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V. Use of articles in some syntactic relations

1) With predicative nouns

A predicative noun is used with the indefinite article if the speaker states that the object denoted by the noun belongs to a certain class.

Miss Sharp's father was an artist.

If a predicative noun is modified by a particularizing attribute, the definite article is used.

He is the student you wanted to speak to.

If a predicative noun denotes a post which can be occupied by one person at a time, either no article or the definite article is used.

Mr. Henderson is manager.

She is the dean of our faculty.

No article is used with predicative nouns after the verbs to turn, to commence, to appoint, to elect.

He turned traitor. (Он стал предателем.)

They appointed him head-teacher. (Его назначили старшим преподавателем.)

The nouns son and daughter used predicatively take the definite article when modified by an of-phrase, though there may be several sons and daughters in the family.

Lomonosov was the son of a fisherman.

2) With nouns in apposition

1) Nouns in apposition are used with the indefinite article if the speaker states that the object expressed by the noun in apposition belongs to a certain class.

I want to introduce you to Jack, a great friend of mine.

In the plural no article is used .

I want to introduce you to Jack and Ann, great friends of mine.

2) Nouns in apposition are used with the definite article if they are modified by a particularizing attribute.

M. Ivanov, the student you have mentioned, has come.

3) If the noun denotes a well-known person or work of art, the definite article is generally used.

Pushkin, the great Russian poet, died in 1837.

But if the person or the work of art is not widely known the indefinite article is used.

Pericles, a comedy by Shakespeare, is hardly ever staged.

4) No article is generally used with a noun in apposition when the apposition expresses a post which can be occupied by one person at a time. Occasionally the definite article is used.

Professor Petrov, dean (the dean) of the English department, has left for Moscow.

Exercise 1. Insert the articles where necessary.

1. … girl was alone, … rather short young woman of twenty – seven. 2. Her companion, … handsome dark – haired youth, had left. 3. Last night we saw “An Ideal Husband”, … play by Oscar Wilde. 4. She was seventeen then - … beautiful young creature. 5. This is my friend, … writer. 6. Beside him hung the portrait of his wife, … thin woman in black. 7. Tokyo, … capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world. 8. our Institute, …grey four – storeyed building, is not far from the railway. 9. Shakespeare, … great English playwright, lived in the 17th century. 10. Mr. Bennett, … man of fifty, resembled my father. 11. I saw him speaking to a young man, … Englishman.

Exercise 2. Insert articles where necessary.

1. Ostrovsky commenced … clerk in … Moscow Commercial Court. 2. Selina, … daughter of … Paddocks, had been surprised that afternoon by receiving … letter from her once intended husband. (Hardy) 3. My father became … rector of Burnmore when I was nine. (Wells) 4. He was … particular friend of Sir John’s. (Austen) 5. You are not … person you claim to be. (Dickens) 6. His money was ... money I brought him as my marriage portion. (Shaw) 7. Mrs. Patterson, … lymphatic woman, was holding her son Jim by … hand. (Lindsay) 8. Martha, who was … poor apprentice at … milliner’s then told them what kind of work she had to do. (Dickens) 9. What … charming house you have, Lady Chiltern! (Wilde) 10. He had just been appointed … Lord Justice of appeal. (Snow)

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

  1. В 1937 году археологическая экспедиция отправилась в Хорезм. Экспедицию возглавлял профессор С. Толстов, известный специалист по истории народов Средней Азии. 2. Качалов, изумительный актер, которого оплакивали миллионы любителей театра, умер за месяц до 50 – летнего юбилея Художественного театра. 3. Озеро Байкал, сердце Сибири, как его называют, замечательно редкой красотой берегов и удивительным цветом воды. Академик Берг, выдающийся советский географ, называл Байкал чудом природы. 4. Беранже, знаменитый французский поэт, родился в 1780 г. В детстве он жил с дедом, бедным парижским портным. Когда началась революция, его отправили в провинцию к тетке, содержательнице гостиницы.