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материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

fact, there are quite a lot of them, and the quantity of them is increasing. So, there is a question: what language should be taught to students - British or American? According to many Russian linguists and educators, the "correct" language, suitable for teaching, is the British version, more precisely, the part of it which is called the "accepted standard" (RP). Correct basic English is necessary, by the way, in order to understand the other language variants, dialects and features. Teachers, of course, need to explain to students the basic vocabulary and grammatical differences between two versions of languages - this work should be a major one in the studying of linguistic material. And we should not forget about such phenomenon as accent that has an effect on phonetic side when learning a foreign language.


Калашникова Александра, 8А класс учитель Богданова Н.А.

Nowadays lots of people read books in the original language, and not a variant, translated by our interpreters from English into Russian. At the moment it‘s not a problem to buy an original book, the problem is, entire popularity of such books. They are not in a big demand among the people ‗cause they think, that it‘s boring and ineffective to read what you don‘t understand.

Many Internet forums have active discussions about these books. Some argue, that it‘s a helpful exercise and their vocabulary after reading this book has grown, and after reading a few – they stopped write out unknown words due to absence of such a need. Other argue that it‘s meaningless, because the meaning of the text will be not clear and book will be not understood, if literally every word in each line is not clear.

That's a misconception. Start reading books in a foreign language, the original, is better from the beginning, namely, children‘s books, written by British for the British, for their own children. You should also consider how attractive this book for You, how you are interested in it. Read a book, which is not interesting to the person in itself – useless.

It‘s also important to consider that such thing as artistic translation exists. What in the original was written by the author with one value, can be otherwise translated into another language. The goal of translators – to transmit basic meaning of the text, to convey it‘s essence to the reader… However, the beauty of the original text, it‘s whole meaning, can be translated quite differently than in England or any other country where original text appeared.

Example of the artistic translation as an example of lines from sonnet by William Shakespeare:

«Тогда-то на вопрос, что сделал ты с красою? Где все сокровища беспечно-добрых дней?»

The original lines are different:

«Then being ask'd where all the beauty lies, Where all the treasure of the lusty days…»

The meaning is not changed, but between the original and artistic translations we can see visible differences.

Sometimes interpreters translate stable English expressions into stable Russian. They have one single meaning, but different translations:

1)Hungry as a hunter (eng.)

2)Голоден как волк (rus.)

The translation of these phraseologisms is different, but value is total - one. Also the same in books - difference not significant, but it exists.

―That is a very selfish reason‖, said the Rocket angrily. ―What right have you to be happy? You should be thinking about others. In fact, you should be thinking about me.‖

And Russian interpretation:

―Смех без причины – признак дурачины‖, - сердито сказал Патрон.

- Кто дал тебе право смеяться? Надо думать о других, а лучше всего - обо мне.

(From the story by O. Wilde ―The Remarkable Rocket‖) The interpreter decided the first sentences of original text to replace on the famous Russian expression. In the other sentences also we can see differences.

―At the gate of the Castle the Prince was waiting to receive her. He had dreamy violet eyes, and his hair was like fine gold. When he saw her he sank upon one knee, and kissed her hand.‖


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

―У ворот замка ее уже ждал Принц. Он опустился на одно колено и поцеловал руку своей невесты.‖

(From the story by O. Wilde ―The Remarkable Rocket‖)

―She was like a white rose before‖, said a young Page to his neighbour, ―but she is like a red rose now‖; and the whole Court was delighted.‖

- ―Белая роза стала алой ‖, - шепнул своему соседу юный паж

(From the story by O. Wilde ―The Remarkable Rocket‖)

In this example we can see that the interpreter took out one line from the original version and didn‘t translate it. I wonder why?

―… the frolicsome as the young fawn; loving and cherishing all things, hating only the Art, which was her rival …‖

… резвая, как молодая лань; ко всему на свете питала она любовь и нежность, и ненавистна ей была лишь ее соперница – Живопись … (Н Галь)

"… it was the portrait of a young girl just ripening into womanhood"

―… портрет молодой девушки, только что развившейся до полной женственности‖ (К. Бальмонт) (1)

―… портрет совсем юной, едва расцветшей женщины (Н. Галь)‖ (2) ―… портрет юной, только расцветающей девушки (В. Рогов)‖ (3)

(From «The Oval Portrait»)

―Pray, what are you laughing at?‖ inquired the Rocket; ―I am not laughing‖ ―Что это тебя рассмешило?‖ – мигом отозвался Патрон. – Я не смеялся‖.

