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Основные функции и особенности перевода инфинитива

в предложении


To listen him is always

Слушать его всегда прият-









Именная часть

To talk too much is to

Говорить слишком много –


waste time.



значит терять время.

Часть составного

May I come in?



Можно мне войти?

глагольного ска-

She is to help you in

Она должна помочь вам в


your work.



вашей работе.












Аня научилась хорошо го-


English well.



ворить по-английски.




Часть сложного

I want you to close the

Я хочу, чтобы вы закрыли







Do you expect him to

Вы полагаете, что он при-


come today?



дет сегодня?









was the

Юрий Гагарин был первым


first man to fly into

человеком, который поле-





тел в космос.





I get up early in order to

Я встаю рано, чтобы прий-


come to the university in

ти в университет вовремя.





Для того, чтобы изучить



learn English


хорошо английский язык,


you must study regu-

Вы должны регулярно за-












34. Those people who went to live in Siberia are called "adventurous". What features of character are meant here? Give your version of the definition:

An adventurous person is a person who … .

Do you agree that such people often become pioneers in exploring new land and settling there? Prove your point of view.


Text 3

35.Can you name any famous persons, whose life was connected with Siberia? What happened to them?

36.Which of these titles do you consider to be the most suitable for the following text and why: "The history of Russia", "Siberian prisons" or "The exploration of Siberia"?

Ever since the 17th century, the rulers of Russia had been sending criminals to prisons in Siberia. Not only criminals were sent there, but also people who criticized the Government and whom the rulers, therefore, wanted to get rid of. The people who were sent to Siberia had to work in lumber camps, sawmills, or mines. Between 1800 and the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917, about a million people altogether were sent to Siberia, either to the prison or as exiles.

After the Russians had destroyed Napoleon’s great army, in the early part of the 19th century, Russia was, for a time, perhaps the most powerful country in Europe. But still most of her people were serfs, and were treated like animals by the landowners that ruled the country. As more Russians had the opportunity to visit other countries in Western Europe, however, they realized how much better they were governed; so more people grew discontented with the Russian rulers. Some of the Tsars, such as Alexander I, knew that serfdom was wrong and would have liked to change in, but the nobles were against any change, and the Tsars feared that, if they freed the serfs, there might be a revolution.

Many people were growing more and more impatient, and they started to write books and form groups of revolutionaries. The great landowners, who owed their wealth and luxury to the labours of the serfs, violently opposed any ideas of change. To write or speak against the Government was strictly forbidden, and anyone caught doing so was usually sent away in exile to Siberia. Therefore many of the writers and thinkers – the best brains in all Russia – found their way in Siberia.

In 1825 a group of young men plotted to kill the Tsar and make Russia into a republic. But they didn’t organize well enough, and as soon as the rebellion broke out they were arrested, five were hanged and all the rest were sent to Siberia. During the next few years, many thousands of young revolutionaries were treated the same way. One of the greatest of all Russia writers, Dostoyevsky, was sentenced to imprisonment in Siberia, together with his companions.

Several of these prisoners were very fine writers, and so we know a good deal about what life in a Siberian prison was like. Dostoyevsky wrote a book called "Notes from the House of the Dead", and another great writer, Tolstoy, described the terrible journey to Siberia in a novel called "Resurrection". In the


19th century there was no railway across Siberia, and there were only a few roads, all of which were very rough. To rich their destination, the men had to walk, often chained together, for enormous distances through dense forests and over frozen plains, marshes, and bog-land. The journey was terrible, and many of the prisoners died before reaching the prison. Those sent to the more distant places might have to walk for more than 2 years before arriving. The criminals were usually sent to work in the mines, where they

lived in miserable conditions and were very cruelly treated.

Prisoners of war, especially from Poland, were also sent to Siberia. Then, too, there were people who disagreed with the Orthodox Church and who wanted to worship in a different way. Many of these were educated men, and many were good farmers. After they had finished their sentences, they often remained in Siberia, either settling on farms or becoming officials or governors. Some, who had been sent to Siberia because they were revolutionaries, such as Lenin and Stalin, later became the leaders of the Russian Revolution.

