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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

allusion to another author's novel, where, in the surname (initially, before marriage) of the eponym character Emma Bovary - Rouault there are also two syllables with approximately similar sound-letter combination. It is of particular note that for the author the tendency of using such a set of letters and syllables combinations has an explicit reference to his own family name: GUSTAVE FLAUBERT, and apparently «strong» letter for the writer are «R», then

«B/V/A/U/F/E/T/L», the lettering «AU» in the French language readable as «O» («AU»=«O»), the lettering «PH» in the French language readable as «F» («PH»=«F»), the capital letter «G» in its written form similar to the capital letter «C» [13, p. 78], etc.: ChARLEs BOVARy, LÉOn, ROdOLPHE BOULAngER [6*], FRÉdÉRiC MOREAU, MARiE ARnOUх, ROsE BROn, BOUVARd et PÉcUchET [7*], FÉLiCiTÉ [8*] and many others. Similarly, the master of the French realism, invariably remaining within the traditions of the name-creation of the given artistic direction (i.e. creating the proper names of his characters and places of action according to really existing models), by structuring an interconnected and interdependent system of aesthetic onyms (both main and secondary characters and the chronotope) in his art works created a certain author-marked artistic reality (or fiction) containing a clear reference to the name of its creator and his characteristic idiostyle and creative methods of the writer, both in the synchronic and the diachronic aspects.

From the standpoint of philosophical hermeneutics, the following types of aesthetic onyms are highlighted in the novel «Sentimental Education» by G. Flaubert which have a maximum degree of disclosure of their interpretation potential within fiction and the intertextuality (8-10 points): the biblical name Marie (10 points); a nationally-marked anthroponym Jacques (9 points); a personal name containing a fragment of a biblionym Rosanette / RosANEtte (its complex etymology is realized through the interaction with the personal name of the main woman character), the nickname «la Maréchale»/«The Maréchale» (8 points); some realistic (existing in the real French onomastic repertoire of a certain historical period) personal and family names: Frédéric Moreau, Arnoux, Rose Bron (7 points); some culturally marked toponyms and urban names: Paris, Nôtre Dame (10 points); The Cité /la Cité (9 points), etc.

The critical direction of hermeneutics with its pluralistic approach to the interpretation of the semantic vectors seems to be the most productive method of the art text analysis, taking into account the aesthetic onyms synergy effect giving the possibility of revealing the ideological component presumed by the author at various levels of interpretation: phonetic, semantic, philosophical, religious and historical-and-cultural, including specificity of the psychological perception of an art image as an element of the artistic reality in its interaction with other characters, the author himself and the reader: the relationship of the women characters МARIE><RosANEtte, the interdependence of the art images Frédéric≈Jacques, a sort of «mirror reflection» of the bibliographic fact in the artistic reality (ELISA – MARIE (EIA><AIE)) and so forth.

Thus, from the point of view of the hermeneutical approach to the art text analysis, taking into account the synergy effect of aesthetic onyms within the framework of the artistic reality created by the writer in the system of his/her art works through a network of several interrelated and mutually conditioned aesthetic proper names of the characters and the action places, the patterns of functioning and the degree of expressiveness (i.e., the interpretation potential for disclosure at various levels of interpreting), identified for a particular category of aesthetic onyms within fiction may be quite relevant both for other texts of the author or for other contexts, and in the intertextuality aspect (in the art works relating to other epochs and stylistic directions) the use of such models of the aesthetic onymy creation is able to serve as an explicit reference (allusion) to this or that stylistic direction and its identified representatives.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093


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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

[18]Fomina Z.E. Clavjanskaja toponimija v germanii v lingvokul'turologicheskom i lingvo-istoricheskom aspektah / Z.E. Fomina // Nauchnyj Vestnik. Serija «Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija». – 2016. – vyp. 1 (29). – S. 27-44.

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Analysed sources

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Dictionaries used

[1**] Perevody imeni: Frederik, Frederika, Fridrih, Fredrik, Federik,... [EHlektronnyj resurs] - URL: http://kurufin.ru/html/Translate/Frederic.html (data obrashcheniya: 15.01.2018)

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

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[8**] Encyclopédie Larousse en ligne - Gustave Flaubert [EHlektronnyj resurs] - URL: larousse.fr/encyclopedie/... (data obrashcheniya: 15.01.2018)


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

UDC 802.0+13.3 Bacon




I.Yu. Lavrinenko


Voronezh State Technical University

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of the Foreign Languages Irina Yu. Lavrinenko

e-mail: Lavrinirina1@yandex.ru


Statement of the problem. The article presents the analysis of the moral-and-ethical concept Cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon, that hasn`t been the point of scientific concern before. Results. Philosophical concept Cunning is characterized by complex cognitive structure, incorporating its three basic types which include seven types of cunning. Among specific features of the concept Cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon are: its orientation on the area of communication, its abstract and introvert character, and its application for characteristics of the inner analytical processes in person. Positively-marked features of the concept are revealed, such as its protective function, its ability to bring aesthetic satisfaction, its sociocentricity and mystic character.