Translators have one principle, which they always follow when interpret English texts, when translate them: "Brevity - the soul of wit", this principle helps them to translate, not separate from authors thoughts, but to create this brevity, they should have rich vocabulary. Many proposals are just impossible to translate shortly... So, translators look for the most suitable alternative, which will help to keep the most accurate translation with original text. In the variant with original version, such problems don‘t arise. The person himself translates in his subconscious the text on the most close for him and the most suitable for him translation. First time, he is looking for the right word, going over everything that he has known and also collects all these words in the sentences, in the text… finding the value and understanding what author wants to say.

In the beginning it‘s very difficult. Especially with those books, which don‘t provide at the end reference materials for the reader. In this way helps only addictive and independent work with dictionary.

―…I regarded the sweet mouth. Here was indeed the triumph of all things heavenly – the magnificent turn of the short upper lip – the soft, voluptuous slumber of the other – the dimples which sported, and the color which spoke – the teeth glancing back, with a brilliancy almost startling, every ray of the holy light which fell upon them in her serene and placid, yet most exultingly radiant of all smiles….‖

―…Я взирал на сладостный рот. Он поистине был торжествующим средоточием всего небесного – великолепный изгиб короткой верхней губы, тихая истома нижней, игра ямочек, выразительность красок и зубы, отражавшие с блеском, почти пугающим, каждый луч священного света, когда они открывались ему в безмятежной и ясной, но также и самой ликующеослепительной из улыбок…‖

(From Edgar Allan Poe. Ligeia)

―Your picture was beautiful‖, he murmured, ―but you are more beautiful than your picture‖; and the little Princess blushed.

– Ваш портрет прекрасен, – прошептал он, – но вы прекраснее во сто крат! И щеки маленькой Принцессы заалели.

(From the story by O. Wilde ―The Remarkable Rocket‖) ―I am laughing because I am happy‖, replied the Cracker.

1)– Я смеюсь, потому что чувствую себя счастливой, – отвечала Петарда.

2)―Мне весело, потому что я счастлива‖, – ответила Петарда.

Lots of books are sold with CD-discs as a gift now – it‘s a double benefit to the customer, because listening live speech, he knows where he does errors, places incorrect logical stress, bad intonation. When person listens these books, he takes double advantage, allows him not only to add unknown words to his vocabulary, but also to accustom to English speech, to adapt to a new environment for the brain, learns to read, make well-pause.


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

We can conclude from all this information that reading books in original, not adapted for us by our translators, is needful. They develop our language, enlarge the vocabulary, reading speed and develop the right intonation, moreover they help to gain quick orientation and adaptation to the written English texts, and to live speech (by ear, using audio books).

Of course, if you want to read such kind of books, you should be patient. Have good logic, intelligence not to lose and mostly important: to understand the meaning that the author wants to convey to us. Difficulties can be also when meeting English humor and English idioms with phraseologisms, because it‘s important to remember, that such a thing exists as colloquial speech inherent to all countries and all languages. British people, for example, can say not want, they can say wanna, but translation is the same. The same story with English fixed expressions. Them we must learn by heart because English people say different, then Russians.

As I mentioned before, don‘t rub on reading with dashing tenacity and impatience. You need only patience, just patience… Slowly, but effectively move to your goal, exactly to studying the language through books-originals. Don‘t take also books, which don‘t match with your knowledge level. Newbie is better to start with the basics: from children‘s stories, fairy tales…May be not for children, but short and easy to understand… different songs and poems. You can gain knowledge base from these books in the beginning, which is easy to understand, because it will be your starting point for reading more difficult books with more intense English vocabulary.

The book must be interesting for you. You should be pleased to take it in your hands… grasping the meaning of each word may be not enthusiastic, but with interest and even pleasure. These books will be easier to read, easier to understand, easier to understand the meaning of all written by author. All books form the character of person and his view on the things, and the whole world.

Remember, if book is interesting for you, it will not be just your teacher, it will be your friend and guide on the roads of life.


Карпова Маргарита, 8А класс учитель Богданова Н.А.

Nowadays sports play the greatest role on lives of many people. They go in for sports, watch it on TV, take part in competitions and want their kids do it professionally. Olympics is the most serious world cup, which gathers humans all over the earth together for one common activity. Every four years we expect something gorgeous, wonderful and exciting. Countries spend a lot of money to impress others and make everybody remember this holiday for ages. Last year Olympics took place in London and I want to tell you about it.

