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Всеобщая история

Holati 01. R., Silver R. М., George A. L. Change in the International

System. Boulder; Colo: Westview Press, 1980.

This volume of eleven essays dedicated to Robert C. North is divided into three parts. The first considers problems in de­ scribing international systems and, particularly, the paucity of attention paid to system dynamics. The second part focuses upon the sources of system change. The concluding section analyzes national constrains upon system change from the per­ spective of American foreign policy.

The volume reveals the rich diversity of approaches, ideas, and methodologies that are being employed to study interna­ tional system as well as the lack of paradigmatic consensus that characterizes the discipline in this area.

The authors go on to say that despite the diversity of topics addressed, a number of key themes emerge. The es­ says stress that fundamental questions concerning the defi­ nition of international systems and structure and their prop­ erties remain unresolved.

Finally, the essays of Ole Y. Holsti, Randolph M. Siverson and Alexander L. George, among the most illuminating in the volume, inform one another and paint a bright picture o f the problems confronting policy makers in the United States in their efforts to produce consistent foreign policy.


The volume is devoted to scholars and graduate students interested in the "state of the art" of research on interna­ tional system.

Отечественная история

HellieR. Slavery in Russia 1450-1725. Chicago; London, 1982.

The institution of slavery in early modem Russia has thus far remained largely unknown. It has often been con­ fused with serfdom. In this extensive monograph, the first on slavery throughout the Muscovite period, Richard Hellie discussed Russian slavery as an institution separate from serfdom and compares this system with others. The result is one of the most comprehensive examinations of any of the world's slave systems.

Hellie concludes that the Moscovite slave system was milder than many, in part because the majority of slaves were not "outsiders". These slaves were, rather, Orthodox ethnic East Slavs who sold themselves to government servitors, elite merchants, the clergymen. Hellie attempts to explain this pecu­ liarity of Muscovite slavery - i. e., the willingness of Musco­ vites to enslave their own ethnos —and considers its conse­ quences for the subsequent course of Russian history. In this context he discusses the notable infrequency of manumission, the absence of a transitional status for freedmen, and the high rate and ease of flight from slavery. Hellie also reveals one further peculiarity of Muscovy: in this world of nuclear fami­ lies and young males, there was a layer of society that almost certainly practiced massive female infanticide.

Hellie bases his conclusion on over two thousand slavery contracts, which contain the earliest available Russian demo­ graphic information, and on a study of a large corpus of laws


and court cases involving slavery issues. He combines a nar­ rative strategy ofsummarizing the court cases - prefacing them with biographies of the litigating slaveowners - with his com­ parative approach to provide a vivid portrait of the life and people of Muscovy.


Campbell J. B. The Problem of Creswellian Origins. Archeologia Interregionalis: Advances in Paleolithic and Mesolithis Archaeology. W-wa:Wydawnictsa Uniwersytetu, 1984.

The article is devoted to the problem of Creswellian origins.

The author believes that the Creswellian itself starts sometime before the Later Upper Paleolithic in the most limited sense of the latter term. It wasfounded that the Creswellian is principally represented by a series of backed - blade industries with certain distinctive attributes and frequencies. According to some objects the author found out that it has relationships which extended from Britain and Belgium right across the North European Plain and even into some regions further south.

The author suggested his viewpoint that most of the mate­ rial attributable to the Creswellian dates from between 14 000 and 10 000 BP. But when and where the true roots of the Cre­ swellian might penetrate is still quite uncertain.

This paper briefly considers each of the possible origins conventionally presented in the literature. Then it offers a com­ pletely new hypothesis based on the unusual Zweiersynieo culture of Poland.

In conclusion the authorpoints out that further surveys and analyses are now urgently required to test his hypothesis.



Canon Вг. С., Baum L. Patterns of Adoption of Tort Law Innovations: An Application of Diffusion Theory to Judicial Doctrines // The American Political Science Review. 1981. Vol. 75, Nr 4.

Social scientists have given increasing attention to the dif­ fusion of policy innovations among the American states, fo­ cusing on the legislative and administrative sectors. This study is an effort to expand our understanding of policy diffusion by analysing the diffusion of 23 innovation tort doctrines among state court systems between 1876 and 1975. This analysis ex­ amines the innovativeness of state judicial systems, the corre­ lates of innovativeness, and the pattern of diffusion. The find­ ing suggest that the diffusion ofjudicial doctrines is a very dif­ ferent process from the diffusion of legislation. A major reason for the difference appears to be the courts' dependence on liti­ gants to provide opportunities for innovation.


Baron R. A. Purdue University. With the spedcial assistance of Jerald Greenberg - Ohio State University Angelo S. De Hisi - University of South Carolina. Boston; London; Sydney; Toronto, s. a.

Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work. Summary.

Leadership can be viewed as a special type of influence - the influence exerted by one member of a group or organization over many others. It was once assumed that leaders differ from followers in terms of a small number of key traits. However, few differences of this type were uncovered in several decades of empirical research.


Leaders differ greatly in their approach or style of leader­ ship. Authoritarian leaders wish to be totally in control of the groups they direct, while democratic leaders afford subordi­ nates a degree of choice in such matters as choosing group ac­ tivities. °ome leaders seem primarily concerned with task ac­ complishment. Leaders high on this dimension (initiating structure) engage in such actions as organizing tasks and set­ ting deadlines. Other leaders seem primarily concerned with personal relations. Leaders high on this dimension (showing consideration) often help subordinates with personal problems and attempt to gain their trust.

