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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020

ISSN 2587-8093

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Science and Higher Education

of the Russian Federation


Scientific Journal





Voronezh State Technical University


The journal has been publishing since 2012

Issue 3 (30), 2020





Fedorov V.A. Introductory remarks by editor-in-chief of the scientific journal «Modern

linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches»........................................................................






Krasnoschekov E.V. Expression of possessive relations in the Arabic language and its dialects

using prepositions............................................................................................................................



Kovyrshina E.O. Syntactic typology of multicomponent verbal phraseo-combinations of the

German language...........................................................................................................................



Ladosha O.M. The functioning of the Atomkraft nominative field vocabulary in German-

language media against the background of nuclear power phase-out ...........................................


Zhdanova T.A. Image of Tools in Language and Culture (Based on the Material of Russian

and English Languages) ................................................................................................................






Kriatchko L.N. About the method of the optimisation of students’ learning English

terminology ...................................................................................................................................



Burlakova I.I. Personal-oriented developing foreign language education ..................................



Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (30), 2020

ISSN 2587-8093



Vishnevskaya E.M., Hajdu N.I. Personal and demonstrative pronouns as linguistic means of

modelling the addressee in Kate Fox’s book “Watching the English” .........................................


Filicheva O.S.Nucleus-satellite model of discourse in rhetorical structure theory

...................... 82

Boldakova V.P. The concept of emotional intelligence in domestic and foreign scientific





Grigoryeva E.M. To the problem of phraseological units reflection in dictionaries of different

types ............................................................................................................................................




Boronin A.A. A Tribute to Professor Galina Georgievna Molchanova .....................................


Konovalova Yu.S. Report about webinar "Building confidence", "Cambridge week: teaching

secondary", held on 24-25 August 2020 .....................................................................................


INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS ...................................................................................





INFORMATION ON SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ........................................................



Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

Introductory Remarks by Editor-in-chief of the Scientific Journal

«Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue 3 (30) of the scientific journal contains the following sections:

“Linguistics”, “Methods and Didactics”, “International Communication”, “Theory and Practice of Translation”. The third issue of the forty seventh series contains 10 scientific articles

Issue 3 (30) offers its readers to get idea about the most relevant theoretical and practical research results and get insight into promising tendencies in scientific researches in linguistics, methods and didactics of foreign lan-

guages teaching, international communication, the problems of theory and practice of translation, considered not only as a process, but also as a result. The works included in this issue contribute to approach to a scientific truth that is an important mission of every linguist.

Analysis of the category of possessive relations, the problems of phraseology and lexis and syntax functioning and cultural sciences are represented in four articles of the Linguistics Section. The first article of the section is concerned with expression of possessive relations in the Arabic language (by Evgeny V. Krasnoschekov), the second article outlines the issue of syntactic typology of multicomponent verbal phraseocombinations of the German language (by Elena O. Kovyrshina). The next article concerns the meaning of lexical component in the Ger- man-language media (by Oksana M. Ladosha). The final article of the section presents image of tools in the language and culture (by Tatyana A. Zhdanova).

The section “Methods and Didactics” contains two publications: about the method of the optimization of learning English terminology (by Liliya N. Kriatchko) and about personaloriented foreign language education (by Irina I. Burlakova).

The first article of the section “Intercultural Communication” is about personal and demonstrative pronouns as one of the means of the linguistic reconstruction of addressee in literary text (by Ekaterina M. Vishnevskaya and Natalia I. Hajdu). In the second article the author presents nucleus-satellite model of the discourse used in scientific research (by Oksana S. Filicheva). The final article of the section is about emotional intellect analysis in the works of the Russian and foreign scholars (by Vera P. Boldakova).

The section “Theory and Practice of Translation” presents the article about phraseological units in different types of dictionaries (by Ekaterina M. Grigoryeva).

The article of the section “Linguistics” by PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor Evgeny V. Krasnoschekov (Southern Federal University, Rostov-Taganrog) analyses the structure with prepositions li- and min, used to express possessive relations in the Arabic language. The author specifies the differences in the means of expression of possessive relations in the European languages in contrast to the Arabic language. Apart from using constructions with the preposition li- and min possession can be expressed by particles and service words used as prepositions and the names in the Genitive case. Particles and service words can also be used syntactically and semantically for different types of connections. It offers variations of the use of the means of expression possessiveness in the Arabic language and its dialects depending on the situation.

