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Human Body

  1. What does the face consist of?

Upper part of face composed of the forehead and the temples. The two sides of the lower face are called the cheeks. The two jaws (upper and lower) form the framework of the mouth. The lower jaw also gives shape to the chin.

  1. What are principle organs in the chest and the abdominal cavity?

The chest contains the heart and lungs. The abdomen contains the kidneys, the stomach, the lover, the gall bladder, the spleen, the urinary bladder and the intestines or bowels.

  1. What are the upper and lower extremities divided into?

The upper extremity is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. Between the upper arm and the forearm there is the elbow. Each hand has four fingers and one thumb.

The part of the lower extremity are the thigh, the lower leg and the foot. The back of the lower leg called calf. The foot consists of the heel, the sole and the toes.

  1. What are the principle parts of the skeleton?

The 206 bones that comprise the adult human skeleton are usually divided for the purpose of study into two parts: the central axial skeleton, consisting of the bones of the skull, rib cage and the vertebral column, and the appendicular skeleton , consisting og the bones of the shoulders, arms, hips and legs.

  1. Name the systems of the body and their functions?

The Circulatory System , The alimentary system, The urinary system.

  1. What parts does the circulatory system comprise? What is its function?

The circulatory system consists of three essential parts: the blood, the heart and blood vessels.

  1. Speak on the composition of blood. Type cells in the blood, their functions.

The blood is made up of two parts, plasma and blood cells. Plasma is composed mostly of water and waste substances.

The corpuscles are cells and are divided into red corpuscles and white corpuscles.

The red corpuscles are minute, disc-shaped bodies. The red corpuscles are, therefore, the oxygen carriers of the body. The white corpuscles or leukocytes are larger than the red cells but less numerous. The function of leukocytes is primarily that of protecting against infection.

  1. What are the types of blood? Give short characteristics to main types. Which blood type is most useful for emergencies?

There are four main types, labeled A, B, O or AB and more than 200 minor types known. Forty-six per cent of people are blood group O, 42 per cent group A, 9 per cent group B and 3 per cent group AB. The definition of these groups is based on the presence or absence of two chemicals, or agglutinates, A and B. Blood O contains neither agglutinogen. Blood group O is known as the “universal donor blood” because it can be given in limited quantities to any recipient; blood group AB known as universal recipient.

  1. What does the digestive system consist of? Speak on the functions of the liver, pancreas, stomach duodenum, small and large intestines, rectum.

The alimentary canal begins at the mouth and end at the anus. It consists of the oral cavity, the gullet or esophagus, the stomach, the intestines.

In intestines nourished parts of food absorbed into blood for the nourishment of the body.

  1. What parts does the urinary system include?