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Internal Representation of Type Indexers

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


by Andrew Troelsen


Now that you have seen a number of variations on the C# indexer method, you may be wondering how this

Apr ss © 2003 (1200 pages)

member is represented in terms of raw CIL. If you were to open up the numerical indexer of the Cars type,

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the you would find thatC#thelanguageC# compilerand thenhasquicklycreatedmovesa propertyto key namedtechnicalItem:and

architectural issues for .NET developers.

.property instance class Indexer.Car Item(int32)


Table of Contents

.get instance class Indexer.Car Indexer.Cars::get_Item(int32)

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

.set instance void Indexer.Cars::set_Item(int32,


class Indexer.Car)

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

} // end of property Cars::Item

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

ChapterNow, if3you- haveC# LanguagebackgroundFundamentalsin the Visual Basic programming language, you may be happy to see that Chapterthe internal4 - representationObject-OrientedofProgrammingC# indexerwithis indeedC# a property named Item. The reason (for those who

are not aware of various VB-isms) is that VB types that provide access to subtypes typically define a

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

default method named Item. In the world of VB, a default item identifies the method to be called on a type

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

if the caller does not explicitly specify it by name, but rather makes use of the index notation (which under

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

VB is denoted as () rather than []). Given this factoid, understand that C# indexers are CLS compliant, and

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

can be called from any .NET-aware programming language.

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Note FYI, unlike VB 6.0, VB .NET will only allow you to define a default property that has at least one

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

parameter. Given this, the VB 6.0 "Set" keyword is now obsolete.

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

Using the C# aIndexerd the .NETfromPlatform,VBSecond.NETEdition

by Andrew Troelsen


To illustrate the language-agnostic nature of C# indexers requires an understanding of .NET code libraries

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

(e.g., custom *.dll assemblies). The next chapter will examine this process in great detail, so for the time

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

being simply assumeC# languageyou haveandcreatedthen quicklya C# codemoveslibraryto keynamedtechnicalIndexerCodeLibraryand that contains the Cars, Radio, andarchitecturalCar types. Ifissuesa VB .forNET.NETapplicationdeveloperswere. to set a reference to this external assembly, it would be able to interact with the contained types as follows:

Table of Contents

' The VB .NET 'Imports' keyword is

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

' the same as the C# 'using' keyword.


Imports IndexerCodeLibrary

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform


' A VB .NET 'Module' is simple a class containing nothing

Chapter 1


- The Philosophy of .NET


' but

static members.


Chapter 2


- Building C# Applications


Module CarApp


Part Two - The C# Programming Language


Sub Main()


Chapter 3


- C# Language Fundamentals




Dim carLot As New Cars()


Chapter 4


- Object-Oriented Programming with C#




' Item is mapped to the default property in VB .NET,

Chapter 5


- Exceptions and Obj ct Li etime




' and can therefore be omitted. Thus, either of these calls

Chapter 6


- Interfac' ares perfectlyand Collectionsfine and legal.

Chapter 7


- CallbackcarLotInterfaces,.Item(0)Delegates,= New andCar("MB",Events

150, 40)

Chapter 8


- AdvcarLot(1)nced C# Type= NewConstructionCar("Daisy",Techniques130, 40)

Part Three - ProgrammingDim c AswithCar.NET Assemblies


Chapter 9


- UnderstandingFor Each c.NETInAssembliescarLot


Chapter 10

- Processes,Console.WriteLine("Name:AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads{0}, Max Speed: {1}", _

Chapter 11

- Type Reflection,c.PetName,Late Binding,c.MaxSpeed)and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - LeveragingNext the .NET Libraries


Chapter End12 - ObjectSub Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

ChapterEnd Module13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14

- A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)


Chapter 15

- Programming with Windows Forms Controls


Chapter 16

- T System.IO Namespace


Although we have not yet drilled into the details of code libraries or cross-language programming (more

Chapter 17

- Data Access with ADO.NET


details to come in Chapter 9), the code shown here should be quite easy on the eyes. Do note that VB




.NET client applications have the option of specifying the Item property by name, given that VB .NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services


interprets any C# indexers as the default property of the type (e.g., it will be invoked even if the code base

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET W b P ges and Web Controls

Chapterdoes not19explicitly- ASP.NETreferenceW b Applicationsit by name).

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


The IndexerCodeLibrary and VbNetIndexerClient projects are located under the


Chapter 8 subdirectory.

List of Figures


List of Tables

OverloadingC#Operatorsand the .NET Platform, Second Edition

by Andrew Troelsen


So much for the topic of C# indexers. Next up, we will examine a technique that is not supported by all

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

.NET-aware programming languages, but is useful nonetheless. C#, like any programming language, has

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

a canned set of tokensC# languthatgeareandusedthentoquicklyperformovesbasictooperationskey technicalon andintrinsic types. For example, everyone knows that the + architecturoperator canl issuesbe appliedfor .NETto twodevelopersintegers. in order to yield a new integer:

// The + operator in action.

