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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Education Agency

Scientific Journal



Voronezh State Technical University

The journal has been publishing since 2012

Issue 1 (20), 2018


Fomina Z. Ye. Introductory remarks of the editor-in-chief of the Scientific Journal «Modern

linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches»........................................................................



Меrkulovа N.V. Hermeneutic analysis of the art text in the aspect of synergy of aesthetic

onyms (based on the material of the novel «Sentimental Education» by G. Flaubert)...................


Lavrinenko I.Yu. Moral-and-ethical maxims of F. Bacon (on the examples of linguistic

categorization of the concept Cunning) ........................................................................................


Borodkina G.S. Emotional concept "Angst" in German and Austrian-German..........................


Uspenskaya N.A.The symbol in modern Arabic literature ..........................................................


Toporova T.V. “Baldr’s Draumar” as sample of poetry "Beyond the Grave".............................



Fomina Z.Ye., Kozlova V.V. Language education in technical higher institutions (on the example of the additional specialization "Translator in the sphere of professional

communication"): experience and prospects.................................................................................


Lapynina N.N. Expression of causative-and-adversative relations on the interphrase level .......




Vyalova V.D. The red colour in Russian dialects: historical and cultural aspect.......................


Pastukhov A.G. Observing the scientific issues: genre features of German media texts ..........


Shuaipova A.A. The musicality of R.M. Rilke lyrics ................................................................




Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018

ISSN 2587-8093



Berg E.B., Kit M. Translator’s lexical need as a cognition tool ................................................


Bolshakova T.I., Varushkina A.V. Corpus based data analysis for translators: training and

professional work (based on the English language materials) ....................................................


Khripunov N.K., Fomina Z.Ye. Metaphors in the English metallurgical discourse as elements

of terminosystem .........................................................................................................................




Fomina Z.Ye. Scientific information on the international scientific and practical conference

"Crossing borders: intercultural communication in global context" held on February 14-16,

2018 at the State Institute of the Russian Language named after A. Pushkin.............................


Byessonova O.L. Review of the monograph Bednárová-Gibová K. “Towards an understanding

of EU translation”. Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej universzity. Prešov, 2016 ...........................


INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS ...................................................................................


REQUIREMENTS TO THE PAPERS ...................................................................................


THE INFORMATION ON SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS...............................................



Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Z. Ye. Fomina: Inroductory Remarks of Editor-in chief of the SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL

«Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue 1 (20) 2018 of the Scientific Journal contains the following sections: "Linguistics", "Methods and Didactics of Teaching Foreign Languages", "Intercultural Communication", "Theory and Practice of Translation". The twentieth Series presents 13 articles.

This issue of the Scientific Journal presents to the attention of our dear readers scientific articles on a wide range of scientific problems, in particular, the works, conducted in line with modern linguistic tendencies, in the aspect of methods and didactics of foreign and Russian language teaching, intercultural communication, theory and practice of translation.

The articles offer the results of PhD and Doctoral researches conducted on the material of different languages: Russian, English, French, German, Arabian, Austrian variant of German, Old-Islandic and others. Different types of discourses are studied: artistic, media, political, philosophical, military, metallurgical and others.

The issues raised in the article of our colleague PhD of Philology, Associate Professor Nadezhda V. Merkulova (VSTU) are of current scientific interest. The author has been studying onomastic realias in the French literature for many years, in particular, in the works of Gustave Flaubert.

The work of PhD of Philology, Associate Professor Irina Yu. Lavrinenko (VSTU) is written in the scope of cognitive linguistics. The author focuses her article on the analysis of the phenomenon “Cunning” on the material of philosophical discourse of F. Bacon. The author conducted fundamental and detailed analysis of this complex and ambivalent construct. The number of interesting scientific observations have been made, concerning the features of concept “Cunning” categorization in the individual-and-author picture of the world of the outstanding English philosopher, on the one hand, and in the area of people`s being in general, on the other.

