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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093


When translating article 14 of the contract «Situations» Students used the appropriate TM with technical vocabulary related to construction, but this article deals with the financial side of the contract. Situation translates as: situation, state, report, position (position), state of affairs, position (location), summary. Consider an example:

Les situations sont décomposées en trois parties : travaux terminés, travaux non terminés, approvisionnements. Elles mentionnent sommairement, à titre de récapitulation, les travaux terminés des situations précédentes. Elles servent de base à l'établissement des décomptes. Les situations sont établies en cinq (05) exemplaires originaux, signés par la société B et la société Z [1* p. 7]. - Reports are divided into 3 parts: completed work, work in progress, logistics. They include a total of completed work on previous reports. They serve as the basis for final settlement. Financial reports are compiled in five (5) original copies and signed by companies B and Z [1 * p. 7].

As follows from the example, you need to teach students to select and maintain TMs, taking into account the subject matter of the material being translated or the specificity of specific projects and the customer, and try to stick to the same wording if the translated materials allow it, in this case the translation program will be really effective. There are negative aspects of learning how to work with TM using cloud technologies: insufficient Internet speed can slow down work; the absence of a verified TM database does not guarantee the accuracy of the translation; large-scale editing may also be necessary due to the incompatibility of individual styles when the student group reaches ten people.


A very short time course on how to work with translation memory programs of students

— future translators — turns out to be productive, since by the end of the training course the translation speed significantly increases. As practice of teaching a computerized translation course has shown, cloud technologies and the Internet, combined with the group work of students on a document with a knowingly verified translation, make it possible to achieve high learning efficiency. An important condition is the choice of the most representative text that ensures the relevance of the translated material and the introduction of the correct term, consistent wording into the TM system, taking into account the subject matter or the specifics of the translated material.

The use of authentic texts is an additional motivating factor, due to the fact that in the future there is a possibility of their use on real construction sites, both in our country and abroad. Cloud architecture and a flexible translation process management system enable students to work on a document and study at the same time, producing a glossary from a highly specialized class. You can work with translation memory programs on any device and outside the computer class. Students gain experience in teamwork.

The skills acquired by students increase self-esteem and their competitiveness in the labor market. The accumulated vocabulary bases in practical classes can be used in further independent work. The skills of working with TM programs obtained by students during a short course of study help to solve the problem of the gap between the philological basis of education and the need for specialist translators with knowledge of professionally-oriented topics. Thus, today it is becoming clear that the use of computerized translation cloud systems is becoming more and more popular, and experience has shown that owning translation programs is an important factor for success in future translation activities.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093


[1]Amitrova M. V. K voprosu organizatsii vneauditornogo obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku s primeneniyem oblachnykh tekhnologiy [Tekst] / M. V. Amitrova, YA. V. Sadchikova, V. A. Feoktistov // Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya obrazovaniya: materialy VII mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Krasnodar, sentyabr' 2015 g.). — Krasnodar: Novatsiya, 2015. — S. 116-119.

[2]Grabovskiy Tekhnologiya Translation Memory V.N. Grabovskiy; Zhurnal






http://www.fonetix.ru/public_.php?num0=0002] (vremya obrashcheniya – 12.04.19).


[3]Rossiyskiy sayt Deja Vu X2. URL: http:// www.tmemory.ru/ (vremya obrashcheniya


[4]Gillam, Lee. Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications / Nick Antonopoulos, Lee Gillam. — L.: Springer, 2010. — 379 p.

[5]Yemel'yanova O. A. Primeneniye oblachnykh tekhnologiy v obrazovanii [Tekst] / O. A. Yemel'yanova // Molodoy uchenyy. — 2014. — №3. — S. 907-909.

[6]Eric Schmidt - Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0 : SBS Digital Forum URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0QJmmdw3b0 (vremya obrashcheniya – 21.02.19)

[7]Zubareva D. A. Sravnitel'nyy analiz primeneniya programm pamyati perevodov na materiale yaponskogo yazyka // Nauchno-metodicheskiy elektronnyy zhurnal «Kontsept». –

2017. – T. 37, URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2017/771272.htm.» (vremya obrashcheniya – 21.02.19).