Conclusion. Philosophical concept Cunning in the discourse of F. Bacon is represented in pragmatic, social and qualitative (aesthetic and mystic) aspects, revealing three levels of person`s being: low (the level of consumption); middle (the level of social intercommunication), high (the level of ethical satisfaction), that represents global, comprehensive nature of cunning in philosophy.

Keywords: philosophical concept, Cunning, philosophical discourse, lexical-and-semantic analysis, cognitive features and classificators, metaphorical projection, F. Bacon.

For citation: Lavrinenko I.Yu. Moral-and-ethical maxims of f. Bacon (on the examples of linguistic categorization of the concept CUNNING) / I.Yu. Lavrinenko // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2018. - №1 (20). – P. 28 - 38.

Introduction. The ability to evaluate deeds and actions in the aspect of their relevance to certain expectations and norms of behavior in the society in different epochs has always been characteristic for man`s nature. Men`s behavior inevitably exerts deep influence not only on society but on man, too, that depends on axiological evaluation of actions by man himself in the aspect of their positivity, importance, value both in private and global sense.

Fundamental phenomena truth and cunning comprise important part of moral-and-ethical aspect of man`s nature.

These are two models of behavior that incorporate and supplement each other and are directly related to the realness-falseness of being as a whole. No matter the fact that people have been searching the truth all throughout recorded history, the nature of truth hasn`t been fully comprehended yet. It is the search of truth that stimulated development of knowledge. Thus, one may assume that the boundary between the real and the false knowledge is of nominal character, that presupposes interpenetration and a certain diffusion of such phenomenon as truth and lie.

It is interesting to note that, no matter the fact that people`s views on truth and lie differ, the notion “lie” is negatively marked. According to the data of lexicographical sources, the


© Lavrinenko I.Yu., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

notion “lie” in ancient European understanding is associated with different physical conditions: e m p t i n e ss (Lat. vacuus – empty old. Ind. vackya – “lie”, “deception”), f i r e (Old English lieg – “fire” lie – “lie”), b l o w (English slang “to breeth” – “to deceive”). Thus, the meaning of the concepts “cunning”, “lie” was initially connected with the ideas of damage, destruction, the breach of some integrity [1, p. 181].

This article presents the analysis of the concept “Cunning” as mental phenomenon, containing the features of deceptive behavior of man. The concept “Cunning” from the point of its axiological content is negatively marked. According to the datum of lexicographical sources, the lexeme cunning characterizes dodgy person, concealing his real intentions, acting under false pretence with underlying meaning. Besides characteristics of negative, hidden nature of man, cunning behavior is also positively characterized: as superordinary intellectual ability of a person demonstration of wisdom, skilled behavior [1 **].

The article concerns with analysis of the concept Cunning in line with philosophical traditions of Renaissance epoch, in particular, on the example of discourse of one of the most outstanding scientist and politicians of that time – F. Bacon. The analysis was conducted on the material of the treaty of F. Bacon «The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral» (1597-1612) [1*]

– one of the significant works of the philosopher, of both philosophical and high artistic value. In is important to note that the treaty «The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral» consid-

ers phenomena of different spheres of life. The author`s attention is mostly focused on speculations about moral-and-ethical aspects of life (on the insight of such concepts as glory, envy), spiritual-and-ethical ideas (goodness), existential (fortune) and theological maxims (religion).

Methodology of analysis.

The object of analysis is concept Cunning, represented by means of philosophical texts of F. Bacon. It is necessary to note that the object of the research is the concept of specific nature, i.e. philosophical concept, that is understood as an item of thinking, accumulating the people`s ideas about phenomena that are related to the subject matter of philosophy, that are: life, good, evil, truth and others. Philosophical concepts accumulate not only ordinary, everyday views on objects and facts, but also the understanding of these phenomena in the aspect of individual- and-personal experience of the philosopher, his world outlook. The object of analysis are features, structuring the concept Cunning in philosophical discourse and specific features of philosophical l i n g u i s t i c personality of F. Bacon. Following E.A. Krotkov, philosophical discourse is the text of philosophical work, containing the author`s views on such constructs as

“mankind”, “substance”, “soul”, “truth”, “freedom”, “mind” and others [2, p. 128], reflecting the features of spiritual personality of author.

