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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

A n g s t d e r D e u t s c h e n : „F l ü c h t l i n g e s i n d d i e m o d e r n e n H e x e n “. Der Psychologe Stephan Grünewald glaubt, dass die Neuankömmlinge als Blitzableiter vor Veränderungen herhalten müssen [11*]. - Fear of the Germans: "Refugees –a modern witch". Psychologist Stephan Grünewald, believes that newcomers can be a lightning rod in the period of forthcoming changes (Our translation - G.B.).

Examples of descriptions of fear as a subjective, personalized category. "This fear" represented in the opposition of words with neutral meaning (Deutschland / Germany die Bundestagswahl / elections to the Bundestag), and tokens with with-holding positive PRC (eines der letzten Paradiese auf der Welt / one of their last-their paradises in the world) and lexemes with negative contents ЕЕC (die Krisenherde / hot spots). For example:

Ja, diese Angst i st uns schon vor der letzten Bundestagswahl begegnet . Ergebnis unserer Befragungen war, dass die Menschen das Gefühl haben, D eut sch l and i st ei nes der l et zt en Paradi ese auf der Wel t , umb randet von K ri senherden [12*]. - Yes, this fear has already met us before the last election. According to recent polls, people feel that Germany is one of the last Paradise places in the world surrounded by hot spots (Our translation - G.B.).

There is an example with the explication of "fear of the future", the reality and the consequences of which are compared with the breakthrough of the dam:

In der Öffentlichkeit besteht große Angst vor der f erneren Z uku nf t . Es gibt ja Technologien w i e C RISPR/ C as9 , die wir in den Organoiden verwenden, um Gene ausoder einzuschalten. CRISPR ermöglicht Dinge sehr schnell und effizient, die wir jetzt ethisch noch nicht bewerten können. Wenn es gelänge, Menschen genetisch zu ver-

ändern, wäre das schon ei n Dammbruch [13*]. - There is a great fear of the future in society. After all, there are technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9 that we use in living organisms to turn on or off certain genes. CRISPR allows very quickly and effectively such things, which are difficult to assess from the point of view of ethics. If you manage to change the human genome, it will be a breakthrough of the dam (Our translation - G.B.).

The following example reflects one of the value paradigm options of the 21st century: instead of the ironic "German fear" of wars and catastrophes, there is anxiety before the blows of fate in relation to each person: misfortune with relatives, fears of terrible diseases and fear of death. It is noteworthy that this example manifests "neutralized fear", because in the conditions of even accidents, the car accident, he can not force to abandon the car, on the contrary, increases affection and love for technology.

Auch die „Angst“ steht weit vorne. Die Deutschen bewegt jedoch weniger die oft spöttisch genannte «German Angst» vor Kriegen und Katastrophen, sondern vielmehr die

Sorge vor Schicksalsschlägen. 72 Prozent fürchten etwa das Unglück eines Familienangehörigen, 65 Prozent haben Angst vor Krebs und 42 Prozent vor dem Tod. Auch die

Angst vor einem Unfall ist mit 60 Prozent hoch. Auf das Auto verzichten wollen die Befragten trotz Unfallsorgen jedoch nicht: 69 Prozent lieben ihr Gefährt, bei den Frauen sogar 74 Prozent [14*]. - Even "fear" stands far ahead. Germans, however, are driven not so much by what is (ironically) called "German fear" of wars and catastrophes as by anxiety about the coming destinies. 72 percent fear a misfortune that can happen to members of their families, 65 percent are afraid of cancer and 42 percent fear of death.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

The fear of accidents is also high at 60 per cent. However, despite all fears, respondents do not want to abandon the car: 69 percent love their "companion", and among women the attachment to the car is formed in 74 percent (Our translation - G.B.).

Analysis of words and phrases describing the physiological symptoms of the desired concept allows us to consider psychophysiological vocabulary as one of the important lexical means involved in the explication of emotions. We found 15 tokens and word-combinations indicating emotions of fear ("schweissgebadet" / wet from sweat, "schreien" / to cry, "zittern" / to tremble, "Alptraum" /nightmare, "pochendes Herz" / beating heavily, pounding heart, "Sausen im Kopf" / the noise in my head, "Angst in den Augen" / fear in his eyes, "weinen" / to weep, "schrupmfen"/ shrink, "körperlos sein" / bitlbee-corporal, "kalte Schauer"/ chills, "atemlos sein" / to be lifeless, "in Ohnmacht sein" / to be unconscious, "ersticken" /suffocate, "Schmerzen haben" / experience pain).