[8]YAzyk, soznaniye, kommunikatsiya: Sb. statey/ Pod red. N.V. Ufimtsevoy, V.V. Krasnykh,

A.I. Izotova. M.: MAKSPress, 2010. Vyp.40. 156 . URL: http://www.philol.msu.ru/~slavphil/books/jsk_40_17vlasenko.pdf (vremya obrashcheniya – 12.04.19).

[9]Valeyeva N.I. Vvedeniye v perevodovedeniye. – M.: Izd-vo RUDN, 2006. URL:https://www.trpub.ru/articles/vidy-perevoda/ (vremya obrashcheniya – 10.04.19).

[10]Glosbe - mnogoyazychnyy onlayn slovar'//Primer predlozheniya s "oued", pamyati perevodov. URL: https://ru.glosbe.com/fr/ru/oued?page=2&tmmode=MUST (vremya obrashcheniya – 18.03.19).

[11]MultiUN: Multilingual UN Parallel Text 2000—2009 URL: http://www.euromatrixplus.net/multi-un/ (vremya obrashcheniya – 18.03.19)

[12]Solov'yeva A.V. Professional'nyy perevod s pomoshch'yu komp'yutera. – SPb.:

«Piter», 2008, 158 s.

Analyzed sources

[1*] «Contrat de réhabilitation du cité de Maître d’ouvrage à la construction du barrage M'Dez (oued Sébou, province Sefrou)» «Contrat de réhabilitation du cité de Maître d’ouvrage à la construction du barrage M'Dez (oued Sébou, province Sefrou)».


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093


Scientific Information on participation in the Conference 21st Century Skills, held by Cambridge Resource Center in Voronezh and the faculty

of the Romance-and-German Philology of Voronezh State University on 17, June, 2019.

Once again Voronezh State University opened the doors for the participants of the English language teachers` conference, held on 17, June, 2019 in the assembly hall of the University main building. The conference was traditionally organized by the Voronezh brunch of Cambridge Resource Center and the faculty of Romance-and-German Philology of Voronezh State University in partnership with Moscow representation of Cambridge Assessment English under the support of Cambridge University Press publishing house.

The conference for the English language teachers has been held in this format for the third time. This remarkable event has become the point for experience exchange between the English language teachers in the end of the academic year. This year the conference was attended by the different specialist of the English language – by the University teachers, the teachers of the state and private schools of Voronezh. Traditionally the conference was attended by the teachers from the other cities of the Chernozem region – Lipetsk, Tambov, Belgorod and Novosibirsk.

The conference was opened by the Dean Deputy of the Faculty of the Roman-and- German Philology, Head of the Department of the Theoretical and Practical Linguistics – Doctor of Philology, Ksenya M. Shilikhina. She addressed the participants and speakers of the conference with opening speech emphasizing the importance of the ELT (English Language Teaching) conference as a remarkable and useful event. Its participants are united by the mutual intention not only to learn something new, but also to share their experience with their colleagues.

The conference concerned different aspects of the English language teaching, from psychological issues aiming at revealing and dealing with stress to various nonstandard gaming methods of teaching applied for perfecting speaking skills.

The first speaker - Ekaterina Redkina, psychologist and highly-qualified ELT Teacher from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, presented her master-class summing up her 10years experience of the English language teaching to teenagers and adults. Ekaterina shared with the audience psychological aspects arising during the process of the English language exam preparation. The most widely spread types of stress have been reveled (positive and negative), their reasons, symptoms, stress reaction, stages of stress as well as the way stressful situation influences the process of the English language learning. Strategies of stress control, stress managing, relevant not only for the students but also for their parents and teachers as on the equal participants of educational process have been represented. Defining motivational mechanisms, stimulating students to take exam performs important role for the overcoming stressful situation.