It is well known that nowadays concepts are studies by the scientists of different branches of knowledge. Along with high linguistic-and-cultural value of concepts analyses, the notion

“concept” hasn`t got unique determination in the scientific world yet and thus is the subject of many scientific discussions. Fundamental analyses of concepts are laid out in the works of Z.D. Popova [3], I.A. Sternin [4], Yu. S. Stepanov [5] and others Russian and foreign scientists [6; 7; 8]. It is necessary to point out that large scale research of concepts has been conducted by Z.Ye. Fomina, that presents deep multianalyses of emotional, psychological, moral-and-ethical aspects of man`s nature [9; 10; 11].

The aim of the research within this article is to analyze moral-and-ethical concept Cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon, to determine its specific character in philosophical discourse, to find out key features of its semantic-and-cognitive structure, to form its semantic-and-cognitive model. In the process of conducting of the analysis the following methods have been used: method of semantic-and-cognitive analysis, method of dictionary definitions analysis, method of quantitative analysis, method of comparative analysis and others.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Research results.

The conducted semantic-and-cognitive analysis included the following stages: lexemes, representing concept Cunning have been determined, their semantic content, key features of their semantems have been defined, semantic-and-cognitive analysis of contexts where the lexemes are used has been carried out. In the result of the analysis basic cognitive features of concept Cunning have been revealed.

1. A n a l ys i s o f t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f c o n c e p t C u n n i n g .

In the result of semantic-and-cognitive analysis of the work «The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral» it was found out that concept Cunning within the work is represented by the lexemes cunning and lie. Most part of the studied contexts (70%) contained lexeme cunning as verbal representation of concept Cunning. In lexicographical sources lexeme cunning is defined as follows:

1:dexterous or crafty in the use of special resources (such as skill or knowledge) or in attaining an end;

2:characterized by wiliness and trickery;

3:prettily appealing: cute;

4:displaying keen insight [2**].

The key features of semanteme of the lexeme cunning are: extraordinary character of thinking, inventiveness; purposeful misinterpretation of information.

The analysis of lexicographical data of the lexeme lie has shown that this lexeme is defined as a verb, meaning the following:

1:to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive;

2:to create a false or misleading impression [2**].

Among key features of semanteme of lexeme lie are: actions intended to generate false, deceptive information.

Comparing the revealed features of lexemes, representing concept Cunning, it was revealed that common feature of both lexemes are: false, untrue information. Semanteme of the lexeme cunning, though, also contains the features of positive range: cunning as an instrument for demonstration of high intellectual ability of a person. It is also necessary to note that lexeme cunning is the most frequently used verbal explicator of concept Cunning (it is revealed in 70% of the analyzed examples, verbalizing the concept under consideration, while lexeme lie is revealed in 30% of the examples). This fact demonstrates the specific nature of philosophical cunning, the idea that cunning in the discourse of F. Bacon is mostly intellectual advantage of a man, the advantage, demonstration of marked abilities, talent of person. Cunning in the meaning of purposeful causing of damage is less defined.

It is also of interest to note the character and degree of misinterpretation of information, that determines the cunning behavior and represented by lexemes cunning and lie. The first lexeme represents cunning not only as false information, but also as wittiness and resourcefulness (for example: characterized by wiliness and trickery), while lexeme lie means deceitful behavior and such features as “skillfulness” , “excellence”, “originality”, “inventiveness”, that are of more positive (meliorative) axiological character, are not found in its semanteme. On the contrary, lexeme lie contains semantic features of deliberately misinterpretation of information that has nothing to do with extra ordinal intellectual ability of a person (for example: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive).

Interestingly, the analysis of semantic features of lexemes “lie” and “deception” in English dictionaries has shown that direction of actions, their orientation on the “target” of utterance is more characteristic for the representatives of English culture. For representatives of Russian culture it is more relevant to identify the source of cunning behavior as well as the degree of misinterpretation of reality [1, p. 178].

Lie is more complex phenomenon, overlaid with special circumstances and regarded as more serious misconduct of a man, than cunning. The moral imperfection and negative charac-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

ter of lie, compared with cunning is reflected in the following aphorisms of thinkers of 19-th century: “It is lie that humiliates man” (O. Balzac), “What a great truth it is that when a man is fully descended in lie, intellect and talent leave him” (V.G. Belinsky), “Lie is embodiment of evil” (V. Hugo).

