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Bourdieu P., Passeron J.-C. Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. L., 1990.

In the classictext (now re-issued with a new introduction by Pierre Bourdieu), the authors develop an analysis of educa­ tion (in its broadest sense, encompassing more than the process of formal education). They show how education carries an es­ sentially arbitrary cultural scheme which is actually, though not in appearance, based on power. More widely, the reproduction of culture through education is shown to play a key part in the reproduction of the whole social system. The analysis is car­ ried through not only in theoretical terms but through the de­ velopment of empirically testable propositions within the wider framework of the historical transformation of the educational system.


Slobodtchikova V. I. Theory' and practice of Psychological

diagnostics // Вопр. психологии. 1982. Nr 14.

The author considers the problem of theoretical provision for potential scientific - applied diagnostical projects.

The paper deals with the analysis of existing connections between organisational principles of experimental psychological study and corresponding methods of the diagnostical work. This analysis is especially important for the objective coordination of psychological, diagnostical and experimental work in relation to the psychological reality with which they deal and for the over­ coming of the utilitarian practice of uncritical borrowing of the date and methods.


The article is concluded with basic requirements to the organization of the psychological study which can guarantee real validity, reliability and practical efficiency of the corre­ sponding diagnostical work.


In this category of the "World of Art" can befound a range of books which will appeal to art-lovers of eclectic tastes. The series is continually broadening its scope and now includes books on music and opera, photography, furniture and cos­ tumes. A revised edition of "A Concise History of the Theatre" by Phyllis Hartnoll ispublished this year.

История искусства

Over thirty titles covering many cultures, countries and centuries here provide a broad and balanced view of the his­ tory of art, from "Minoan and Mycensean Art" to "The Expressonalists", from "Egyptian Art" to "The Pre-Raphaelites".

Books which will be given a warm reception in 1985 include a revised edition of John Boardman's "Greek Art".

Современные направления

The twentieth century has seethed with innovative and ex­ citing new trends in art. Cubism, Dudaism and Futurism, Pop Art and Surrealism are all explained and discussed in this sec­ tion; and Edward Lucie-Stith's stimulating "Movements in Art Since 945" "will give a concise answer to almost any question that a general reader is likely to ask about the art of the last twenty-five years" - "The Sunday Times".



The splendid treasures of some of the world's most famous art collections are presented in these invaluable handbooks. Written in each case by someone with an intimate knowledge and love of the gallery and its works - often the Director or Keeper - the books frequently comprise the first English - lan­ guage guides to the paintings and their history.

Живопись и скульптура

Some twenty articles and their works are explored and analyzed here, each by a specially commissioned author, and expert on his or her subject. The range includes Dawn Ades on Doli, John Russell on Bacon, Lawrence Gowing on Matisse and Linds Murray on Michelangelo - providing an unrivalled array of volumes by -writers and critics of the highest calibre. Important new titles are "Rembrandt" by Christopher White ("vivid unsentimental biography... astonishingly well illus­ trated" - "The Sunday Telegraph") and Magritte by Suzi Gablik ("Gablik is always interesting, lucid and, best of all, mad about Magritte" - Tom Stoppard; The Sunday Times).

Архитектура и дизайн

This section of the series, already impressive in its scops, continues to expand. Valuable titles such as Kenneth Prampton's "Modem Architecture" (revised edition, 1985) and John Summerson's "The Classical Language of Architecture" have recently been joined by Frank Whitford's highly-praised "Bauhous and Americal Architecture; A Critical History" by David P. Handlin; and Margaret Whinney's "Wren" will be welcomed back after some years out ofprint.



The Wallace Collection. General Guide. The Trustees of the Wallace

Collection Manchester Square. L., 1984.

This revised edition of the "General Guide" describes the Collection as it has been redisplayed in 1982, following a pe­ riod of six years of building works at Hertford House. The contents differ in two principal respects from previous edition.

Firstly the armouries, contained in Galleries 5 to 8, are here only mentioned, there now being a separate "Guide to the Ar­ mouries" of the Wallace Collection. Secondly, following the publication in 1981 of "The Pounders of the Wallace Collec­ tion" by Peter Hughes, the history of the founders has been shortened.

Hilden S. Art Museum: Catalogue. P., 1987.