In the course of one of the master classes interesting and impressive experiment was held, which concerned the nonverbal behavior influence on person. During the experiment all the conference participants were offered to take different postures (open, close positions) and describe their degree of calmness and comfort. Breathing exercises offered as a means of psychological emotional balance recovery arose much of the teacher`s interest.

Mnemonic techniques represented by Ekaterina Redkina as a methodology toll for memorizing new vocabulary were quite useful. The speaker demonstrated the conference participants the effectiveness of graphic symbols application as a means of memorizing English words and phrases as well as memorizing acro poems, that adds the element of game to the lesson and also serves as effective method of cognitive abilities development of the students in general. Be-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

sides, E. Redkina spoke about trigger mechanisms – the starting mnemonic mechanism serving as “key” for reproduction and memorizing the information received.

The second lecture of the conference presented skills and abilities useful for the students of the 21 century taking into consideration the fact that teacher and students belong to the generations that are different in terms of receiving, perceiving and using information (Gen-X Teachers and Gen-Z Students). This methodology is presented as a part of Business English course learned in High School. The speaker of the class – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Romance-and-German Philology, Marina V. Bocharova, has been teaching English for more than 20 years. She is an author and creator of different English language courses in Business sphere, the author of her own on-line project on extended simulation implementation in the course of Business English learning.

Marina V. Bocharova shared her own observations of the students in the Business English Communication classes that is defined communication and learning by doing and is undoubtedly important components contributing to effective learning. It is important for both student and teacher to be equal participants of communication process. Special attention was paid on the defining features of the generation of teachers and students. The characteristics of the different generations were revealed during the survey of how often the students use digital technologies for studies and in what way computer technology application in the English language classes is useful. Marin V. Bocharova reminded the conference participants about the effectiveness of learning programs, technologies and Internet-platforms for vocabulary memorizing, namely, Quizlet, Vocabulary Template, Mind Maps in learning process. In the view of Marina V. Bocharova the implementation of COC principle (Collaboration, Originality, Creativity) is of utmost importance today. Besides acquiring and developing the language skills and abilities students need to perfect their critical and analytical thinking. This can be achieved by means of business games in the English language classes, in particular, methodology of extended simulation. Application of the speaker`s own author`s methodology was represented by the video recording, where there were demonstrated the classes episodes when the students act as forums, meetings participants, each of them performing some communicative task. To get feedback from the students participating in the class of extended simulation was particularly useful. In their opinion, modeling and simulation of the situation of the real business communication is the opportunity to leave “comfort zone” and check your own communication skills in the situation so close to reality. Important advantage of this methodology is that “simulation” of the situation in contrast to “walking-through” the text has positive influence to the students spiking skills: heir speech becomes more realistic. Moreover, in the process of communication, students learn creativity, to search for unusual decisions that will help them to become more competitive participants of communication on the professional world arena.

The third honorable speaker of the plenary meeting of the conference was Matthew Ellman – regional ELT trainer of Cambridge University Press. He is in charge of English teachers training support in different institutions of Europe, Middle East and North Africa. For many years Matthew Ellman has been working on implementation of the British Council programs in more than 20 countries. He performed master classes and participated in conferences and discussion on the relevant aspects on methodology of the English language teaching and other issues.

M. Ellman also told about the changes in listening technology in ELT. The presentation of the English speaker was on-line, by Cambridge-Voronezh space-bridge that made big impression on the conference participants. The significance of this format of the conference is that the speaker pays a special attention to the importance of usage modern computer technologies. That will contribute to deeper immersion of the students in the authentic phonetic environment of the foreign language. The lack of modern means of teaching and avoidance of original foreign speech in the English and other foreign language classes can be regarded as a waste of


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

pedagogical resources. The speaker reassured the quests that modern teachers should realize the importance of reproduction of authentic English speech in classes.