Emotional picture of the world is in the focus of scientific attention of PhD of Philology, Associate Professor Galina S. Borodkina (VSU). The author reveals dominant sensual concepts and analyses them in the correlation with linguistic and cultural problems of modern Austrians on the material of up-to-date Austrian socio-political texts.

The article of PhD of Philology, Associate Professor Nina A. Uspenskaya (MGIMO (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RF), who belongs to the outstanding cohort of wellknown specialists in the sphere of the Arabian language and Arabian literature analysis, is of profound interest. In her article Nina Alekseevna laid down deep and sophisticated ideas, concerning the problem of symbol in the modern Arabian literature. Author represents the differences between the symbol in novels of different directions of art: realistic and modern existential. Moreover, the article demonstrates the works of outstanding Arabian writers of great originality, with their views and understanding of the world, relations between people.

The article of Leading Research Officer of the German Sector of the Institute of linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor Tatyana V. Toporova is of utmost importance and relevance. In her article Tatyana Vladimirovna represents the study of the song “Baldr`s Dreams” as an example of "beyond the grave" poetry. We are glad to offer the article of Professor T.V. Toporova to our dear readers, as not only is this work of absolute scientific value, but is also a unique one, as it is well known that there are only a few scientific works concerning the studies of old texts and languages in the modern linguistic field today. We are thankful to Tatyana Vladimirovna for active collaboration with our journal both as our honorable author and as editorial board member.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Doctor of Philology, Professor Zinaida Ye. Fomina (VSTU) and PhD of Philology, Associate Professor Victoria V. Kozlova (VSTU) in their article raise current problem of foreign language teaching in technical University. The authors offer innovative methods and strategies, aiming at perfecting the quality of foreign language teaching to the students of technical sphere of knowledge – future engineers-translators. In their article the authors share their experience of teaching the students of technical sphere of knowledge, who are the students of the state supplementay program “Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication” and are getting the second state supplementary education.

The article of PhD of Philology, Professor Nadezhda N. Lapynina (VSTU) is of considerable scientific importance. The subject matter of the article is the study of the relevant features of the Russian language, such as expression of causative-and-adversative relations on the interphrase level. The results of the research have the special practical importance in the aspect of the Russian as foreign language teaching.

The research of Vladislava D. Vyalova (Applicant at the Department of the Russian Language Russian State University for the Humanities) is focused on the analysis of phenomenon “Red Colour” in historical-and-cultural aspect. The author comes to the conclusion that red tone colour lexics, found in Russian folk dialects dictionary, is of great interest in terms of cultural, semiotic and linguistic content. The author`s convincing conclusion that lexico-semantic group of red tone is the third on the number of coloratives (following the group of grey and mixed tones) and the greatest group on related phraseologisms. In the result of thorough and complex analysis the author points out a high significance of the red colour for Russian ethnic self-awareness.

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Alexander G. Pastukhov (Orel State Institute of Culture) highlights the "mediatization"of the scientific knowledge. He comes to the important conclusion that "in the quality German media texts they observe constitution of media genres as a process of polarization between presentation of facts and commenting component”.

Of great interest is the article of a post-graduate student Alina A. Shuaipova (MPGU), who placed the problem of musical poetry of R.M. Rilke as the cornerstone of her research. The author conducts a delicate and profound analysis of empirical material and presents scientifically valid results of the research. The article opens great prospects for further research in this direction.

The research of Elena B. Berg (Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian, Foreign Languages and Culture of Speech of FGBOU VO USLU) and Mark Kit (Candidate of Technical Sciences, USA), is focused on mechanisms employed to use lexical system of the language and development of translators’ lexical competence. It introduces the concept of lexical need – the necessity to obtain information on lexical units, in particular – in the course of translation. Significance of lexical need studies for cognition is discussed as well. In author1s point of view, meeting translator’s lexical need through querying dictionaries is a systematic way for the development of lexical competence and enhancement of personal lexical space.

