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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.30.3.011


A.A. Boronin

For citation: Boronin A.A. A tribute to Professor Galina Georgievna Molchanova / A.A. Boronin // Scientific

Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 3 (30). – P. 114-115.

Louis Leclerc de Buffon`s quote `Style is the man himself` has become a truism, but when it comes to the famous Russian scientist G. G. Molchanova, de Buffon's well-known phrase becomes winged again and there is no doubt in the validity of the statement. It is difficult to highlight only professionally relevant qualities of the real personality; the perception of such a person is inevitably synthetic: exemplary intelligence, justice, exactingness, impeccable taste, reserve and tact combined with bright expressiveness are only a few facets that set the "human dimension" of Galina Georgievna’s personal portrait. These and other traits also reflect the purely professional qualities of the scientist: erudition, unique research handwriting, clarity of wording, depth of generalizations and accuracy of conclusions.

The modern epoch produces many writers – every day a huge number of different-genre texts is created. In this case, the scientific activity of Professor G. G. Molchanova acquires a high social significance, since she demonstrates time and again in her written works a truly amazing sensitivity to the Word. This circumstance is valuable for me not only in connection with the fact that I am a linguist, but also because I take an active public position (membership in the Russian Professorial Assembly, the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, the Union of Writers of Russia, lectureship in the Russian Society "Znanie" (“Knowledge”)).

In order to become a writer, firstly it is necessary to develop yourself into a top qualified reader. In essence, Galina Georgievna formulates this ethical requirement in linguistic terms. The fostering of this ethical formula becomes possible due to the fact that the scientist does not plunge into "reflection over semes and inflections", but sets herself a wide range of research tasks, the solution of which relates to such areas as cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, cultural studies, intercultural communication and others. At the same time, the solution of various theoretical problems is not an end in itself; it is directly related to the practice of life. The scientist rightly points out that in the modern epoch the need for constant interaction between "representatives of different ethnic groups and cultures makes it particularly relevant to study the problems of intercultural communication. This is imposed by the changes occurring in the world, which happen, on the one hand, due to the processes of globalization, the intensification of intercultural and interlingual communication, and on the other hand, due to the emergence of tension, aggression, often based on insufficient linguistic and background knowledge, lack of linguistic and intercultural competence" [1, p. 9]. G.G. Molchanova's practical targeting of scientific research and organizing skills were fully displayed in her work as the head of the Department of Linguistics, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication and as the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University.


© Boronin A.A., 2020


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

The innovative nature of G. G. Molchanova's scholarly endeavor is quite remarkable: it is particularly expressed in the expansion of the boundaries of linguistics, which becomes possible due to turning to various aspects of non-verbal behavior of communicants and, furthermore, to semiotics of various communicative contexts. Thus, the researcher convincingly reveals complex semiotic parallels through the prism of contrastive conceptual analysis [2; 3]. In my opinion, the assertion of human semiotics [4] can be considered as the key point of Professor G.G. Molchanova's scientific research activities, which foreshadows the inevitable transition of linguistics from the study of the linguistic personality to the study of the semiotic personality.

Service to science and public education (responsible activities at Moscow University are supplemented by expert work in the Council on Philology and Study of Art of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation) was highly appreciated by the Government. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor G. G. Molchanova is an Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, chevalier of the Order of Friendship, laureate of the Lomonosov Prize for teaching. G. G. Molchanova was awarded Certificates of Appreciation by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation a number of times.

I would like to warmly and cordially congratulate Professor G. G. Molchanova on her jubilee and express my sincerest admiration for her personal and professional qualities, which she generously presents to all of us – to those who have had the pleasure to meet her either personally or through precise and capacious scientific works of hers in print.


[1]Molchanova G.G. Programma kursa lektsii «Osnovy teorii mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii» / G.G. Molchanova // Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta. Seriia 19: Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaia kommunikatsiia. – 2008. – № 1. – S. 9-22.

[2]Molchanova G.G. Kognitivnye issledovaniia v mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii: kontsept-simvol «tri sestry» v russkoi i angliiskoi lingvokul'turakh / G.G. Molchanova // Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta. Ser. 19. Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaia kommunikatsiia. – 2011. – № 3.

