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И.Н. Ефименко, Е.В. Цупикова, М.В. Цыгулева



Building materials

Учебно-методическое пособие

Омск – 2014


Министерство образования и науки РФ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное

учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ)»

И.Н. Ефименко, Е.В. Цупикова, М.В. Цыгулева

Строительные материалы

Building materials

Учебно-методическое пособие





УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1 Е91


канд. пед. наук, доц. В.В. Бесценная (ОАБИИ (филиал) ВАМТО); канд. пед. наук, доц. Е.В. Федяева (ОАБИИ (филиал) ВАМТО)

Работа одобрена НМСН «Строительство» Инженерно-строительного института ФГБОУ ВПО «СибАДИ» в качестве учебно-методического пособия.

Ефименко, И.Н.

Е91 Строительные материалы = Building materials : учебно-методическое посо-

бие / И.Н. Ефименко, Е.В. Цупикова, М.В. Цыгулева. – Омск : СибАДИ, 2014. – 92 с.

ISBN 978-5-93204-703-3

Цель работы – формирование комплекса знаний, касающихся частотных понятий строительства и соответствующих им терминов, развитие умений определения количественных и качественных характеристик информации и навыков логической организации текстовой информации в виде опорных схем и учебных текстов, а также усвоение специальной терминологии и речевых штампов научного стиля названной области знания.

Предназначено для студентов и магистрантов направлений 270800 Строительство, 270100 Архитектура, 271101 Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений, 190600 Эксплуатация транспортно-технологических машин и комплексов, 190109 Наземные транспортно-технологические средства, 220700 Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств, 190100 Наземные транспортно-технологические комплексы, 190109 Наземные транспортнотехнологические средства.

УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1

ISBN 978-5-93204-703-3

© ФГБОУ ВПО «СибАДИ», 2014







Модуль 1. Строительные материалы по степени готовности…………..


Модуль 2. Строительные материалы по происхождению…………….


Модуль 3. Строительные материалы по назначению…………………...


Модуль 4. Строительные материалы по виду сырья……………………


Модуль 5.

Природные строительные материалы………………………


Модуль 6. Строительные смеси……………………………………………


Модуль 7.

Искусственные строительные изделия……………………….


Модуль 8.

Искусственные строительные материалы…………………...


Модуль 9.

Каменные строительные материалы …………………………


Модуль 10. Строительные материалы и изделия из металла ………….


Модуль 11. Строительные материалы и изделия из древесины……….


Список литературы ……………………………………………………………



Введение Алгоритмы выполнения заданий

Цель данного учебного пособия – освоение сферы терминологии специальности, связанной со строительными материалами, обучение чтению, развитие навыков устной и письменной профессионально-ориентированной речи, обучение работе с информацией (анализу, синтезу, обобщению, переструктурированию информации), развитие логического мышления студентов.

Указанная цель достигается выполнением системы заданий, которая включает задания на перекодирование информации (составление и развертывание опорных схем).

Перекодирование информации в знание предполагает несколько этапов:

1)переструктурирование старого знания с целью осмысления новой информации;

2)формирование новых умений, в основе которых лежит генерализация (обобщение) как перенос действия с одного вида деятельности на другой;

3)дифференциация новых и старых представлений;

4)вывод из сформированных представлений в виде знания как системы взаимосвязанных понятий.

Информация, должная быть переведенной во внутренний план, может быть свернута путем операций обобщения, синтеза, конкретизации, детализации, эквивалентной замены содержания.

Развертывание опорных схем осуществляется различными путями, за счет чего меняется способ изложения текста (изменение композиции текста, логики изложения, расширение текста, построение текста на базе двух и более исходных текстов).

Этапами мыслительной деятельности при этом выступают:

– восприятие термина (звуковое, графическое);

– анализ компонентов его дефиниции;

– сопоставление нового понятия с известными понятиями;

– осознание особенностей изучаемого понятия;

– определение отношений понятия с другими понятиями данной области;

– осознание объема и содержания понятия (сферы применения, сочетаемости

всовокупности возможных контекстов).