The article of the PhD in Philology, associate professor Elena O. Kovyrshina (Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh) reveals syntactic features of multicomponent verbal phraseo-combinations, by means of the method of quantitative analysis. Specifics of the German phraseological units is defined. Eight most frequently used unit types are revealed due to special structures of the German language used for organization of multicomponent verbal combinations. To determine syntactical types of phraseo-combinations the use of literal translation can be relevant and valuable option.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

The section is followed by the article concerning semantic-and-cognitive analysis of the concept «Atomkraft» by PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Oksana M. Ladosha (National

Research University “MPEI”, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow). The author presents field structure of a concept, its nucleus, near, far and outer periphery studied on the material of the vocabulary in German-language media. The author argues that the political situation in the country influences the semantic contents of the concept. The obtained results are promising, the research is of scientific interest and needs to be continued.

The final article of the section “Linguistics” is the work by PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Tatyana A. Zhdanova (Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh). The author analyses the functioning of the Russian and English vocabulary as a result of changes in the peoples` mentality when using tools. In the result of the research the anthropocentric character of the tools names reconsideration is determined, analogies in the mental representation of dai- ly-used tools in everyday life of the two nations are revealed based on the analysis of dictionary entries.

The section “Methods and Didactics” starts with the article by Senior Lecturer of the

Chair of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation Liliya N. Kriatchko (Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh). Analyzing the experience of the English language teaching in the technical University of the students of the road construction specialty the author offers the methods of overcoming difficulties connected with learning the terminology. The special training exercises are offered aimed at concentration of students attention on derivation- al-and-associative connections with the terms used for secondary nomination.

The final article of the section "Methods and Didactics" by Doctor of Pedagogy, Prof. Irina I. Burlakova (Moscow State University of Management Technologies named after K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow) examines the complex application of technologies for teaching a foreign language at a University, taking into account the subsequent professional activity of a teacher, the need for a qualitative update of the content of education. The author offers an algorithm for conducting an interactive practical lesson in a foreign language, identifies three functions of personality-oriented education. The proposed personality-oriented learning based on modular technologies develops the cognitive abilities of the learner, changes the organization of the educational process of both the student and the teacher.

In the section "Intercultural Communication" PhD of Philology, Associate Professor Ekaterina M. Vishnevskaya and Master Natalia I. Hajdu (Moscow City University, Moscow) analyze in their article personal and demonstrative pronouns in a pragmatic aspect on the material of the narrative text, the authors show the role of deixis when it comes to involving into or excluding the addressee from a speech act using various means of communicative influence, both tactical and strategic. The author either expresses his opinion through the position of the addressee, or abstracts from the addressee, representing his point of view.

The article of Senior Lecturer Oksana S. Filicheva (Russian University of Transport, Moscow) explores the mechanisms of generation and understanding of text in the structural and functional aspect, based on the "Theory of rhetorical structure" by W. Mann and S. Thompson. The nuclear-satellite model of discourse is used, which makes it possible to most effectively generate and interpret the text in the process of rhetorical discourse communication. The nucle- ar-satellite form of the discourse organization makes it possible to retain and remember information. It is the core that facilitates the launch of the mechanism for reproducing the information contained in the satellite in memory by linking the individual parts of the text.

The final article of the section "Intercultural Communication" by Senior Lecturer Vera P. Boldakova (Russian International Academy for Tourism, Moscow) is about the influence of emotions on the intellectual abilities of a person – emotional intellect, about the interpretation of which there is a variety of opinions. The author considers the concept of emotional intellect as an important component of professional success, based on the work of foreign scientists on this topic. The connection between emotions and various aspects of an individual's life is ana-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

lyzed. The author contributes to the development of the theory of emotional intellect and points out the prospects for further research in this direction, with which it is difficult to disagree.

The section "Theory and practice of translation" contains one publication, in which PhD of Philology, Associate Professor Ekaterina M. Grigoryeva (Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo) investigates the problem of including phraseological units in dictionaries, which is a rather complicated process against the background of constantly ongoing discussions on the interpretation and classification of phraseological units, phrases, proverbs, sayings. The author makes a classification of phraseological units in a number of categories and determines the allocation of euphemisms in the dictionary entries of various publications. It is noted that the phraseological vocabulary is adequately reflected in the reference book, the conclusion about the need to include proverbs in the phraseological fund is convincing. According to analysis of the material of three modern reference books of phraseological units the lexicographic description comes to the fore, the registration of phraseological units in reference books is determined by a whole series of criteria. The article of Ekaterina M. Grigoryeva will be useful not only for linguists, but also for translators.