Taking into consideration high level of digital technologies development and specifics of the changing world the application of computer and the Internet resources in class is not enough. It is necessary to change methodology and structure of a lesson, to plan communication of listening aspect of the class on a new basis and also target the students to meet different challenges than it was before. Thus, the basic recommendation for teaching listening classes today is to divide the lesson into two parts: the one part is focused on understanding and the other - on skill development. It is of the paramount importance to use only authentic audio and videos recordings in the class, to demonstrate the tracks in the tempo, comfortable for every student, to allow the students to use their own video and audio devices for the listening or watching the material in the class.

The English colleague focused on the fact that the sounding original speech provides access to a number of advantages, for example: a student hears and detects variations of English pronunciation, typical of native speakers of a particular region (wider range of ‘Englishes’); records with fluent original speech will allow listeners to identify the distinctive features of natural authentic speech; for these purposes Matthew recommended to use audio records with unprepared speech and transcripts, for which you can use a wonderful resource elllo.org.

At the end of his speech, Matthew Ellman concluded that today students themselves become responsible for the quality of their listening skills, while the teacher is no longer a living source of explanation and decoding of all elements that were not understood when listening to the records, the student himself seeks answers to his questions and develops at a comfortable pace.

The second part of the conference after the coffee break was a complex of master classes that were offered to be selected depending on the interests of the participants of the event.

The main teacher of the Baker street language school, Ekaterina Denisova, held a master class called “Adult brain is no brainer”, where the moderator talked about why it is very difficult for adults studying a foreign language to overcome stereotypes regarding his own age and level of knowledge. E. Denisova focused on the fact that adult students experience tremendous stress when they begin to learn a foreign language, and not everyone succeeds in overcoming it.

During the master class, the speaker demonstrated how to cope with the characteristics of the psyche and brain function of an adult, to increase the self-esteem of such students, motivate their “Identity” for active learning and not allow themselves to succumb to common stereotypes that after 30 (40? 50?) it's too late to start learning a foreign language. All the answers lie in the specifics of the human brain work, the veil of which is slightly opened by such a discipline as Neuro-education, which makes it possible, in particular, to understand how the aging brain works, how it remembers and stores information. Ekaterina Denisova enthusiastically shared with the participants of the conference her practical experience working with students older than the standard student age, which of course was interesting for everyone.

A wonderful workshop entitled “How to use 6 thinking hats during your lessons” was conducted by Margarita Chernyshova, a leading translator at the Scientific Institute of Geology of the VSU. The technique of “six hats of thinking” was invented by the English psychologist

Edward de Bono, who tried to take a person away from spontaneity and randomness in the thought process and, on the contrary, bring his thinking into a state of an orderly harmonious system, which should be facilitated by the ability of the human brain to analyze the situation from completely different sides.

The scientist identified six main types of perspectives from which to explore what is happening, which led to the speculative concept of “six hats”, which can be “tried on” alternately - to look at the situation from six different sides. In the context of the foreign language teaching

“six hats of thinking” methodology, students “try them on” while working on a solution to a particular problem!


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

According to M. Chernyshova, this technique can be used both for group work, for brainstorming, and for individual analytical work by each individual student. The author of the master class clearly shared her own experience in using this technique in language classes and attracted six participants to this event. The process of analyzing the situation using the “six hats of thinking” turned out to be very exciting from a psychological and methodological point of view. Each of the six participants was asked to put on a hat of a certain color and argue their vision of the situation in accordance with this perspective, based on the concept of E. de Bono, namely: White hat (information and facts), Yellow hat (optimism), Black hat (critical judgment), Blue hat (management), Green hat (creativity), Red hat (emotions and feelings).

This technique helps students begin to analyze the situation sometimes from a nonstandard or unusual, unexpected point of view, develop creativity and resourcefulness, activate lively conversational speech in the proposed circumstances, and defend their vision of the situation in the discussion process. Of course, this technique will be useful for application in foreign language classes for students at any level of training.

