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Summary C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

by Andrew Troelsen ISBN:1590590554

The purpose of this chapter was to round out your understanding of the C# programming language. We

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

began by examining a small set of lesser know keywords (e.g., "sizeof", "checked", "unsafe", and so forth)

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the and during the processC# languagecameandto learnthenhowquicklyto workmoveswitho rawkey technicalpointer typesand .

architectural issues for .NET developers.

The remainder of this chapter was spent investigating various advanced type construction techniques (indexer methods, overloaded operators, and custom conversion routines). As you have seen, each of

TabletheseofconstrucContents can be triggered from languages other than C# (directly or indirectly).

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

Part Three:C# andProgrammingthe .NET Platfor , SecondwithEdition.NET Assemblies

by Andrew Troelsen


Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

Chapter ListThis comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and architectural issues for .NET developers.

Chapter 9: Understanding .NET Assemblies

Table of Contents

Chapter 10: Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Chapter 11: Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

Chapter C#9:andUnderstandingthe .NET Platform, Second.NETEdition Assemblies

by Andrew Troelsen ISBN:1590590554

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

Each of the applications developed in the first eight chapters are along the lines of traditional "stand-alone"

This comprehensive text starts withcontaineda bri f overview of the

applications, given that all programming logic is within a single *.exe. One major aspect of .NET

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

is the notion of binary reuse. Like COM, .NET provides the ability to access types located in external architectural issues for .NET developers.

binaries in a language-independent manner. However, the .NET platform provides far greater language integration than classic COM. For example, the .NET platform supports cross-language inheritance (e.g.,

a Visual Basic .NET class deriving from a C# class). To understand how this is achieved requires a deeper

Table of Contents

understanding of assemblies.

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Once you understand the logical and physical layout of an assembly, you then learn the distinction

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

between "private" and "shared" assemblies, as well as single file and multifile assemblies. You also

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

examine exactly how the .NET runtime resolves the location of an assembly and come to understand the

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

role of the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and application configuration files (*.config). As you will see, Part*.configTwo -filesThemayC# Programmingbe used by aLanguageclient application to interact with the assembly binding process.

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Problems with Classic COM Binaries

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

ChapterBinary reuse6 - Interfaces(i. ., portablend Collectionscode libraries) is not a new idea. To date, the most popular way in which a

Chapterprogrammer7 - Callbackcan shareInterfaces,types betweenDel gates,binariesnd Eve(antsd in some respects, across languages) is to build what

Chcanpternow8 be- Advregardednc C#as "classicType ConstructionCOM serversTechniques." Although the construction and use of COM binaries is a

PartwellThree-established- Programmingindustrywithstandard,.NET Assembliesthese little blobs have caused each of us a fair share of headaches. ChapterBeyond9the- factUnderstandingthat COM .demandsNET Assembliesa good deal of complex infrastructure (IDL, class factories, scripting

support, and so forth), I am sure you have also pondered the following questions during your time

Cha ter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

developing with COM:

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Why is it so difficult to version my COM binary?

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Why is it so complex to distribute my COM binary?

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

The .NET Framework greatly improves on the current state of affairs and addresses the versioning and

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

deployment problems head-on using a new binary format termed an assembly. However, before you

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

come to understand how the assembly offers a clean solution to these issues, let's spend some time

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

recapping the problems in a bit more detail.

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

ChapterProblem:19 - ASPCOM.NET WebVersioningApplicatio s

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services

In COM, you build entities named coclasses that are little more than a custom UDT (user-defined type)


implementing any number of COM interfaces (including the mandatory IUnknown). The coclasses are

List of Figures

then packaged into a binary home, which is physically represented as a *.dll or *.exe file. Once all the

List of Tables

(known) bugs have been squashed out of the code, the COM binary eventually ends up on some user's computer, ready to be accessed by other programs.