Table of Contents int a = 100;

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition int b = 240;


int c = a+b; // c is now 340

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

ChapterThis is 2no -majorBuildingnewsC#flash,Applicationsbut have you ever stopped and noticed how the same + operator can be

Pappliedrt Two to- TheanyC#intrinsicProgrammingC# dataLanguagetype? For example:

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

// + operator with strings.

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

string s1 = "Hello";

Chapterstring6 s2- Interfaces= " world!";and Collections

Chapterstring7 s3- Callback= s1 Interfaces,+ s2; //Delegates,s3 is nowand Events"Hello world!"

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

In essence, the + operator has been overloaded to function correctly on various individual data types.

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

When the + operator is applied to numerical types, the result is the summation of the operands. However,

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

when applied to string types, the result is string concatenation.

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Note Understand that unlike numerous types in the .NET base class libraries, the intrinsic data types

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

of the System namespace have not literally overloaded the set of C# operators, as CIL provides

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Windowmanipulation(Introduci g Windows Forms) specific opcodes for the of numeric data types.

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

The C# language (like C++ and unlike Java) provides the capability for you to build custom classes and

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

structures that also respond uniquely to the same set of basic tokens (such as the + operator). To

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

illustrate, assume the following simple Point structure (and yes, you are able to overload operators on

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

class types as well):

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

// Just a simple everyday C# struct.

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

public struct Point

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services



private int x, y;

List of Figures

public Point(int xPos, int yPos)

List of Tables


x = xPos; y = yPos;


public override string ToString()


return string.Format("X pos: {0} Y pos: {1}", this.x, this.y);



Now, logically speaking, it makes sense to add Points together. On a related note, it would be helpful to subtract one Point from another. For example, if you created two Point objects with some initial startup values, you may like to do something like this:

// ...and subtracted.

// Adding and subtracting two points.

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition public static int Main(string[] args)


by Andrew Troelsen


Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)



// Make two points


This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

Point ptOne = new Point(100, 100);

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

Point ptTwo = new Point(40, 40); architectural issues for .NET developers.

// Add the points to make a new point.

Point bigPoint = ptOne + ptTwo;

Console.WriteLine("Here is the big point: {0} ", bigPoint.ToString());

Table of Contents

// Subtract the points to make a new point.

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

Point minorPoint = bigPoint - ptOne;


Console.WriteLine("Just a minor point: {0} ", minorPoint.ToString());

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

return 0;

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET


Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

ChapterClearly,3your- C#goalLanguageis to somehowFundamentalsmake your Point type react uniquely to the + and – operators. To allow a

Chaptercustom4type- Objectto respond-OrientoedtheseProgrammingintrinsic tokens,with C#C# provides the "operator" keyword, which can only be

Chapterused in5conjunction- ExceptionswithandstaticObjectmethodsLifetime. To illustrate:

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

// A more intelligent Point type.

Chapterpublic8 struct- AdvancedPointC# Type Construction Techniques

Part{ Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter private9 - Und rstandingint x,.NETy; Assemblies

Chapter public10 - Processes,Point(intAppDomains,xPos,Contexts,int yPos){and Threadsx = xPos; y = yPos; }

// The Point type can be added...

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

public static Point operator + (Point p1, Point p2)

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries


Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Point newPoint = new Point(p1.x + p2.x, p1.y + p2.y);

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

return newPoint;

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)


Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

public static Point operator - (Point p1, Point p2)

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET


Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

// Figure new X (assume [0,0] base).

Chapter 18

- ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19


int newX = p1.x - p2.x;

- ASP.NET Web Applications



if(newX < 0)

Chapter 20

- XML Web Services



throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();



// Figure new Y (also assume [0,0] base).

List of Figures

int newY = p1.y - p2.y;

List of Tables

if(newY < 0)



throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();



return new Point(newX, newY);


public override string ToString()


return string.Format("X pos: {0} Y pos: {1}", this.x, this.y);



Notice that the class now contains two strange looking methods called operator + and operator –.The logic behind operator + is simply to return a brand new Point based on the summation of the incoming Point arguments. Thus, when you write pt1 + pt2, under the hood you can envision the following hidden call to the static operator + method:


p3 =

Point.operator+C# and the .NET(p1,Platform,p2) Second Edition



= p1

+ p2;by Andrew Troelsen




Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)


This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

Likewise, p1 – p2 maps to the following:

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and architectural issues for .NET developers.

