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Bachelors 1st year.doc
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2.11 Translate the word combinations with most.


The most difficult exam (самый)

Most of the exams (большинство)

1. most of the subjects, 2. most of our undergraduates, 3. the most interesting subject, 4. most of the seminars, 5. the most useful activity, 6. most shipyards, 7. most of our studies.

2.12 Answer the following questions.

 l. What subject do you like best? 2. What was your best subject at school? 3. Is mathematics more difficult for you than physics? 4. What is the most difficult subject for you? 5. And what subject is the easiest? 6. Who is the best student at English in your group? 7. Who is the oldest in your family? 8. Who is the youngest? 9. Are you taller or shorter than your brother / sister?

Grammar: Simple Passive

be + Past Participle


am / is / are invited


was / were invited


will be invited

We write notes. – Notes are written.

They explained the rule. – The rule was explained.

He will meet the new students in the hall. – The new students will be met in the hall.

We can make films. – Films can be made.

2.13 Translate the sentences.

1. A lot of experiments are carried out in our laboratories. 2. Higher mathematics is taught in the first year of students' studies. 3. The student was immediately (немедленно) sent for. 4. Were you asked to come in time? 5. The second talk on the new machine will be given tomorrow by one of the inventors. 6. The text was followed by exercises. 7. The world’s first underground railway was opened in 1863 in London, it is also called the tube. 8. “Hamlet” was written by Shakespeare.

2.14 Rewrite these sentences, putting the verbs in the passive. Keep them in the same tense, and remove they, we, etc.

Model: We clean the garages every day.

The garages are cleaned every day.

1. They export this computer to seventy different countries. 2. We opened the office at nine o’clock. 3. They send two million books to India every year. 4. We told him not to be late again. 5. They posted all the letters yesterday. 6. They’ll pay me a lot of money to do the job. 7. Fortunately, they didn’t damage the machinery. 8. We send the newspapers to Scotland by train.

2.15 Learn the names of the faculties.

1. The Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technology – факультет кораблестроения и океанотехники

2. The Faculty of Marine Engineering and Automation – факультет корабельной энергетики и автоматики

3. The Faculty of Designing Marine Devices – факультет морского приборостроения

4. The Faculty of Economics – факультет экономики

5. The Faculty of Evening and Distance Education – факультет вечернего и заочного образования

6. The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities – факультет естественнонаучного и гуманитарного образования

7. The Faculty of Technical Secondary Education (College) – среднетехнический факультет (колледж)

8. The Faculty of Contract Education – внебюджетный факультет

9. The Faculty of Special Purpose Contract Education – факультет целевой контрактной подготовки специалистов

2.16. Read the text, sum up the main facts and do exercises given after the text.

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