The 2012 Summer Olympics, officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad and commonly known as London 2012, was a major international multi-sport event celebrated in the tradition of the Olympic Games, as governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It took place in London, United Kingdom, from 27 July to 12 August 2012. The first event, the group stage in women's football, began two days earlier, on 25 July at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. More than 10,000 athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) participated. It started on Friday 27 July 2012 at 0:00.

Following a bid headed by former Olympic champion Sebastian Coe and then-Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, London was selected as the host city on 6 July 2005 during the 117th IOC Session in Singapore, defeating bids from Moscow, New York City, Madrid and Paris. London was the first city to host the modern Olympic Games three times, having previously done so in 1908 and in 1948.

Construction for the Games involved considerable redevelopment, with an emphasis on sustainability. The main focus was a new 200-hectare (490-acre) Olympic Park, constructed on a former industrial site at Stratford, East London. The Games also made use of venues that already existed before the bid. Jessica Ennis was described by the BBC as the poster girl of the Olympics.[

The Games received widespread acclaim for their organisation, with the volunteers, the British military and public enthusiasm praised particularly highly. The opening ceremony, directed by Danny Boyle, received widespread acclaim throughout the world with particular praise from the British public despite some criticism levelled internationally on social media sites. During the Games, Michael Phelps became the most decorated Olympic athlete of all time, winning his 22nd medal. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Brunei entered female athletes for the first time, so that every currently eligible country has sent a female


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

competitor to at least one Olympic Games. Women's boxing was included for the first time, thus the Games became the first at which every sport had female competitors.


The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games used a mixture of new venues, existing and historic facilities, and temporary facilities, some of them in well-known locations such as Hyde Park and Horse Guards Parade. After the Games, some of the new facilities will be reused in their Olympic form, while others will be resized or relocated.

The majority of venues have been divided into three zones within Greater London: the Olympic Zone, the River Zone and the Central Zone. In addition there are a few venues that, by necessity, are outside the boundaries of Greater London, such as the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy some 125 miles (200 km) southwest of London, which hosted the sailing events. The football tournament was staged at several grounds around the UK. Work began on the Park in December 2006, when a sports hall in Eton Manor was pulled down. The athletes' village in Portland was completed in September 2011.

In November 2004, the 200-hectare (500-acre) Olympic Park plans were revealed. The plans for the site were approved in September 2004 by Tower Hamlets, Newham, Hackney and Waltham Forest. The redevelopment of the area to build the Olympic Park required compulsory purchase orders of property. The London Development Agency was in dispute with London and Continental Railways about the orders in November 2005. By May 2006, 86% of the land had been bought as businesses fought eviction. Residents who opposed the eviction tried to find ways to stop it by setting up campaigns, but they had to leave as 94% of land was bought and the other 6% bought as a £9 billion regeneration project started.

There were some issues with the original venues not being challenging enough or being financially unviable. Both the Olympic road races and the mountain bike event were initially considered to be too easy, so they were eventually scheduled on new locations. The Olympic marathon course, which was set to finish in the Olympic stadium, was moved to The Mall, since closing Tower Bridge was deemed to cause traffic problems in central London. North Greenwich Arena 2 was scrapped in a costcutting exercise, Wembley Arena being used for badminton and rhythmic gymnastics events instead.

Test events were held throughout 2011 and 2012, either through an existing championship such as 2012 Wimbledon Championships or as a specially created event held under the banner of London Prepares.


During the closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympics, the Olympic Flag was formally handed over from the Mayor of Beijing to the Mayor of London. This was followed by a section highlighting London, One month later, the Olympic and Paralympic flags were raised outside the London City Hall.

A countdown clock in Trafalgar Square was unveiled, 500 days before the Games. The clock broke down the following day, but was later fixed. The countdown to the start of the Olympics began with a ceremony for the lighting of the Olympic flame in Olympia, Greece.

Opening ceremony

The opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics was held on 27 July and called "Isles of Wonder".[ Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle was its artistic director, with the music directors being the electronic music duo Rick Smith and Karl Hyde of Underworld.

The Games were officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II, accompanied by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.[ It was the second Games the Queen had opened personally, the first being the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal. All successive Olympics held in Canada or Australia have been opened by their respective governors-general.

A short comic film starring Daniel Craig as secret agent James Bond and the Queen as herself was screened during the ceremony.

Live musical performers included Frank Turner, Mike Oldfield, London Symphony Orchestra (accompanied by Rowan Atkinson), Dizzee Rascal, Arctic Monkeys and Sir Paul McCartney, who performed the song "Hey Jude" at the end of the ceremony.

The Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Games attracted a peak viewing audience of over 27 million viewers (around half of the population of the United Kingdom watched BBC1 live simultaneously)

Medal count

A total of 85 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) won medals, 54 of those countries winning at least one gold medal. Bahrain, Botswana, Cyprus, Gabon, Grenada (a gold medal), Guatemala, and Montenegro won their first ever Olympic medals. The United States once again finished at the top of the


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

table winning 46 gold medals and winning 104 medals overall. China finished second with 38 gold medals and 88 medals overall after failing to top the medal table as they did as hosts in Beijing four years previously. Hosts Great Britain came in a remarkable third place winning 29 gold medals and 65 medals overall in their best performance since London hosted its first Summer Olympic Games back in 1908 pushing Russia into fourth place who won 24 gold medals although they won 82 medals (17 more than Great Britain) overall.

Olympic Live Sites - London 2012, Test Events

In summer 2012 Organizing Committee "Sochi 2014" together with regions of Russia has launched all-Russian project Live Sites Sochi 2014, where citizens and visitors of the major Russian cities have a unique opportunity to watch the Olympic events in London on large screens installed in city centers. Russians support athletes and participated in various cultural activities organized on the stages.

For the first time in Olympic history the Russians were able to see the most interesting and spectacular competition of the Games of the XXX Olympiad in London and celebrate victories with the Russian team.

Every day sports fans watched with great attention to the athlete‘s performances, so they could watch the victories of Russian wrestlers, dramatic competition for the gold of the Russian national volleyball team and brilliant performances of gymnasts and synchronized swimming team.

During 17 competition days in London Live Sites Sochi 2014 gathered together hundreds of thousands of spectators. From 10 am competitions were demonstrated on huge screens and in the evenings numerous musical bands from different Russian regions and famous Olympic athletes create joy atmosphere for Live Sites Sochi 2014 visitors.

Also, educational activities for young people: "Olympic vaccination", different sport compettion such as judo, trampolining, table tennis, gymnastics, fencing, performances of the various sports schools, variety of shows, flash mobs, contests for spectators took place in Live Sites Sochi 2014.

Live Sites Sochi 2014

Live Site - is a venue with a stage, big screen, sound and lights, where the city community can gather to watch the Games, feel the spirit of competition and celebrate the victories of Russian athletes.

This is a unique project in Russia, which will connect the cities of the country, making each Olympic day a cultural event for the citizens. The main goal of the project is to expand the territory of Games celebration, to involve the maximum of people to their unique atmosphere and make Olympic and Paralympic Games closer to each citizen of Russia.

Live sites are a relatively new initiative, counting from the Olympic Games in Sidney in 2000 and becoming extremely popular. Similar projects were carried out in Sidney, Salt Lake City, Torino, Beijing, Vancouver and are already operating in the United Kingdom on the threshold of the Olympic Games in London 2012.

What’s next?

After the Games of the XXX Olympiad in London the Live Sites Sochi 2014 will continue their work. Since the autumn of 2012 and up to 2014 on screens will be broadcasting all major test events which is taking place at Olympic venues in Sochi.

At 7th of October 2013 Live Sites Sochi 2014 will be used for weekly broadcasting of Olympic Torch Relay route. Thanks to that visitors of Live Sites Sochi 2014 will see the start of torchbearers, meetings with the Olympic flame in the largest cities in Russia.


Карчевская Вероника, Сидаш Макисм 8Б класс учитель Богданова Н.А.

We want to tell you about some historical places of Voronezh region. There is some interesting information about them. So, please, enjoy listening to us and finding out what magic and amusement we can find around us!

Castle of Oldenburg Princess

Castle of Oldenburg Princess – a manor house in the late XIX century, an urban settlement Ramon, Voronezh region.