When comparing our results with those of the physiologists on the most typical fisionomia fear shows that are installed with the help of instruments the symptom of "Herzklopfen" ("heartbeat ") and acknowledged by physiologists for the basic emotion "fear", on the verbal level is not. Dominant physiological lexeme "fear" is "schweißgebadet"

("sweaty"). The second measure on the basis of priority / frequency is zittern ("tremble"). In this case, "shaking", according to the observations of psychologists, the symptoms of fear is the fourth that place. A sign of " blush "(erröten), isolated by L. Schmidt-Atzert, in the context of the lexemes of" fear " is not revealed [16]. "Fear" is often manifested in the accompaniment of lexemes-kausers of negative emotions, which indicates the switching of emotional consciousness from the physiological sphere to the mental one. For example:

Der letzte Bericht des Ephorus hatte dessen E n t t ä u s c h u n g u n d E n t r ü s t u n g über den mißratenden Sohn in einen f a s s u n g s l o s e n S c h r e c k e n verwandelt [15*]. - The last news of Ephora turned disappointment in the sonloser and helplessness before him into a stunning horror (Our translation - G.B.).

In the course of the study, it was found that negatives words used in contexts with the description of emotions of "fear" serve as amplifiers of actualized meaning, including implicitly Express "disgust" to its causes. For example:

Vor dem Ochsenziemer hatte ich Angst , aber die Schläge, die meine Mutter mir damit zufügte, hatten kei ne tiefere Wirkung. Mit teuflichen Wörtern erreichte sie ihr Ziel, daß sie Ruhe hatte, andererseits stürzte sie mich damit jedesmal in den f ürcht erl i chst en aller Abgründe, aus welchem ich dann zeitlebens ni cht mehr herausgekommen bin [16*]. - I was afraid of the bull's whip, but the blows my mother struck me with didn't hurt me deeply. She settle down, achieving your goals with their curses and plunging me every time in the most of the worst of precipices, which throughout my life, I could not get out (Our translation - G.B.).

Through the use of kinematic units plötzlich, mechanisch, automatisch, verbalized emotions of "fear" correlate with the category of movement, which reflects their property to program the "mechanical" behavior of the subject. For example:

T odesangst schnürrt e i hm K ehl e und Ma gen . Me chani sch aufblickend sah er über sich einen der Säulenknäufe mit den drei Köpfen [17*]. - The fear of death gripped


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

his throat and stomach. Mechanically raising his eyes, he saw above him the upper part of one of the columns with three heads (Our translation - G.B.).

Local lexemes, used in the verbalization of fear, allow us to consider it as a phenomenon that has a length and its structure: "German Angst" / German fear, deutscher Schrecken / German horror, fremde Angst / alien fear, die Angst steht weit vorne / fear stands far ahead, die

Angst ist rund um Aachen groß / fear around Aachen is great. For example:

Durch einen Engpaß in der Versorgung w ar stei ermarkw ei t l e i c h t e P a n i k bei Ärzten und Eltern ausgebrochen [18*]. - Due to lack of resources in the whole of Styria doctors and parents embraced the slight panic (Our translation - G.B.).

„Fear“ verbalizing at the location on the time axis, receives reflection as dynamic, impermanent, changing the value: massive Zukunftsängste / massive fear of the future; das

Jahrhundert der Angst /century, epoch, era, age of fear; Angst der Sommer / summer of fear; Chaostage in Hannover / chaos days in Hanover. For example:

Da er den Emil Fabjan mit hineingezogen, verstüzte er auch die in der Hasnerstraße wohnenden Eheleute Fabjan in eine Schreckens zei t [19*]. - Since he took Emil Fabian with him, thus he plunged into the horrible times of spouses Fabiano living in Hasnerstrasse (Our translation - G.B.).

Quantitative vocabulary, the meaning of which contains the semes of measure, allows you to characterize emotions as phenomena that can be calculated: ein bisschen, ein wenig, 500 Meter Angst / slightly, a little, 500 meters of fear.