Practical significance characterizes the article of Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor

Tatyana I. Bolshakova and Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Anastasia V. Varushkina

(Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force «N.E. Zhukovsky, Y.A. Gagarin»

Air Force Academy, Voronezh). The article deals with the issue of corpus based data application for considering combinative selectivity of English military aviation terms, which is of great importance for the training and successful professional activity of military interpreters.

The problem of studying the terminology of metallurgical discourse belongs to the number of poorly studied and poorly developed problems. Post-graduate student Khripunov Nikita K. (VSTU) and Zinaida Ye. Fomina (VSTU) analyze metaphors as terminological units in the English metallurgical discourse, and also consider the features of their translation into Russian.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

In this issue of the Journal, we also present scientific information about the conference "Crossing Borders", held at the Institute of Russian Language named after A. S. Pushkin in Moscow from February 14th to February 16th, 2018 (Information prepared by Prof. Fomina Z.Ye.).

In addition, the journal contains a review of our colleague from the National Donetsk University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Olga Bessonova, on the monograph of a colleague from Slovakia: Bednárová-Gibová, Klaudia. Towards an understanding of EU translation.

Prešov: University of Prešov, 2016. 172 р.

The Journal also presents the current works of the colleagues of the Foreign Languages Chair of the architectural and construction department of the Voronezh State Technical University.

The Journal includes works of both famous and young Russian scientists working in different universities and educational institutions of our country, in particular, in Mosсow (Institute of linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mosсow State Institute of International Relations (University), MPGU, Russian State University for the Humanities), Ekaterinburg (Ural State Law Univerlsity), Orel (Orel State Institute of Culture), Samara (Samara National Research University), Voronezh (Voronezh State Technical University, Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force «N.E. Zhukovsky, Y.A. Gagarin» Air Force Academy, Voronezh State University), etc. journal presents the results of work on translation of an American co-author Mark Kit, CEO of Language Interface.

The scientific problems of respected authors demonstrate actual trends in modern linguistic science, methodology and didactics of teaching foreign languages, intercultural communication, theory and practice of translation. We hope that the twentieth issue of the Journal will be interesting and useful for a wide number of linguists, foreign language teachers, culture experts, experts in literature, philosophers, post-graduates and students as well as for all our honorable domestic and foreign readers.

Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Journal


“Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-


Didactic Researches” of Voronezh State Technical


University, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of


the Chair of Foreign Languages, Honorary Person of the


Professional Education, Corresponding Member of the


Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Z.Ye. Fomina


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093


UDC 804.0-73



(based on the material of the novel «Sentimental Education» by G. Flaubert)

N.V. Меrkulovа


Voronezh State Technical University

Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of the Foreign Languages Department Nadezhda V. Merkulova

е-mail: ndvv@mail.ru


Statement of the problem. The main purpose of the study is to determine the role and the functions of aesthetic onyms in the process of hermeneutic analysis of the art text (based on the key anthroponyms and toponyms of the novel «Sentimental Education» by G. Flaubert) in terms of the inherent to this category of proper names synergy effect in revealing the semantic, symbolic, ideological-and-cultural, so- cial-and-philosophical connotations.

Results. High semantic content and ideological potential of proper names in the space of the artistic reality created by the author was revealed. Possibility of implementing connotative-and-expressive meanings at various levels of interpreting in the synchronic and the diachronic aspects was noted. As a result of the study, an assessment (on the scale from 0 to 10 points) of the interpretation potential (IP) level of some key aesthetic onyms (AO) of the novel is given. Maximum value of IP is characteristic to the biblionyms (Marie), nationally marked anthroponyms (Jacques) and culturally significant toponyms (Paris, Notre Dame), the average level of IP implementation is inherent to realistic anthroponyms (Frédéric, Moreau, Arnoux, Rosanette, etc.). Other AO categories have a low and average IP level (Nogent-sur-Seine, Bray, «l’Art industriel», etc.).

