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Bachelors 1st year.doc
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scuba diving ­ подводное плаванье

sport event ­ спортивное соревнование

compete v ­ соревноваться, конкурировать

win (won, won) v ­ побеждать

hold (held, held) v ­ проводить (соревнование и пр.)

sky diving ­ прыжки с парашютом

rugby n ­ регби

5.10 What sports do you know? Are you interested in sports? What is sport

for you? Do you need more physical activity?

5.11 Put play, go or do. Use: play with team games or games against

another person, go with -ing forms and do for not team sports

snowboarding, aerobics, volleyball, fishing, golf, jogging, basketball, mountain biking, scuba diving, yoga, gymnastics, karate

5.12 Join the correct word with the correct explanation.

  1. Archery a. the sport of bicycle riding and bicycle


  1. Basketball b. to plunge into water headfirst

  2. Boxing c. the sport of racing long narrow boats

propelled by oars

  1. Athletics d. a sport where one lifts barbells in

competition or as an exercise

  1. Diving e. a game played with bat and ball by

two teams of nine players each

  1. Cycling f. a form of wrestling developed in Japan

from jujitsu

  1. Judo g. shooting with bows and arrows

  2. Baseball h. hand-to-hand combat between

two unarmed contestants

  1. Rowing i. exercises of strength, speed and skill

  2. Weightlifting j. two teams trying to toss an inflated

ball into a raised goal

5.13 What do you know about the Olympic Games? Read the text then

choose one of the statements from a-c that gives its main idea.

a) The Olympics are one of the most ancient sport competitions in the


b) The Olympics are the world most popular sport games.

c) The history of the Olympic Games.

The olympics

The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 BC and took place every four years for nearly 1200 years, at Olympia in Greece. They included many different kinds of sport: running, wrestling, the pentathlon (five different sports) and others.

Only Greek athletes were allowed to compete in games; women were not allowed to watch them or to take part. The Games took place every four years, and the time between each Games was known as an “Olympiad”.

In 394 AD the Games stopped and the temple at Olympia was destroyed. Fifteen hundred years later, in 1894 a Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin, invited people from fifteen countries to start the Olympic Games again. The first of the modern Games took place in Athens two years later, in 1896.

At the fourth Olympics, in 1908, in London, there were more than two thousand competitors, from twenty-two different countries. Since then, the number of athletes competing has become bigger each time. The international Olympic Committee at Lausanne, in Switzerland, decided where each Olympics will take place. They ask a city (not a country) to be the host: one city for the Winter Olympics and one for the Summer Olympics. Nearly 150 countries are members of the International Olympic Committee.

There is a lot of work in preparing for the Olympics. The host city should have very good sports stadiums and an Olympic village for the sportsmen to live during the games. Host cities often build new sports stadiums, hotels and other buildings. But when your city is asked to be the host for the Olympic Games, it is very good for it, don’t you think?

Note: host n – принимающая сторона

5.14 The following sentences about the modern Olympic Games have been

jumbled up. Put the words in each sentence in the correct order.

  1. Athens / held / Olympic Games / The / first / modern / were / 1896 / in / in

  2. gold / winner / wins / each / of / a / competition / The / medal

  3. winners / played / their / When / medal / their / the / national / receive / anthem / is

  4. also / 1924 / years / been / Winter Olympics / every / has / a / four / since / There

  5. watch / people / of / the / television / Games / Billions /on

5.15 Rewrite these sentences to change them from active to passive.

  1. Almost every boy in my region plays basketball.

  2. Everyone admires Olympic champions.

  3. Our country won ten medals in the last Olympic Games.

  4. I’m afraid fewer young people will play sport in the future.

  5. Over 20 million people watched the league championship final.

5.16 Match the sport star names to the sports:

boxing, ice-hockey, tennis, football, car race driving, figure skating;

M. Ali, M. Tyson, M. Schumacher, M. Jordan, D. Beckham, M. Safin, M. Sharapova, I. Rodnina, V. Fetisov, A. Arshavin.

5.17 Link the sentences, using the words in brackets.

1. The committee only met on one occasion. It organized the event very well. (despite) 2. The weather was very hot. The athlete broke the world record. (although) 3. The tickets for the match were very expensive. All the tickets were sold within a few hours. (however) 4. The funds for the championship were sufficient. The city was not chosen. (in spite of) 5. The chairman of the sport club was appointed for four years. He resigned after six months. (nevertheless)

518 Read the following dialogue. What sports can they play or do at the


–Hi, Ben. You look happy.

–I am. Jane, I’ve got some great news!

–Oh, what?

–Well, you want to keep fit, right?

–Yes, definitely!

–There’s this great camp for all the family. We can all keep fit


–That sounds good. Can you play tennis there?

–I don’t think so. But you can do lots of other things. You can

dance or ride a horse, for instance.

–Oh, really? The kids love horses.

-–Yes, and I can play volleyball there, too.

–Have they got a website?

–Yes, I got it here.

–Let’s get on the Internet and find out more.

5.19 Exam tasks. Prepare a monologue about a sport or a sportsman and

a dialogue about your favourite sport.

5.20 Learn the following useful phrases.

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