В ходе данной работы производится определение ключевых и второстепенных понятий путем анализа связей между ними, а именно род – вид, часть – целое, например: декор, строительные материалы, конструкция,

архитектурные детали. Данные понятия являются родовыми к более частным понятиям: декор – детали, орнамент. В свою очередь, эти видовые понятия являются родовыми для других: орнамент – украшения, изображения. Такое деление производится далее, до простых понятий, далее неделимых.

Это позволяет строить дефиниции на русском и английском языках и

производить их сопоставление.


Структура дефиниций для терминологии строительства может быть схематично представлена так:



Родовое понятие

Видовые признаки








Компоненты (состав)




Сфера применения




















Сырьевая база




a man-made

building material

used for…





used in…




building materials






made of…





consisted of…





of natural origins

Другим видом работы является подбор минимальных контекстов употребления терминов в виде структур, выражающих законченную мысль. Эта работа служит адекватному восприятию и усвоению терминологии, а также легкости запоминания материала. Например:

Sewers, roads, aqueducts, water mains, and foundations were constructed of mass concrete by the Romans, who also employed it as a filling between the brick and stone ribs of their vaults and arches.

The potentialities of a substance which can be poured into any form or shape from delicate ornament to huge cantilevers and parabolic arches.

Structural hollow tile arches are not computed according to the principles of reinforced concrete; they are seldom used today. They are employed only with steel beams.

If the joints in the steel structure can be made rigid by welding or by the use of triangular shapes, the outward thrust from the arch form is resolved into the lower horizontal ring, thus placing this ring in tension; the upper ring is in compression.

There are several types of buttress dams, the most important ones being the flat slab and the multiple arch.

Подобные текстовые иллюстрации призваны включить логическое мышление обучающихся, кроме того, они способствуют пополнению активного словарного запаса студентов.

Определение сферы сочетаемости лексем необходимо для формирования навыка опознания и употребления термина в контексте.


Следующим видом работы является определение взаимосвязи понятий и

показ этой взаимосвязи в опорных логических схемах с алгоритмом их развертывания в текст. Опорные схемы наглядно представляют не только взаимосвязь понятий, но их содержание и объем таким образом, что в мышлении обучающегося формируется целостный образ понятия, обозначенного тем или иным термином. Каждая опорная схема является эквивалентом небольшого учебного текста по предъявленной теме. Составление опорных схем требует учета частотности терминов, определения их места в лексической системе языка и понятийной сфере науки и синтагматических возможностей лексем.

Опорная схема отображает родовидовые отношения понятий, а также отношения «часть – целое» (см. примеры опорных схем в тексте пособия). Развернуть опорную схему в текст можно, используя следующие и некоторые другие модели:

Building materials are divided into two groups according to the…

They are (+groups).

Construction materials include… Building products are…

For example, sand is a construction material + definition

Such building materials as brick, cement,…are man-made. Such building materials as wood, turf are natural.

We can enumerate such as…as special-purpose products. To the sealing materials we can refer …

There are four main classifications of building materials: according to their purpose,…

According to the degree of…there are two groups of building materials. They are…

For example,

For instance,…

According to the origins building materials are divided into natural and man-made materials.

For instance,

Building materials can be structural and…according to their function.

For example, …

Classification according to the type of raw material includes four groups of building materials:…

For example,…

Понятия, представленные таким образом целостно и всесторонне, требуют напряженной работы механизмов наглядно-образного и логического мышления. Таким образом, учебная информация, содержащая указания на то, как она должна быть усвоена, является активным и оптимальным средством обучения.



Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Дайте определение понятию «строительные материалы»

Building materials

Building materials are any material which is used for construction purposes. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, rocks, sand, and wood, even twigs and leaves, have been used to construct buildings. Apart from naturally occurring materials, many man-made products are in use, some more and some less synthetic. The manufacture of building materials is an established industry in many countries and the use of these materials is typically segmented into specific specialty trades, such as carpentry, insulation, plumbing, and roofing work. They provide the make-up of habitats and structures including homes.

Задание 2. Изучите схему. Постройте на ее основе учебный текст на английском языке.