// p3 = Point.operator- (p1, p2)

p3 = p1 - p2;

Table of Contents

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Overloading the Equality Operators

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

As you may recall, System.Object.Equals() can be overridden in order to perform valuebased (rather than

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

referenced-based) comparisons between objects. In addition to overriding Equals() and GetHashCode(),

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

an object may choose to override the equality operators (= = and !=). To illustrate, here is the updated

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Point type:

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

// This incarnation of Point also overloads the == and != operators.

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events public struct Point

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques


Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

public int x, y;

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblesint

public Point(int xPos, yPos){ x = xPos; y = yPos;}

Chapter... 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter public11 - TypeoverrideReflect on, LateboolBinding,Equals(objectand Attribute-Basedo) Programming

Part Four{- Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Objectif((Serialization(Point)o)and.xthe=.NET= thisRemoting.x &&Layer

((Point)o).y = = this.y)

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

return true;

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)


Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

return false;

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace


Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

public override int GetHashCode()

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

{ return this.ToString().GetHashCode(); }

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

// Now let's overload the == and != operators.

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

public static bool operator ==(Point p1, Point p2)

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services

{ return p1.Equals(p2); }

Index public static bool operator !=(Point p1, Point p2)

List of Figures

{ return !p1.Equals(p2); }

List of Tables


Notice how the implementation of operator == and operator != simply makes a call to the overridden Equals() method to get the bulk of the work done. Given this, you can now exercise your Point class as follows:

// Make use of the overloaded equality operators. public static int Main(string[] args)



if(ptOne == ptTwo)


Are they

the same?

Console.WriteLine("Same values!");




different values.");


if(ptOne != ptTwo)





Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies
Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies
Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Console.WriteLine("These are not equal.");


C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


by Andrew Troelsen



Console.WriteLine("Same values!");


}Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

architectural issues for .NET developers.

As you can see, it is quite intuitive to compare two objects using the well-known == and != operators rather than making a call to Object.Equals(). As a rule of thumb, classes that override

Object.Equals()/Object.GetHashCode() should always overload the == and != operators.

Table of Contents

C#If youanddotheoverload.NET Platform,the equalitySecondoperatorsEdition for a given class, keep in mind that C# demands that if you

Introductionoverride operator ==, you must also override operator !=, just as when you override Equals() you will need

Partto overrideOne - IntroducingGetHashCode()C# and. Thist e .NETensuresPlatformthat an object behaves in a uniform manner during comparisons

Chapterand functions1 - ThecorrectlyPhilosophyif placedof .NETinto a hash table (if you forget, the compiler will let you know).

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

SOURCE The OverLoadOps project is located under the Chapter 8 subdirectory.

Part Two - The C# Programming Language


Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

ChaptOverloadingr 5 - ExceptionstheandComparisonObject Lifetime Operators

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

InChapter 6, you learned how to implement the IComparable interface in order to compare the relative

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

relationship between two like objects. Additionally, you may also overload the comparison operators (<, >, <=, and >=) for the same class. Like the equality operators, C# demands that < and > are overloaded as a set. The same holds true for the <= and >= operators. If the Car type you developed in Chapter 6

overloaded these comparison operators, the object user could now compare types as follows:

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

// Exercise the overloaded < operator for the Car class.

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

public class CarApp

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer


Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms) public static int Main(string[] args)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)


Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls


// Make an array

of Car types.

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace


Car[] myAutos = new Car[5];

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Car(123, "Rusty");


myAutos[0] = new

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services


myAutos[1] = new

Car(6, "Mary");

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls


myAutos[2] = new Car(6, "Viper");

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Car(13, "NoName");


myAutos[3] = new

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services

Car(6, "Chucky");


myAutos[4] = new

// Is Rusty less

than Chucky?

List of Figures

List of Tables

if(myAutos[0] < myAutos[4])

Console.WriteLine("Rusty is less than Chucky!");


Console.WriteLine("Chucky is less than Rusty!"); return 0;



Assuming you have a Car type that implements IComparable, overloading the comparison operators is trivial. Here is the updated class definition:

// This class is also comparable using the comparison operators.

public class Car : IComparable



public int CompareTo(object o)

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


by Andrew Troelsen


Car temp = (Car)o;


Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)


if(this.CarID > temp.CarID)


Thisreturncomp ehensive text starts with a brief overview of the


C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and if(this.CarID < temp.CarID)

architectural issues for .NET developers. return -1;


return 0;

Table of Contents


C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

public static bool operator < (Car c1, Car c2)



Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

IComparable itfComp = (IComparable)c1;

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

return (itfComp.CompareTo(c2) < 0);

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications


Part Two - The C# Programming Language

public static bool operator > (Car c1, Car c2)

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals


Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

IComparable itfComp = (IComparable)c1;

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

return (itfComp.CompareTo(c2) > 0);

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections


Chapter public7 - CallbackstaticInterfaces,boolDelegates,operatorand<=Events(Car c1, Car c2)

Chapter {8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - PrograIComparableming with .NETitfCompAssemblies= (IComparable)c1;

Chapter 9 - Understandingreturn (itfComp.NET Assemblies.CompareTo(c2) <= 0);


Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

public static bool operator >= (Car c1, Car c2)

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming


Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

IComparable itfComp = (IComparable)c1;

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

return (itfComp.CompareTo(c2) >= 0);

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)


Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)


Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

SOURCE The ObjCompWithOps project is located under the Chapter 8 subdirectory.