When the Soviet Union was formed, after the 1917 Revolution, many troublesome people were sent to Siberia to work in what were called "corrective labour camps", and there are probably still a few such places in Siberia today. Many German prisoners of war were sent there during and after the Second World War. We have learned about these camps from the few men who managed to escape, and who have written accounts of what happened to them there. The most famous of them all is Solzhenitsyn. His book "The GULAG Archipelago" has brought him the Nobel Prize in literature.

37.Answer the following questions:

1.What was the main reason for sending noble men to Siberia?

2.How many people were sent to Siberia during the 19th century?

3.What are the main sources of information about life in Siberia?

4.What made the journey to Siberia especially terrible for the prisoners?

5.What other groups of people had to live in Siberia? What were the reasons?

6.Did the situation change after the Revolution?


38. Put these events in the chronological order:

Yermak's conquest of Siberia the rebellion of Decembrists the split in the Orthodox Church

the appearance of corrective labour camps the imprisonment of Dostoyevsky

the appearance of serfdom the abolition of serfdom the Revolution

39.Make sentences from these words:

1.in the, Europe, early, powerful, of the 19th, Russia, for a time, perhaps, part, the most, was, country, century, in.

2.the Tsars, plotted, a revolution, that, Russia, if freed, there, and make, feared, might be, in 1825, a group, the serfs, they, of young, to kill, men, the Tsar, into a republic.

3.One, of all, Russia, the greatest, sentenced, in Siberia, to imprisonment, writers, Dostoyevsky, was, of.

4.Prisoners, sent, were also, of war, to Siberia.

40.Read the dialogue and choose the appropriate headline for it. Translate the headline into English:

1.Омская область в годы войны.

2.Сибирь в годы войны.

3.Были ли нападения фашистов на земли Сибири?

In the book students read how Omsk region and Siberia were exposed to attacks of Natzi armies.

-Is it really true? – asked a student.

-We lived deep in the rear, - said young girl.

The instructor, in his turns, asked, "Do you know that our region was very vast during the World War II?"

-No, - said students.

-Well, it stretched to Karskoe sea!

-Really? Was it so big?

-Yes, it was. To Karskoe sea. Here is the Atlas of Omsk region. Look. There were 11 submarines in Gulf of Ob. Fascists fired at Yamal and White island many times. They sank a lot of our ships. Fascists also mined waters of Gulf of Ob.


41. Read the following words from the dialogue:

deep in the rear – в глубоком тылу to stretch – простираться

Gulf of Ob – Обская губа submarine – подводная лодка fascist – фашист

to sink - потопить

to mine – заминировать

42. Find the most interesting facts from this text. Try to retell them in English to your friend. Why did you choose these facts? Entitle this text in English:

В ночь на тридцатое августа 1941 года первый секретарь Омского обкома партии М. А. Кудинов не спал. До рассвета в его кабинете горел свет. Секретарь принимал члена военного совета Сибирского округа. Кудинов выслушал коренастого с густой проседью в волосах генерала по его важному военному делу, потом сказал: «…А теперь у меня к вам неотложный вопрос…Летом Карское море частично свободно ото льдов, и проход в него с запада сравнительно легок. Нас тревожит: не прорвутся ли фашистские корабли к северному побережью нашей области? Что сделано наркоматом обороны, штабом вашего округа, чтобы исключить рейды фашистских пиратов к побережью и островам Омской области?»

Член военного совета, помолчав, молвил скупо, неохотно:

-К началу войны на побережье Карского моря работало восемнадцать полярных станций. Там метеорологи, геофизики обслуживают морские и воздушные пути… Эти полярные станции очень удалены от фронта…

-Но для современных полярных надводных кораблей и подводных лодок эти расстояния вполне преодолимы! - возразил Кудинов. - Что же все-таки, товарищ генерал, вами сделано для обороны морских границ нашей области?...