The section “Scientific Overview” presents the article about professional scientific and social life of Professor G.G. Molchanova – outstanding scholar, who devoted her full life to meaningful issues of linguistics and international communication. The author of the report is A.A. Boronin - Doctor in Philology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of the theory and practice of the English language, the Faculty of the Roman-and-German Languages of the Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Moscow State Regional University.

The overview by PhD of Philology, Senior Lecturer Yulia S. Konovalova (Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh) presents a report on the webinar "Cambridge Week: Teaching Secondary" held on August 25, 2020 in the format of an online conference for English teachers, organized by a branch of the University of Cambridge in Voronezh on the topic - "Teaching Secondary". Representatives of Cambridge University Press made presentations.

We believe that this issue of the Journal № 3 (30), 2020 will be useful for a wide number of specialists, taking into consideration a wide thematic range of the presented articles. We invite domestic and foreign scientists (post-graduate students, applicants, PhDs and Doctors of sciences, specialists) to publish the results of their researches in the following issues of our journal.

Editor-in-chief of the Scientific Journal “Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches” of Voronezh State Technical University, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Head of the chair of foreign languages and translation technology

Valery A. Fedorov


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.30.3.001

UDC 81.366(5)



E.V. Krasnoschekov


Southern Federal University, Candidate of philological science, Associate professor, PhD Linguistics Department,

Evgeny Vladislavovich Krasnoschekov e-mail: judgin58@mail.ru


Problem statement: In contrast to the European languages in Arabic, the expression of possessive relations occurs in other ways, namely, well-known, and in the first place these are constructions with idafa (´iḍāfah), as well as constructions with prepositions. In our work, we consider constructions with the preposition li- and the preposition min, as one of the means of expressing possession in the Arabic language.

Results. In the function of prepositions to express possessive relations, in addition to the mentioned prepositions,

“improper prepositions” can be used, which are usually not used as independent names. Possessive relations in the

Arabic language can be expressed by particles playing the role of prepositions (inda), and official words (siwa, gayra) are also used. A similar pattern is observed in Arabic dialects. In some (Moorish) old prepositions from literary Arabic are preserved. In others (Moroccan), this function is performed by service words (d, dyāl, mtāε).

Conclusion. Thus, prepositions take an active part in the expression of possession in the Arabic language and its dialects. The functions of prepositions in the Arabic language are taken over by particles. With the help of particles and words playing the role of prepositions between the components of phrases, a possessive connection can be made. Syntactically and semantically, prepositions can be replaced by the genitive or idafa construct, but in some cases the prepositional group is preferable.

Key words: possessive relations, idafa, dialects, constructions with prepositions, possession, official words, genitive case, improper prepositions.

For citation: Krasnoschekov E.V. Expression of possessive relations in the Arabic language and its dialects using prepositions / E.V. Krasnoschekov // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 3 (30). – P. 9-18.


Arabic is currently the most spoken of the group of Semitic languages and belongs to its southern branch.

In literary monuments (VIII-IX centuries), it was already a fully developed language with an established grammatical system and rich vocabulary, formed on the basis of the ancient Arabic language and Arabic tribal dialects, reflecting the diversity of their vocabulary.

Classical Arabic played a significant role in the linguistic development of the peoples of the Middle East. Its importance in the East has especially increased in connection with the Arab conquests and the spread of Islam. During this period, in the cultural life of the peoples of the Middle East, the Arabic language played the role of an international language that is approximately the same as Latin for the peoples of Western Europe. In the vocabulary of such languages as Turkish, Persian, Afghan (Pashto) and some others, there is still a large number of Arabic words (reaching in some cases 50 percent).

Modern Arabic literary language is spoken in Asia (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen) and in North Africa (Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Western Sahara, Morocco, Mauritania), that is in a territory with a population of about 260 million people.


© Krasnoschekov E.V., 2020


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

Along with the literary Arabic language, which is the single and common state language of all Arab countries, there are markedly different local (rural and Bedouin) dialects and urban everyday colloquial languages (Koyne). Dialects and Koyne are typologically identical, because unlike the literary language, they are deprived of the case system. The literary language unites not only all Arabs, but also educated Muslims everywhere. In the modern world of Muslims, there are about one billion people.