Схема 1. Строительные материалы по степени готовности

Строительные материалы


По степени готовности

Собственно строительные материалы







строительные растворы

для каменных кладок

лакокрасочные материалы

природные камни

Строительные изделия






оконные блоки

дверные блоки

санитарнотехнические изделия


Building materials


accordingnaturaltostonethe degree of product availability

Constructional materials

Constructional (building) products

timber, wood

metal, ore




grail, sand

dash, mortar mix, building mortar, mortar

stone masonry, masonwork, rubble, stonework

paint-and-lacquer materials

natural stone

precast (prefabricated) panel

built-up structure, fabricated structure, integrated structure

sash pulley, window

door frame

sanitary ware

Задание 3. Определите место данных ниже терминов в предложенной выше классификации, дополните дефиниции терминов указанием на принадлежность материала к собственно строительным материалам или строительным изделиям.

Leatherette is a form of artificial leather, usually made by covering a fabric base with plastic.


Sand is sedimentary rock, as well as an artificial material consisting of grains of rock.

Sandstone is sedimentary rock, which is a homogeneous or layered unit elastic grains connected by a cement. A fine to coarse-grained sedimentary rock that splits easily; often used in the construction of garden walls and paths.

Laminate is a strong material manufactured from many layers of paper or textile impregnated with thermosetting resins. This sandwich is then pressed and subjected to heat. Laminate has been developed for both inside and outside use.

The roof deck is the roofing material layer between the primary structural components (trusses & joists) and either insulative layers or weatherproofing layers in a typical roof system. Usually the roof deck acts as a unifying structural diaphragm by tying all the structural components together.

Cellophane is a thin, transparent sheet made of regenerated cellulose. Its low permeability to air, oils, greases, bacteria and water makes it useful for food packaging.

Задание 4. Изучите таблицу, выпишите транскрипцию терминов из словаря. Используйте полученную информацию при выполнении следующего задания.



Лак для дерева

wood varnish

Лак для пола

floor lacquer, floor varnish

Эпоксидный лак

epoxy varnish

Эмульсионный лак

emulsion varnish

Эмалевый лак

enamel lacquer

Пропиточный лак

impregnating varnish

Отделочный лак

finishing varnish

Защитный лак

protective varnish, stop-off lacquer

Влагостойкий лак

moisture-proof varnish

Битумный лак

asphalt lacquer

Задание 5. Дополните перевод. Используйте следующие выражения:

пленкообразующие вещества – medium

пластификатор – cold binder, plasticizer, softener отвердитель – curing agent, hardening agent

улучшающие качество покрытия – improving the coat of paint quality





In a general sense, lacquer is a somewhat imprecise term for a


clear or coloured wood finish that dries by solvent evaporation.



It is also often a curing process as well that produces a hard,


durable finish. This finish can be of any sheen level from ultra

щих веществ


matte to high gloss, and it can be further polished as required. It



is also used for "lacquer paint", which typically denotes a paint



that dries to a more than usually hard and smooth surface.



In terms of modern products, lac-based finishes are referred



to as shellac, while lacquer refers to other polymers dissolved in



volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as nitrocellulose, and



later acrylic compounds dissolved in lacquer thinner, a mixture

другие добавки,

of several solvents typically containing butyl acetate and xylene



or toluene. While both lacquer and shellac are traditional



finishes, lacquer is more durable than shellac.



In terms of the decorative arts, lacquerware refers to variety



of techniques used to decorate wood, metal or other surfaces,



some involving carving into deep coatings of many layers of






Задание 6. Организуйте информацию, представленную в тексте, в виде развернутого плана или опорной схемы.


Varnish is a transparent, hard, protective finish or film primarily used in wood finishing but also for other materials. Varnish is traditionally a combination of a drying oil, a resin, and a thinner or solvent. Varnish finishes are usually glossy but may be designed to produce satin or semi-gloss sheens by the addition of "flatting" agents. Varnish has little or no colour, is transparent, and has no added pigment, as opposed to paints or wood stains, which contain pigment and generally range from opaque to translucent. Varnishes are also applied over wood stains as a final step to achieve a film for gloss and protection. Some products are marketed as a combined stain and varnish.