-К началу войны оборонительные меры в Карском море были, к сожалению, очень слабыми. Транспортные суда вооружены артиллерией. А вот полярные станции вооружения не имеют. Только на острове Диксон (в Красноярском крае) и в порту Диксон немного артиллерии…

Не зря тревожился об обороне северных границ Омской области в августе сорок первого М. А. Кудинов. Война пришла потом и сюда. Фашисты высадились на острове Белом, разрушили там радиостанцию, потопили близ берегов Ямала ряд кораблей торгового флота. Одиннадцать немецких подводных лодок разбойничали в Карском море и в северной части


Обской губы, вход в которую немцы частично минировали. А в 1943 году огромный немецкий военный корабль «Адмирал Шеер» с экипажем в 1100 человек и с боевыми самолетами на борту подошел к острову Диксон, обстрелял порт Диксон и готовился высадить там десант. К этому времени из трех артиллерийских батарей две были отсюда возвращены на большую землю. Слава тому безвестному старшему лейтенанту, командиру трех 76миллиметровых пушек, по приказу которого германский линкор был обстрелян с острова. Снаряд попал в надстройку, и корабль-гигант загорелся. Фашисты решили, что на Диксоне мощная артиллерия и не решились высаживать десант: был личный приказ Гитлера – особо беречь «Адмирала Шера», и корабль ушел на свою базу в Норвегию…

(По М. Бударину)

43.Find in the text words with the suffix -er. What meaning does this suffix have? Does it have any equivalents in Russian? Do you know other words with the same suffix? Give at least 5 examples.

44.Give equivalents in Russian:

1.get rid of people criticizing the Government

2.troublesome people

3.people grew discontented

4.Anyone caught doing so was usually sent away in exile.

5.Dostoyevsky was sentenced to imprisonment in Siberia.

6.To reach their destination, the men had to walk, often chained together, for enormous distances.

7.There were people who disagreed with the Orthodox Church and who wanted to worship in a different way.

8.We know a good deal about what life in Siberian prison was like.

45.Read the following information about The Passive Voice:

Форма страдательного залога образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в нужной форме и третьей формы (причастия 2) смыслового глагола, например:

This book is written by Shakespeare (Present Simple Passive). Эта книга напи-

сана Шекспиром.

The letter was written by my sister (Past Simple Passive). Это письмо было написано моей сестрой.


The student is being examined now (Present Progressive Passive). Студента сейчас экзаменуют.

The letter will be sent tomorrow (Future Simple Passive). Письмо отправят завтра.

Запомните! Причастие 2 никогда не меняет свою форму, меняться может лишь глагол to be в зависимости от грамматического времени.

Наиболее употребительная форма Страдательного залога - Past Simple Passive, которая образуется при помощи was (ед.ч.) / were (мн.ч.) и

третьей формы глагола: the house was built, we were invited to the party.

Find the sentences with Passive forms in the text, read them, translate into Russian. Paraphrase them, if possible.

For example: The letter was written by my sister. → My sister wrote this letter.

Pay attention to transformations of the main verb.

46. What periods can be distinguished in the history of Siberian prisons? Prove your opinion using the information from the texts you have read.

Text 4

47.What is Siberia like today? What industries do you consider to be the most important?

48.Read the text and compare it with your description:


About 100 years ago there were only eight million people in the whole of Siberia. Today there are between forty and fifty million. Siberia is the land of opportunity, and young Russians are going east to make their fortunes, just as young Americans used to go to the Wild West of America to make their fortunes.

Siberia has always been a land of vast open spaces of forests and marsh, with very few people. This is still quite true; but along the line of Trans-Siberia railway, and in those places where iron ore, coal, oil, and other minerals have been found, mining and industrial towns have grown up, with many people. To-


day there are more railways in Siberia, and more and more Russians go there to live.

Siberia is so rich in coal and minerals that it is rapidly becoming the industrial centre of all Russia. As our scientists have discovered rich minerals near the railway lines or the great rivers, towns have been sprung up quickly. But many of their discoveries have been made in places where there are no railways or rivers, and practically no roads. Then roads and railways have to be built,

and this may take many years. But as they are built, more big cities will grow up in Siberia, making Siberia richer and giving work to many people.

