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3. Заполните пустые клетки в табл. 4 , указав факторы, препятствующие интеграции и способствующие решению проблемы.






Таблица 4

Формы международных


Факторы, способствующие

Факторы, препятствующие

экономических отаошений

участию России в данной


участию России в данной




форме МЭО


форме МЭО

Международная торговля








• низкая себестоимость от-






дельных видов продукции






• низкий валютный курс














международный кредит



неблагоприятный инве-





стиционный климат





большой объем внешней






Валютные отношения





Трудовая миграция




















4. Подберите статистические данные, факты из периодической печати, аргументирующие ваши решения при заполнении таблицы.

Основные понятия

Валютная интервенция, валютная система, валютный курс, валютный паритет, вывоз капитала, девальвация валюты, добровольное ограничение экспорта, замкнутая валюта, импортные квоты, интернационализация производства и капитала, конвертируемость валюты, миграционное сальдо, миграция рабочей силы, мировая торговля, мировое хозяйство, национальная валюта, нетарифные барьеры, ограниченная конвертируемость, платежный баланс, полная конвертируемость, принцип сравнительных преимуществ, ревальвация валюты, резервная валюта, сальдо платежного баланса, свободно конвертируемая валюта, таможенная пошлина, транснациональная компания.

Литература, рекомендуемая к изучению

1.Бузгалин А.В. Переходная экономика: курс лекций по политической экономии.— М.: Таурус, Просперус, 1994.— Ч. IX, лекции 1, 2.

2.Политическая экономия /Под ред. В.В. Радаева.— М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1992.— С. 358—376.

3.Шишков Ю. Тернистый путь России в мировую экономику//РЭЖ.— 1996.— № 1.

4. Бартенев С.А. Экономические теории и школы (история и современность).— М.: БЕК. 1996.— Гл. 15.

5.Ван дер Bee Г. История мировой экономики 1945—1990.— М.: Наука, 1994.— Гл. 9, 11, 12.

6.Стратегия развития рыночной экономики и программа первоочередных шагов: Доклад Института экономики РАН.— М.: ИЭ РАН, 1996,— Гл. 9, 11, § 7.—

С. 241-244, 254—257, 297—304.

7.Политическая экономия современного капитализма: Учеб. Пособие / Под ред. B.C. Торкановского.— СПб.: Изд-во СПбУЭФ, 1993.— С. 489—498.

8.Бабак В. Проблемы интеграции центрально-азиатских стран и Россия //

МЭ и МО.— 1993.— № 12— С. 17—20.

9.Бенавидес П. Долгий путь на Корфу//Европа.— 1994.— № 5.— С. 8-10.

10.Борисов С. Азбука обратимости, или что надо знать о конвертируемости валют. - М.: Финансы и статистика, 1992.

11.Долан Э. Дж., Линдсей Д. Рынок: микроэкономическая модель.— СПб., 1992.— С. 473—490.

12.Линдерт П. Экономика мирохозяйственных связей. — М.: Прогресс, 1992.— Гл. 5, 15, 23, 25.

13.Долан Э. Дж. Деньги, банковское дело и денежно-кредитная политика. —

Л., 1991.— С. 408-423.

14.Хасбулатов Р.И. Мировая экономика.— М.: ИНСАН, 1994. Гл. 6-9, 24, 27.

15.Митропольский А.Б., Смирнов П.Е. Россия и Европейская интеграция.— М.: Российский научный фонд, 1993.

16.Пичугин Б. Иностранные частные инвестиции в России//МЭ и МО.— 1994.— № 11, 12.

17.Хейне П. Экономический образ мышления.— М.: Экономика, 1991.

18.Экономика внешних связей России/Под ред. А.С. Булатова.— М.: БЕК, 1995.— Гл. 2, 8, 10-12, 21-22.

19.Эльянов А. Россия на мировом рынке: некоторые проблемы//МЭ и МО.— 1995.— № 11.— С. 15-30.

20.Reynolds Lloyd G. Economics: a general introduction.— Homewood, Illinois: IRWIN, 1988.— P. 721—748.

21.Ertel R. Volkswirtschaftslehre: Einf. in Denkweise u. aktuelle Fragestellungen am Beispiel D. Bundesrepublik Deutscland.— Munchen, Wien: Oldenbourg. 1979.—

Кар. 8.

22.Dieckheuer G. Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen.— Munchen: Oldenbourg Verlag, 1990.—T. I.— Кар. 1, § 3: Т. III.— Кар. 2, § 2: Т. IV.— Кар. 2, § 3.

23.Osteuropa-Perspektiven//Jarbuch, 1994/95.— Francfurt-am-Main: FAZ GmbH. Informationsdienste. 1994. — S. 192—205.

24.Bafieler U., Heinrich J.. Koch W. Grundlagen und Probleme der Volkswirtschaft.— Koln: J.P. Bachem, 1984.— S. 269—362.


Аccelerator hypothesis (гипотеза акселератора)

states that the level of net investment depends on the change in expected output. Aggregate demand (совокупный спрос)

the total value of goods and services demanded in an economy, measured at some specified price level.

Aggregate expenditure (общие издержки)

the total spending on final goods and services at a given price level; is equal to the sum of consumption, C; investment, I; government purchases, G; and net exports (X—M): GNP= С + I + G + (X—M).

Aggregate income (совокупный доход)

the sum of all income earned by resource suppliers in the economy; the sum of personal consumption expenditures (C); personal saving (Sp); business saving (Sb); and tax payments (Т): С + Sp + Sb + T.