Conclusion. From the point of view of the hermeneutical approach to the art text and the intertextuality, some system patterns are revealed for the aesthetic onyms functioning in the aspect of their synergy effect due to the disclosure of some personal-author's codes embedded in the semantic-and-symbolic meaning of the characters' names in their interrelation and interdependence with the interpretation of art images, plot lines, stylistic guidelines of the idiostyle of the writer-realist.

Key words: aesthetic onym, aesthetic onyms synergy effect, formal hermeneutics, philosophical hermeneutics, critical hermeneutics, art text, intertextuality, realism, G. Flaubert, «Sentimental Education».

For citation: Merkulova N.V. Hermeneutic Analysis of the Art Text in the Aspect of Synergy of Aesthetic Onyms (based on the material of the novel «Sentimental Education» by G. Flaubert) / N.V. Меrkulovа // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2018. - №1 (20). – P. 9 - 27.

Introduction. From the point of view of philosophical hermeneutics, which presupposes the existence of a certain general paradigm of judgments («prejudice, prejudgment» - «préjugé» [1]), critical hermeneutics is aimed at tracing the process of forming judgments by applying certain adequate methods. This clarification is important from two points of view: on the one hand, the specificity of the hermeneutic approach consists in focusing on one or another object in the perspective of positivism, when objective historical knowledge prevails over questions of meaning (sense), on the other hand, philosophical hermeneutics as a general theory of under


© Меrkulovа N.V., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

standing moved away from the questions of the actual interpretation of the art text and its validity in favor of investigating the ontological conditions of disclosure (comprehension) of the meaning (sense). On the basis of contrasting the philosophical hermeneutics from the material one («une herméneutique matérielle» [2, p. 11, 25, 185]), and also taking into account its philological aspect [3, p. 117-127], it seems possible to single out the critical direction of hermeneutics, during which the interpretation is carried out in the process of formation of judgments [1].

Research Methodology.

The purpose of the study is to determine the basic principles of the interpretation of the art text by disclosing the semantic content of aesthetic onyms in terms of the inherent to them synergy effect within the framework of general trends of formal, philosophical and critical hermeneutics. The main tasks include the identification of the role and the functions of aesthetic onyms in the process of hermeneutic analysis of the art text, taking into account the intrinsic synergy effect inherent to this category of proper names in terms of semantic, symbolic, ideological, historical, cultural, social, philosophical, etc. connotations, as well as to estimate the grade of the aesthetic onymy interpretation potential by the example of a number of key onyms of the novel «Sentimental Education» by G. Flaubert: some key-anthroponyms – the personal and family names (Frederick/Frédéric Moreau, Jacques Arnoux, Mariе Arnoux, Rosanette), a nickname (The Maréchale/la Maréchale), as well as some of the characters and the places of action characterizing toponyms (Paris, Nogent-sur-Seine, etc.), urban names (Montmartre, Nôtre Dame, etc.), an ergonym («l’Art industriel»), a caronymus (the naming of the ship «the Ville de Montereau»/«la Ville-de-Montereau»), etc.

The approach to the interpretation of the art text from the standpoint of the formal, philosophical and critical directions of hermeneutics with the involvement of the aesthetic namebased text analysis methodology of a literary text appears to be relevant and productive [4, p. 104-105] due to the high semantic content and ideological potential of proper names within fiction represented a sort of created by the author artistic reality with the possibility of identifying the connotative-and-expressive meanings at various levels of interpretation in the synchronic and the diachronic aspects. The scientific novelty consists in revealing some system patterns of the aesthetic onyms functioning in the aspect of synergy from the point of view of the disclosure of personal and author's codes embedded in the semantic-and-symbolic meaning of the characters' names and their interrelationship and interdependence with the interpretation of the art images, the plot lines, and also with the characteristic stylistic guidelines of the idiostyle of the writer-realist.