History of the Castle


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

In 1879, Tsar Alexander II gave to the wedding of his cousin, Princess Eugen Romanova, Duchess of Leuchtenberg (by marriage - Princess of Oldenburg), an estate in the village of Ramon. In 1883, the architect Christopher Neyslera began the construction of the castle for the spouses. During three years the meter-thick walls were built, and by 1887 the interior was completed. The castle was built in the old English style. Opposite the palace, the gates were built with the tower and the clock by the Swiss company "Winter", meanwhile the princess run a better life in the village. In particular, the Swiss company has built the first Russian candy factory with the use of steam engines, dubbed "Steam candy and chocolate factory" and later became the ancestor of the Voronezh confectionery. Factory production was internationally recognized, having won numerous awards at various international exhibitions. Also water tower appeared in the village (in the palace there was hot and cold water!!!), and next to it - the two houses for workers. As a result, Ramon began to expand from a provincial village and became quite wealthy. After the October Revolution, the mistress of the castle was forced to move to France and then to Canada, Toronto. The estate has been ruined by some manager named Koch. Since 1917, it turned housed barracks, school, hospital, factory management, etc. During the war the Germans found out that the owners of the castle were of German roots, refused to bomb, sending out flyers "Do not bomb the Palace!"

Since the late 1970s, the castle has been closed for restoration. All this time, the building hasn‘t been suitable for use, but despite this there are guided tours. In 2007, the territorial administration of the Federal Property Agency in the Voronezh region, the regional administration and the district administration of Ramon decided to surrender the castle to rent for 25 years. One of the main conditions of the lease is the preservation of the castle as an architectural monument of federal importance. However, the competition did not take place due to the fact that the participants were in favor of an increase in the lease term and included in the rent (2 million rubles per year) investment component.

In the spring of 2007, with a friendly visit into Ramon arrived great-grandson of Russian Tsar Alexander II, British Prince Michael of Kent. He instituted scholarships for best students of Voronezh State University, and he is rumored to be about to buy the castle, but local authorities have not given approval for the deal, because the object is a federal property.

October 20, 2009 at Ramon there was a presentation of the restoration of the castle, made by German architects. The palace also was visited by the Duchess of Oldenburg Bibian Dorner. She planned to restore investors' historical reconstruction of the castle and the surrounding area, preserving all the available buildings, and the construction of a hotel complex, which, according to the plans of architects should blend well with the historical ensemble. Investment in the project will be completely from the German side. The total investment is about 40 million euros. Project was initiated by the German company "Oniksdata", the author of the project - the architect Jean-Pierre de L'Or.

February 4, 2010 the Governor of Voronezh Region Alexei Gordeev announced that in the end of the year it is planned to create a tourist center.

July 5 Castle of Princess of Oldenburg became the first cultural site, which is in the sphere of control of the newly created Foundation Heritage Voronezh region.

The next meeting with German investors was held at the end of November 2010. Company ONIKSDATA did not refuse to participate in the project. The regional government has offered investors two options for cooperation, either by entering into a lease agreement, or through a concession agreement. It was also promised that during December volumes, terms and timing of reconstruction would be decided.

December 28, 2010 the castle passed to the region.

In 2011, the Voronezh searchers found in the village monument "Bomarzund", according to legend, given to the princess of Oldenburg Emperor Alexander II . The monument was named after the fortress located in the Åland archipelago in the Baltic Sea, and destroyed in 1854 by British and French troops during the Crimean War. It is believed that this is where Emperor Alexander II signed the deed to the estate in Ramona, and together with the document sent as a gift to the granite monolith of stone, the remainder of the fortress, with an inscription. According to local residents, in the 1960s - 1970s, the monument was broken into treasure hunter. Treasure they have not found, and the monument fell into a tunnel. 30 years in its place was a dump, in which local residents dumped waste. From the monument remained the photographs found in the local museum. However, in the Leningrad archives have the exact same picture of the monument, on the pedestal of which is a gift inscription from imperatoraAleksandra III. It could be another proof version historians that the estate was donated to the Princess Emperor and was not purchased by the Oldenburg udinastii Romanovs, but no inscription on the monument has not


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

been found . "Bomarzund" was found largely thanks Ramon students for 2 years collecting information about it and calculate its expected location. Connect to search monument search organizations 'Don' found it exactly where indicated. Now "Bomarzund" plans to return to the estate. [14]

June 14, 2012 State Expert Ministry of Culture of France, Olivier Dame presented the Governor of Voronezh Region Alexei Gordeev design project parkavokrug castle. [16] The plan area includes two main space. First, the nearest to the castle will be open, almost entirely exempt from the trees, so as not to block the view of the palace. The second and will be the actual park with large shrubs, flower beds and trees. This part will be divided axes that divide the whole area of the green room: in the author's opinion, they have existed here originally. It will be a central part of the so-called "female" - the main flower garden, which will be executed in the French technique, widely used in the XIX century, including in Russia. Thus he Alexei Gordeev said that work on the restoration of the castle and grounds vokurg it will be carried out gradually and that the project of reconstruction of the palace will be fully developed by the end of the year.