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls


Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

The InternalC#Representationand the .NET Platf rm,ofSecondOverloadedEdition Operators

by Andrew Troelsen


Like any C# programming element, overloaded operators are represented using specific CIL instructions. To

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

begin examining what takes place behind the scenes, open up your OverLoadOps.exe assembly (created

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

previously) usingC#ildasmlanguage.exe. Asandyouthencanquicklysee frommovesFigureto key8-technical3, the +, and-, = =, and != operators are internally

expressed via hiddenarchitecturalmethods,issueswhichforin.NETthis developcase arersnamed. op_Addition(), op_Subtraction(), op_Equality(), and op_Inequality().

Table of Contents

C# and






















and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding,

d Attribute-Based Programming

Figure 8-3: Internal CIL representation of overloaded operators

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Now, if you were to examine the specific CIL instructions for the op_Addition method, you would find that the

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms) specialname flag has also been inserted by csc.exe:

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

.method public hidebysig specialname static

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

valuetype OverLoadOps.Point op_Addition(valuetype OverLoadOps.Point p1,

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

valuetype OverLoadOps.Point p2) cil managed

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services


Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls


Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications


Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


ListTheoftruthFiguresof the matter is that any operator that you may overload equates to a specially named method in

Listtermsof Tablesof CIL. Table 8-3 documents the C#-operator-to-CIL mapping for the key C# operators.

Table 8-3: C#-Operator-to-CIL Special Name Roadmap


Intrinsic C# Operator


CIL Representation






- -
























Unary +






























C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition










Binary +

by Andrew Troelsen









Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)




Binary -




This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview




of the






Binary *

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical



architectural issues for .NET developers.

















Table% of Contents







C#^and the .NET Platform, Second Edition










PartBinaryOne -&Introducing C# and the .NET Platform












- The Philosophy of .NET











- Building C# Applications






Part&&Two - The C# Programming Language












- C# Language Fundamentals











- Object-Oriented Programming with C#









- Exceptions and Object Lifetime











- Interfaces and Collections











- Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events









- Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques







Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies



= =







- Understanding .NET Assemblies









- Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads











- Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming







Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries


Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)


Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)


Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace


Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET


Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls


Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications


Chapter 20 - XML Web Services



List of Figures


List of Tables




















op_BitwiseOrAssignment() op_DivisionAssignment()

throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if(newY < 0)

InteractingC#withand Overloadedthe .NET Platform,OperatorsSecond Editionfrom Overloaded-Operator-

by Andrew Troelsen


Challenged Languages


Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)


This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

The capability to overload operators is useful in that it enables the object user to work with your types

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

(more or less) like any intrinsic data point. Now, understand that the capability to overload operators is not architectural issues for .NET developers.

a requirement of the Common Language Specification; thus, not all .NET-aware languages support the construction of types that overload operators.

Table of Contents

What then would happen if an overloaded-operator-challenged language wished to add two points

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

together? To make it as simple as possible for such languages to trigger the same functionality as an


overloaded operator, you will do well to provide a publicly named member for the same purpose. To

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

illustrate, assume you have updated the Point type as follows:

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

// Exposing overloaded operator semantics using simple

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

// member functions.

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

public struct Point

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#


Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime


Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

// Operator + via AddPoints()

Chapter 7

- Callback Interfaces, Delegates, a Events

p1, Point p2)

public static Point AddPoints (Point

Chapter 8

- Adva ced C# Type Construction Techniques

+ p2.y); }


return new Point(p1.x + p2.x, p1.y

Part Three//- ProgOperatormming-withvia.NETSubtractPoints()Assemblies

Chapter public9 - Undersstandticng Point.NET AssemSubtractPointslies (Point p1, Point p2)

Chapter {10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

// Figure new X.

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

int newX = p1.x - p2.x;

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

if(newX < 0)

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

// Figure new Y.

