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Глагол to be в модальном значении

В качестве модального глагола to be обозначает необходимость, вытекающую из заранее предусмотренного плана, графика, расписания, договоренности, установленного порядка и т.д.


I am to do it.

You are to go there.

The plane is to arrive at 6.

Мне предстоит это сделать. Вам предстоит поехать туда. Самолет должен прибыть в 6 часов.


The train was to leave at 7.10.

The students of our group were

to take part in the contest.

He was not to come here yester­day.

Поезд должен был отойти в 7.10.

Студенты нашей группы должны были принять участие в соревно­вании.

Он не должен был прийти сюда вчера (не планировалось, не было договоренности, чтобы он пришел).

Task 8. Express the following in Russian, paying special attention to modal verbs:

A. 1. When a schoolboy I could play various children's games.

2. I can't speak German. Can you? – No, I can't either.

3. Can I come in and have a word with you?

4. He can't be working at the same problem.

5. Mary can't be so careless.

B. 1. You must attend all the lectures.

2. Must we do such Tasks regularly? – Yes, you must.

3. The doctor says Mary mustn’t go out for a couple of days.

4. Where is Daddy? – He must be in the garden – watering the flowers.

5. Eve looks very happy. She must have passed the exam she was very much afraid of.

C. 1. May I take this book home? – I am afraid you can't.

2. The guests may arrive (at) any time now.

3. Where is Grandma? – She may be in the kitchen – cooking something.

4. This article might have been translated by one of our students.

D. 1. You should pay more attention to your pronunciation.

2. You shouldn’t spend so much money on clothes.

3. Why should I pay for him?

4. the question shouldn’t have been discussed in my absence.

5. Children ought to be attentive to their parents.

6. She oughtn't to have done such things.

e) 1. We are to go on an archaeological expedition this July.

2. the next lecture is to be given by Prof. Shein.

3. The students were to gather in the park.

4. The contest in swimming is to have been held last May.

5. The last train from Glasgow is to come at 9 p. m.

f) 1. You needn't do this Task in writing. You may do it orally.

2. She needn't worry. Everything has been perfectly arranged.

g) 1. The pen won't write.

2. The watch won't go.

3. No matter how hard I tried, the door wouldn’t open.

4. I will help them at the first opportunity.

5. I would give him a piece of good advice, but he wouldn’t follow it.

Task 9. Practise reading the following dialogues. Then memorize and recite them in class.

  • Excuse me, can you tell me the time? There is something wrong with my watch.

  • Certainly. It's ten to nine by my watch.

  • Your watch is right, isn't it?

  • I am not quite sure. It may be two minutes fast.

  • I see. Thank you.


  • Come and see me tonight.

  • I'm afraid I can't. I have a lot of things to do. But if it is urgent, I'll come.

  • Oh, no. You may come any time you like.


  • Excuse me, can I see Mr. Brown?

  • Sorry, you can't. He is out for lunch. But he will be back very soon.

  • May I wait for him here?

  • Certainly. Will you take a seat, please?


  • Hallo, Bob! How are you?

  • Not so well, I'm afraid. I have a bad cold. It's a pity I won't be able to attend the lecture tomorrow. I have to stay at home.

  • You needn't worry. You may have my notes.

  • Oh, thank you very much.

Task 10. Express the following in English. Mind the modal verbs.

1. Вы можете и должны хорошо знать историю нашей страны.

2. Вы умеете кататься на коньках? – Нет.

3. Я не мог прийти, т.к. был занят.

4. не может быть, чтобы он написал такое письмо!

5. Мне нужно приходить сюда завтра?

6. Вы не должны опаздывать на занятия. Вы обязаны приходить вовремя.

7. нам пришлось долго ждать.

8. Вчера мне не нужно было идти в университет, поэтому мне не пришлось рано вставать.

9. Что делает Ник? – Он, наверное, смотрит телевизор.

10. Дети, наш концерт окончился. Вы можете идти домой.

11. Поезд должен прибыть через пять минут.

12. Тетя Поли больна. Вам бы следовало ее навестить.

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