Details of all non-Finish works in the Sara Hilden Founda­ tion collection, including paintings, drawings and sculptures, are given in the catalogue. The artists' names are placed in al­ phabetic order.

The year and place of birth of the artist are given, as well as the country of residence. The year and place of death are mentioned, if applicable.

The name of the work is given both in Finnish and English. This isfollowed by the technique used and the year ofproduction.

The dimensions of the works are in centimetres, the first number being the height, than the width, and finally the depth. It most cases the height and width of the paintings are given. Only the height is given for sculptures, but all measurements are given for other works such as reliefes, environments, or sculptures made up of many different sections.


After the measurements comes the work's acquisition num­ ber and the year in which the work was acquired.

Finally, details are given, if possible, of the work's prove­ nance and most important exhibitions in which the work has been.

Теоретическая механика

Furumochi T. Liapunov Functions and Equiboundedness in Functional

Differential Equations // Memoirs of Faculty of Science. Japan. Matsue, 1985.

The equiboundedness of the solutions and functional dif­ ferential equations are mainly discussed by using Liapunov's second method. For a theorem on equiboundedness in ordinary differential equation in [V. Lakahmikantham and S. Leels, Math. System Theory, 10 (1976), 85-90], an example is pre­ sented. Moreover the theorem is extended to functional differ­ ential equations with infinite delay by using LiapunovRazumikhin method, and an application ispresented.


Baker J. M. Evidence for Covalency in Tm2+ and Yb3+ in Calcium

Fluoride // J. Phys. (N. Y.) 1968.

Axe and Bums have discussed the effects of covalency in Tm2+ in calcium fluoride, with particular emphasis on its con­ tribution to the crystalline-field splittings of the energy levels.

This theory has been developed to give a consistent interpreta­ tion of the transferred hyperfme interaction with neighboring fluoride ions and the orbital reduction factor, as well as the crystal-field splittings. The contribution to the transferred hy­ perfme structure from polarization of the 5p electrons of the rare earth ions is extrapolatedfrom the configuration 4f7 and is shown to be fairly small. The treatment in extended to the isoelectronic ion Yb3+ where the covalency is larger. The larger


crystal-field splitting is predicted by the theory, as well as larger transferred hyperfine structure and orbital reduction factor, and the quantitative estimates of the crystal field split­ tings are as good as those of Axe and Bums for Tm2+. No at­ tempt is made at exact calculation, hut it is demonstrated that the fairly crude covalent calculation gives a consistent inter­ pretation of all of the available experimental information for the two isoelectronic ions.


Michaud G., Charland Y., Vauclair S. and G. Diffusion in Mainsequence Stars: Radiation Forces, Time Seales, Anomalies // The Astrophysical J. (N. Y.) 1976.

The abundance anomalies generated by diffusion in the en­ velope of main-sequence stars are studied. It is shown that in slow-mass stars (M < 1.2 Mg) diffusion leads to underaboundances while in more massive stars (M > 1.3 Mg) diffusion leads to overaboundances of at least some elements. In general the overabundance and underabundance factors generated (up to 107) are larger than the observed anomalies in stars of the main sequence (rarely up to 106). It is established that diffusion can lead to the largest anomalies observed. For particular ele­ ments (Sr, Eu,...) it is shown where more accurate calculations are needed. Approximate formulae are developed for radiative accelerations. They allow the reader to carry out calculations for cases of special interest to him and also to evaluate the un­ certainty ofthe calculations.



Peripheral Circulation and Organ Blood Flow / Ed. by J. T. Shepherd. N. Y., 1983.

In 1983 the American Physiology Society published a "Hand book of Physiology" volume dealing with the regulation of the circulation to the lungs and the systems vascular beds.

The massive growth in knowledge since than has necessitated the publication of a new book: "Peripheral Circulation and Or­ gan Blood Flow".

This volume is published in two parts to cover many ad­ vances made in this field. Part I deals with the regulation of blood flow to individual vascular beds; Part II covers the car­ diovascular reflexes and circulatory integration. This volume complements two already -published titles in the series on the heart and on vascular smooth muscle.


Skeletal Muscle // American Physiological Society's Handbook of

Physiology Series. (N. Y.) 1983.

