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PRE II PACKETFall2011.docx
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13: Grading pattern usage

Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0

Rarely uses grading patterns that are fairly administered and based on identified criteria.

Level 2.0 Acceptable

Uses grading patterns that are fairly administered and based on identified criteria.

Level 3.0 Target

Exceedingly uses grading patterns that are fairly administered and based on identified criteria.

Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe

Score: 2.0

Score: 3.0

Score: u/a

14: Building student self-awareness

Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0

Provides little help toward students build self-awareness and a positive self-concept.

Level2.0 Acceptable

Helps students build self-awareness and a positive self-concept. Score: 2.0

Level3.0 Target

Exceptional in helping students build self-awareness and a positive self-concept. Score: 3.0

Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe

Score: n/a

15: Interaction with students

Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0

Exhibits poor interaction and communication in a positive professional manner with students, parents, and staff.

Level 2.0 Acceptable Score: 2.0

Interacts and communicates in a positive professional manner with students, parents, and staff.

Level 3.0 Target Score: 3.0

Demonstrates strong interaction and communication in a positive professional manner with students, parents, and staff.

16: Fair and firm treatment

Level 1.0 Unacceptable Score: 1.0

Insufficiently treats students firmly and fairly while maintaining respect for their worth as individuals.

Level2.0 Acceptable

Treats students firmly and fairly while maintaining respect for their worth as individuals.

Level 3.0 Target

Score: 2.0

Score: 3.0

Treats students firmly and fairly while maintaining respect for their worth as individuals, in an exceptional manner.

Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a

17: Rapport development

Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0

Ineffectively develops and maintains rapport with students.

Level2.0 Acceptable

Develops and maintains rapport with students.

Score: 2.0


Target Score: 3.0

Effectively develops and maintains superior rapport with students.

Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe Score: n/a

18: Growth and development awareness

Level1.O Unacceptable Score: 1.0

Does not show awareness of the growth and development patterns characteristic of the group taught.

Level 2.0 Acceptable

Shows awareness of the growth and development patterns characteristic of the group taught.

Level 3.0 Target

Shows excellent awareness of the growth and development patterns characteristic of the group taught.

Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe

Score: 2.0

Score: 3.0

Score: n/a


Rarely accepts and/or uses ideas of students.


Accepts and/or uses ideas of students.


Consistently accepts and/or uses ideas of students. Target

Level n/a No Opportunity to Observe

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