S. 51-65.

[3]Molchanova G.G. Metody issledovaniia v mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii: simvol kak kognitivnaia pamiat' kul'tury / G.G. Molchanova // Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta. Seriia 19: Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaia kommunikatsiia. – 2011. – № 1. – S. 7-24.

[4]Molchanova G.G. Kognitivnaia semiotizatsiia iazykovogo i zhivopisnogo znaka v protsesse kommunikatsii: ot semiotiki znaka – k semiotike cheloveka / G.G. Molchanova // Kognitivnye issledovaniia iazyka. – 2015. – № 22. – S. 92-97.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of English at the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages GOU VO MO MGOU Aleksandr A. Boronin


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.30.3.012



Yu. S. Konovalova

For citation: Konovalova Yu. S. Report about webinar "Building confidence", "Cambridge week: teaching secondary", held on 24-25 August 2020 / Yu. S. Konovalova // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodi- cal-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 3 (30). – P. 116-117.

On August, 24-25, 2020, an online conference for the English language teachers was held; it was organized by a branch of the University of Cambridge in Voronezh. The topics of the webinar are “Building confidence”, “Teaching secondary”. Conference representatives

(Cambridge University Press, IH Voronezh-Linguist school methodologists) made presentations on topics related to the development of students' reading skills, the use of creative (acting) abilities in the process of teaching reading, improving the skills and abilities of writing, as well as training methods to pass exams in English. The speakers presented reports on the following topics: “The speaking skills development”, “Mapping exam content to classroom coursebooks”, “The look of the thing: improving the finished product in writing”, “Reading can be tricky”, “Drama activities for exam preparation: Speaking A2-B2”, “Developing Teenage Writers: Engaging and Effective Strategies to help teenagers become better writers”, “Exam preparation in the real world” and others.

The webinar participants were the English language teachers from Russian and foreign universities and schools; the speakers were representatives of the Cambridge University division (Anne Robinson, Claire Barnes, John Johnson, Olha Madylus, Evgenia Kiseleva). Seminar facilitators teach and conduct consultations in the UK, Greece, Russia, Hong Kong, Venezuela and other countries.

The purpose of the webinar was to teach students how to prepare for exams correctly and effectively, to allocate their resources. The topic of motivation of people who have already possessed the skills of communication in the foreign language was considered separately.

Throughout the conference, the presenters - native speakers - shared with the participants of the seminar the results of their research on the problem of preparing students for exams and offered strategies and tools for effective and successful passing of test tasks. Students were given the opportunity to choose the required level of complexity of the test back, as well as their volume (with the content of more or less material).

At the same time, methods that provide targeted preparation for exams have been identified, as well as activities that can not only prepare students to pass exams successfully, but also allow students to improve their skills and abilities and practice English in the modern real world.

During the seminar, participants were asked to complete assignments from speakers in real time, answer questions and take tests. For those participants for whom the tasks seemed too easy, they were offered a choice of more complicated tests, with a large number of tasks, designed for students with a more advanced level of knowledge of the English language. After completing the tasks, the answers of the participants were analyzed in detail, mistakes and shortcomings were corrected.


© Konovalova Yu. S., 2020


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

In addition, the speakers raised an important topic of motivating people who have already spoken the foreign language. It is believed that adults come to English lessons already motivated, so teachers do not need to worry about arousing their interest in learning. The lecturers asked the participants the question: is it true or not? As teachers of English for adults, should we worry about how do we influence on the motivation of the audience or individual students in our classes?

In the reports presented to the participants, various types of motivation were considered: long-term and short-term, external and internal, instrumental and emotional; the speakers also explained how to succeed in learning English, be fluent in it and why it is so important in the conditions of modern reality. In general, it was concluded that learning a foreign language allows people not only to communicate in the native language, to understand the speech addressed to them, but also to develop intellectually.

Then the session moves on to explore what scale do learners and teachers measure success and the value of identifying key objectives and goals.

According to the presenters of the seminar, success is achieved through cooperation between the teacher and the student, effective communication between them. The value of defining the main goals of classes and tasks is to help young teachers to motivate students and schoolchildren to study English further, as well as to help them to complete tasks of increased complexity.

It was also discussed how extent learning can be personalized, particularly the process of doing homework. Students should be able to complete the assigned material in a foreign language independently, using the available literature and Internet sources.

In addition, the presentation observed what teachers can do to shape the learning environment to increase student`s motivation, as well as the role of emotions in teaching a foreign language.