Legends associated with the castle.

About the castle steeped in legends about ghosts. In particular, one of the legends says that the plaster in the basement, showering, formed the silhouette of the princess with his hand. There is a local legend, according to which a sorcerer, while on his deathbed, he cursed castle, saying that he will never be restored. In addition, during the life of the princess was rumored that in the dungeons of the castle, she organized prison where supposedly tormented prisoners, who were then at the mercy gave planted in the same place on the chain bear. Can be found also rumors that the psychics by special instruments found in the castle there is a very powerful source of negative energy. Gossip also told me that her husband Eugene, Alexander, was linked to the "ancient order of witches." There is a myth and that the workers, restored the castle in the 80's and lived in a specially equipped shelters, could not sleep because of a feeling that the castle at night, someone wanders, and when they are brought to the castle cat, she ran away from the walls, "like a scalded".

Ternovskii cemetery

Located on the bank of the Voronezh Reservoir at the ravine, between the streets and Maloternovoy Dzinkovskogo (formerly "For Ternovoy fence"). The name thorn or Ternovskii cemetery received from the tract Ternovaya field on which it was displayed.

The cemetery is the oldest surviving cemeteries Voronezh. It emerged in the early 1770s. and marked on the plan of Voronezh in 1773, ie to the approval of the General Plan for the city in 1774, EA Bolkhovitinov dates the cemetery as "made around 1775." The cemetery was not prestigious, people were buried its surrounding parts of the city and the nearby Trinity suburb.

In 1838, the architect SI Sokolov's cemetery stone church was built Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, named yet and Trinity, with the chapels of the Kazan Mother of God and the saints Mitrofan and Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh. Near the church was built one-storey stone building almshouses "about two quarters." The Church is not only for the funeral rites, and was the parish church of Trinity village and the northern edge of the city.

Buried here are members of the war in 1812: Captain JS Soft (c. 1781 - 1871), a member of the Battle of Borodino and the Battle of Leipzig, Colonel JM Starks (1775-1856), a member of the Italian campaign AV Suvorov and foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814., Author of memoirs, "Tales of a Russian soldier", Major General D. Halyutin (c. 1793-1862), a member of the foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814., Party occupation of Paris, etc.

Were buried in the cemetery officers who died in the First World War. Among the cultural buried here - the architect SI Falcons (1802-1868) and the scientist is a veterinarian, a district leader, founded in Voronezh in 1912 up the district veterinary medical school AI Verevkin (1862-1926).

On Ternovykh cemetery were buried and public figures and the revolutionary movement in Voronezh, among them well-known lawyer, attorney, transparent City Council, active leader of the Cadets, the deputy of the State Duma III SA Peter (1863-1944). Buried here are a student at Moscow University NI Taranchenko, who died October 21, 1905, during the Jewish pogrom in Voronezh, and Komsomol Maria Kopylova, shot in 1919, the street named after them in Voronezh.

In 1926, the cemetery was closed thorn. However podzahoroneniya continued in 1930-1940's. The church was closed in 1934, and in the mid-1960s. - Destroyed. Not preserved and the building of almshouses. In 1938, the church bell tower in its place was built the school (currently number 16). In the 1970-ies. part of the cemetery was occupied by the school sports field. Demolition cemetery gravestones


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

began after World War II and continued into the 1950-1960-ies. In 1992, the cemetery thorn taken under state protection as a historic monument.

The territory of Thorns cemetery generally preserved. In 2002, under the guidance of a teacher of history of school № 16 SA Nagovitsyn students landscaped cemetery, clearing the cultural layer of hidden tombs and monuments symbolic setting participants 1812 DI Halyutinu, IS Soft and YM Starkov. The area has a view of the running of the park with a few paths and tall trees. Have survived more than 40 gravestones mid XIX - early XX century. In 2008, reconstruction began cemetery by architect V. Frolov, the plan to create a full memorial.


Косяков Денис, 8 б класс учитель Каверина К.А.

At present it has become commonplace to use computer technologies. Distribution of computer games and virtual communication has a huge impact on people. Using the Internet helps us in our everyday life. There are educational sites, developing online games, interactive tutorials, drawing lessons and foreign languages. But there is a disadvantage of this process: it is the Internet addiction. This term first was introduced by American psychiatrist Ivan Goldberg in 1995. He believes that Internet addiction («Internet Addiction Disorder») - is fixed, irresistible attraction to use the Internet, threatening to crowd out normal lives. Originally the term was introduced by him as a joke, however it took root and began be used.