Grammatically literary Arabic is characterized by a significant development of inflection. Formation of words occurs mainly due to the internal structural change of the word (the socalled internal inflection).

The vocabulary of the modern Arabic literary language is characterized by the fact that its main part is originally Arabic. Some part of the vocabulary is all-Semitic and only a small part is foreign-language.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the problems of Arabic linguistics expanded significantly. New methods of analysis are introduced, a historical approach to language is taking shape, and Arabic dialects are becoming the object of scientific research. Linguists adhering to traditional theoretical principles are critical of certain points in European Arabic studies, in particular on issues of morphology.

Arabic becomes a subject of study and research in many countries: in Germany (Brockelmann Carl 1982.1985; Waldman Albert 1989, Fischer Wolfdietrich.), in France (Basset A. 1952), in the USA (Shboul A.M.H. 1983), in Russia (Grande B.M. 1963, 1972; Zavadovsky Yu.N. 1962, 1979.1981).

An important role in the development of urgent problems of Arabic linguistics belongs to the academic institutions and educational institutions of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria.

The problem of possession in the Arabic language and its dialects is not devoted in many works. For example: articles by Albert Waldman (Waldman and Albert (1989), Genitivverbindung oder Präpositionalgruppe - Eine strukturellsemantische Untersuchung an der arabischen Nominalgruppe. In: Blohm, Dieter (Hrsg.): Studien zur arabischen Linguistik. Berlin S. 29-39) and Kaplan Tamar (Arabic genitives: A problematic structure for the Binding theory. In: Perspectives on Arabic linguistics V: Papers from the fifth annual Symposium on Arabic linguistics, Eid, Mushira & Holes, Clive (ed.), Amsterdam: 195-208) on the genitive case and its combinations in Arabic (1986), work by Shbaul A.M.H. (Shboul A.M.H. 1983 "Having" in Arabic.

In: Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik, 11, 24-27) on the expression of possessing verbs, work by Dim W. (Diem Werner (1986): Alienable und inalienable Possession im Semitischen. In:

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 1986, 136, 227-291) on the problem of possession in Arabic.

The problem of the expression of possessive relations in the Arabic language and its dialects with the help of prepositions has not received sufficient coverage in existing works. In this regard, we offer a work where material is presented on the use of prepositions for expressing possession in the Arabic language and its dialects.

Since in the Arabic language and dialects there are no verbs of "possession" such as: to have, to possess (to belong, to have something, to have at one's disposal), and not so widely used pronouns in contrast to other languages, the expression possessive relations occurs in other ways (rather than in languages possessing the above means). First of all, these are the accepted methods; in the first turn, constructions with idafa (´iḍāfah) and constructions with prepositions, since prepositions are indicators of the genitive case.

In our article we set the task to consider prepositions and prepositional constructions as one of the important means of expressing possessiveness in the Arabic language.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

Research methodology.

Object and subject of research. In the given article the object of study is the grammatical category of possession in the Arabic language and its dialects. The subject of the study is prepositions as a means of expressing possession in the Arabic language.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the expression of possessive relations using prepositions and prepositional constructions in Arabic and its dialects and identify their features.

Study material. The material of the study was the data of the modern (classical) Arabic language and its dialects: Tunisian, Moroccan, Moorish, dialects of Algeria, Maghreb, as well as the Berber language.

The materials of domestic and foreign linguists were used: Basset A. (1952), Brockelmann C. (1982, 1989), Fischer W. (2003), Kampffmeyer G. (1905), Shboul A.M.H. (1983), Waldman A. (1989), Grande, B.M. (2001); Hakobyan A.E (2010), Zavadovsky Yu.N. (1961, 1969, 1979, 1981), S. Kamyalev. (1968).

Research Methods. To achieve the purpose, comparative-contrastive and intensivetypological research methods were used with a synchronous approach, as well as interpretation and generalization.

Research results.

The most common prepositional constructions for expressing the possessive relations in the Arabic language are, first of all, constructions with the preposition li- and the preposition min.

A construction with the preposition li- is usually used in sentences that begin with the name of the possessor and then act as the subject with the possessum, which takes over the role of the subject, or with the name of the possessor, while the possessor acts as a predicative part in name group.