The versioning problem in COM revolves around the fact that the COM runtime offers no intrinsic support to ensure that the correct version of a binary server is loaded for the calling client. It is true that a COM programmer can modify the version of the type library, update the registry to reflect these changes, and even reengineer the client's code base to reference a particular library. But, the fact remains that these are tasks delegated to the programmer and typically require rebuilding the code base and redeploying the software. As many of you have learned the hard way, this is far from ideal.

Assume that you have jumped through the necessary hoops to try to ensure the COM client activates the correct version of a COM binary. Your worries are far from over, given that some other application may be installed on the target machine that overrides your carefully configured registry entries (and maybe even replaces a COM server or two with an earlier version during the process). Mysteriously, your client application may now fail to operate.

For example, if you have ten applications that all require the use of MyCOMServer.dll version 1.4, and

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


another application installs MyCOMServer.dll version 2.0, all ten applications are at risk of breaking. This is

by Andrew Troelsen


because we cannot be assured of complete backward compatibility. In a perfect world, all versions of a

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

given COM binary are fully compatible with previous versions. In practice however, keeping COM servers

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

(and software in general) completely backward compatible is extremely difficult.

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

architectural issues for .NET developers.

The lump sum of each of these versioning issues is lovingly referred to as "DLL Hell" (which, by the way, is not limited to COM DLLs; traditional C DLLs suffer the same hellish existence). As you'll see during the

course of this chapter, the .NET Framework solves this nightmare by using a number of techniques

Table of Contents

including side-by-side execution and a very robust (yet very simple) versioning scheme.

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

IntroducIn a nutshell,ion .NET allows multiple versions of the same binary to be installed on the same target machine.

PartTherefore,One - Introunderucing.NET,C#ifandclienttheA.NETrequiresPlatformMyDotNETServer.dll version 1.4 and client B demands

ChapterMyDotNETServer1 - The Philosophy.dll versionof 2.NET.0, the correct version is loaded for the respective client automatically. You Chapterare also2 able- Buildingto bindC#to aApplicationsspecific version using an application configuration file.

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

ChapterProblem:3 - C#COMLanguageDeploymentFundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

ChapterThe COM5 -runtimeExceptionsis a andratherObjtemperamentalct Lifeti service. When a COM client wishes to make use of a Chaptercoclass,6 the- Interfacesfirst step isandto loadCollectionsthe COM libraries for a given thread by calling CoInitialize(). At this point,

the client makes additional calls to the COM runtime (e.g., CoCreateInstance(), CoGetClassObject(), and

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

so forth) to load a given binary into memory and create the required COM type. The result is that the COM

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

client receives an interface reference that is then used to manipulate the coclass.

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

For the COM runtime to locate and load a binary, the COM server must be configured correctly on the

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

target machine. From a high level, registering a COM server sounds so simple: build an installation

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

program (or make use of a system-supplied registration tool) to trigger the correct logic in the COM binary

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

(DllRegisterServer() for DLLs or WinMain() for EXEs) and call it a day. However, as you may know, a COM

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

server requires a vast number of registration entries to be made. Typically, every COM class (CLSID),

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

interface (IID), type library (LIBID), and application (AppID) must be documented within the system registry.

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

The key point to keep in mind is that the relationship between the binary image and the related registry

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

entries is extremely loose, and therefore extremely fragile. In COM, the location of the binary image (e.g.,

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

C:\MyCOMServer.dll) is entirely separate from the massive number of registry entries that completely

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

describe the component. Therefore, if the end user were to relocate (or rename) a COM server, the entire

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

system breaks, as the registration entries are now out of sync.

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

The .NET platform makes the process of deploying an application extremely simple given the fact that

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services

.NET binaries (i.e., assemblies) are not registered in the system registry at all. Plain and simple. Deploying


a .NET application can be (and most often is) as simple as copying the files that compose the application

List of Figures

to some location on the machine, and running your program. In short, be prepared to bid a fond farewell to ListHKEYof Tables_CLASSES_ROOT.

Соседние файлы в предмете Программирование