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

int newY = p1.y - p2.y;

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

return new Point(newX, newY);

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services


Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls


Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


ListRatherof Figuresthan having duplicate code within your overloaded operators and public members, to maximize Listyourof codingTables efforts, simply implement the overloaded operators to call the member function alternative (or vice versa). For example:

public struct Point



// For overload-operator-aware languages.

public static Point operator + (Point p1, Point p2)

{return AddPoints(p1, p2); }

//For overload-challenged languages.

public static Point AddPoints (Point p1, Point p2) { return new Point(p1.x + p2.x, p1.y + p2.y); }


With this, the Point type is able to expose the same functionality using whichever technique a given

language demands. C# users can apply the + and – operators and/or call AddPoints()/SubtractPoints().

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

Languages that cannot use overloaded operators (such as VB .NET) can make due with the public

by Andrew Troelsen ISBN:1590590554 member functions.

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

Triggering the "Special Names" from VB .NET

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

architectural issues for .NET developers.

On a related note, understand that it is also possible to directly call the specially named methods from operator-overload-lacking languages, given that they appear as public members on the type. Thus, if you

TablewereoftoContentsbundle the logic of the previous OverLoadOps project into a C# code library (named

OverLoadOpsCodeLibrary), a VB .NET client could interact with the + operator as follows:

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


PartImportsOne - IntroducingOverLoadOpsCodeLibraryC# and the .NET Platform

ChapterModule1 OverLoadedOpClient- The Philosophy of .NET

ChapterSub2 -Main()Bu lding C# Applications

Part Two - TheDimC#p1ProgrammingAs PointLanguage

p1.x = 200

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

p1.y = 9

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Dim p2 As Point

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

p2.x = 9

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

p2.y = 983

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

' Not as clean as calling AddPoints(),

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

' but it gets the job done.

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Dim bigPoint = Point.op_Addition(p1, p2)

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Console.WriteLine("Big point is {0}", bigPoint)

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

End Sub

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

End Module

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

ChapterAs you13can- see,BuildingoverloadedBett r-Windowoperator(Introducing-challengedWindows.NET programmingForms) languages are able to directly invoke

Chapterthe internal14 - CILA Bettmethodsr Paintingas ifFrametheywereork (GDI+)"normal" methods. While it is not pretty, it works. Therefore, even Chapterif you (or15your- Programmingteammates)withdo Windowsnot take theFormstimeControlsto create a more friendly named method (such as

AddPoints()), the same functionality can be obtained using the underlying "special" methods.

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

SOURCE The OverLoadOpsCodeLibrary and VbNetOverLoadOpsClient projects are located

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

CODE under the Chapter 8 subdirectory.

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

Final ThoughtsC# andRegardingthe .NET Platform,OperatorS cond EditionOverloading

by Andrew Troelsen


C# provides the capability to build types that can respond uniquely to various intrinsic, well-known

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

operators. Now, before you go and retrofit all your classes to support such behavior, you must be sure that

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

the operator(s) youC#arelanguageabout andto overloadthen quicklymakemovessometosortkeyoftechniclogical senseand in the world at large.

architectural issues for .NET developers.

For example, let's say you overloaded the multiplication operator for the Engine class. What exactly would it mean to multiply two Engine objects? Not much. Overloading operators is generally only useful when

Tablebuildingof Contentsutility types. Strings, points, rectangles, fractions, and hexagons make good candidates for C#operatorand theoverloading.NET Platform,. People,Secondmanagers,Edition cars, headphones, and baseball hats do not. Use this feature



Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Finally, be aware that you cannot overload each and every intrinsic C# operator. Table 8-4 outlines the

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

"overloadability" of each item.

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

Table 8-4: Valid Overloadable Operators

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

ChapterC# Operator4 - Object-OrientedMeaningPro rammingin Lifewith(Can# This Operator Be Overloaded?)

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

+, -, !, ~, ++, - -, This set of unary operators can be overloaded.

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections true, false

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter+, -, *,8/, %,- Advanced&, |, C#TheseTypebinaryConstructionoperatorsTechniqucan besoverloaded.

Part^, Three<<, >>- Programming with .NET Assemblies















- Understanding .NET Assemblies





= =, !=, <, >, <=,



The comparison operators can be overloaded. Recall, however, that C# will







- Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads










demand that "like" operators (i.e., < and >, <= and >=, = = and !=) are






- Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming











overloaded together.




Part Four - Leveraging



the .NET Libraries









- Object



SerializationThe [] operatorand thecannot.NET RemotingtechnicallyLayerbe overloaded. As you have seen earlier in







- Building a



Betterthis chapter,Windowhowever,(Introducingthe indexerWindowsconstructForms) provides the same functionality.

















- A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)




- Programming with Windows Forms Controls



And What of the += and -+ Operators?