The analysis of comparative constructions with wie / as; als / as, in quality; als ob / as if participating in verbal explication of the concept "Angst", allows considering comparisons as an important means for creation of verbal image of the carrier of emotions "fear" (to be afraid "as someone"), and as a means of expression of intensity of manifestable emotion (to be afraid "as something"). In comparative constructions with wie/ as; als/ as, in quality; als ob / as if words with specific semantics prevail (about 64 %) in comparison with abstract lexemes (about 30%), i.e. the description of psychic phenomen of the "fear" comes based on words, which reveal some "tangible" entity. For example:

Aber die Doktor Popp f ü r c h t e t e ich w i e ni cht s [20*]. - But Dr. Popp i was afraid of so much as was no longer afraid of anything in the world (Our translation - G.B.).

In the context of the description of "fear", comparative constructions are used to characterize the subject of emotion, and tend to introduce signs of ironic attitude to it, for example, afraid, as a woman - wie die Frau. Comparative separate-times have national-specific character, for example, wie die Kuh (cow), wie das Kaninchen (the rabbit), etc. Comparative designs enhance the pragmatic effect of the base lexemes of the class "Angst ": wie den Tod (as death).

According to our observations, the national and cultural specificity of the " Fear " verbalization is revealed with the help of lexemes indicating the landscape, folk festivals, flora. In German and Austrian national consciousness clearly fixed the relationship between the concept of "Angst" and a variety of realities of reality, for example, with rocks ("Angst" – Felsen).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Structural and semantic models allow us to present the emotional concept of "Angst" in the internal unity and structurality of the constituent components.

In accordance with the model [e] (emotion of fear) + [O e] (object of emotion of fear) + [E] (activity) / [e] (emotion) implemented verbal scenario of "fear", which goes beyond the human body and:

* continues in its activities:

Tausende von Arbeitern gingen darauf a u s A n g s t um ihre Arbeitsplätze auf die Straße [21*]. - Thousands of workers took to the street fearing for their jobs (Our translation - G.B.).

* passes in qualitatively different emotion, for example, in " anger“:

D i e A n g s t vor einem neuen Krieg l i e g t i n d e r L u f t . Dragan, der vor wenigen

Jahren aus Ostslawonien flüchten mußte, v e r h e i m l i c h t s e i n e W u t n i c h t [22*]. - Fear of a new war is in the air. Dragan, who several years ago fled from Eastern Slavonia, does not hide his rage (Our translation).

According to the model [e] (emotion of fear) + [o e] (object of emotion of fear) + [somatic symptoms] verbalized "fear" is reflected in physiological reactions. For example:

Dieses Bild f ü r c h t e t e i c h e i n b i ß c h e n , aber trotzdem wollte ich es immer sehen.

D i e k a l t e n S c h a u e r r a n n e n m i r

ü b e r d e n

R ü c k e n … und ich versteckte

mein Gesicht in ihrer Schürze und w e i n t e

b i t t e r l i c h

[23*]. - I was a little afraid of

this painting, but despite this, I always wanted to see it. Cold wave swept across my back...and I put my face in her apron and wept bitterly (Our translation - G.B.).

As the study shows, the linguistic embodiment of the concept of "Angst" is carried out with the widespread use of metaphorical images. For example:

• "Angst" – "the element" with signs indomitable, inability to control, unpredictability of symptoms, the inability of expression of the media fear.

Spontaneous "fear" verbalized in the concepts of fear as "self-organizes the force": große Angst vor der ferneren Zukunft besteht / fear "occurs"; durch Horrorgames verbreiten sich Angst und Schrecken / "as the virus spreads through computer games"; "increases" Die wachsende Angst; "reaches the limit pointing" and "exploding" / Entsetzen mit einer unsinnigen

Angst bricht in die Höhe aus; "decreases", "stays within" Die Angst hält sich in Grenzen; to fear is to plunge in Angst einjagen and finally "disappears" / Angst ist vorbei.

* "Angst" - "aggressive essence" "captures" not an individual, but "entire peoples and countries" / in der Karibik herrscht Panik / panic reigns in the Caribbean; "fills the air" / Die Angst vor einem neuen Krieg liegt in der Luft / fear of a new war "lies in the air", fear " outshines everything“:


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Di e Angst vor T erroranschl ägen, vor neuen K ri egen, vor Bedrohung des

Mi t t el st andes und vor allem vor ei ner ne uerl i chen Fl ücht l i ngskri se überschattet auch Abend für Abend die Nachrichten im Fernsehen [24*]. - Fear of terrorist acts, new wars, middle-class threats, and, above all, the new refugee crisis is overshadowed by television news night after night (Our translation - G.B.).