Siberia is one of the richest areas in the world, as it is rich in most of the things that men want today, such as iron, coal, and also wheat and timber. It is also rich in those things, which we think of as wealth, such as gold and diamonds. And also, almost most important of all, it is rich in power; the great rivers of Siberia are being harnessed, as the river Ob has been, to make electricity, and this electricity can be used, not only

for the factories in Siberia, but also for western Russia. There is a long chain of power stations right across the country. One of the largest power stations in the world is gfvnear lake Baikal.

The very north of Siberia, along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, still has very few inhabitants indeed, and many of the more distant towns are still easily reached only by airplane. Often the aircraft have to land on the snow and ice, and so they are fitted with skis to do this. But even in the frozen north, the Russians are busy exploring and developing, and several busy towns have been built far north of the Arctic Circle.

Ever since the 16th century explorers have been trying to find a northeast passage by sea from Murmansk to the Pacific Ocean through Arctic. Now the Russians have found such a route, but it


is possible to use it only during the few months of the summer. In old days the ships were too slow to cover so great a distance in such a short time, and they were always caught by the winter ice.

49.Are these statements true or false?

1.More than 40 million people live in Siberia.

2.Siberia industries are very important for the whole Russia.

3.All the deposits are located near the railways.

4.Power resources are enough only for Siberia itself, but not for the western Russia.

5.Still very few people live far in the north of Siberia.

6.The north route is opened for the ships a whole year now.

50.Fill in the blanks with the proper words:

explorers, fortune, wealth, timber, opportunity.

1.Siberia is the land of … .

2.… have been trying to find a northeast passage by sea from Murmansk to the Pacific Ocean through Arctic.

3.Siberia is rich in most of the things that men want today, such as iron, coal, and also wheat and … .

4.Young Russians are going east to make their … .

5.It is also rich in those things, which we think of as … , such as gold and diamonds.

51.What do we mean when we use the word "wealth"? What does the wealth of the country include? And a wealth of a person?

52.What famous industrial enterprises of Siberia do you know? Make a dialogue or prepare a short survey using the following plan:

1.Where are they situated?

2.What products do they produce?

3.What industry do they belong to?

4.Do they satisfy environmental restrictions?

5.Are they developing now?

6.Would you like to work at these enterprises?

53.Imagine that you are talking to foreigner. Retell the text "Siberia today" in 10 – 15 sentences.


54. Find in the following text Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases:

an exile

a penal colony

a scene of heroic deed a huge plan

to invent

to put something into practice a steam machine

a track

rail communication an autocratic regime social activities

55. Divide into 2 groups and translate the text into English. Then exchange your texts and correct mistakes:

У некоторых наших современников до сих пор еще бытует представление о Сибири прошлой лишь как о крае ссылки и каторги, крае диком, мрачном и холодном. Но представление это верно наполовину. Правильно, что край наш в продолжение долгого времени служил в качестве места ссылки лиц, неугодных самодержавному режиму. Но нельзя забывать и о том, что Сибирь в течение почти четырех столетий являлась ареной беспримерных подвигов русского народа во всех областях человеческой деятельности.

Это именно здесь, в Сибири, была изобретена И. И. Ползуновым первая в России паровая машина. Здесь же П. К. Фроловым была построена первая в стране рельсовая дорога. Здесь, за Уралом, воплощались в жизнь грандиознейшие проекты транссибирского железнодорожного сообщения. Не надо также забывать, что это именно Сибирь дала России Дмитрия Менделеева и Василия Сурикова, Петра Ершова и Василия Перова, Михаила Врубеля и Александра Алябьева, Дмитрия Карбышева и Вячеслава Шишкова. Рядом с этими именами можно поставить и немало других.

К истории можно относиться по-разному. Ее можно любить, можно не любить. Но ее нельзя забывать. Не зря говорится, что народ, забывший свою историю, не может иметь будущего.

(По И. Ф. Петрову)


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