English teacher of the Lyceum № 6 in Voronezh Elena Kovaleva held an informative workshop called “Indigo children or artificial bilingualism in Russia in the 21st century”. The presenter shared her experience in working with bilingual children, defining them as indigo children, a phenomenon that is increasingly found in modern schools and requiring from a teacher a special methodological and psychological training.

The author analyzed the main behavioral differences of bilingual children from children who speak only one language, discussed how widespread this phenomenon is in the world vs. in Russia, whether the growth of bilingualism in our country can affect educational processes in general, and methodological approaches, in particular. The author spoke about how important it is for a teacher of a foreign language to work with groups of children with bilinguals to understand that the algorithms for them to learn a different language are different from the mechanisms of perception of a foreign language by children - monolinguals. This workshop is a very interesting study of this specific phenomenon in modern society, which is becoming more and more relevant in our multicultural world.

A distinctive feature of ELT conferences is always the highly applied nature of the information that speakers offer during their speeches and master classes. The third ELT conference was no exception and served as a basis for further research and discovery of new facets in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. We would like to note that the conference participants willingly share their own teaching experience, talk about new techniques that they actively and very successfully apply in the classroom.

The teaching technologies demonstrated at the master classes can be used as ready-made solutions, but what is more valuable, the ideas presented by the speakers serve as an incentive for teachers to generate their own methods, they can be transformed depending on the goals of the students, their age, interests, opportunities, learning environment, technical learning tool and many other factors.

We believe that obtaining knowledge and experience of such a level is the most valuable thing that a teacher can have. Such a way of transferring one’s own teaching experience to others eliminates unambiguity and uniformity, but actualizes the creative component in learning, enables both the teacher and the student to feel like a creator in a classroom, to be equal participants in the process, to feel the state of flight, which inspires us to perceive new aims.

Ph.D. of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Translation Technology of Voronezh State Technical University Victoria V. Kozlova

Ph.D. of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Translation Technology of Voronezh State Technical University Irina Yu. Lavrinenko


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093


1.Аvdeev А.А. - Candidate of Philological Science, Assistant Professor of the Chair of foreign languages and translation technology Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

2.Antonova A.A. - Graduate student, Department of Foreign Languages, School of Core Engineering Education, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk).

3.Artemova O.G. - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Technology Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

4.Arkhipova E.V. - post-graduate student, Chair of Interpretation and Translation Studies and Linguistics, Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communications, Kemerovo State University (Kemerovo).

5.Boichuk I.V. - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Communication (Belgorod).

6.Gilyarovskaya T.V. - Department of French Philology, Voronezh State University Lecturer


7.Kapkova S.Yu. - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of English Language, Voronezh State Pedagogical University (Voronezh).

8.Kashkina E.V. - Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Department of French Philology, Voronezh State University (Voronezh).

9.Kozlova V.V. - PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Technology Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

10.Matyukhina M.V. - PhD student, School of Core Engineering Education, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk Pоlytechnic University (Tomsk).

11.Lavrinenko Irina Yu. – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation (Voronezh).

12.Nesterova O.F. - Lecturer of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Translation Technology, Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

13.Fedorov V.A. – Doctor in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation, Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

14.Fomin A.G.- Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chair of Interpretation and Translation Studies and Linguistics, Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages, Kemerovo State University


15.Yukhmina Е.А. – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of business foreign languages, Faculty of Linguistics and Translation, Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk).

16.Obvintseva N.V. - Candidate of Philology, associate Professor. Department of foreign languages Ural Humanitarian Institute, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg).

17.Rastorgueva M.B. - Ph. D (Linguistics), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Technology Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh).

18.Starkova O.V.- Teacher of English language, Lyceum № 1 (Orel).