* "Angst" - "motivator": "encourages activity", "defines life“

Die Angst vor den angekündigten Studentenprotesten auf der Insel Bali veranlasst nun auch immer mehr österreichische Touristen, das beliebte Urlaubsziel zu meiden [25*]. -

Fear of declared student protests on the island of Bali is now forcing more and more Austrian tourists to refuse to visit popular tourist destinations (Our translation - G.B.).

* "Angst –" unreal entity“:

"Ghost": Ein neues Schreckgespenst stand vor mir auf [26*]. - New Ghost horror appeared in front of me (Our translation).

"surroundings": Die Angst geht um, auch wenn eigentlich nichts Besonderes passiert [26*]. - Fear surrounds us, even if nothing happened (Our translation - G.B.).

* "Angst – -" mental disorder“:

"nonsense, madness": Seine Angst vor den beiden toten Brüdern wurde zu einem p a r a - n o i d e n W a h n [27*]. - His fear of the two dead brothers turned into steam-modelnoe madness (Our translation - G.B.).

• "Angst" - a "personalized entity“:

companion: Beklemmung ist kein guter Weggefährte [28*]. - Depression is a bad companion (Our translation - G.B.).

"counter": Ja, d i e s e A n g s t i s t u n s schon vor der letzten Bundestagswahl b e g e g - n e t [29*]. - Yes, this fear we have met before the last election (Our translation - G.B.).

predator: Ängste essen Seele auf [30*]. - The fears consume the soul (Our translation - G.B.).

* "Angst" - " substance having physical and chemical properties“:

1. physical, diffuse, vague: diffuse Angst / diffuse fear subject to heating:

Die Massenankünfte s c h ü r t e n Ängste, dass sich die ohnehin schwierige Versorgungslage noch verschlechtert. An Ort und Stelle befinden sich bereits Hunderttausende

Rohingyas, die in Bangladesch vor früheren Kämpfen in ihrer Heimat Zuflucht gesucht haben [31*]. - The mass influx of people has fueled fears that will worsen the already difficult situation with the provision. Already hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas, political refugees who, because of previous riots in their homeland have sought refuge in Bangladesh (Our translation - G.B.).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue

1 (20), 2018

ISSN 2587-8093

2. It has aggregate state properties: Sie wurde i n n e r l i c h

z u E i s

[32*]. - Inside she

was ice (Our translation - G.B.).



3. Roundups penetrating descriptions: Der Schock sitzt tief [33*]. - Shock sits deep (Our translation - G.B.).

4. Is poison: In einem v e r g i f t e t e n K l i m a d e r A n g s t [33*]. - In a poisoned climate of fear (Our translation - G.B.).

* "Angst" - disease / incurable disease“

Angst w i rd krankhaf t . K rankhaf t i st es , wenn ich mich nicht mehr auf die Realität beziehe, mich in Wahngebilde zurückziehe. Es ist eigentlich nicht erklärbar, dass in so ei nem st abi l en Land w i e Deut schl and mit einer f ant ast i schen Wirtschaftsleistung die Vorstellung aufkommt, dass ei ne Mi l l i on Fl ücht l i nge den Unt er - gang bedeut en [34*]. - Fear is a disease. Sickness is when I no longer refer to reality, back to the errors. It is not really understandable that in a stable country like Germany, with its fantastic economic strength, one gets the idea that a million refugees means collapse (Our translation - G.B.).

Die Panik vor der Leere zersetzt unsere Gegenwart w i e

e i n M e l a n o m [35*]. - Pan-

ic in front of the void corrupts our modernity as melanoma (Our translation - G.B.).

* das Entsetzen - turbine: E i n l e e r e r , v o n e i n e r

T u r b i n e d e s E n t s e t z e n s

z e r f r a n s t e r B l i c k [36*]. - Empty, torn-turbine terror opinion (Our translation - G.B.).

"Angst" – "a very healthy mechanism

Angst ist ei n sehr gesunder Mechani smus . Wenn wir keine Angst hätten, würden wir vor das nächste Auto laufen. Angst motiviert uns zu erhöhter Wachsamkeit, es aktiviert uns zur Problemlösung [37*]. - Fear is a very healthy mechanism. If we weren't afraid, we'd run under the nearest car. Fear motivates us to increased vigilance, activates us to solve problems (Our translation - G.B.).

Therefore, using either set of conceptual characteristics associated with the entity manifested in "fear" not only as a hostile, aggressive attitude to the metaphorical images of "fear is a motivator" and "healthy mechanism" verbalist its positive content.