At the end of the seminar, all the participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers personally, and also got access to important English-language resources that can be useful both for teachers of foreign languages and for students.

In general, the seminar aroused undoubted interest for the entire audience of English learners. Lecturers and teachers received important recommendations for teaching a foreign language; students were able to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities online with the opportunity to receive valuable guidance and comments from native speakers.

Ph.D. in Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of

Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation

Konovalova Yu.S.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


1.Boldakova V.P. - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies, Russian International Academy for Tourism (Khimky).

2.Boronin A.A. - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of English at the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages, Moscow Region State University (Moscow).

3.Burlakova I.I. – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Moscow State University of Management Technologies named after K.G. Razumovsky (Moscow).

4.Vishnevskaya Е.М. - Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Chair of Linguistics and Translation Studies, Moscow City University (Moscow).

5.Grigoryeva E.M. - Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Ivanovo State University (Ivanovo).

6.Zhdanova T.A - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Technology, Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

7.Kovyrshina E.O. - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation Department of Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

8.Konovalova Yu.S. - PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation of Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

9.Krasnoschekov E.V. - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, PhD Linguistics Department, Southern Federal University (Taganrog).

10.Kriatchko L.N. - Senior Teacher of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation of Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

11.Ladosha O.M. - PhD in Philology Associate Professor of the Department of Lexicology and Stylistics of German Language of Moscow State Linguistic University, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of National Research University “MPEI” (Moscow).

12.Filicheva O.S. - Senior Teacher of the Chair of «Linguistics», Russian University of

Transport (Moscow).

13.Hajdu N.I. - Master of Linguistics, Chair of Linguistics and Translation Studies Moscow City University (Moscow).

14.Fedorov V.A. – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation, Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

Requirements for formatting articles for the Scientific Journal “Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches”

The minimum volume of the paper is 8-10 pages in the A4 format (CD, Flash Card or e- mail), interval – 1, Times New Roman font, 12 pt., with the following margines: left – 25 mm, right, top and bottom – 20 mm. The electronic form should be prepared with MS Word 7.0 text editor or its later versions. The Universal Decimal Classification code number is put in the upper left corner of the first page in bold type, 12 pt. The next line in the center indicates the title of the article. The title of the article is printed in a 12-pt SEMI-SCRIPTABLE FONT, centered without indentation. Point at the end of the title is not set. Before and after the title - a space of 1 interval. The name of the author (authors) is indicated under the title.

Next in the table there should be information about the author of the article: place of work, academic title, position, contact e-mail.

Under the information about the author (authors), a brief abstract of an article with a volume of at least 16 lines is presented, 10 pt is normal, without indenting a paragraph, aligning to the width. The abstract should have the following structure: statement of the problem, results of the study, results conclusions.

After the annotation, the key words (8-10 words and phrases) that are relevant for the article are given.

The Scientific Journal site http://nllinguistica.ru/ presents all information from both the technical preparation of scientific articles to the press and the requirements for compiling "abstracts to scientific articles" and "selecting keywords."

The text should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12 pt., in one column. Justified alignment of the paragraph is used. The paragraph first line indentation is 1 cm. All paragraphs should only be installed automatically - done-in MS Word!

The article should contain the following elements of the structure, reflecting the main aspects of the study:


Research problems:




1.Introduction. (justification of the problem (briefly), the object and subject of the study, the purpose of the study).

2.Research methodology. (theoretical grounds (briefly), research material, research methods.

3.Results of the study. (generalization of research results, classification, analysis of material, research results in quantitative data, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.).

4.Conclusion. (Conclusion and prospects of research).


References (not more than 15).

List of analyzed sources.

List of dictionaries used

The examples should be italicized.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

Numbering and labeling lists in the text, numbering sources in Referencess should only be done automatically in MS Word! Indent of the text from the number (token) - 0.5 cm

The examples cited in the articles should be marked out in italics, indented from left to 1 cm, width adjustment. Analyzed (key) words or phrases in the examples must be typed in a s p a r s e i n t e r v a l o f 2 p o i n t s , for example:

Wenn man aber das Wesen der Sprache überhaupt und dieser beiden insbesondere wahrhaft fühlt, wenn man bis zu dem Punkte der V e r s c h m e l z u n g des Gedanken mit dem Laut ein beiden vordringt, so entdeckt man in ihm das von innen herausschaffende Prinzip ihres verschiedenen O r g a n i s m u s [1*, p. 17].- But if we truly feel the essence of language in General and these two languages in particular, if we break down to the point of f u s i o n o f t h o u g h t w i t h s o u n d in both languages, we find that they (in their body) operate from within different creative [2*].

