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2ой курс / англиский / engl вопросы к занятию 11, 2 курс

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1.A patient with esophageal diseases may complaint of burning retrosternal pain.

1. True

2. False

2. Meteorism is:

1. Increased peristlasis

2. Abdominal bloating due to accumulation of gases

3. Slow bowel evacuation

3. Superficial palpation of the abdomen begins with comparative palpation of symmetrical parts.

1. True

2. False

4. What can be assessed in deep palpation of the large intestine:

1. Intestine diameter, surface and mobility

2. Muscular defence

5. Name the cylindrical elastic non-tender mass 3-4 cm in diameter that is felt on deep palpation in the right inguinal region:

1. Sygmoid

2. Caecum

3. Descending colon

4. Transverse colon

6. What sound is detected in increased bloating:

1. Tympanic sound

2. Symmetrical dull sound

7. Systolic murmur in paraumbilical region to the right and/or to the left from the median antrior line may indicate:

1. Renal artery stenosis

2. Pyloric stenosis

8. Superficiall palpation of abdomen may reveal:

1. Peritoneal irritation

2 Abdominal pain

3. Divergence of the rectus abdominis

4. Presence of hernia

5. All answers are correct

9. Choose the most significant test for the detection of bowel abnormalities:

1. Irrigoscopy

2. Colonoscopy

3. Gastroscopy

4. Rectoromanoscopy

10. Melena is a black tarry foul-smelling stool.

1. True

2. False