Now the problem of Internet addiction in society has acquired a special meaning. Internet addiction is manifested in the fact that people forget about everyday affairs and duties. People can‘t disconnect from the Internet in due time. Long sitting at a computer causes problems with vision, limited communication with family and friends. However, many people believe that the Internet helps to overcome the feeling of loneliness. A person can easily find a companion for communication in the internet.

According to Prof. Zohar, ―We currently treat dozens of people and we see how the phenomenon continues to grow‖. He explains that just as ―people come in for addictive behavior like obsessive hand washing or hoarding, they come in for being addicted to the Internet. The people at hand have an addictive inclination, which slowly rises with their use of the Internet until they reach a state where they have lost all control. Zohar adds that ―the prominent symptoms are that the addict feels a tremendous amount of pressure and restlessness when unable to use the Internet‖.

These people feel that the Internet and the computer are no longer tools used for specific objectives, but rather have taken over their lives. ―These people gradually sink in this swamp and get on the Internet instead of doing other things they would like to do, and even worse, things they have to do, that are part of their everyday lives,‖ explains Zohar. According to Zohar, hospitalization for such cases is rare and has yet to occur in Israel. Usually patients reach the clinic after they or their families begin to feel that it is a problem.

―The treatment is behavioral, like the initial treatment of other addictions. First, we try to withhold connection to the Internet and have the patient less exposed to the temptation. Much support is also required from the family. Just as a shopping addict will not be able to recover if continually provided with money, Internet addicts need withholding treatments. This treatment has proved very effective, and helps change the problematic behavior. In severe cases, medication is administered, similar to the treatment of other addictions,‖ says Zohar.

Several weeks ago, Bill Gates, the Founder of Microsoft, announced that he has begun to limit his 9 year-old daughter's computer time to 45 minutes a day, because he feared that she may have begun developing an addiction.

Various cases of severe addictions to computer games have also been publicized in Japan and China. An adolescent that played the online game, World of Warcraft, commit suicide because he could not cope with the real world outside of the game. Thus, Prof. Zohar asserts that it is important for families to be alert and aware of the addiction and the help offered in rehabilitation. ―Once the connection to the Internet hinders the attainment of one's goals, that person should recognize the problem and get help‖, he summarizes.

We have made a test to explore the causes of using the Internet among 14-15 y.o. teenagers. We have asked 21 pupils from Gymnasia #6. According to the results most of our respondents show positive attitude to the Internet. None of them fear of internet-swindle. Boys spend a lot of time in the Internet.


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа

Most of them say that the Internet helps to find information or entertainment and use social networks and game sites for it (87%).

Most girls think that the Internet helps in learning and searching information. In doing so, often use social networks (77%) and only 23% of them use - scientific sites.

Both girls and boys choose communication in real life. So, we can sum up the result of the exploration.

1.Pupils are actively using the Internet, but they don't consider the possible danger of the networking.

2.Using the Internet, young people have different purposes, but entertaining and communication


3The girls and boys choose communication in real life.

In our school the problem of prevention of Internet addiction is conducted:

attracting students to participate in scientific conferences, additional courses;

promoting creative activities;

•informing about the negative effects of excessive use of the Internet.

The following recommendations for the prevention of Internet addiction will be useful: use scientific sites for preparing your homework;

organize book fairs, including the virtual ones;

inform pupils about the fiction;

learn to use the internet safely promote the rules of netiquette.


материалы XVI научно-практической конференции Научного Общества Учащихся МБОУ гимназии №6 г.Воронежа



Володина Наталия, Колесов Дмитрий-9―А― учитель: Калинина Т.П.

Das Bundeswappen ist das Staatswappen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Es weist die Farben der Nationalflagge Schwarz-Rot-Gold auf. Das Hoheitszeichen zeigt auf goldgelbem zulaufendem Wappenschild in zeichenhaft reduzierter Form den einköpfigen schwarzen Adler, den Kopf nach rechts gewendet, die Flügel offen, aber mit geschlossenem Gefieder, Schnabel, Zunge und Fänge von roter Farbe, den sogenannten Bundesadler. Das Wappen ist identisch mit dem von Karl-Tobias Schwab 1926 entworfenen, ab 1928 gebräuchlichen Staatswappen des Deutschen Reichs der Zeit der Weimarer Republik, dessen Adler noch als Reichsadler bezeichnet wird. Das Bundeswappen unterscheidet sich vom Bundesschild, dem den deutschen Bundesbehörden und der Bundeswehr für Dienstflaggen und Truppenfahnen vorbehaltenen Halbrundschild mit einer Variante des Bundesadlers. Das Bundeswappen ist neben dem Bundessiegel, der Bundesflagge, der Bundeshymne, der Bundeshauptstadt und dem Tag der Deutschen Einheit ein Staatssymbol Deutschlands, allerdings ohne Verfassungs- oder Gesetzesrang.

