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VII. Use of articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives, pronouns and numerals

1) Most

1) The definite article is used when most serves to form the superlative degree of an adjective.

This is the most interesting chapter in the book.

The use of the indefinite article shows that a high degree of a quality is meant. Most has the same meaning as very, exceedingly.

She was a most devoted daughter and sister.

2) When definite people or things are meant the noun is used with the definite article and most is followed by the preposition of.

Most of the gentlemen looked angry.

We say most, not most of the, when we do not mean definite people or things. The noun is used in a general sense.

Most flower smell sweet.

Exercise 1. Insert articles where necessary.

1. You have had … most distinguished career. (Snow) 2. … most of … woman had flowers or little black feathers sticking up in their hair. (Glyn) 3. … news he had conveyed to her would have terrified … most women. (Cronin) 4. He had put himself in … most unsatisfactory position, politically and socially. (Dreiser) 5. I started relating … most interesting anecdote, but was somewhat surprised to observe that nobody was paying … slightest attention to me whatever. (Jerome K. Jerome)

2) Few, little

few – мало (a negative meaning) He was a very good man. There are few like him in the world today.

a few – несколько (a positive meaning) He left after a few moments.

the few – те немногие (которые) You needn't fear to hear the few remaining words we have to say.

little – мало (a negative meaning) We can't go skiing today. There is too little snow.

a little – некоторое количество (a positive meaning) We have a little time. Let's take a walk.

the little – то небольшое количество (которое) Don't waste the little time you have.

Exercise 1. Insert articles where necessary.

1. … mother and I are planning to go to … country for … few days. (Dreiser) 2. … few words that I have to add to what I have written, are soon penned. (Dickens) 3. We needn’t take … porter. We have … little luggage.

4. When you have wanted something very badly and it comes at last, it is somehow … little frightening. (Maugham) 5. … little I have to say can be said in … few minutes. 6. I am commonly … man of … few words. (Dickens) 7. He paused, wishing he had not mentioned that fact. It was … slip of … tongue, one of … few he ever made, due to … peculiar pressure of … situation. (Dreiser) 8. He was one of … few men of science who never terrified me, probably because he never behaved like … doctor. (Lee) 9. He tried to orient himself by … stars; but it was … cloudy night and … few stars that were visible did not announce any constellation that he could recognize. (Murdoch) 10. Lufkin’s tastes were austere. He spent … little on himself. (Snow)

3) Two, three, etc.

two – два Two students entered the room.

the two – оба, те два The two books you lent me proved very interesting.