Several factors influence how individuals are perceived as leaders, and how effective or ineffective they are perceived in this role. Persons who are competent, consistent in their poli­ cies, and who engage in high rates of verbal participation are usually rated higher as leaders than persons who are incompe­ tent, inconsistent, and who demonstrate low rates of verbal participation. Perceptions of leaders and leader behavior are also affected by implicit cognitive frameworks (e.g., implicit theories ofleadership).

Modem theories of leadership emphasize the importance of situational factors and conditions. The contingency model de­ veloped by Fiedler suggests that the effectiveness of leaders who are primarily task-oriented and those who are primarily relations-oriented differs m situations affording the leader varying degrees of control over subordinates. The normative theory proposed by Vroom and Yetton suggests techniques through which leaders can select the most effective strategies for making decisions. Finally, the path-goal theory developed by House and others suggests that the success of leaders in in­ fluencing subordinates, and the satisfaction of these persons


with them, is strongly affected by subordinates' perception that leaders are aiding them toward goal attainment.

Two new perspectives on leadership are the VDL approach and substitutes for leadership. The VDL approach calls atten­ tion to the fact that leaders treat different subordinates differ­ ently and suggests that interest should be directed to specific leader-subordinate dyads. Substitutes for leadership note that many of the key functions leaders perform can sometimes be fulfilled either by other members of the group or by impersonal factors (e.g., feedback from the tasks being performed, high cohesiveness among work group members). Thus, it suggests that in some cases, leaders may be perceived as largely super­ fluous by their subordinates.


Okabe N. Accounting Information Conflicts: A conceptualization // Kansei University Review of Economics and Business. 1983. Vol. 12.

This paper discusses conflict over alternative sets of ac­ counting information from a socio-political point of view. It also analyzes the context within which it occurs. Much atten­ tion is devoted to the parties which may be directly or indi­ rectly involved in it. The author poses the problem of some modes of management by means of which it can be reconciled.

An attempt is also made to shed light upon bargaining and po­ litical processes through which an accounting information sys­ tem is socially determined.

The author believes that presented analysis provides a theo­ retical framework which might serve as a more fruitful basis for explaining and predicting the social choice mechanism of accounting information. Nevertheless he underlines that there exists a number of problems in need of future research. Among


them there are the conflict situations which are essential for the development of a positive theory of financial disclosure.


Kassab E. S. Husserk's crisis and Curwitsah's nihilism: A Common

Preoccupation - a common call // International Sociology. 1990. Vol. 5, Nr 3.

The article brings together two texts: Edmund Husserl's lectures held in Vienna and Prague in 1935 and published in "The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phe­ nomenology" (1977) and Aron Curwitch's essay "On Contem­ porary Nihilism" (1945).

The three-fold thesis maintained in the article is the following.

Firstly, that the two texts express a common preoccupation related to their common historical background and concerning, on the one hand, philosophy and the idea of science, and on the other, the socio-political situation.

Secondly, that the diagnoses made of this crisis situa­ tion, being for science or for political life, as well as the remedy offered for it by the two thinkers are the same: namely, the loss of faith in Reason and the call for a renewal of this faith respectively.

Thirdly, that Curwitsch's can help us to better understand

Russell's motivations and intentions, now made explicit enough in the text of "The Crisis".

The theses is substantiated by following the line of ar­ gumentation presented in each text and comparing the one with the other.



Ball W. J. Conversational English. An Analysis of Contemporary Spo­ ken English for Foreign Students. London; New York; Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., s. a.

The book consists of Part I and Part П. In Part I the author presents theoretical information on language and nations' char­ acter, written and spoken English, the vocabulary and syntax of conversational English and practical approach to conversation.

The two sections into which Part II is divided are designed both to illustrate what has been, perhaps, rather two boldly stated in Part I and also to give students practice in conversa­ tional idiom.

Section A comprises the test papers. Many of the exercises are deliberately intended to send students researching in their dictionaries and in books dealing with British life and culture. Needless to say the exercises should not be attempted until the whole of Part I has been absorbed.

The passages of English in Section В should be read aloud.

References to the text of Part I should be studied and ana­ lysed.


An English-Reader's Dictionary / By A. S. Hornby and E. C. Pamwell.

L.: Oxford University Press, 1952.

The Oxford Dictionary has been specially compiled for learners of the English language who have reached the final stage of the elementary course.

Since it is often impossible to render idiomatic English adequately in another language, a bilingual dictionary is liable


to be less accurate, and also less satisfying to the student, than a dictionary that defines in English in terms that he can readily understand, With that qualification, an English -- English dic­ tionary can be not only a reference book but a practical text­ book of language:

"An English-Reader's Dictionary" is designed for use dur­ ing a secondary school course. It will help the student in read­ ing unsimplified texts (such as are to be found, for example, in "The English-Reader's Library"), and as it gives many exam­ ples of the uses of words and idiomatic word-groups it will also help him in his composition.

Pronunciation is indicated by means of the "simplified" tran­ scription approved by the International Phonetic Association, which is set out in full and explained on pp. vi-vii. Useful lists of prefixes, suffixes, and common abbreviations are included.


TauskP. A Short History of Press Photography. S. 1., s. a.

This rare and erudite book on the history of press photog­ raphy presents famous photojoumalists whose works, views and opinions have been of immense importance in the devel­ opment of society over the last 150 years. The book is divided into the following four periods.

1.From the invention of photography to the 1880s.

2.From the 1880s to the end of the First World War.

3.From 1918 to the end of the Second World War.

4.From the end of the Second World War the author Peter Tausk published 14 books on photography and wrote over 200 articles. He lectured extensively on contemporary photography and organized many exhibitions.