From the point of view of the philosophical doctrine of hermeneutics R. Barthes noted the high importance of the proper names as an element of the text in the aspect of its ideology. According to R. Barthes, a single literary work is considered «not as an integral structure, but rather as a semantic entity subject to systematic deconstruction» [5, p. 12]. Within the framework of this concept, J. Kristeva considers a «literary word» as «the intersection of the text planes», «a dialogue of various types of writing – by the writer himself, by the recipient (or a character) and, finally, a writing formed by the current or previous cultural context» [6, p. 428]. And M.M. Bakhtin includes the text in the history and the social life, which in turn are considered as some texts that the writer reads and, rewriting them, is connected to them, which makes possible to talk about the phenomenon of so-called «reading-writing»: «The author is authoritative and is necessary for the reader who treats him/her not as a personality, not as a different person, not as a protagonist, not as a determinate being, but as a principle to be followed ...» [7]. According to the author's intention, the aesthetic onymy within fiction acts as one of the key meaning and symbol-forming elements which are invariably endowed with a certain (sometimes hidden at the first reading) connotative-and-expressive potential of different levels (the identification of the meanings is often possible only in the course of a deeper philological, linguistic and literary, philosophical and critical interpretation). In this case, according to R. Barthes, by the term «the sense» we mean «not an ordinary meaning of words


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

and phrases ... which everyone knows», but some «connotative meanings» in the form of «associations» and «relations», and «a proper name must always be for criticism the object of the most careful attention, since the proper name is, it is possible to say, the king of the signifiers, its social and symbolic connotations are very rich», which implies the disclosure of the multiple codes (to illustrate this, R. Barthes selected a short story by E.A. Poe in translation of Ch. Baudelaire «The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar»/«Histoires extraordinaires»): socioethnic, symbolic, social, narrative («stirring up the reader's appetite»), cultural («scientific»), detective, etc. [8, р. 427-434]. Turning to the intertextual aspect of aesthetic onomastics, it should be noted that, in the opinion of N. Piégay-Gros, «one of the most important functions of intertextuality, in particular in the novel, is the characterization of the characters», «features» of their «psyche», «richness» of their «knowledge», their «competence in matters of culture», which «allows us to determine» their «belonging to this or that social environment» [9, p. 114]. At the same time, an «interpretation becomes a necessary condition for understanding the text», and «the interpretation of intertextuality does not depend on the erudition of the reader, but on the semantic strategy of the writing itself ...» [9, p. 138]. According to the theory of N. Piégay-Gros, G. Flaubert's art text is included in «a number of works connected with each other by the attitude of affiliation» [9, p. 176]: the plot of the novel is borrowed from the work «Volupté» by Sainte-Beuve [1*], a similar story was presented by H. de Balzac in the novel «The Lily of the Valley» («Le Lys dans la vallée») [2*], but the writer found a new, individually-marked style of exposition - realism with some elements of impressionism distinguishing by a specially high characterizing abilities of the aesthetic proper names: for more details see [10, p. 122-126].

Results of the study.

The possibility of achieving the aesthetic onyms synergy effect within fiction and the intertextuality and their role in the interpretation of the semantic and ideological guidelines of an art text is largely determined by the chosen hermeneutical strategy. If the very concept of

«hermeneutics» is decomposed into semantic components, the main direction of this theory (or art) is the process of interpretation. However, theological, legal, philological, historical and philosophical vectors can act as separate aspects of the «general» hermeneutics (for more details on the problem of hermeneutic models see [11]). Subsequently, the subtypes of «material» [2] and «critical» [1] hermeneutics were singled out, and the epithet «critical» implies some rethinking («challenging») of the existing order of the things. Unlike the «philosophical» hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer [12] which assumes understanding of an art work from the point of view of its realism (likelihood), taking into account a set of prerequisites and established approaches to its interpretation, the «critical» branch of hermeneutics is called upon to realize the judgment function on the basis of a certain methodology. If hermeneutics as a whole places an objective reality at the heart of the story and involves interpreting the sense from the standpoint of historical knowledge, the direction of philosophical hermeneutics is aimed at a common understanding (to a greater extent, on ontological problems of comprehension of meaning than the actual interpretation processes and its legitimacy). In the philology of positivism, on the contrary, the tendencies of the critical approach are more active in place of the more global and radical judgments of philosophical hermeneutics. It is noteworthy that in the division of approaches to the study of an art text, the inevitable is the introduction of some theories from the outside: the philosophical approach (structuralism, poststructuralism, deconstruction, etc.) or some dominant paradigm (sociology, psychoanalysis, extra-textual linguistics, etc.). At the same time, the process of interpretation inevitably proceeds under the influence of characteristic objective categories and semantic prerequisites, predetermining in advance the semantic orientation of the art text on several «universal» scenarios.

