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ТиПП в СМИ ч.I 2012.doc
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I. А Переведите на русский язык.

1. Then the maid (служанка) was awakened and the doctor sent for. 2. I can be rung up if there is any change. 3. His trousers were splashed by a passing taxi. 4. He was asked whether he would like it in the bar. 5. He was regarded by all his friends as amiable (дружелюбный), loyal, but rather cold. 6. It was done on purpose. 7. Zena's prayer was answered. 8. Tom, who called for (зашёл) his text next day, was congratulated by Matthew. 9. The baggage is taken care of. 10. Government bodies are greatly assisted by scientists. 11. They were denied admittance. 12. The boy was always made fun of at school. 13. The house had not been lived in too long. 14. I was told to wait in the living room. 15. The report was followed by a long debate. 16. Such things can't be put up with. 17. She had been asked to join them but had refused. 18. I wasn’t shown that much. 19. His December statement was given support by the President. 20. She wasn't given an answer but was told she would have to wait anyway. 21. I was not taken seriously at first. 22. Later she was offered a position in the republican government. 23. It pleased him to think that he had been feared rather than loved. 24. For a more complete understanding of the elements their thorough study is called for. 25. The police were sent for. 26. I was not told these things. 27. He has been telephoned for. 28. They were waited on by the two boys. 29. We were generally looked upon as a good couple. 30. The watches were looked at.

I. Б. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагольные формы Passive Voice.

1. О ней плохо отзываются все её соседи. 2. Нас пригласили войти в дом. 3. Мы знаем, что на Джорджа можно положиться. 4. Мне ничего об этом не сказали. 5. Тебя накажут, если ты нарушишь правила. 6. Мы слушали Тома с большим интересом. 7. Джон не сказал мне об этом, и это было его ошибкой. 8. Его ответ многие посчитали хорошим. 9. За речью Пола последовали долгие аплодисменты (storm of applause). 10. Мне никогда ничего не говорили об этом. 11. Дом будет построен в тот же год. 12. Завтра тебя посетит врач. 13. Нужно помнить, что эта работа должна быть закончена как можно скорее. 14. Вчера Джон не помог нам, так как он был занят. 15. Поторопись, нас уже давно ждут. 16. Нам многое показали в этом музее. 17. Его преследовала полиция. 18. Меры были приняты немедленно. 19. Комната была заполнена дымом. 20. О часе встречи договорились заранее.

II. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Не wasn't easy to do anything with. 2. I don't think I'd ever realized before how good a green meadow (луг) is to look at. 3. The heat was hard to bear. 4. John is no easy man to communicate with. 5. The idea of such world was very hard to tolerate. 6. You can't imagine how difficult your Russian names are to remember. 7. She was easy enough to find if you knew the right people. 8. The spiritual and psychological dependence is so hard to break. 9. She was not very pretty, but pleasant to look at. 10. This writer's difficult to read. 11. The role of the deceived husband is difficult to play with dignity. 12. Paul was easy to deal with.

III. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в соответствии с моделью:

It was easy to get on with him. He was easy to get on with.

1. It was difficult to persuade him. 2. It is impossible to understand such things. 3. It was unusual to find the collection in the house. 4. It was good to bask in the sun. 5. It was almost impossible to obtain these small souvenirs now. 6. It is very difficult to get wine these days. 7. It was hard to put up with her character. 8. But it is hard now even to imagine that time. 9. It was not easy to break the laws. 10. It's nice to look at her. 11. It was very hard to please him. 12. It was not so easy to catch him.