouses a genuine interest, keeps the listeners in suspense and leaves a deep and lasting impression.

This teaching aid presents a set of assignments helpful to organize students’ individual activity on the audio novel “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier. The aid is divided into 9 sections according to the parts of the recording. (Boundaries on the recording are marked by music). Each section consists of three parts: Pre-Listening Activities, Listening Activities, PostListening Activities. “Pre-Listening Activities” part prepares students for the content and vocabulary of the text. It highlights difficult or rarely used words or phrases. Looking up words and phrases in the dictionary provides students with constant practice in a range of dictionary skills. Tasks in “Listening Activities” part place strong emphasis on listeners’ skills at deriving general information and important details from the text. The two above mentioned parts give a good opportunity to enlarge active and passive vocabularies. They also provide an opportunity for extended and prepared speaking based upon questions given in “PostListening Activities” part. Students should be encouraged to use these words, phrases and sentences more freely performing tasks in Part III.


The teaching aid is supplied with the Check Section. It includes 12 cards, each containing 9 true-false statements and one open question. The Check Section enables students to test and monitor their progress in a more formal way. It also enables the teacher to check students’ comprehension of the novel in no time.

The audio novel "Rebecca" is suitable for students who have completed the course of 2 or 3 years of English.

To ensure the control of the students’ work the aid is supplied with the keys for teachers issued in limited number of copies.


The author of the aid wishes to express his thanks to Tatyana D. Shabanova and Svetlana P. Sitnikova, who have made valuable comments on it.


Some Proper and Geographical Names

Manderley Maxim de Winter Mrs. Danvers Mrs. Van Hopper Jack Favell Beatrice


Frank Crawley

Robert and Frith (servants) Ben

Colonel Julyan

Captain Searle Mr. Tabb Doctor Baker




The narrator dreams of Manderley

Maxim proposes marriage

I Pre-Listening Activities

Read and find the meanings of the following words and word

combinations in the dictionary.




Mullioned windows inviolate



lack of poise

colt to engender a great appetite


a snapshot

to endue a

tangled fringe of gossip to prattle on a suite (in a hotel)






II Listening Activities

1.Find a word, a word combination or a sentence which has the similar meaning

1.1I stood my heart beating in my breast.

1.2An unpleasant feeling of coming disaster.

1.3Shyness and self-consciousness.

1.4She would go to her usual table in the corner of the restaurant, close to the window.

1.5A straight introduction without ceremony.

1.6A secret look.

1.7A very close friend.

1.8An awful tragedy.

2.Complete the following sentences.

2.1The terrace sloped to the lawns…

2.2“I’m very different from that self who…”

2.3She would precede me into lunch…

2.4“I shall tell the management …”

2.5The Metrodotel with a particular bow…

2.6And before she could trap him into resurrection of their first meeting…

2.7“You have taken me out of myself…”

2.8My only enemy was…

3.Explain or comment on.

3.1This newcomer would not welcome intrusion.

3.2Her tone was just casual enough to warn him of my footing.


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