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2ой курс / англиский / Engl контрольные вопросы для 2 курса (занятие 8)

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Inspection, palpation, percussion of the heart (topic 8)

1. Apex beat is always visible in healthy people

1. True

2. False

2. Choose the correct definition for each term:

А. Cardiac humpback; B. Apex beat; C. Parasternal heave;

1. Pulsation in the 5th intercostal space 1.5 cm inward from midclavicular line

2. Deformation of the chest in the cardiac region

3. Pulsation in the 4th intercostal space along left border of the sternum

3. What is the possible cause of epigastric pulsation:

1. Left ventricular hypertrophy

2. Right ventricular hypertrophy

4. Right border of the relative dullness of the heart is formed by:

1. Superior cava vein

2. Aortic arch

3. Right atrium

4. Right ventricle

5. Choose the correct characteristics of the apex beat:

1. Normally is located in the 5th intercostal space 1 cm outwards from the left midclavicular line

2. Normal area is 1-2 cm²

3. In some people is not detectable

6. Choose the correct statements concerning cardiac thrill:

1. May be palpated at the cardiac base

2. May be palpated at the apex

3. Is detected during simultaneous palpation of the anterior and posyerior sides of the chest

7. In a 65-year old female with an aquired valvular heart diseases the upper border of the relative dullness of the heart is shifted to the 2nd intercostal space. Which chamber of the heart is possibly enlarged?

1. Left atrium

2. Left ventricle

3. Right ventricle

8. Left side of the relative dullness of the heart is formed by:

1. Aortic arch

2. Pulmonary trunk

3. Left atrial appendage

4. Left ventricle

9. The symptom of cardiac thrill is typical for:

1. Myocardial infarction

2. Aortic regurgitation

3. Mitral stenosis

4. Pericarditis

5. Left ventricular apical aneurism

10. Choose the correct characteristics of the parasternal heave:

1. Is the result of the contraction of the whole heart but mainly of the left ventricle

2. Is the result of the contraction of the whole heart but mainly of the right ventricle

3. Is palpated in the 4th intercostal space outwards from the left border of the sternum

4. May radiate to the epigastric region