- The System.IO Namespace




- Data Access with ADO.NET


If you are coming to C# from a C++ background, you may lament the loss of overloading the shorthand

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

assignment operators (+=, -=, and so forth) as well as the explicit cast operator (()). Fear not. In terms of

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

C#, the shorthand assignment operators are automatically simulated if a type overloads a given unary

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

operator and the assignment operator. Thus, given that the Point structure has already overloaded the +, -,

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services

and == operators, you are able to write the following:


List of Figures

// Freebie!!

List of Tables

Point ptThree = new Point(90, 5);

ptThree += ptTwo;

Console.WriteLine("ptThree is now {0}", ptThree);

In a similar manner, given that the Point type has overloaded the - and assignment operators, you are also able to exercise a Point type as follows:

// Another freebie!!

Point ptFour = new Point(0, 500);

ptFour += ptThree;

Console.WriteLine("ptFour is now {0}", ptFour);

As for the apparent loss of overloading the explicit cast operator, C# offers an appealing alternative. ...

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

by Andrew Troelsen


Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and architectural issues for .NET developers.

Table of Contents

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

UnderstandingC# andCustomthe .NET Platform,Type SecoConversionsd Edition

by Andrew Troelsen


To wrap up this chapter, we will examine a topic closely related to operator overloading: defining custom

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

type conversion functions (as mentioned, this technique is functionally similar to overloading the ()

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

operator using C++)C# .languageBefore weanddivethenintoquicklythe details,moves let'sto keyquicklytechnicalreviewandthe notion of explicit and implicit conversions betweenarchitecturalnumericalissuesdataforas.NETwelldevelopersas related.class types.

Recall: Numerical Conversions

Table of Contents

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

In terms of the intrinsic numerical types (sbyte, int, float, etc.), an explicit conversion is required when you


attempt to store a larger value into a smaller container, as this may result in a loss of data. Basically, this is

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

your way to tell the compiler, "Leave me alone, I know what I am trying to do." As you recall, in an explicit

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

conversion in C#, you make use of an explicit cast (via the () operator). Conversely, implicit conversions

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

happen automatically when you attempt to place a smaller type into a destination type that will not result in

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

a loss of data:

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

int a = 123;


Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

long b = a;

// Implicit conversion from int to long

Chapter 6

- Interfaces and Collections

int c

= (int) b;

// Explicit conversion from long to int

Chapter 7

- Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8

- Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Note Also recall that the "checked"/"unchecked" keywords can be used to generate (or disable)

Chapter 9 - Und rstanding .NET Assemblies

runtime errors should a loss of data occur (as you have seen at the opening of this chapter).

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Now, assume for a moment that C# did not honor the use of the () operator. This would be nasty, as you

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

would be required to call various member functions in order to convert between types. For example:

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

int a = 123;

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+) long b = a;

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

int c = ((IConvertible)b).ToInt32(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); // Yuck...

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Recall: Conversions Among Related Class Types

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

As seen in Chapter 4, class types may be related by classical inheritance (the "is-a" relationship). In this

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services

case, the C# conversion process allows you to cast up and down the class hierarchy. For example, a


derived class can always be implicitly cast into a given base type. However, if you wish to store a base

List of Figures

class type in a derived variable, you must perform an explicit cast:

List of Tables

// Implicit cast between derived to base.

Base myBaseType;

myBaseType = new Derived();

//Must explicitly cast to store base reference

//in derived type.

Derived myDerivedType = (Derived)myBaseType;

This explicit cast works due to the fact that the Base and Derived classes are related by classical inheritance. However, what if you had two class types in different class hierarchies that require conversions? On a related note, consider structure types. Assume you have two .NET structures named Square and Rectangle. Given that structures cannot leverage classic inheritance, you have no natural way to cast between these seemingly related types.

While you could build custom methods (such as Square.ToRectangle() or Rectangle.ToSquare()), C#

allows you to build custom conversion routines that allow your types to respond to the () operator.

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

Therefore, if you configured the Square type correctly, you would be able to use the following syntax to

by Andrew Troelsen ISBN:1590590554 explicitly convert between types:


Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

// Convert

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

a C#Squarelanguagetoanda thenRectangle.quickly moves to key technical and

Square sq;

architectural issues for .NET developers.

sq.sideLength = 3;

Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)sq;

Table of Contents

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

Creating CustomC# and theConversion.NET Platform, SecRoutinesnd Edition

by Andrew Troelsen


Now that you have a better feel about how it would look to interact with a type using a custom conversion

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

routine, let's see how to equip the type itself. C# provides two keywords ("explicit" and "implicit") that are

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

used to control howC# yourlanguagetypesandrespondthen quicklyduringmovesan attemptedto key techconversionical and. To begin, assume you have the following structurearchitecdefinitions:ural issues for .NET developers.

public struct Rectangle

Table of Contents


C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition public int width, height;


public void Draw()

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

{ Console.WriteLine("Drawing a rect.");}

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

// Rectangles can be explicitly converted

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

// into squares using the () syntax.

