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2ой курс / англиский / Engl контрольные вопросы для 2 курса

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Questions for the topic «Interview of a patient with cardiovascular diseases: complaints, history of the disease and life-history »

  1. Acrocyanosis is:

        1. Diffuse blue coloration of the skin

        2. Blue coloration of the distal parts of the body

  1. Choose description of the pain typical for cardiovascular disease:

1. Squeezing retrosternal pain provoked by physical exercise, relieved within 1-2 minutes after nitroglycerin intake

2. Nagging chest pain provoked by the position of the body

3. Chest pain provoked by breathing

3. Which of the complaints are typical for cardiovascular diseases?

1. Squeezing retrosternal pain provoked by physical exercise

2. Dyspnea

3. Haemoptysis

4. Cough with viscous purulent sputum

5. Palpitations

4. Orthopnea is:

1. Position with lifted foot end of the bed

2. Position with lifted head of the bed or sitting position

3. Sitting position with leaning forward and arm support

5. Choose the main drug for angina relief:

    1. Bisoprolol

    2. Rosuvastatin

    3. Nitroglycerin

6. Pain localization and type in angina pectoris:

1. Retrosternal pricking

2. Retrosternal squeezing

3. Apical nagging

4. Cutting pain under right scapula

7. Choose the cause of symmetrical edema of lower extremities

1. Arterial hypertension

2. Heart failure

3. Deep vein thrombosis

4. Fracture of the left femur

8. Choose main changes detected during physical examination in patients with CVD

1. Acrocyanosis

2. Jugular vein distention

3. Dupuitren`s contracture

4. Orthopnea

9. Choose the characteristics of typical anginal pain:

1. Retrosternal

2. Relieved by the nitrates

3. Provoked by alcohol intake

4. squeezing, pressing, burning character

10. Xantomas and xantellasmas are the result of deposition of::

1. Uric acid

2. Lipids

3. Calcium