After being applied, the film-forming substances in varnishes either harden directly, as soon as the solvent has fully evaporated, or harden after evaporation of the solvent through certain curing processes, primarily chemical reaction between oils and oxygen from the air (autoxidation) and chemical reactions between components of the varnish. Resin varnishes "dry" by evaporation of the solvent and harden almost immediately upon drying. Acrylic and waterborne varnishes "dry" upon evaporation of the water but experience an extended curing period. Oil, polyurethane, and epoxy varnishes remain liquid even after evaporation of the solvent but quickly begin to cure, undergoing successive stages from liquid or syrupy, to tacky or sticky, to dry gummy, to "dry to the touch", to hard. Environmental factors such as heat and humidity play a very large role in the drying and curing times of varnishes. In classic


varnish the cure rate depends on the type of oil used and, to some extent, on the ratio of oil to resin. The drying and curing time of all varnishes may be sped up by exposure to an energy source such as sunlight, ultraviolet light, or heat. Many varnishes rely on organic oils or resins for their binder in combination with organic solvents; these are highly flammable in their liquid state. In addition, all drying oils, certain alkyds, and many single-component polyurethanes produce heat during the curing process. Therefore, oil-soaked rags and paper can smolder and ignite hours after use if they are bunched or piled together, or, for example, placed in a container where the heat cannot dissipate.

Violin varnishing is a multi-step process involving some or all of the following: primer, sealer, ground, color coats, and clear topcoat. Some systems use a drying oil varnish as described below, while others use spirit (or solvent) varnish. Touchup in repair or restoration is only done with spirit varnish.

Drying oil such as walnut oil or linseed oil may be used in combination with amber, copal, rosin or other resins. Traditionally the oil is prepared by cooking or exposure to air and sunlight, but modern "stand oil" is prepared by heating oil at high temperature without oxygen. The refined resin is sometimes available as a translucent solid and is then "run" by cooking or literally melting it in a pot over heat without solvents. The thickened oil and prepared resin are then cooked together and thinned with turpentine (away from open flame) into a brushable solution. The ingredients and processes of violin varnish are very diverse, with some highly regarded old examples showing defects (e.g. cracking, crazing) associated with incompatible varnish components.

Some violin finishing systems use vernice bianca (egg white and gum arabic) as a sealer or ground. There is also evidence that finely powdered minerals, possibly volcanic ash, were used in some grounds. Some violins made in the late 1700s, used Oxen's blood to create a very deep red coloration. Today this varnish would have faded and currently be a very warm, dark orange.

Most resin or "gum" varnishes consist of a natural, plantor insect-derived substance dissolved in a solvent, called spirit varnish or solvent varnish. The solvent may be alcohol, turpentine, or petroleum-based. Some resins are soluble in both alcohol and turpentine. Generally, petroleum solvents, i.e. mineral spirits or paint thinner, can substitute for turpentine. The resins include amber, dammar, copal, rosin, sandarac, elemi, benzoin, mastic, balsam, shellac, and a multitude of lacquers.

Synthetic resins such as phenolic resin may be employed as a secondary component in certain varnishes and paints.

Over centuries, many recipes were developed which involved the combination of resins, oils, and other ingredients such as certain waxes. These were believed to impart special tonal qualities to musical instruments and thus were sometimes carefully guarded secrets. The interaction of different ingredients is difficult to predict or reproduce, so expert finishers were often prized professionals.

Shellac is a very widely used single component resin varnish that is alcohol soluble. It is not used for outdoor surfaces or where it will come into repeated contact with water such as around a sink or bathtub. The source of shellac resin is a brittle or


flaky secretion of the female lac insect, Kerria lacca, found in the forests of Assam and Thailand and harvested from the bark of the trees where she deposits it to provide a sticky hold on the trunk. Shellac is the basis of French polish, which for centuries has been the preferred finish for fine furniture. Specified "dewaxed" shellac has been processed to remove the waxy substances from original shellac and can be used as a primer and sanding-sealer substrate for other finishes such as polyurethanes, alkyds, oils, and acrylics.

