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2ой курс / англиский / Engl вопросы к занятию по почкам

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Complaints and symptoms in kidney diseases

1. Choose the most typical localization of edema in patients with renal diseases:

1. Lumbar region

2. Face

3. Shins

2. Choose the correct term for 24-h diuresis of < 500 ml:

  1. Nicturia

  2. Oliguria

  3. Polyuria

3. Macrohematuria is:

  1. Urine of any color with >5 erythrocytes in high power field

  2. Red-coloured urine with >100 erythrocytes in high power field

4. Nechiporenko urine test allows to count the blood cells in 1 ml of urine.

  1. True

  2. False

5. The most appropriate method for the detection of renal artery stenosis is:

  1. Renal ultrasound

  2. Doppler ultrasound of the renal vessels

  3. Renal arteriography

  4. Computer tomography

6. Match the pairs:

  1. >2000 ml/24 h А. Oliguria

  2. <200 ml/24 h Б. Polyuria

  3. <500 ml, but >200 ml/24 h В. Anuria

7. Choose the pain characteristics typical for bladder inflammation:

  1. Dull pain in lumbar region

  2. Spastic pain in lumbar region radiating to the inguinal area

  3. Burning pain in suprapubicum region

8. Choose the test necessary in urinary tract infection:

  1. Zimnitskiy test

  2. Urine culture

9. Choose the most appropriate test for the assessment of renal filtration:

  1. Reberg test

  2. GFR estimation by MDRD formula

  3. GFR estimation by CKD-EPI formula

  4. GFR estimation by Cockroft-Gault formula

10. Choose the correct statement concerning renal biopsy:

  1. Is performed to assess the functional state of the kidney

  2. Is performed to assess the histological diagnosis and choose the correct therapy

  3. The treatment doesn`t depend on morphological changes