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Английский язык / Английский язык для медиков / Медицинский английский для студентов 1 курса.doc
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Phonetic exercise: blood [blΛd], anemia [əˈniːmiə], leukaemia [lju:’ki:miə], haemophilia [,hi:mou’filiə], marrow [‘mæru], platlets [‘pletlets], leukocytes [‘lju:kəsaits], increase [‘inkri:s], chronic [‘krnik], acute [ə‘kju:t], myelogenous [,maiə’d3i:nəs], abnormalities [,æbn:’mælitiz], characterized [‘kæktəraizd], occur [ə‘k:], predisposition [,pri:’dispə‘z∫n], epidemiology [‘epi,di:mi’ləd3i]

Make a report on leukemia according to the plan below:

Definition: white blood; a cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of blood cells, usually leukocytes (white blood cells).

Epidemiology: 256,000 children and adults around the world develop some form of leukemia annually, and 209,000 die from it.

Classification: acute leukemia: characterized by the rapid increase of immature blood cells; chronic leukemia: characterized by the excessive build up of relatively mature, but still abnormal, white blood cells; lymphoblastic or lymphocytic leukemias and myeloid or myelogenous leukemias:

Epidemiology of different types of leukemia:

acute lymphoblastic leukemia: the most common type of leukemia in young children;

chronic lymphocytic leukemia: occurs in adults over the age of 55;

acute myelogenous leukemia: occurs more commonly in adults than in children, and more commonly in men than women;

chronic myelogenous leukemia: mainly in adults

Causes: different causes: mutations in the DNA, natural and artificial ionizing radiation, a few viruses, some chemicals, use of tobacco, a genetic predisposition, chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic conditions, etc.

Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: lack of blood platelets, red blood cell deficiency, anemia, pallor, feeling sick, fevers, chills, night sweats, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, an enlarged liver and spleen, headaches, etc.


History: a personal medical history, a family history, a medication history, an occupational history, an environmental history, a surgical history, etc.

Physical examination: observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

Instrumental evaluation: repeated complete blood counts, a bone marrow examination, lymph node biopsy, blood chemistry tests, X-ray, MRI, or ultrasound, etc.

Treatment: pharmaceutical medications, a multi-drug chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplantation, CNS prophylaxis (preventive therapy) to stop the cancer from spreading to the brain and nervous system in high-risk patients, splenectomy, chemotherapy, and bone marrow transplantation, etc.

Blood vessels

Phonetic exercise: Blood vessels [‘bld ‘veselz], circulatory system [,s:kjə’leitri ‘sistəm ‘sistim], tubes [‘tju:bz], transport [træns’p:t, ‘trænsp:t], throughout [θru’aut], arteries [‘a:triz] , veins [veinz], capillaries [kə’pilriz], endothelium [,endo’θi:liəm], layer [leiə], adventitia [,ædven’ti∫iə], average [‘ævrid3], exchange [iks’t∫eind3], atherosclerosis [,θərsklə’rusis], phlebitis [fli’baitis]

Make a report on blood vessels according to the plan below:

Definition: part of the circulatory system, a system of tubes.

Function: to transport blood throughout the body.

Types of blood vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries.

Structure: the endothelium, the subendothelial connective tissue, a layer of vascular smooth muscles, a further layer of connective tissue known as the adventitia.

Length: Laid end to end, all the blood vessels in an average human body: 62,000 miles.

The main functions: arteries: to carry blood from the heart; veins: to carry blood to the heart; capillaries: gas exchange.

The most common diseases: atherosclerosis, DVT or deep vein thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.