Conducting semantic comparison of two lexemes nominating concept Cunning it is possible to conclude that concept Cunning in conceptosphere of F. Bacon contains the features of cunning, trick, on the one hand, and the features of lie, that is intentional, purposeful disinformation, on the other. The name of concept Cunning, analyzed within this article, that is literally translated as cunning, is reasoned by the fact that it is lexeme cunning, not lie, is more frequent representative of the concept (as it was mentioned above, lexeme cunning is nominated in 70% of the analyzed examples).

2. S e m a n t i c - a n d c o g n i t i v e a n a l ys i s o f c o n c e p t C u n n i n g .

In the process of semantic-and-cogntive analysis of the contexts, containing lexemes сunning and lie, seven types of concept C u n n i n g have been revealed, that represents concept C u n n i n g as m a c r o c o n c e p t , while its types can be determined as its subconcepts.

Taking into consideration semantic content of lexemes, verbalizing concept Cunning, as well as result of semantic-and-cognitive analysis of the contexts, containing these lexemes, the features, structuring cognitive areas of concept Cunning have been determined. They represent f o u r b a s i c t yp e s of the concept:

1.the first type contains pragmatic feature of cunning, i.e. characterizing its benefits for man: cunning as instrument to satisfy man`s needs;

2.the second type reveals aesthetic character of cunning (aesthetic cunning);

3.the third type contains mythological (cosmogonic) characteristics of cunning (associative connection of cunning with phenomena of nature is considered: cunning – shadow (cosmogonic cunning));

4.the fourth type presents social significance of cunning (social cunning).

Below these types of concept Cunning are analyzed in respect of the varieties of cunning. As it was determined in the process of semantic-and-cognitive analysis concept Cunning as in-

strument to satisfy man`s needs (1.) accumulates two varieties of cunning:



satisfaction of material comforts а) c u n n i n g

– m e a n s t o g e t

p r o f i t ];


satisfaction of moral comforts b) cunning

– m a n i p u l a t i o n

o f i n f o r -

m a t i o n ], c) cunning – a r t o f

c o m m u n i c a t i o n , d) cunning i n s t r u m e n t t o

r e a c h n e e d e d g o a l o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n ).



The examples representing the revealed varieties of cunning are as follows:


And because these c u n n i n g

m e n , are like haberdashers of small wares, it is not amiss

to set forth their shop [1*, p. 100-101].

This example illustrates the characteristics of cunning men - haberdashers of small wares. Their dishonest behavior is motivated by aspiration to gain profit by dishonest means. The key feature of concept Cunning is pettiness, liability to gimmicks, petty fraud. In this example cunning is represented as not serious violation of norms of morality, as a prank, petty misconduct, that can be regarded more like part of a game, a sort of hypocrisy, that is a part of vendor`s role, a certain common characteristics of this profession. It is interesting to note that along with evidence of fraudulent behavior of cunning man, their negative tendency to deceptive behavior is absolutely vivid. This demonstrates a certain humble attitude of the author to negative qualities of the cunning, his perception of fraud as something natural, generating no special interest.

Appeal to cunning behavior for a sake of one own interest was mentioned in the work of F. de La Rochefoucauld (1613—1680): “Truly skilful people pretend that they shun cunning, but in reality they use it in an exceptional case, only for the sake of making good profit” [12].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

From the point of philosophical world-view it is interesting to cite the words of F. Bacon, by means of which the scientist demonstrates accusatory nature of cunning as indicator of spiritual weakness of man, his intellectual inferiority and moral imperfection: Lie characterizes weak soul, helpless intellect and vicious character (F. Bacon).

Besides consideration of cunning as a means of satisfaction of material comforts of man, in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon it is also represented in a paradigm of introspective behavior of a person. This feature of cunning is illustrated by the following example:

b) Cunning – manipulation of information:

In things that a man would not be seen in himself, it is a point of c u n n i n g , to borrow the name of the world; as to say, The world says, or There is a speech abroad [1*, p. 102].

The above example illustrates that the nature of cunning is concealing man`s own opinion (even from himself). The ability of cunning men to present their own opinion as generally accepted is shown. Cunning is connected with man`s desire to conceal his own opinion. It is represented as protective ability of a person. Presumably, this is a subconscious method of a man to protect himself and to gain necessary goal. This reveals protective character of cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon. It is necessary to note that on the one hand, cunning in this example is regarded as man`s ability, on the other hand, it is represented as abstract phenomena.