19.Tychinskiy А.А.- Ph. D, Associate Professor at the Chair of English #3, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

Requirements for formatting articles for the Scientific Journal “Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches”

The minimum volume of the paper is 8-10 pages in the A4 format (CD, Flash Card or e- mail), interval – 1, Times New Roman font, 12 pt., with the following margines: left – 25 mm, right, top and bottom – 20 mm. The electronic form should be prepared with MS Word 7.0 text editor or its later versions. The Universal Decimal Classification code number is put in the upper left corner of the first page in bold type, 12 pt. The next line in the center indicates the title of the article. The title of the article is printed in a 12-pt SEMI-SCRIPTABLE FONT, centered without indentation. Point at the end of the title is not set. Before and after the title - a space of 1 interval. The name of the author (authors) is indicated under the title.

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Research problems:




1.Introduction. (justification of the problem (briefly), the object and subject of the study, the purpose of the study).

2.Research methodology. (theoretical grounds (briefly), research material, research methods.

3.Results of the study. (generalization of research results, classification, analysis of material, research results in quantitative data, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.).

4.Conclusion. (Conclusion and prospects of research).


References (not more than 15).

List of analyzed sources.

List of dictionaries used

The examples should be italicized.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

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Wenn man aber das Wesen der Sprache überhaupt und dieser beiden insbesondere wahrhaft fühlt, wenn man bis zu dem Punkte der V e r s c h m e l z u n g des Gedanken mit dem Laut ein beiden vordringt, so entdeckt man in ihm das von innen herausschaffende Prinzip ihres verschiedenen O r g a n i s m u s [1*, p. 17].- But if we truly feel the essence of language in General and these two languages in particular, if we break down to the point of f u s i o n o f t h o u g h t w i t h s o u n d in both languages, we find that they (in their body) operate from within different creative [2*].

The use of bold type in the text of the article is NOT ALLOWED.

The word “Table” with its serial number is put flush right. The name of the table should be given in the next line (centered, without indentation and hyphenation), no dot at the end of the line. The table must be followed by 1 interval blank. If there is only one table in the paper, it is not numbered. The table should settle down on the center of page and not support its field.

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The list of the sources (in the order they are mentioned in the text) should be titled “References” and is to be given below the article. Next, you need to specify the list of Analyzed sources and the list of Dictionaries used. Sequence numbers of works in the Analyzed sources are denoted by [1 *] (one-star number). Order numbers of works in the Li Dictionaries used are denoted by [1 **] (a two-star number). If Analyzed sources are not listed in the article, then after Analyzed sources there is a list of Dictionaries used, the numbering of sources in which is made out as indicated above [1 **] (with a two-star number). Font 12 pt is normal. The bibliography should include at least 12 works cited, but not more than 15.

The References, the Analyzed sources and the Dictionaries used should be presented and in Latin (by a method of transliteration).

When registering lists of Internet sources, authors should indicate the title of the site (Internet platform), the email address of the site (URL) and the time of access to the site. For example:

1.Nauchnyj Vestnik. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija, URL: http://nllinguistica.ru/ (vremja obrashhenija – 12.05.16).


2.Nauchnyj Zhournal. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija, URL: http://nllinguistica.ru/ (vremja obrashhenija – 12.05.17).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 3 (26), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

The manuscripts for publication should be externally reviewed (signed and sealed in the place of the reviewer’s employment). Postgraduates` and applicants` manuscripts should also contain their research supervisor’s review.

The editorial board reserves the right to select and to edit the papers submitted for publication.

The references to the Scientific Journal should have the following format:

1.Andreev V.N. Metaforicheskie modeli v romane M. Kanningema «chasyi» kak proyavlenie osobennostey idiostilya pisatelya / V.N. Andreev // Nauchnyiy vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.- stroit. un-ta. Sovremennyie lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovaniya. – 2009. – Vyp. 2 (12). – S. 12-20.


2.Kriatchko L.N. Concept "Modern City" as Digital Communication Centre in the English Fiction World Picture / L.N. Kriatchko // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Me- thodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2017. – Issue. 3 (18). – P. 32-44.

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-author`s name, patronymic name and surname

-author`s academic degree and academic rank

-author`s place of employment and position

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Lavrinenko Irina Yu. (Executive Secretary of the Scientific Journal) E-mail: Lavrinirina1@yandex.ru

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