As shown by the analysis of lexical means, representing the concept of "Angst" in the Austrian German, they are characterized by national and cultural specificity, which has different forms of manifestation. According to our observations, Austrian lexemes of "fear", which are referred to in the publications of Austrian linguists, are used to a large extent less frequently than lexemes of "joy". In the Austrian German the expression of the concept of" fear "is usually made with the help of" fear " lexemes from the standard German. According to the estimates of the Austrian writers themselves, the Austrian vocabulary is often perceived by the reviewers as

"a burden of literature" ("Erschwernis der Lektüre"), so "in the so-called artistic literature, austriacisms should be avoided" [17].

A characteristic feature of lexical means verbalizes the concept "Angst" in the Austrian German lies in the fact that the Austrian substantive and adverb with "fear" refers to emotive


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

high vocabulary (on the terminology of Fomina Z. E., 1996). For example: the name entrisch is used to describe the state of "I'm scared" - mir ist entrisch, der Modspundus means extremely strong fear, die Grausbirnen – "pears" of horror. For example:

In the Austrian version of the German language contains the actual Austrian lexeme, verbalizing specific manifestations of"fear". For example, the fad (ängstlich, zimperlich) lexeme explicates "excessive sensitivity", "timidity", dasig (verwirrt, schüchtern, benommen) expliciet

"fear-confoundeth", "fear is embarrassment," "fear-timidity," "fear-indecision". These Austrian lexemes of "fear" do not have lexical correspondences in the German language and represent fear, which has passed into the character of a person, has become a property of his psyche. For example:

In einer halben Stunde waren am Platz: vier Beamte, zwei von jedem Bezirk, zwei Ärzte einer von jedem Bezirk, und der s e h r d a s i g e Herr Konrad. [38*]. - After half an hour was in place: four officials, two from each district, two doctors, one from each County, and a very confused and timid Mr. Conrad (Our translation - G.B.).

Thus, the features of verbal means used to represent the concept of"Angst" in the Austrian German are as follows. They are characterized by:

Brisance of an expression of emotional evaluation (on the terminology of Fomina Z. E., 1996) and lexical lacunarity / non-equivalence in verbalization of the relevant features in the content of the concept "fear", which is manifested in the absence of a standard German language lexemes to denote the national-specific manifestations of the fear, CP.: entrisch / creepy, der Modspundus /very intense fear, die Grausbirnen / is extremely fearful, "pears" of horror.

Nora… meinte …, die Kinder würden schon zusammenfinden, und i hr st i egen schon j et zt di e Grausbi rnen auf , wenn sie daran denke, was die beiden großen Buben sich alles ausdenken würden [39*]. - Hole... I thought that the children would have gathered, she was terrified when she thought that both the big boy it up (Our translation - G.B.).

• The vector relations in the system of conformity of the Austrian and German words, which is manifested in the presence of a number of synonymous German lexeme "fear", cf.: fad

(ängstlich, zimperlich / afraid, timid), dasig (verwirrt, schüchtern, benommen / embarrassed, shy, numb).

Let us consider the specifics of the verbalization of the concept sought on the material of examples extracted from electronic resources and relating to the first twenty years of the new century.

According to our observations, the basis of the modern conceptualization of fear is the idea of this emotion as an object of scientific research conducted by experts in psychology, sociology, marketing. The introduction of fear into the circle of interdisciplinary problems may indicate the activation of cognitive processes aimed at understanding the interaction of the rational and emotional spheres. The use of complex nouns with the component "Angst" (Angstforschung, der Angstforscher / study of fear, researcher of fear), phrases and utterances with an assessment of the lack of awareness of fear (Unerkannte Ängste / unidentified fears, Angst ist ein großes Thema / fear is a big topic), ethnographic and national identity (Studie über die Ängste der Deutschen / study on the fears of the Germans) can be seen as a means of expressing the trend towards the development of the theory, including emotional intelligence [18].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

In the following example, the wahnhaft (mad, crazy) lexeme represents fear to the maximum degree of intensity, on the one hand, on the other – with the help of a neutral phrase einen

Realitätsbezug schaffen / to use a real approach, there is a repayment of the negative evaluation of fear.