In this connection, it seems necessary to refer directly to the role of aesthetic onyms, taking into account the inherent to them synergy effect within fiction [13, p. 80-81] in the process of philological interpretation of the art texts. The main criterion for the successful implementa-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

tion of hermeneutic text analysis is the objectivity of philological interpretation within the semantic problems of the philosophical aspect of hermeneutics. In particular, the dual approach is obvious: having resorted to the basic theoretical concepts of philology, one should remain within the framework of historically formed canons of philosophical hermeneutics with a bias toward hermeneutics that is critical, capable of maintaining the balance between the objective approach (mainly in philology) and subjectivist judgments (in each individual philosophical direction). Thus, philology is the place for combining hermeneutical and critical approaches to the literary texts analysis [14]. See also: [15].

The «materialistic» direction of hermeneutics (une «herméneutique matérielle») insists on the need to have clear points of supporting for certain concrete «materials» (a corpus of material signs), and not to get carried away by theoretical constructions and generalizations that have no practical confirmation [2, p. 11, 25, 185]. In this sense, P. Szondi even opposes it to philosophical hermeneutics, the lengthy «interpretations» of which, at times, exceed the possibilities of the process of interpretation itself, drawing on external judgments. Along with this, F. Schleiermacher stressed the importance for literary disciplines to avoid flamboyant, multilayered interpretations of philosophical hermeneutics, focusing exclusively on specialized analysis of the text through the philological interpretation (une herméneutique «philologique»), or the literary hermeneutics (une «herméneutique littéraire») [16]. However, an important problem of analyzing the actual «material» is a too formal vision of an art text (une «herméneutique formelle») [17] based on the rules of grammar, stylistic construction, etc., which significantly limits the expressive potential of the individual author's creation. For example, the undoubted role of objective material signs in the interpretation of an art text is capable of assuming such a category of aesthetic onomastics as the toponyms - the names of truly existing (real) objects of the real world, as well as the names of historical personalities. (The problem of toponyms of this type has been studied, in particular, in the scientific works of Z.E. Fomina [18; 19]).

For example, the narrative of «Sentimental Education» by G. Flaubert is partly «woven» from different kinds of proper names: characters, places of action descriptions and characteristics of the historical epoch, heroic personalities and antiheroes of that time are often represented by means of the onyms’ value, etc. Even before presenting the main characters, the author refers the reader to an abundance of proper names - the surrounding reality objects’ namings:

(1)«… la Ville−de−Montereau , près de partir, fumait à gros tourbillons devant le quai Saint −Bernard» / «…the Ville de Montereau , just on the point of starting, was sending forth great whirlwinds of smoke, in front of the Quai St . Bernard »

[3*/4*; Р. I, Ch. 1];

(2)«… puis il embrassa, dans un dernier coup d'oeil, l'île Saint−Louis , la Cité, Notre−Dame; et bientôt, Paris disparaissant…» / «…then, with a parting glance, he took in the Île St. Louis, the Cité , Nôtre Dame; and presently, as Paris disappeared from his view…» [3*/4*, Р. I, Ch. 1].