The use of bold type in the text of the article is NOT ALLOWED.

The word “Table” with its serial number is put flush right. The name of the table should be given in the next line (centered, without indentation and hyphenation), no dot at the end of the line. The table must be followed by 1 interval blank. If there is only one table in the paper, it is not numbered. The table should settle down on the center of page and not support its field.

Drawings can be created in graphic packages MS Vision or Corel DRAW (it is desirable, as it accelerates time of processing of the sent materials and acceptance on them of decisions), and also means of editor MS Word (but it considerably complicates processing of materials!). Drawings should be compactly inserted into the text, settled down on the center of page and not go beyond the field. In case of use for creation of drawings of editor MS Word before an insert in the text drawing should be necessarily grouped for the purpose of a non-admission of moving of separate elements of the drawing in the text! Each drawing should have the interlinear inscription typed by 11th font, with indented paragraph in 1сm, of the following format (example):

Drawing 2. The Sentence structure.

Numbers of sections and subsections should not contain spaces between the numbers and dots. For example:

2.1. → The name of the relevant subsection.

The references to the literary sources in the text are given in square brackets [1, p.5].

The list of the sources (in the order they are mentioned in the text) should be titled “References” and is to be given below the article. Next, you need to specify the list of Analyzed sources and the list of Dictionaries used. Sequence numbers of works in the Analyzed sources are denoted by [1 *] (one-star number). Order numbers of works in the Li Dictionaries used are denoted by [1 **] (a two-star number). If Analyzed sources are not listed in the article, then after Analyzed sources there is a list of Dictionaries used, the numbering of sources in which is made out as indicated above [1 **] (with a two-star number). Font 12 pt is normal. The bibliography should include at least 12 works cited, but not more than 15.

The References, the Analyzed sources and the Dictionaries used should be presented and in Latin (by a method of transliteration).

When registering lists of Internet sources, authors should indicate the title of the site (Internet platform), the email address of the site (URL) and the time of access to the site. For example:

1.Nauchnyj Vestnik. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija, URL: http://nllinguistica.ru/ (vremja obrashhenija – 12.05.16).


2.Nauchnyj Zhournal. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija, URL: http://nllinguistica.ru/ (vremja obrashhenija – 12.05.17).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

The manuscripts for publication should be externally reviewed (signed and sealed in the place of the reviewer’s employment). Postgraduates` and applicants` manuscripts should also contain their research supervisor’s review.

The editorial board reserves the right to select and to edit the papers submitted for publication.

The references to the Scientific Journal should have the following format:

1.Andreev V.N. Metaforicheskie modeli v romane M. Kanningema «chasyi» kak proyavlenie osobennostey idiostilya pisatelya / V.N. Andreev // Nauchnyiy vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.- stroit. un-ta. Sovremennyie lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovaniya. – 2009. – Vyp. 2 (12). – S. 12-20.


2.Kriatchko L.N. Concept "Modern City" as Digital Communication Centre in the English Fiction World Picture / L.N. Kriatchko // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Me- thodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2017. – Issue. 3 (18). – P. 32-44.

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the article will not be published.

Please, send your applications and papers in electronic form (as e-mail attachments) to the following addresses:

victoriak_@mail.ru (Kozlova Victoria V.) Lavrinirina1@yandex.ru (Lavrinenko Irina Yu.).

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-author`s name, patronymic name and surname

-author`s academic degree and academic rank

-author`s place of employment and position

-author`s home address (index and telephone number)

-author`s e-mail

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Tel. 8 (473) 276-39-73 – Foreign Languages and Translation Technology Department of VSTU

Fax: 8 (473) 276-39-73 – Foreign Languages and Translation Technology Department of VSTU

Kozlova Victoria V. (Executive Secretary of the Scientific Journal) E-mail: victoriak_@mail.ru or

Lavrinenko Irina Yu. (Executive Secretary of the Scientific Journal) E-mail: Lavrinirina1@yandex.ru

The materials are accepted for publication:


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093

up to 30th January 2020 - for issue 1 (28). Publication in March, 2020;

up to 30th April 2020 - for issue 2 (29). Publication in July, 2020;

up to 30th August 2020 - for issue 3 (30). Publication in October, 2020;

up to 30th October 2020 – for issue 4 (31). Publication in December, 2020.