When a sentence begins with a prepositional part, the name-possessum acts as a subject, but is put at the end:

(1)(1) ad-dawlatu l a h ā hdāfuhā - 'the state has goals';

(2)l i - l b a y t i ṯalāṯatu abwāb - 'The house has three doors';

(3)al-baytu l i - l aḥ l-akbar - 'A house (intended) for an older brother' [1, p. 32]. It should be noted that li- in all these cases expresses a possessive relationship.

Using a construction with the preposition li-, various cases of possession can be ex-


- relations of possession (belonging), which in Arabic grammars are called mulk 'possession'. Examples show that using mulk can serve as an indication of a specific, abstract, or figurative meaning:

l i - l - m a l i k i qasrun fῑ asbānyā - 'The King Owns a Castle in Spain'; l i - l - m a l i k i qasrun fῑ asbānyā - 'You have a choice';

lacala l a h ā cud- 'Maybe she still has an excuse'; la macna l a h u - 'It does not matter' [1, p.31-35].

- and in a metaphorical sense:

l a h ā alfu ğanāḥ - 'She has a thousand languages';

l i - l - h i ṭ ā n i

adān - 'Walls have ears' (proverb);

l i - l - h i ṭ ā n i

adān - 'Mirrors have no memory' [cited from 1, p. 34].

- a part-whole relationship:

l i - l b a y t i ṯalāṯatu abwāb - 'The house has 3 doors'. - opinion, character, habit, profession, life, authority:

la-qad kānat l ῑ ḥ a y ā t u n malῑ ah – - 'My life was full of events'; l ῑ w ğ h a t u naȥarin uhrah - 'I (hold) a different opinion';

al-mašākilu d-dahilyah l i - l - b i l ā d - 'Internal problems of countries' [1, p. 33].

A construction with the preposition li- expresses a relationship of joint ownership, as well as the possession of the right to something, belonging to someone or something.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

To express the relations of body parts and obligatory family relations, a construction with the preposition li- can be used conditionally, namely: if we are talking about certain features of these objects:

Inna l a h u 'uman marῑḍah - 'He has a sick mother';

w a - l i - š - š u c a r ā i alsinatun hidād - 'Poets / writers have sharp tongues'.

Optional kinship, friendships, neighbors, and all kinds of social relationships that are considered as possessive can also be expressed using the preposition li-.

Using the preposition li-, relations to objects that belong to someone, but have not yet been received, can be expressed, for example: awards, letters.

The type of possessive relations expressed with the help of the prepositional construction with li-, as the examples show, is determined by the nouns used. And, nevertheless, it is initially known that, with the exception of some cases, a construction with the preposition li- generally expresses a possessive relationship. Thus, in the semantic expression of possession, the preposition li- takes an active part.

The usual order in Arabic nominative sentences is - subject - predicate. If the namepossessum precedes the subject, and immediately follows the preposition li- + P´OR-personal suffix / name (definite or undefined), then first of all it is emphasized who the book belongs to. For instance:

a l - k i t ā b u l ῑ - 'The book (belongs) to me' [2, p. 170].

In this case the attitude of ownership is emphasized when it comes to choosing between many things, or about choosing between several people.

On the contrary, the general expression of possession is emphasized if they say: “In this case, it is a relationship of actual or potential possession on the basis of “possession” or something “deserved” [2, p. 32].

Constructions with the preposition li- can be replaced by other means, especially when it comes to relations of inalienable property. In many cases, when expressing kinship and body parts, it is preferable to use expressions with the genitive (genitive) or a noun with a possessive suffix:

a b u h u šayhun kabῑr - 'His father (is / is) an old man'; ‘ u m u h u marῑḍah - 'His mother is sick.'

And, on the contrary, when expressing other relations, the competition is not so great: maṣādiru badῑlatun l i - ṭ - ṭ ā q a h - 'Replacing energy sources';

iltaqaytu bi-ṣadῑqin l ῑ - 'I met one of my comrades';

al-mutamaru l-awwalu l i - l - ḥ i z b - 'The first (party) congress of the party';

al- amῑnu l- cāmmu l i - l - ğ ā m i c a t i l-carabiyah - 'Secretary General of the League of Arab Countries'.