Geschichte - Das deutsche Wappen, in Gold, darauf ein stilisierter rot bewehrter schwarzer, nach rechts blickender Adler, ist eines der ältesten Staatssymbole der Welt und – neben dem österreichischen Bundesadler der dieselben Ursprünge hat – das älteste heute noch bestehende europäische Hoheitszeichen. Seine Ursprünge reichen weit vor das Zeitalter der Nationalstaaten zurück.

In der Antike galt der Adler als Bote der Götter. In der griechischen Mythologie versinnbildlicht er Zeus bei den Römern Jupiter und bei den Germanen den Hauptgott Odin. Neben der göttlichen Ewigkeit symbolisiert er auch Mut und Stärke, weshalb der Vogel auf militärischen Bannern oft abgebildet wurde. Seit etwa 100 v. Chr. war der Adler das Feldzeichen der Römischen Legionen. Im römischen Kaiserkult symbolisierte ein aufsteigender Adler die Apotheose des verstorbenen Kaisers. Die goldene Farbe des Wappenschildes verweist auf den Bedeutungsgehalt des Kaisertums. Die schwarze Farbe des Adlers ergibt sich aus dem heraldischen Streben nach einer kontrastreichen Tingierung, die dem Interesse einer guten Wahrnehmung aus Fernsicht geschuldet ist.

Der Adler symbolisierte zu dieser Zeit keinen bestimmten Staat unter anderen, sondern die Idee der universalen weltlichen Ordnung überhaupt, den Reichsgedanken, so wie das Heilige Römische Reich zunächst übernational und universal gedacht war. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte machte der Adler als Reichsadler eine mehrfache Wandlung durch, vom imperialen zu einem mit dem Begriff „Deutschland― verbundenen staatlichen Symbol, daneben auch zu einem Freiheitsund schließlich zum Nationalsymbol.

Mittelalter - Im 12.Jahrhundert nahm der Adler mit dem Aufkommen des Wappenwesens heraldische Formen und zugleich Farben an: Er wurde schwarz in einen Schild mit der goldenen kaiserlichen Farbe gestellt; im 14.Jahrhundert bürgerte sich der Brauch ein, Fänge und Schnabel rot zu tingieren.

Das Adlersymbol spaltete sich in zwei Bedeutungslinien. Neben dem bisherigen einköpfigen Adler, der sich zusehends enger mit der deutschen Königswürde und mithin mit dem deutschen Reichsteil verband, kam der Doppeladler als Abzeichen des Kaisertums und des immer noch übernational gedachten Reichs auf. Der einköpfige Adler wurde zugleich das Stadtwappen der Krönungssätte Aachen. Mit dem Aufstieg des Städtewesens gewann der Adler einen weiteren, dem Herrschaftssymbol entgegengesetzten Bedeutungsgehalt: als Freiheitsund Unabhängigkeitssymbol.

Deutscher Bund - Bis zur Auflösung des Heiligen Römischen Reichs deutscher Nation 1806 führten die Habsburger Kaiser den Doppeladler mit unterschiedlichen Brustschilden, die die wechselhafte territoriale Entwicklung der Habsburgischen Besitzungen widerspiegelte.

Um der deutschen Einigungsbewegung, für die der Adler als deutsches Symbol selbstverständlich war, Wind aus den Segeln zu nehmen, erklärte der Deutsche Bund am 9. März 1848 den Doppeladler schließlich zum Bundeswappen. Die Frankfurter Nationalversammlung setzte ihn am 12. November 1848 in das Obereck der schwarz-rot-goldenen Marineflagge. Nach dem Scheitern der deutschen Revolution verschwand auch der Bundes-Doppeladler wieder von der Bildfläche.

Deutsches Kaiserreich - Bei der Bismarckschen Reichsgründung 1871 kam der Doppeladler, weil Österreich-Ungarn ihn führte, nicht mehr in Frage, doch war der Adler als deutsches Nationalsymbol unumstritten. Er kehrte in seiner ursprünglichen, einköpfigen Form als Reichsadler zurück, traditionell