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  1. Read and learn the following words

feel (felt, ~ ), (v) - чувствовать

through (prp) - через, сквозь

bathe (v) - купаться

full (а) - полный

enjoy (v) - наслаждаться

artificial (a) - искусственный

tranquility (n) -спокойствие

walk (n, v) -прогулка,гулять

go for a walk -пойти на прогулку

flower-bed (n) -клумба

to look like -быть похожим

health (n) -здоровье

ground (n) -земля

hot-house (n) -оранжерея

find (v) -найти

run ( (v) -бежать

middle (n) -середина

sunshine (n) -свет

lungs (n) -лёгкие

feed (v) -подавать

pet (n) -домашнее животное

shade (n) -оттенок

gate (n) -ворота

lawn (n) -лужайка

notice (n) -уведомление

  1. Translate the international words, pronounce them properly with the help of a dictionary

Fountain (n), avenue (n), hectare (n), acre (n), botanical (a), orangery (n), exotic (a), tropical (a), palm-tree (n), pelicans (n), popular (a), national (a), parade (n).

  1. Match the Russian sentence with the English one. Pay atten­tion to the modal verbs and their meanings. Remember other meanings of the verb "to make" and the noun "country".

1. Walking through the park makes you feel that you are far away

in the country.

2. London must have wonderful health.

3. You may walk for hours and hours, from one park into another.

4.Almost all exotic plants and flowers can be found, in

Kew Gardens.

5.You may sit on the grass under а tropical palm-tree.

1. Почти все экзотические растения и цветы можно

найти в парках Кьо.

2. Прогулка по парку заставля­ет вас почувствовать, что вы далеко за городом(в сельской местности)

3.Вы можете сидеть на траве

под тропической пальмой,

4.Лондон должен иметь прекрасное


5. Вы можете гулять часами из

одного парка в другой

4. Match the Russian word-combination with the English one,

paying attention to the Participle I (Ving).

    1. birds, swimming on the water 1. птицы, живущие в парке

    2. an artificial lake, running 2. птицы, плавающие по воде

the length of the park

3. birds living in the park 3. искусственное озеро, прохо-

дящее по всей длине парка

  1. Read and translate the text


  • What is the most beautiful in London?

  • The parks.

"This gate is opened at 5.30 a. m. and closed at 9 p.m.'.' This is the notice on a park gate . Who wants to go for a walk at 5.30 in the morning?

Very many people go for an hour walk before going to work, because walking makes you feel that you are far away in the country, not in the center of one of the largest cities of the world.

There are lawns and flower-beds, fountains and avenues in the park, but mostly the parks consist of trees and grass and water. They are planned to look as natural as nature itself.

If gardens and parks are "lungs" of a city, London must have wonderful health. Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park - only these two - have an open ground of 250 hectares.

There is Green Park and Richmond Park, Victoria Park and Fins- bury Park and so about 300 000 acres of land together. You may walk for hours and hours from one park into another. They go through the middle of the town.

The wonderful Kew Garden is a botanical garden, probably the largest in the world, with many orangeries and hot-houses. Almost all the exotic plants and flowers can be found there and you may sit on the grass under a tropical palm-tree.

St. James Park is famous for its water birds; there is a big lake in the middle of the park and there are many birds swimming

on the water, among them pelicans.

Hyde Park is really the National London Park. There is a big artificial lake running the whole length of the park. It is the most popular bathing place. Here is the place of all sorts of national parades and mass meetings.

Kensington Gardens are as green and full of flowers and big trees as Hyde Park. Many children come here with their mothers. Little Londoners are very fond of animals and water birds living in the park. They always feed their pets.

In the parks many people sit and walk, some in the shade and some in the sunshine. They listen to the birds and enjoy tranqui­lity.

6. Make up sentences with "there + to be" instead of the verb "to have". Model: London has many parks. There are many parks in London.

  1. 1. Each park in London has lawns and flower-beds, fountains and avenues.

  2. St.James Park has a big lake in the middle.

  3. Hyde Park has a big artificial lake running the whole length of the park.

  4. Kensington Gardens have a lot of birds and animals.

  5. Kew Gardens have almost all exotic plants and flowers, growing on the Earth.

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