Prepared shellac is typically available in "clear" and "amber" (or "orange") varieties, generally as "three pound cut" or three pounds dry shellac to one US gallon of alcohol. Other natural color shades such as ruby and yellow are available from specialty pigment or woodworker's supply outlets. Dry shellac is available as refined flakes, "sticklac," "button lac," or "seedlac." "White pigmented" shellac primer paint is widely available in retail outlets, billed as a fast-drying interior primer "problem solver", in that it adheres to a variety of surfaces and seals off odors and smoke stains. Shellac clean-up may be done either with pure alcohol or with ammonia cleansers.

Typically, modern commercially produced varnishes employ some form of alkyd for producing a protective film. Alkyds are chemically modified vegetable oils which operate well in a wide range of conditions and can be engineered to speed up the cure rate and thus harden faster. Better (and more expensive) exterior varnishes employ alkyds made from high performance oils and contain UV-absorbers; this improves gloss-retention and extends the lifetime of the finish. Various resins may also be combined with alkyds as part of the formula for typical "oil" varnishes that are commercially available.

Задание 7. Изучите таблицу, выпишите транскрипцию терминов из словаря. Используйте полученную информацию при выполнении следующего задания.



Краски масляные

oil colour, oil-base paint

Краски минеральные

mineral paint

Краски силикатные

silicate paint

Водоотталкивающая краска

water-repellent paint

Грунтовочная краска

primary colour, ground coat paint, prime paint

Жароупорная краска

heat resistant paint

Защитная краска

protective paint

Звукоизолирующая краска

sound-deadening paint

Клеевая краска

distemper, calcimine, glue colour, distemper paint

Латексная краска

latex paint

Краска по дереву

wood paint


air brush



Задание 8. Заполните пустые графы таблицы.



Enamel is a kind of paint in

Эмаль – вид краски, в котором растворитель

which the vehicle is a drying

олифа или смесь олифы и смолы

oil or combination of drying oil


and resin


Paint is a combination of


pigments with suitable thinners


or oils to provide decorative


and protective coatings



Краски минеральные – окрасочные составы


на основе неорганических вяжущих и клея.


Подразделяются на известковые, силикатные,


цементные и клеевые

Задание 9. Переведите текст, составьте опорную схему по его содержанию.

Natural dye

The majority of natural dyes are from plant sources – roots, berries, bark, leaves, and wood, fungi, and lichens. Textile dyeing dates back to the Neolithic period. Throughout history, people have dyed their textiles using common, locally available materials. Scarce dyestuffs that produced brilliant and permanent colors such as the natural invertebrate dyes Tyrian purple and crimson kermes were highly prized luxury items in the ancient and medieval world. Plant-based dyes such as woad, indigo, saffron, and madder were raised commercially and were important trade goods in the economies of Asia and Europe. Across Asia and Africa, patterned fabrics were produced using resist dyeing techniques to control the absorption of color in piece-dyed cloth. Dyes from the New World such as cochineal and logwood were brought to Europe by the Spanish treasure fleets, and the dyestuffs of Europe were carried by colonists to America.

The discovery of man-made synthetic dyes late in the 19th century ended the largescale market for natural dyes. The first human-made (synthetic) organic dye, mauveine, was discovered serendipitously by William Henry Perkin in 1856. Many thousands of synthetic dyes have since been prepared.

Synthetic dyes quickly replaced the traditional natural dyes. They cost less, they offered a vast range of new colors, and they imparted better properties to the dyed materials. Dyes are now classified according to how they are used in the dyeing process.

Acid dyes are water-soluble anionic dyes that are applied to fibers such as silk, wool, nylon and modified acrylic fibers using neutral to acid dye baths. Attachment to the fiber is attributed, at least partly, to salt formation between anionic groups in the dyes and cationic groups in the fiber. Acid dyes are not substantive to cellulosic fibers. Most synthetic food colors fall in this category.


Basic dyes are water-soluble cationic dyes that are mainly applied to acrylic fibers, but find some use for wool and silk. Usually acetic acid is added to the dyebath to help the uptake of the dye onto the fiber. Basic dyes are also used in the coloration of paper.

