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ТиПП в СМИ ч.I 2012.doc
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Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Приведите примеры различных значений глагола to be.

2. Какое значение приобретает глагол to be в перфектных формах? Приведите пример.

3. Приведите примеры устойчивых сочетаний с глаголом to be, которые переводятся на русский язык, как правило, сочетаниями с глаголами действия.


I. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность глагола to be.

1. Не is not a young man. 2. His desk is in the middle of the room. 3. A real hotel is for hospitality. 4. The 't' was for Tanya – Tanya Livingston, a special friend of Mel's. 5. I've been to London twice. 6. "Tell me about the others in your family." "There are Hans and Peter, the twins." "I suppose Hans and Peter are at school." "Yes; and the house is much quieter when they are at school than when they are at home." 7. Stay where you are. Don't move! 8. Her family had been in Gibbsville a lot longer than the great majority of the people who lived in Lantenengo Street. 9. The Douro region is where port-wine comes from. 10. "How are you?" "I'm quite well." 11. Ashenden had been to France in order to write and dispatch (отправить) a report. 12. The question is, shall I appear there myself? 13. There Riley left me with orders to stay put (оставаться на месте): he wouldn't be more than an hour. 14. The funeral is tomorrow at 11 a. m. from the Chapel of Rest.

II. А. Переведите следующие предложения, в которых значение глагола to be выявляется в определенных сочетаниях.

1. Harris Boulton had been to school and university with Tom. 2. They had been on a motoring holiday in Canada. 3. "Where the hell" – she was on her knees poking (шарить) under the bed. 4. She was through the doors before I recognized her. 5. Suddenly Andrew heard his name called and the next instant (мгновение) Christine's arms were about his neck. 6. The words were hardly out of her mouth before he had sprung (появляться) upon her and snatched (вырывать) the revolver out of her hand. 7. And James too was suddenly there, through the door and into the large hall-like room. 8. He was the first through the customs (таможня). 9. If children are clever, they continue to receive free education until they are eighteen, and even while they are at the university. 10. She was almost to the corner when his voice stopped her. 11. He was conscious that the watchful eyes of John were upon him. 12. She was four years out of college then, and twenty-seven years old. 13. The meeting was enthusiastically (восторженно) with him now. 14. His hands were firmly on the case. 15. I had been out of the Army about a month when I decided to drive from San Francisco to my home town before summer ended. 16. She was masticating (жевать) dreamily, but her eyes were on the boy.

Б. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be.

1. Его стол стоит слева. 2. Это объявление висело на двери. 3. Бывали ли вы когда-нибудь в других странах? 4. Помнишь Маргарет Филд, девушку, которая вместе с нами училась в колледже? 5. Это лето я провел в Крыму. 6. Он приходил сюда на (for) банкет. 7. Некоторые ветераны проработали в (with) отеле по 25 лет. 8. Причина заключалась в том, что он внезапно заболел. 9. Они стояли рядом. 10. Его речь о национальном планировании была обращена к конгрессу. 11. Все эти деликатесы (delicacises) предназначаются для завтрашнего банкета (banquet). 12. Задача заключается в том, чтобы устранить эти недостатки как можно скорее. 13. Он учится в университете, собирается стать врачом. 14. Исключения составляют следующие слова. 15. Трудность состояла в том, что у нас оставалось слишком мало времени. 16. Его мать сидела у окна.