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Vocabulary practice

I. Read and translate the text using a dictionaryif necessary.

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

быть связанным узами крови (брака), заранее определенные отношения, делить ответственность, заботиться о ком-либо (лю­бить), очень отличаться, состав (семьи), рассматриваться очень узко, семья (домашние, хозяйство), подходить (соответствовать) чему-либо, развод, так...как, оказывать помощь и поддержку, вести хозяйство, процветание, неудача (провал), ограничиваться чем-либо, жениться на (выйти замуж за), состоять в браке с, высокий уровень разводов, супруг(а), одновременно, оказывать предпочтение чему-либо, обесценивать социальную значимость, происхождение, родство — родственники (2), родственники (со стороны жены или мужа), и так далее, местожительство, жить отдельно, жених и невеста, принимать решения, возникает про­блема, проще говоря, супружеские отношения, иметь вес (влия­ние), заменять, основной источник, общественное неравенство, вести к социальной несправедливости, лишать женщин возмож­ностей, ограничивать свободу, выбор партнера (супруга), несо­вершеннолетний, нуждаться в постоянной заботе, безопасность, воспитание, внутри семейного окружения, любовь, товарище­ство (общение), реализовать возможности.

III. Supply the missing words or word combinations choosing among those given below.

1) A family can be defined as a set of persons related by some ... relationship. 2) There are certain general principles ... the family organization. 3) In human society the family has been traditionally viewed in very ... . 4) The structure of the extended family ... certain advantages. 5) Crises involve less ... for extended families. 6) Extended families are often ... in a common enterprise. 7) Some sociologists, noting a high ... of divorce, have suggested a more ... term «serial monogamy». 8) Most societies ... the world have ... a preference for polygamy, not monogamy. 9) The state of being related to other is called ... but... do not always live or function together. 10) Formally, a married couple is expected ... a separate household. 11) Societies vary in the way that power within the family is ....12) Some ...relationships may be neither ... nor ... . 13) In the egalitarian family ... are regarded as ... . 14) This does not mean that in the egalitarian family each decision is ... . 15) For a society ... itself, it must ... dying members. 16) Human ... need ... care, economic ... and ... . 17) We ... a social position because of the «family background» and the ... of our parents. 18) Moreover, the family resources ... our ability ... certain opportunities.

affect, to pursue, inherit, reputation, infants, constant, security, upbringing, to maintain, replace, shared, spouses, equals, marital, male-dominated, female-dominated, distributed, to establish, kinship, kin, throughout, exhibited, rate, accurate, engaged, a train, offers, narrow terms, concerning, agreed-upon.

IV. Studythe following word combinations and use then in sentences of your own.

to be related by, to share responsibilities, to care for, to vary greatly, to be viewed in very narrow terms, to fit smth, to offer certain advantages, to involve strain for smth, to provide assistance and support, to be engaged in a common enterprise, to limit oneself to, at a time, to exhibit, a preference for, to devalue smb's social worth, to establish a separate household, either ... or ... , a reason for, to make decisions about, to be termed, to come to a conclusion, neither ... nor ..., to be regarded as equals, to hold authority, in order to do smth, to need constant care, to monitor smth, to be obliged, to pursue certain opportunities.