Und die w ahnhaf t e Angst kann man nur behandeln, indem man wieder einen Realitätsbezug schafft. Von daher ist der direkte Kontakt mit Flüchtlingen nicht nur anstrengend, sondern auch heilsam, weil er angstmindernd wirkt [40*]. - And insane fear can be treated by creating an attitude to reality. Thus, direct contact with refugees is not only debilitating, but also curative, because it acts in a way that pacifies fear (Our translation - G.B.).

For the texts of modern newspaper and journalistic publications, under the General rule of examples in which fear is explicated in its independence from the rational sphere, the corpus of examples is revealed with the description of fear, against which a person is engaged in his / her response activities, including determination, ingenuity, corresponding actions.

Let us consider examples in which the verbalization of fear is accompanied against the background of the re-version of the negative assessment in a positive assessment. At the heart of the manifestation of the mobilization properties of fear are mainly the following two relevant criteria. The de-termination of the activity of the fear carrier is determined: in accordance with the presence of the regional dominant in response to the emotion of fear, in accordance with its intellectual and creative potential. For example:

*intellectual and active view of overcoming the destructive power of fear:

the creation of an environment to ignore the fear. Under the sirens in the boon keras - "shelters for the Apocalypse", life flows, where there are underground pubs, fitness-clubs and dance studios, which will teach flamenco dance.

Hunderttausende Bunker dienen Israels Bevölkerung al s Unt erschl upf , sobald im Land die Si renen h eu l en . …Statt mit Bekl e mmung und T odesf u rcht füllen die

Israelis ihre Bunker mit L eben . T änzerinnen

nehmen dari n Fl amenco -

Unt erri cht , ei n Personal t rai ner bet rei bt ei n

Fi t nessst udi o, Bands spi e -

l en i n unt eri rdi schen Pubs . Der US-Fotograf Adam Reynolds dokumentierte die andere Seite dieser « Wel t unt ergangsräume », wie er sie nennt [41*]. - Hundreds of thousands of bunkers serve for the population Of rail shelter as soon as sirens begin to howl. Instead of oppression and fear of death, Israelis are filling the bunkers with life. Dancers take flamenco lessons, a personal trainer directs the work of the fitness Studio, music groups play in underground pubs. American photographer Adam Reynolds documented the opposite side of these "premises in case of the end of the world", as he calls them (Our translation - G.B.).

activation of ingenuity. In a state of creative panic, the Japanese create a bed that an earthquake unfolds and forms for man's protective space. Negative signs in the meaning of the panic lexeme are not actual, and in relation to the carriers of this state the estimation from the prize-com “admiration”is expressed.

War d er

Schoc k wegen des

Erdbebens von Kobe noch so groß - di e


w urden

i n Pani k k reat i v . Sie

erfanden ein Erdbebenbet t , bei dem sich bei

Bodener-schütterungen an der


ei n Schut zrahmen löst und dann

über den

Schlafenden breitet [42*]. - Shock as a consequence of the Kobe earthquake was so large


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

- the Japanese are in a panic began creative. They created a seismic bed, which at the tremors during an earthquake on the side of the protective frame is folded and placed over the sleeping (Our translation - G.B.).

use of methods of expressive argumentation in order to change the vector of negative evaluation in the form of accusation:

Altkanzler Schröder hat sein geplantes Engagement beim Kreml-nahen Ölkonzern Rosneft verteidigt. „Di e Dämoni si erung Russl ands hi l f t kei nem . Angst m a - che i hm vi el mehr Donal d T rump“ [43*]. - Former Chancellor Schroeder explained his planned participation in the work of Rosneft, an oil company close to the Kremlin. "Demonization of Russia will not help anyone. Rather, fear causes Donald trump“ (Our translation - G.B.).

implementation of practical measures in the face of the threat of environmental catastrophe:

In der Region Aachen werden Jodtabletten wegen Atomangst verteilt. Di e Angst vor ei ner At omw ol ke i st rund um Aachen gr oß [44*]. - In the region of Aachen out of fear of a nuclear threat to distribute iodine pills. Fear of a nuclear cloud around Aachen is great (Our translation - G.B.).

development of tactics against fear. For example:

(a)in difficult socio-political conditions:

Ob es sich um Abmachungen mit einem Diktator oder mit Bandenführern handelt, die EU muss mit der Fi kt i on der unei nges chrän kt en Auf nahme von Fl ücht l i ngen brechen und gemei ns ame verpf l i cht ende Regel n ent w i ckel n . N ur s o kann man di e Angst der Menschen bek ä mpf e n [48*]. - If we are talking about agreements with the dictator or the leaders of the factions, the EU should end the fiction of unlimited in-EMA refugees and to develop General binding rules. The only way to overcome fear of the population (Our translation - G.B.).

b) in wrestling:

«Wi r hab en al l es g egeben, si e hab en s ehr gut und seh r a ggressi v g e - spi el t . Wir haben jetzt kei ne Angst , wir müssen nur unsere Ak kus w i eder auf l a - den“ [49*]. - "We did everything, they played very well and very aggressively. Now we have no fear, we just have to recharge our batteries" (Our translation - G.B.).

