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  1. to agree on/to, to aim at, to come to, to effect, to negotiate, to patch up *, to reach, to reject, to seek, to work out

  2. compromise failed, worked

  3. acceptable, definite, early, fair, good, potential, reasonable, (un)satisfactory, shaky, tacit *,uneasy, working

to patch up * – (fig.) мирить, примирять

tacit *– молчаливое, подразумеваемое


  1. to arouse, to awake, to catch, to develop ~ in..., to express, to feel, to feign *, to focus, to foster, to have, to keep up, to lose, to neglect, to profess, to raise, to retain, to revive, to show, to stimulate, to sustain, to take, to whip up

  2. ~ declined, dwindled * , flagged *, focused on sth, grew, peaked *, picked up, waned*

  3. abiding, absorbing, academic, active, brief, burning, close, common, compelling* , considerable, consuming, deep, detached, enduring, exceptional, fading, fleeting *, general, great, intense, human, intensive, keen, marked, mounting, natural, obsessive, passing, persistent, personal, profound, renewed, scientific, serious, slight, strong, sustained, tremendous, universal, wide-ranging, world-wide

  4. flicker of *, flurry of, * lack of, surge of ~

to dwindle * – уменьшаться, сокращаться;

to flag * – ( to grow weary) ослабевать;

to feign * – (to invent) придумать, придумывать, изобретать;

to wane * – ослабевать, убывать, идти на убыль, падать; to be on the wane (fig.)- быть на исходе , убывать;

to peak * – достичь предела; demand peaked спрос достиг высшей точки;

to pick up – (to resume) оживляться, возобновляться; trade is picking up торговля оживляется;

flicker – проблеск; flicker of hope* проблеск надежды; flicker of interest – слабое проявление заинтересованности;

flurry – шквал, суматоха; flurry of interest* – всплеск заинтересованности;

surge – подъем.


  1. to be aware of , to acknowledge, to do away with *, to eliminate, to explain, to get round *, to ignore, to lessen *, to notice, to perceive, to resolve, to see, to solve, to take into account, to take account of

  2. contradiction is embodied in sth, was evident, has become less marked, came about, emerged, existed

  3. apparent, basic, clear, definite, direct, distinct, glaring, inherent, intrinsic, lasting, logical, marked, obvious, plain

  4. contradictions in terms, mass of contradictions

to do away with* – покончить c;

to get round* – we got round this difficulty (contradiction) нам удалось преодолеть эту трудность; преодолеть противоречие (расхождение);

to lessen* – уменьшать, приуменьшить;

to come about* – (to happen) происходить, возникнуть.

Exercise 3. Give English equivalents of the following collocations with the words compromise, interest, contradiction

пойти на компромисс, поиск компромисса, прийти к компромиссу, сферы интересов, баланс интересов, в интересах рабочего класса, скрывать свои интересы, отвечать чьим-то интересам, пренебрегать чьими-либо интересами, представлять чьими-либо интересы, столкнулись интересы двух стран, государственные интересы, интересы безопасности, долговременные интересы, защита интересов страны, преодолеть противоречие, нам удалось преодолеть противоречие, логическое противоречие, в противоречии с, официальное опровержение слухов, всплеск заинтересованности, возникло противоречие в сфере экономических интересов двух стран, торговля оживляется, слабое проявление заинтересованности, противоречить интересам, усиливать заинтересованность, скрывать свои интересы, идти вразрез с чьими-либо интересами, поставить под угрозу (высшие) интересы страны, внутренние противоречия

Exercise 4. Study the following information and translate what follows:

Слово One в качестве местоимения может выполнять функцию подлежащего неопределенно-личного предложения. На русский язык One переводится тем существительным, которое оно заменяет, либо совсем не переводится, если смысл предложения ясен.

One can conclude that this strategy is mistakenly called a "common strategy".

Можно сделать заключение, что эта стратегия ошибочно названа "общей стратегией".

Translate what follows:

1. One can easily notice a sustained growth of the economies and consumption in every CIS (the Commonwealth of Independent States) state.

2. In this way one can talk about a two-headed foreign policy profile, formulated by Russia towards the European Union.

3. One can strongly doubt whether it is possible to develop sustainable commonality without mobilizing human and financial resources to establish the framework for a better market economy.

4. One can recognize that the monetary policy of the European Union in the euro zone has also been tighter than in America.

5. Besides, one cannot deny that EU enlargement creates a situation of opposed interests between the European Union on the one hand, claiming the closing of its external borders in the framework of Schengen regulations, and Russia on the other hand, claiming a free trade zone in the real sense of the word, implying permeability of the borders.

6. The European Union, as one might say, needs its own strategy, it has to define its own strategic partnership with Russia, emancipation from US geopolitical dependency is Europe' s in interest.

7. One can ask the question whether the European Union and Russia can evolve in their relation towards a real common strategy: a relation that deserves the qualification of "common" and "strategic"?

  1. As one can see the stretched concept of strategic partnership is included in the texts of EU common strategies as "based on shared values and common interests, as a vital factor enhancing peace, stability and prosperity in Europe".

Exercise 5. Match the columns of synonyms or synonymous explanations:

  1. to enhance

  2. to criticize

  3. to conceive

  4. to confront with

  5. to confer

  6. to perceive

  7. to reiterate

  8. to draft

  9. to streamline

  10. to prevail

  1. to predominate, to preponderate, to triumph

  2. to increase or improve further the good quality, value, status of something or somebody

  3. to frame, to formulate, to visualize, to work out

  4. to become aware of, to make out, to discover, to identify

  5. to draw up, to outline, to plan, to sketch out

  6. to face up, to oppose, to defy, to stand up to, to withstand

  7. to analyze and find fault with, to disapprove of, to blame

  8. to award, to bestow, to grant, to honor with, to invest

  9. to make a system or organization more efficient and effective by using faster and simpler working methods

  10. to repeat something that has already been said for emphasis

Exercise 6. Paraphrase or explain the meaning of the word combinations taken from the text:

  1. to become a policy blueprint

  2. the outbreak of war

  3. to be based on a common dominator

  4. the community pillar

  5. the keystone of a new strategic approach

  6. the commonality of the strategy

  7. to become a policy substitute

  8. to introduce qualified majority voting

  9. the difficulties inherent to a union of fifteen states

  10. to set out some objectives

  11. to institutionalize and legitimize geopolitical influence on the territory

Exercise 7. Supply attributes for the following nouns and give a back translation of the word combinations:

question, strategy, policy, concept, relations, continent, support, implementation, criticism, solution, blueprint, decision, framework, role, approach, affairs, tool, crisis, denominator, alternative, structure, objectives, pillar, difficulties

Exercise 8. Word families and word stress. Look back at the text and complete the grid with the missing words from these families and mark each of the words to show the word stress, give the Russian equivalent to each line.

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