Emphasizing the importance of this category of aesthetic onyms in the novel, the author of «Sentimental Education» from the first lines ambiguously positions his work as a realistic one, and further scrupulous descriptions of the action place using real (to give a more plausible narrative) toponyms and urban names serves for G. Flaubert the purpose of conforming the given canons of realism. Thus, the «material signs» in the form of a certain category of aesthetic onyms in the novel strengthened the historical linkage of the chronotope of the art work to the period of its creation, when the characteristic features of the stylistic direction of the French realism were the plausibility of the description of the action place (G. Flaubert, H. de Balzac, etc.): in particular, G. Flaubert's novel «Sentimental Education» is preceded by the «exact date» of the deployment of the history (action), which emphasizes the social implications of the novel:


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

«Le 15 septembre 1840 …» / «On the 15 -th of September, 1840 …» [3*/4*, Р. I, Ch. 1].

Such a process of «inscribing» an art text into history (G. Flaubert's novel is not only about amorous adventures, but also about the revolutionary events of 1848) gives an invariable effect of perceiving historical reality through the prism of the narrative (being a «mirror» reflection of the objective reality of that time) which makes realistic not only the fictional, in fact, characters, but also the scenario of the author. At the same time, the reading and the interpretation of an art text with its individual author's stylistic features is strongly associated with the aesthetic direction and is classified in the mass consciousness with a certain cultural and historical period of the formation and the development of the European realistic art of classical literature. The immanent reading is no more impossible because of the presence of some ideological- and-semantic content components, formed on the basis of the author’s individual use of some specific formal structures of the language (language tools and stylistic constructions). Critical hermeneutics, taking into account both the material side and the aspects of psychoanalysis, often challenges the ideological-and-semantic content of an art text with the involvement of some public and personal characteristics of the social formation (from an industrially developed society to a «pleasure-consuming» one). Thus, during the analysis of an art text, the researcher is somewhat limited by a certain socio-philosophical paradigm of the epoch of creation/perception (reading) of the aesthetic product. Literary hermeneutics, on the other hand, partly departs from purely philological studies in the direction of philosophical approaches to interpretation characteristic to this or that historical period. At the same time, the linguistic analysis of a literary text is based on the understanding and the interpretation of the texts based on the delineation of the two given intellectual processes, which involves focusing on a single text that should be «evaluated, classified, approved», and «its linguistic legitimacy is based on the primacy of content, rules (the norm), if necessary, of particular kind (if there is an atypical structure).., which strikingly differs from the formal approach from the position of the grammar logic, operating some model constructions from the general to explain the particular cases» [20, p. 151-168]. Thus, critical hermeneutics calls for a rethinking of certain prejudices (in the context of positivism, constructivism or the philosophy of a sign, etc.) for the purpose of rational (and not just scientific) comprehension from the standpoint of substantiating the ideas and the meanings which are singled out in the course of interpretation. From the point of view of the synergy effect inherent to aesthetic onyms [13, p. 81] in the course of the hermeneutical interpretation of the art texts, there is a need to combine interdisciplinary practices of linguistic and literary analysis, as well as to connect the data of humanitarian disciplines (philosophy, history, culture, psychology, sociology, etc.), which is quite in tune with the up-to-date tendencies of the pluralistic approach in hermeneutics.

Let us turn directly to the examples analyzed in order to reveal some system patterns of the use and the stylistic possibilities of various types of aesthetic proper names (in particular, aesthetic anthroponyms and toponyms) from the point of view of the characters’ presentation and characteristics to create and fix a certain art image in the readers' perception.

Frédéric/Frederick Moreau : the protagonist of «another one story of a young man» in the French literature (compare with Eugène de Rastignac/Eugene de Rastignac - one of the central characters in the novel «Father Goriot»/«Le Père Goriot» (1835), as well as of several other novels of the epic «The Human Comedy»/«La Comédie humaine» by H. de Balzac, Julien Sorel by Stendhal, etc.) is truly endowed with one of the best (possible within the national onomastic repertoire) personal names:

1) on the one hand, the etymology of the name Frédéric - from the ancient German

Frideric (Friderich, Frederich): fridu, frithu (peace, security) + rihhi, riki (rich, powerful,