Direct or substantive dyeing is normally carried out in a neutral or slightly alkaline dyebath, at or near boiling point, with the addition of either sodium chloride (NaCl) or sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). Direct dyes are used on cotton, paper, leather, wool, silk and nylon. They are also used as pH indicators and as biological stains.

Mordant dyes require a mordant, which improves the fastness of the dye against water, light and perspiration. The choice of mordant is very important as different mordants can change the final color significantly. Most natural dyes are mordant dyes and there is therefore a large literature base describing dyeing techniques. The most important mordant dyes are the synthetic mordant dyes, or chrome dyes, used for wool; these comprise some 30% of dyes used for wool, and are especially useful for black and navy shades. The mordant, potassium dichromate, is applied as an aftertreatment. It is important to note that many mordants, particularly those in the heavy metal category, can be hazardous to health and extreme care must be taken in using them.

Vat dyes are essentially insoluble in water and incapable of dyeing fibres directly. However, reduction in alkaline liquor produces the water soluble alkali metal salt of the dye, which, in this leuco form, has an affinity for the textile fibre. Subsequent oxidation reforms the original insoluble dye. The color of denim is due to indigo, the original vat dye.

Reactive dyes utilize a chromophore attached to a substituent that is capable of directly reacting with the fibre substrate. The covalent bonds that attach reactive dye to natural fibers make them among the most permanent of dyes. "Cold" reactive dyes, such as Procion MX, Cibacron F, and Drimarene K, are very easy to use because the dye can be applied at room temperature. Reactive dyes are by far the best choice for dyeing cotton and other cellulose fibers at home or in the art studio.

Disperse dyes were originally developed for the dyeing of cellulose acetate, and are water insoluble. The dyes are finely ground in the presence of a dispersing agent and sold as a paste, or spray-dried and sold as a powder. Their main use is to dye polyester but they can also be used to dye nylon, cellulose triacetate, and acrylic fibres. In some cases, a dyeing temperature of 130 °C is required, and a pressurised dyebath is used. The very fine particle size gives a large surface area that aids dissolution to allow uptake by the fibre. The dyeing rate can be significantly influenced by the choice of dispersing agent used during the grinding.

Azoic dyeing is a technique in which an insoluble azo dye is produced directly onto or within the fibre. This is achieved by treating a fibre with both diazoic and coupling components. With suitable adjustment of dyebath conditions the two components react to produce the required insoluble azo dye. This technique of dyeing is unique, in that the final color is controlled by the choice of the diazoic and


coupling components. This method of dyeing cotton is declining in importance due to the toxic nature of the chemicals used.

Sulfur dyes are two part "developed" dyes used to dye cotton with dark colors. The initial bath imparts a yellow or pale chartreuse color, This is aftertreated with a sulfur compound in place to produce the dark black we are familiar with in socks for instance. Sulfur Black 1 is the largest selling dye by volume.

Задание 10. Из данных ниже слов постройте опорные схемы, в которых представленные понятия связаны по типу «работа – рабочий – инструмент

– материал (виды материала) – результат работы» либо в той логике, которую увидите вы. Недостающие компоненты схем дополните, используя словарь.

Краска – colour, dye, paint, stain

звукоизолирующая краска – sound-deadening paint

защитная краска – protective paint жароупорная краска – heat resistant paint

грунтовочная краска – primary colour, ground coat paint, prime paint, priming paint

Краски силикатные – silicate paint Краски минеральные – mineral paint

Водоотталкивающая краска – water-repellent paint

клеевая краска – distemper, calcimine, glue colour, distemper paint Краски масляные – oil colour, oil-base paint

краска по дереву – wood paint краскодувка – air brush латексная краска – latex paint

Задание 11. Прочитайте и переведите данные ниже предложения. На основе всех сведений, полученных об обозначенном понятии, составьте учебный текст на английском языке.

They laid down the legal powers and responsibilities of both officials and private builders with regard to the town plan, even down to the painting of houses.

First the excavation is dug for the basement, then the foundation walls below ground level are constructed; after this the framework is erected and clothed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.


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