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Bachelors 1st year.doc
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If you want to see the paintings by a famous artist, you need to go to an art gallery or a museum. There you can see individual paintings and sometimes an exhibition. There are many different types and styles of painting.

4.14 Now match the words from a with their definitions from b.



1. a portrait

a. a painting of part of the countryside

2. a self-portrait

b. a painting of inanimate objects, e.g. fruits

3. a landscape

c. a painting of a person

4. a still-life

d. a painting that is not realistic

5.an abstract painting

e. a painting of plants, buildings

6. a seascape

f. a painting of the artist by himself/herself

7. a cityscape

g. a painting of an ocean, sea, waves

4.15 Match the names of the following artists with the country they are from.

  1. Raphael Santi

  2. Kandinsky

  3. Turner

  4. Rembrandt

  5. Gainsborough

  6. Van Gogh

  7. Picasso

  8. Renoir

A. Spain

B. England

C. Italy

D. Russia

E. Netherlands

F. England

G. France

H. Netherlands

4.16 Guess if these statements are True or False. Then read the text and check your answers.

  1. High Renaissance style was founded in the 17-th century.

  2. Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a great thinker.

  3. Only eighteen paintings of Leonardo came down to us.

  4. Three of Leonardo’s paintings are in the Hermitage Museum.

Leonardo da vinci (1452-1519)

High Renaissance style was founded by one of the most gifted indi­viduals ever born. Leonardo da Vinci fulfilled the Renaissance ideal of the Universal Man. He was not only a great painter and sculptor, but also the outstanding architect, an inventor, an engineer, a musician, and leading physicist, botanist, anatomist, geologist and geographer of his time.

Leonardo’s fame as an artist is based on eighteen paintings that came down to us, some of them incomplete, some damaged as a result of his experimental techniques. Leonardo’s art surpassed the achievements of his time.

Leonardo’s power as an artist and thinker is evident in the Last Sup­per and the Mona Lisa, his two most famous works.

There are two Leonardo’s paintings in the Hermitage Museum. They are Madonna with a Flower and the Madonna Litta.

Note: the Last Supper – «Тайная вечеря»

  1. Who founded High Renaissance style in painting?

  2. Why have so few of Leonardo’s paintings come down to us?

  3. What are Leonardo’s most famous works?

4.17 Read the text and say if the architecture in the place where you live is important for you.


Architecture is the art of building structures. The term covers the de­sign of any structure for living or working in: houses, churches, temples, palaces, castles; and, as such, the style of building of any particular coun­try at any period of history. For example, the civilization of ancient Egypt provided the pyramids, massive monuments of exact symmetry with deco­rative sculptures and wall painting. Examples include Karnak and tombs of the Valley of the Kings.

The great example of classical Greek architecture is the Parthenon in Athens.

Notes: temple – храм ; tomb [tHm] – могила, надгробие

4.18 Read the text and ask questions about the famous architect and painters.

Le Corbusier. Pseudonym ['sjHdqnIm] of Charles E. Jeanneret (1887-1965), Swiss-born French architect. His works include the Palace of the Nations, Geneva and the town plan for Chandigarh, India.

The great Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) longed to give visible form to every emotion and used brilliant unnatural colours to express his inner passions, even in something as simple as a pot of sunflowers.

Rene Magritte (1898-1967) painted dream-world scenes filled with symbolism and humorous couplings of illusion and reality.

Gaudi Antonio (1852-1926) is a Spanish architect noted for his style. His Church of the Holy Family in Barcelona was begun in 1883 and is still under construction.

4.19 Read the questions, then read the text and answer the questions.

1. When and where did music originate? 2. What are the main genres of music? 3. What is the role of music in other arts? 4. What is the role of music in our life?


Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started singing as soon as language developed. Many ancient peoples including the Egyp­tians, Chinese, Babylonians and the people of India used music in religious ceremonies. The first written music dates from about 2500 BC.

Nowadays there are many various musical genres. Among them are classical music, country music, rock music, rhythm and blues music, reg­gae, electronic music, punk, hip-hop, rap and so on. All attempts to divide music into different genres are artificial. Musicians tend to produce music in any style without concerning themselves with which genres they are working in. For example, Gershwin’s ”Rhapsody in Blue” is referred to both jazz and classical music.

Music plays a major role in other arts. Opera combines singing and orchestral music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing need music to help the dancers. Films and TV dramas use music to set mood and em­phasize the action.

Music plays an important part in all cultures and social activities. Many people perform and listen to music for their own satisfaction. Singing in a choir or playing a musical instrument in a band can be very enjoyable. Music provides people with the way to express their feelings.

Notes: a choir [kwaIq] – хор

an attempt – попытка

to emphasize – придавать выразительность, выделять

4.20 Grammar for revision. Expressing future actions. Discuss your plans for this evening and use the Present Continuous to talk about fixed arrangements in the near future. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: You (do) anything special this evening?

B: I’m not sure. Why?

A: Would you like (come) with me? A world-famous singer (perform) at our theatre.

B: I don’t know, I really (not want) to go tonight. What about tomorrow?

A: I’d love to, but I (go) to a concert with my friends.

B: Well, can we do something this weekend?

A: Sure. You (plan) anything for Sunday? If not, let’s go to a concert of modern music.

В: Yes, why not?

4.21 Read the stories about two great composers and retell them.

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