Issues of the Series “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” are available on the Scientific Journal’s site: http://nllinguistica.ru


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 3 (30), 2020 ISSN 2587-8093


Lukina L.V. Anglijskij jazyk dlja studentov arhitekturno-stroitel'nyh special'nostej: uchebnoe posobie / L. V. Lukina [i dr.]; pod obshh. red. d-ra filol. nauk V. A. Fedorova;

FGBOU VO «Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj tehnicheskij universitet». – Voronezh: Izd-vo VGTU, 2020 – 267 s.

Fedorov V.A. Economic and management in the modern world (uchebnoe posobie na anglijskom jazyke) / V.A. Fedorov, O.G. Nehaeva, S.R.Solov'eva. – Voronezh: izd-vo VGTU, 2019. – 122 s.

Fedorov V.A. Praktikum po francuzskomu jazyku (dlja nejazykovyh special'nostej vuzov): [Tekst]: uchebnoe posobie / V.A. Fedorov, T.V. Giljarovskaja, O.V. Lebedeva. –

Voronezh: IPC «Nauchnaja kniga». – 2016 g. – 82 s.

The textbook is a collaborative publication of the Department of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation of the Voronezh State Technical University and the Department of French Philology of the Voronezh State University.

Komarova Je.P. Biznes-kommunikacija v jepohu peremen: vektory razvitija [Tekst]: monografija / Je.P. Komarova, E.A. Stojanovskaja. – Voronezh. – Voronezh: IPC «Nauchnaja kniga»,2018. – 198 s.

Lavrinenko, I.Ju., Kozlova V.V., Osnovy komp'juternyh tehnologij: ucheb. posobie / I.Ju.

Lavrinenko, V.V.Kozlova. ˗ Voronezh: FGBOU VO «Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj tehnicheskij universitet» 2018. 142 s.

Innovacionnye processy v lingvodidaktike: sb. nauchnyh tr. – Voronezh: FGBOU VO

«Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj tehnicheskij universitet», 2018. – Vyp. 15. – 180 s.

Zhdanova T.A. English for computing / T.A. Zhdanova, S.R. Solov'eva // Posobie po anglijskomu jazyku dlja studentov 1 kursa napravlenij podgotovki «Informatika i vychislitel'naja tehnika» – Voronezh: Izd-vo VGTU, 2017 g. – Voronezh: Izd-vo VGTU, 2018 g. – 98 s.

Sarafannikova E.V. «IT in the modern world» / E.V. Sarafannikova, O.G. Nehaeva //

Uchebnoe posobie po anglijskomu jazyku dlja studentov 2 kursa po napravlenijam podgotovki bakalavrov 09.03.01 «Informatika i vychislitel'naja tehnika» i 09.03.02 «Informacionnye sistemy i tehnologii». – Voronezh: Izd-vo VGTU, 2017 g. – 96 s.

Artemova O.G. English for Petroleum Engineering / O.G.Artemova, O.E. Safonova // Anglijskij jazyk dlja specialistov v oblasti neftegazovogo dela. – Voronezh: Izd-vo VGTU, 2017 g. – 96 s.

Fomina Z.E. Delovoj nemeckij jazyk: uchebnoe posobie dlja vseh napravlenij (programm) magistratury / Z.E. Fomina, V.I. Chechetka. - Voronezh: VGTU, 2017. – 180 s. ISBN 978-5-7731-0551-0.

Merkulova N.V. Anglijskij jazyk v sfere upravlenija / English for Management: ucheb. posobie / N.V. Merkulova; Voronezhskij GASU - Voronezh, 2016. - 123 s. ISBN 978-5-89040- 582-1.

Lapinskaja I.P. Chto v imeni?: monografija / I.P. Lapinskaja, M.A. Denisova, D.A. Sorokina i dr.; pod red. I.P. Lapinskoj. – Voronezh : FGBOU VO «Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj tehnicheskij universitet», 2016. – 219s.