*analytical view of overcoming the destructive power of fear:

handling of emotion as an object of intellectual processing:

Angst w i ll behandel t w erden . …Wer handl ungsf ähi g i st , verl i ert sei ne

Angst . …die Politiker sollen di e Angst endl i ch w ahrnehmen u nd behandel n [45*]. - Fear wants to work with him... The one who is able to act, lose your fear. The policy must, finally, fear to perceive and treat him (Our translation - G.B.).

deducing conclusions and formulating affirmations: 52

Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

"to feel fear / fear" as an attempt to impart a material image to diffuse fear. For example:

Sich vor Flüchtlingen zu f ürcht en , ist letztlich ein Versuch, die di f f use Angst di n g - f est zu machen . Ihr e i ne konkret e G est al t zu verl ei hen . Wenn die Flüchtlinge das Unheil sind, kann ich tätig werden. … Di e Proj ekt i on der Angs t auf Fl üch t - l i nge f unkt i oni ert am best en, w enn man kei ne kennt . Wenn man sich

Vampi rf i l me anschaut , merkt man, dass di e Angst am größt en i st , w enn der Vampi r noch ni cht konkr et i m Bi l d i st . Wen n er da i st , rel at i vi ert si e si ch und man w ei ß, w i e man mi t d em Vampi r f ert i g w erden k ann . Sobal d i ch Fl ücht l i nge k ennenl ern e, re l at i vi ert si ch di e An gst . Ich me r - ke, w as i ch an i hm mag oder w as mi ch an i hm st ört [45*]. - Fear of refugees is, in the final analysis, an attempt to impart to the scattered fear the properties of a particular object. Give it a concrete shape... The projection of fear on the refugee works best if no one knows it. When you watch horror movies, you know that the greatest fear comes when he has not shown in a particular way. When he gets a figure incarnation, it becomes clear how to deal with a vampire. As soon as I meet a refugee, there's a connection to fear. I notice that I like it or that it interferes with me (Our translation - G.B.).

need a positive mindset to make healthy fears:

„Wir müssen e i n e g e s u n d e A n g s t vor Costa Rica haben», sagt Mittelfeldspieler

Daniele de Rossi [46*]. - "We must have a healthy fear of Costa Rica," says midfielder Danielle de Rossi (Our translation - G.B.).

comprehension of fear through the projection on the time axis:

Viele Menschen, aber auch viele Politiker verspüren, dass uns die Welt entgleitet, es herrscht ei n unübersehbarer Umbruch [47*]. - Many people, as well as many politicians feel that the world is slipping away from us, dominated by a huge scale fracture (Our translation - G.B.).


In the texts of works of art by contemporary German and Austrian writers and newspaper and publicistic tests verbal expression of emotions is carried out mainly with the help of nouns. The predominance of substantive lexemes as manifesters of emotions of "fear" is considered by us as a linguistic fact, testifying to the dominating subject conceptualization of mental phenomena of emotions, connected with images of real objects. The presence of a wide range of emotional lexemes, through which the concept of "Angst" is objectified in the language, reflects and proves the great activity of linguistic consciousness in the verbalization of a wide variety of types and shades of emotions of fear. National-cultural specificity of verbalization of fear in the Austrian variant of the German language finds expression in such forms as brisance, lexical lacunas, the presence of synonymic series. The analysis of the actual body of examples points to the novelty in the description of fear through negative associations associated with the growing danger to society, which is presented in the context of the conceptual search for its dominant characteristics. Fear is represented as a cognitive unit with its own cognitive code. The studied building reflects the active work of consciousness on the conceptualization of fear in the role of an object that is in the center of human attention in order to seek solutions for its neutralization, taking control, using its mobilizing qualities and returning to a comfortable, safe environment. However, there is a predominance of examples describing fear, resistant to rational processing and located outside the volitional sphere of man.