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

public static explicit operator Rectangle(Square s)

Chapter{3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Rectangle r;

Chapter 5 -rExc.heightptions and= sObject.sideLength;Lif time

Chapter 6 -rInterfaces.width and= s.CollectionssideLength;

Chapter 7 -returnCallback Interfaces,r; Delegates, and Events

Chapter}8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

public override string ToString()

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter{9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

return string.Format("[Width = {0}; Height = {1}]",

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

width, height);

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming


Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries


Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

public struct Square

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)


Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+) public int sideLength;

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls public void Draw()

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

{ Console.WriteLine("Drawing a square.");}

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

public override string ToString()

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services


Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

return string.Format("[SideLength = {0}]", sideLength);

Chapter}19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services



List of Figures

Notice that the Rectangle type defines an explicit conversion operator. Like the process of overloading an

List of Tables

operator, conversion routines make use of the C# operator keyword (in conjunction with the "explicit" or "implicit" keyword), and must be defined as static. The incoming parameter is the entity you are converting from while the return value is the entity you are converting to:

public static explicit operator Rectangle(Square s)


In any case, the assumption is that a square (being a geometric pattern in which all sides are of equal length) can be transformed into a rectangle, provided that the dimensions remain identical. Thus, you are free to convert a Square into a Rectangle in the following ways:

// Create a 10 * 10 square.

Square sq;

sq.sideLength = 3;

Console.WriteLine("sq = {0}", sq);

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition

// Convert Square to a new Rectangle.

by Andrew Troelsen


Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)sq;


Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)


Console.WriteLine("rect = {0}", rect);


This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and architectural issues for .NET developers.

While it may not be all that helpful to convert your Square into a Rectangle within the same scope,

assume you have a function that has been prototyped to take Rectangle types. Using your explicit

Table of Contents

conversion operation, you can safely pass in Square types for processing:

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


private static void DrawThisRect(Rectangle r)

Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform


Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET


Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

// Meanwhile, back in Main()...

Part Two - The C# Programming Language


Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Explicit Conversion Operators for the Square Type

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Now that you can explicitly convert squares into rectangles, let's update the Square structure to support a

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

few conversions of its own. Given that a square is symmetrical on each side, it might be helpful to provide

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

an explicit conversion routine that allows the caller to cast from a System.Int32 type into a Square (which,

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

of course, will have a side length equal to the incoming integer). Likewise, what if you were to update

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Square such that the caller can cast from a Square into a System.Int32? Here is the calling logic:

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

// Converting System.Int32 to Square.

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Square sq2 = (Square)90;

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Console.WriteLine("sq2 = {0}", sq2);

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

// Convert a Square to a System.Int32.

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls int side = (int)sq2;

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Console.WriteLine("Side of sq2 = {0}", side);

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

And here is the update to the Square type:

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapterpublic20struct- XML WebSquareServices



public int sideLength;

List of Figures

public void Draw()

List of Tables

{ Console.WriteLine("Drawing a square.");} public override string ToString()


return string.Format("[SideLength = {0}]", sideLength);


public static explicit operator Square(int sideLength)


Square newSq;

newSq.sideLength = sideLength; return newSq;


public static explicit operator int (Square s) {return s.sideLength; }


Wild, huh? To be honest, the need to convert from a Square into a System.Int32 may not be the most

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


intuitive (or useful) operation. However, this does point out a very important fact regarding custom

by Andrew Troelsen


conversion routines: The compiler does not care what you convert to or from, as long as you have written

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

syntactically correct code. Thus, as with overloading operators, just because you can create an explicit

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

cast operation for a given type does not mean you should. Typically this technique will be most helpful

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

when creating .NET structure types, given that they are unable to participate in classical inheritance architectural issues for .NET developers.

(where casting comes for free).

Table of Contents

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET

Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

Defining ImplicitC# and theConversion.NET Platf rm,RoutinesSecond Edition

by Andrew Troelsen


Thus far, you have equipped your Rectangle type to honor explicit conversions between Square types.

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

However, what about the following implicit conversion?

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

architectural issues for .NET developers.

// Attempt to make an implicit cast.

Square s3;

s3.sideLength= 83;

Table of Contents

Rectangle rect2 = s3;

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


PartAs youOnemight- Introducingexpect, C#thisandcodethewill.NETnotPlatformcompile, given that you have not provided an implicit conversion Chapterroutine1for-theTheRectanglePhilosophytypeof ..NETNow here is the catch: It is illegal to define explicit and implicit conversion

Chapterfunctions2 on- Buildingthe sameC#type,A plicationsif they do not differ by their return type or parameter set. This might seem like

Partlimitation;Two - Thehowever,C# Programmingthe secondLanguagecatch is that when a type defines an implicit conversion routine, it is legal

Chapterfor the 3caller- C#toLanguagemake useFundamof the explicitntals cast syntax!

