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Speech passport of cp.

  1. Speech act types.

Jane Eyre – expressives.

Benefactress’s son – expressives, declaratives, commisives.

  1. Speech genre.

Jane Eyre – to answer the questions;

Benefactress’s son – to give questions, insult, reproach.

  1. Culture speech norms.

Both of the CP during their communication observe the norms of English speech. Any kind of a dialect was not found.

  1. Speech mistakes.

Clearly expressed speech mistakes in this fragment of the film was not found.

  1. Indirect speech means.

Both interlocutors use explicit information.

  1. Rhetoric aspects of speech.

Wishing to reach his subjective and communicative aims Benefactress’s son uses a range of rhetoric aspects:

  • humiliating Jane Eyre;

  • the demonstration of his haughtiness;

  • the usage of paralinguistic means.

  1. Speech etiquette means.

These means are absent in this fragment of the film.

Paralinguistic speech means.

  1. Register characteristics: informal with conflict elements.

  2. Speech tonality: rough.

  3. Speech atmosphere: conflict.

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