It is established that the prepositional group with li- is often used instead of the definition in the genitive case, if the name-possessum is not used with the definition of the adjective. Although in all cases the formation of a genetic phrase is possible by subsequent substitution of the definition (mutamuru l-ḥizbi l-awwal - 'conference of the first party'). Studies have shown that the prepositional group, however, is preferable here [4, p. 35]. A prepositional group is also preferable if an attribute expressed by (name) an adjective, demonstrative pronoun or an attribute in the genitive is added to both nouns.

(1) al-ḥiqabu l-muhtalifatu l i - l - m u ğ t a m a c i l-carabῑ - 'Various phases of Arab society';

(2)as-sumcatu l- cālamyatu l i - h a d a š-šācir - 'World glory of this writer';

(3)furūcun maḥalliyatun l i - š a r i k a t i n uhrah - 'Local branches of other firms'.

Verbs with the meaning of existence or possession can be included in the constructions with the preposition li-. For instance:

ad-dāru l i - z a y d - 'house for Said';

('this / article / house - / instead of an auxiliary verb/ for Said'). 12

Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

If this construction begins with the preposition: l i - z a y d māl - 'money for Said' (Said has money) - it can use a verb with the meaning of existence or possession: yakūn l a h u māl - 'money for him', or l i - z a y d i n mālun yamlukah. - “He owns that money.”

Thus the preposition li- in the expression of possession can be used in combination with the verb.

We consider two more cases of using the preposition li-. In the first case, we are talking about the combination yaḥiqqu li-, where li- acts in combination with the verb.

In this example, the phrase yaḥiqqu li- does not express a possessive relationship. In his detailed description of the possessive particles in the Arabic language, A. Shbole [1, p. 24-27] considers this phrase only as a possessive possibility of expression: lā yaḥiqqu l a h u an yabkῑ

-“He must not cry”. He translates this as He has the right. In this case, neither the Arabic nor the English sentences express a possessive relationship, in the examples cited by the author there is no hint of a possessive relationship.

The fact that someone is given the right to receive something cannot be considered as a possessive relationship. Even in combination with nouns that can act as P´UM (possessum) possession (belonging) relationships, such as: al-baytu yaḥiqqu l i - l - ibni l- akbar - 'Home to the eldest son', cannot be perceived as possessive relationship. In this message, the eldest son, as a last resort, expects to get a house, but this does not mean that he owns this house.

On the other hand, we should point out the special use of li-, which we consider to be “exposed”. This use of the preposition li- applies only to kinship and body part relationships:

kusira l a h u ḍilc - 'His rib is broken';

māta l a h u waladayn - 'He had two sons dead'.

This application deals only with inalienable relationships and optional relationships. These relationships can also be expressed using idafa constructions that is kusira ḍilcah - 'His rib is broken', in connection with this the nature of the impact in the first construction disappears. It should also be noted that li- today in some idiomatic combinations does not express a possessive relationship: liya š-šaraf - 'I have the honor, nice' [1, p. 31].

abῑ aḥḍara k i t ā b a n l i - 'my father brought Akhmet a book'.

It is not clear from the example whether this book is a gift for Akhmet, in which case it is a relation of ownership, or the book was only borrowed for a while (read).

Construction with the preposition min. Like the preposition li-, the preposition min can be used in predicative and attribute constructions. Unlike the preposition li- and other constructions, the possessive constructions with min occur only after the name to which they refer:

possessum-name + min + posessor-name; possessum-subject + [min + possessor-name] -predicate. The preposition min can express the following:

- part of the whole, for example: Akhatha m i n a el-mali - 'he took [part] of the property; M i n a an-nasi man yaqoulu anna - 'Among people there are those who say that ... '.

Finjanon m i n a el-qahwati, wa koubaton m i n a el-ma’I el-baridi - 'A cup of coffee and a glass of cold water'.

Bayton m i n bouyoutihi - 'One of his Houses'.

-the substance of which the item consists; in this case, the combination with the preposition replaces the conjugate combination, for example:

Babou m i n khashaben - 'Door is made of wood'; Thaubon min hariren - 'Silk dress'.

-possession, origin (from a city, tribe, etc.) for example:

Rsjoulon m i n rabia’ta - 'Rabia Man';

Houa m i n a el-fallahina - 'He is from the peasants';

Lasta m i n n a - 'You are not among our number' [5, p. 406].

When using the preposition min in attributive syntagms, the main criterion for distinguishing between attributive and predicative structures, as with the preposition li-, is the deter-