Below is example, where cunning is also considered as protective mechanism used by man to conceal the real source of information, for expressing his own opinion in a roundabout way:

There is a c u n n i n g , which we in England call, the turning of the cat in the pan; which is, when that which a man says to another, he lays it as if another had said it to him. And to say truth, it is not easy, when such a matter passed between two, to make it appear from which of them it first moved and began [1*, p. 104].

In this example a special variety of cunning is given, that is connected with deliberate expressing own opinion as judgment of addresser, not addressee. Metaphorical comparison of this variety of cunning with the turning of the cat in the pan is determined as animalistic metaphor. It is interesting to note that this type of metaphor is geographically determined, as this metaphorical association is relevant for the Englishmen. Interestingly, this originally English phrase is dated back to the epoch of W. Shakespeare. According to «The Gentleman's magazine» (1818), originally this phrase belonged to the character of W. Shakespeare`s play Vicar of Bray

– vicar, who changed his religious belief. Great English playwright used noun cate, that meant cake. The last letter of the word cate was lost and lexeme cate turned to cat, that originated such a strange, but catchy expression: the turning of the cat in the pan [13].

In is interesting to note that such manipulation of information is cultural characteristic of Englishmen who are well-known for their modesty and politeness. Probably, their tendency to conceal the source of information can be explained by natural introverted character of Englishman, their following the “code of gentleman”. Presenting judgment in such a way that its source is unknown, Englishmen try to avoid possible misunderstanding or conflict, creating the discourse in which neither participants is the source of annoyance of aggression.

As two above mention examples show, cunning in philosophical picture of the world of F. Bacon is one of the obligatory elements of successful communication. The above varieties of cunning are connected with determination of the source of information, while the next one correlates with character of information narration. Cunning is described as aesthetic component of communicative process. Along with such components as easiness, logicality, good manners,


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

high level of morality, politeness, mutual respect, erudition, resourcefulness and others [14; 15] this quality of cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon is aesthetic component of the process of communication. This variety of cunning is illustrated in the example below:

c) Cunning – art of communication:

It is a good point of c u n n i n g , for a man to shape the answer he would have, in his own words and propositions; for it makes the other party stick the less [1*, p. 104]

In this example cunning is represented as an oratorical art, the ability to bring interlocutor aesthetic pleasure (it makes the other party stick the less). The aim of such behavior is to earn interlocutor’s reputation, to attract his attention. It is interesting to note that this variety of cunning is represented as positive ability of man. According to this example positive features of cunning are: art of thinking, wittiness, eloquence, resourcefulness, ability to use information to have necessary effect. Also, cunning in this example indicated super ordinary intellectual abilities of a person. One of the positive results of cunning is to provide comfort to interlocutor.

Thus, cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon is an obligatory component of communication. Together with other elements of successful communication, cunning is regarded exclusively as positive phenomenon (providing comfort for communicants, arising interest to the interlocutor, lacking personal complains and misunderstanding).

Cunning as important part of communication in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon influence not only direction and character of communication, but also has purely pragmatic function – acts as a means of riching goal of communication. Cunning is a mechanism, acting as “the third participant of communication”, a communicant, conducting a role of guide leading to goal of communication. Consider the following example:

d) Cunning instrument to reach needed goal of communication:

It is strange how long some men will l i e in wait to speak somewhat they desire to say; and how far about they will fetch; and how many other matters they will beat over, to come near it [1*, p. 104].

Cunning (deceptions) in the example above is described in respect of communicative process, that is as means, instrument of gaining an objective of communication. Cunning acts as a certain mechanism to conceal man`s intentions. It serves a favorable condition, “the area of waiting”, a certain communicative buffer to achieve needed result of communication. It is worth mentioning that cunning in this example performs subsidiary function, acts as an instrument to achieve result, that is of prior importance in communicative process. Thus, cunning is man`s intermediary in attaining his communicative objectives.

Above varieties of cunning connected with its pragmatic characteristics in the philosophical picture of the world have been analyzed. Cunning was determined to be an obligatory component of communicative process, that influences the circumstances of talk, its processing, character, as well as the possibility to gain necessary objective. In the process of analysis of the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon cunning of abstract and aesthetic character has been revealed, that determines its exceptionally qualitative (aesthetic) features.

Below the analysis of such type of cunning is presented.

2. A e s t h e t i c cunning (cunning - petty points);

But these small wares, and petty points, of c u n n i n g , are infinite [1*, p. 105].