Muscle tissue has been thoroughly analyzed during the past 25 years. The large size of muscle cells and their high degree of functional and structural specialization make them well suited for study with the newer biophysical and biochemical technique.

The book is written to give you an integrated view of re­ search and possible future developments pertaining to this rapidly growing field. Muscle research is charted from the molecular and cellular level to the whole organizm and muscle diseases. An authoritative group of contribution have been brought together - all are active researchers in the specific area they write about.



The function of the "Botanic Review" is to present syn­ theses of the state of knowledge and understanding of indi­ vidual segments of botany. It is to be hoped that these syn­ theses can be read and understood by other botanists less well informed than the authors. Photograph, electron micro­ graphs, and drawings may be included as necessary. Enough papers should be cited to document the information and in­ terpretation presented, to help the reader to learn how we ar­ rived at the present state of understanding, and to demon­ strate that the author is thoroughly familiar with the litera­ ture in his field. New information can and sometimes should be incorporated into the articles, but "The Botanical Re­ view" is not the place for articles primarily concerned with presenting a limited set of new ideas.

Most articles are solicited or arranged in advance, but unsolicited manuscripts are also considered and sometimes published. All manuscripts are subject to critical review be­ fore acceptance. But it is to be expected that most solicited manuscripts will infact be accepted.

Floristic Inventory of Tropical countries

The Status of Plant Systematics, Collections, and Vegetation, plus

Recommendations for the Future. N. Y., 1989.

"Floristic Inventory" provides an evaluation and synthesis of the status of plant inventory and completeness of collections of rain forest vegetation in tropical countries, with special em­ phasis placed on threatened habitants, zones of endemism, and endangered species. By doing so it will furnish scientists, con­


servationists, government officials, and landuse planners with a foundation upon which to build ecologically sound policy and plans pertaining to the development, utilization, preservation and conservation of these rapidly-disappearing ecosystems.


Rommel Th C. An Introduction to Ecology and Population Biology.

N. Y., 1973.

Current widespread interest in environmental problems has added the word ecology to everyone's vocabulary: yet few appreciate the scientific bases of the subject. With this brief and clearly written introduction, Dr. Rommel has made it possible for everyone, even one having little previous training in biology, to visualize the chains and webs of force and action that govern the improvement of the deterioration of life and earth.

"An Introduction to Ecology and Population Biology" explains basic ecological processes without unnecessary technical detail, discusses the salient aspects of population biology without begging down in theoretical models, and emphasizes throughout those elements of greatest relevance to man. It maintains a style and depth appropriate for the interested beginner and employs a minimum of technical terms, all of which are defined in the Glossary.



Granifo J., GostemegnaJ., GorrevA., Pieber M Hmderes Roration of Some Substituted Thicuress in Complexes of Chrontum and Timgsten Carbonyus // J. of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry (N. Y.). 1980.Vol. 42, Nr 11.

We describe a procedure for the preparation of various metal thioures complexes of the type [M(CO)5L] in which M = Cr. or W and L = YU (thioures), NMNU (tetramethylthioures), Dpt TU (NN - di - p - tolulthiouras); DeB NU = (NN' - di - 1 - butyl thioures).

Structural characterization of the compounds was achieved by UV-visible, IR and especially NMR spectros­ copy. This study shows evidence of rotamers with NH bonds cis and trans with respect to the thiocarbonyl sulphur group.

Also we report the activation free energies for hindered rotation around the Cr-N bonds close to the coalescence temperature in TU, [Cr(CO)sTU] , [Cr(CO) 5 DptTU], DtBTU, [Cr(CO)5 DptTU], and [W(CO)5 DpBTU],


Bednarz М. M, Janvier B. The Understanding of Numeration in Primary School // Educational Studies in Mathematics (N. Y.). 1982. Nr 13.

This article presents results of a research projects concerned with primary level pupils' understanding of numeration. The two main objectives of this research were to clarify the notion of numeration and to make explicit, as much as possible, what an understanding of this concept, implies. We were also concerned, not to limit ourselves only to a theoretical study, but to make our research results usable by teachers. We shall provide a detailed analysis of the theoretical framework that specifies the concept of numeration in a much wider sense than is usually encountered in primary school mathematics.