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Confused? To clear things up, let's begin by modifying the existing conversion routine for the Rectangle to

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

make use of the C# "implicit" keyword:

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

public static implicit operator Rectangle(Square s)

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques


Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Rectangle r;

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

r.height = s.sideLength;

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads r.width = s.sideLength;

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming return r;

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries


Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

ChapterWith this14update,- A B tteryouPareintinowg Frablem wtorkconvert(GDI+)between types as follows:

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

// Implicit cast OK!

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Square s3;

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

s3.sideLength= 83;

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Rectangle rect2 = s3;

ChapterConsole19.-WriteLine("rect2ASP.NET b Applications= {0}", rect2);

ChapterDrawThisRect(s3);20 - XML Web Services

Index// Explicit cast syntax still OK!

Square s4;

List of Figures

s4.sideLength = 3;

List of Tables

Rectangle rect3 = (Rectangle)s4;

Console.WriteLine("rect3 = {0}", rect3);

Do be aware that it is permissible to define explicit and implicit conversion routines for the same type as long as their signatures differ. Thus, you would update the Square as follows:

public struct Square


//Can call as:

//Square sq2 = (Square)90;

//or as:

//Square sq2 = 90;

public static implicit operator Square(int sideLength)


Square newSq;

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition newSq.sideLength = sideLength;

by Andrew Troelsen


return newSq;


}Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the

//Must call as:

C# language and then quickly moves to key technical and

// int side = (Square)mySquare; architectural issues for .NET developers.

public static explicit operator int (Square s)

{ return s.sideLength; }


Table of Contents

C# and the .NET Platform, Second Edition


Part One - Introducing C# and the .NET Platform

SOURCE The UserDefinedConversions project is located under the Chapter 8 subdirectory.

Chapter 1 - The Philosophy of .NET


Chapter 2 - Building C# Applications

Part Two - The C# Programming Language

Chapter 3 - C# Language Fundamentals

Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C#

Chapter 5 - Exceptions and Object Lifetime

Chapter 6 - Interfaces and Collections

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

Part Three - Programming with .NET Assemblies

Chapter 9 - Understanding .NET Assemblies

Chapter 10 - Processes, AppDomains, Contexts, and Threads

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Chapter 14 - A Better Painting Framework (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - Programming with Windows Forms Controls

Chapter 16 - The System.IO Namespace

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services


List of Figures

List of Tables

The InternalC#Representationand the .NET Platf rm,ofSecondCustomEditionConversion Routines

by Andrew Troelsen


Before moving on, you have one more conversion detail to contend with. Like overloaded operators,

Apress © 2003 (1200 pages)

methods that are qualified with the "implicit" or "explicit" keywords have "special" names in terms of CIL:

This comprehensive text starts with a brief overview of the op_implicit and opC#_explicit,languagerespectivelyand then quickly(Figuremoves8-4). to key technical and

architectural issues for .NET developers.


C# and










Figure 8-4: CIL representation of user-defined conversion routines

Chapter 7 - Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 8 - Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques

PartAs youThreemight- Programmingimagine, youwithcannot.NET guaranteeAssembli sthat a given .NET language will be able to interact with a Chaptertype's set9 of- Understandicustom conversiong .NET Assembliesfunctions, given that the () cast operator is a C#-ism. However, you would

Chapterstill be 10able- toProcesses,interact withAppDomains,these membersContexts,usinga d theirThreadsunderlying CIL representation:

Chapter 11 - Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based Programming

Part Four - Leveraging the .NET Libraries

Module UserConvApp

Chapter 12 - Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer

Sub Main()

Chapter 13 - Building a Better Window (Introducing Windows Forms)

Dim s As Square

Chapter 14 - A sBetter.sideLengthPainting Framework= 83 (GDI+)

Chapter 15 - ProgrammingDim rect withAs WindowsRectangleForms=ControlsRectangle.op_Implicit(s)

Chapter 16 - TheConsoleSy tem..IOWriteLine("rectNamespace = {0}", rect)

End Sub

Chapter 17 - Data Access with ADO.NET

End Module

Part Five - Web Applications and XML Web Services

Chapter 18 - ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Controls

Chapter 19 - ASP.NET Web Applications

That wraps up our examination of defining custom conversion routines (and this chapter). Remember that

Chapter 20 - XML Web Services

this bit of syntax is simply a shorthand notation for "normal" member functions, and in this light is always

Index optional.

List of Figures

List ofSOURCETables The UserConvLib and VbNetUserConvClient projects are located under the Chapter 8

CODE subdirectory.

Соседние файлы в предмете Программирование