Aggregate supply (совокупное предложение)

the total value of all goods and services supplied in an economy, neasured at some specified price level.

Balance of payments (платежный баланс страны)

a record of all economic transactions between residents of one country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period.

Bank (банк)

a financial institution that regulates money flow for regular market circulation. Balance sheet (балансовый отчет)

a financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth at a given point in time.

Bank notes (банкноты)

papers promising a specific amount of money in gold to bearers who presented them to issuing banks for redemption.

Capital (капитал)

all means of production created by people (including buildings, tools, machinery, industrial equipment, and structures) which are used as inputs for production.

Cartel (картель)

a formal written or oral agreement between or among firms to set the price of the product and the outputs of the individual firms or to divide the market for the product geographically.

Competition (конкуренция)

the presence in a market of a large number of independent buyers and sellers and the freedom of buyers and sellers to enter and to leave the market.

Commercial banks (коммерческие банки)

depository institutions that make short-term loans primarily to businesses rather than to households.

Consumption ( С ) (личные потребительские расходы)

all household purchases of final goods and services during the year.

Corporation (корпорация)

a legal entity owned by stockholders, whose liability is limited to the value of the stock.

Credit union (кредитный союз)

an association of persons who are employed at the same firm or are members of the same labor union which sells shares to (accepts deposits from) its members and makes loans to them.

Deduction (дедукция)

reasoning from assumptions to conclusions; a method of reasoning that tests a hypothesis (an assumption) by comparing the conclusions to which it leads with economic facts.

Demand (спрос)

the quantity of a good that consumers (people and firms) want and are able to buy at a particular price during a given time period.

Demand curve (кривая спроса)

a curve showing the quantity of a specific commodity demanded at various possible prices; reflects the relationship between the demand for a good and its price.

Demand deposits (бессрочный вклады)

accounts on which depositors can write checks to obtain their deposits at any


Depository institutions (депозитные учреждения)

commercial banks and thrift institutions (savings and loan associations, mutual savings barks, and credit unions) that obtain funds by accepting deposits from the public. Other financial intermediaries (finance companies, insurance companies, pension funds) acquire funds by collecting premiums or by borrowing.

Depreciation (амортизация)

1) allowance for the wearing out of capital goods over a specified period; 2) measures the value of capital stock consumed during a year in producing GNP; 3) also termed capital consumption.

Depression (депрессия)

a severe contraction phase of a business cycle involving prolonged decline in

output and employment; a period of low national income and high unemployment. Devaluation (of the domestic currency) (девальвация)f

an increase in the official pegged value of foreign currency.

Discount rate (учетная ставка)

— the interest rate which the Federal Reserve Banks charge on the loans they make

to depository institutions.

Disposable income ( DI) (располагаемый доход; доход после уплаты налогов)

personal income after payment of income taxes; equals personal income minus personal taxes and other government charges.

Draft or bill of exchange (B/E) (вексель)

an order written by a seller instructing a buyer or its agent to pay a specified amount of money at a specified time.

Economic concentration (концентрация производства)

a measure of the control of a particular economic activity in an industry, in a sector of the economy, or in an entire economy.

Economic good (экономический товар)

a good that is scarce; users cannot have it as much as they want at zero price. Economic growth (экономический рост)

rate of increase in output per capita.

Economic policy (экономическая политика)

course of action that will correct or avoid a problem. Economic (pure) profit (чистая прибыль)

the total receipts (revenue) of a firm less ail its economic costs. Economic system (экономическая система)

a set of mechanisms and institutions for decision-making and the implementation of decisions concerning production, income, and consumption within a given geographic area.

Economic theory (экономическая теория)

a simplification of economic reality designed to capture the important elements of the relation under consideration.

Elastic demand (эластичный спрос)

the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price; situation in which the elasticity coefficient is greater than one. Elastic supply (эластичное предложение)

the percentage change in quantity supplied is greater than the percentage change in price; situation in which the elasticity coefficient is greater than one.

Elasticity coefficient (коэффициент эластичности)

the number obtained when the percentage change in quantity demanded (or supplied) is divided by the percentage change in the price of the commodity. Equilibrium price (равновесная цена)

price at which quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal.

Entrepreneur (предприниматель)

a profit-seeking decision-maker who organizes an enterprise and assumes the risks involved.

Entrepreneurial ability (предпринимательская способность)

managerial and organization skills of resource owners together with the willingness to take risks.

Excess reserve (избыточный резерв)

the amount by which a member bank's actual reserve exceeds its required reserve; actual reserve minus required reserve.

Exchange rate (валютный курс)

the price of one country's currency measured in terms of another country's currency.

Factor markets (рынки факторов производства)

the markets for land, labor and equipment (which are known as factors of production, or simply as factors).

Factors of production (факторы производства)

inputs to production that are used to create goods and services (labor, entrepreneurship, capital, natural resources).

Financial institutions (финансовые институты)

institutions that serve as the liaison between savers and borrowers.

Firm (предприятие как форма организации предпринимательской деятельности)

an economic unit, formed by profit-seeking entrepreneurs, that employs resources to produce goods and services; firms supply goods and services to the product market and demand resources in the resource market.

Fiscal policy (фискальная политика)

changes in government spending and tax collections for the purpose of achieving a full-employment and noninflationary net national product.

Foreign currency intervention (валютная интервенция)

the central bank offsets the decline in money supply by buying government bonds on the open market. In effect the central bank sells foreign currencies in exchange for domestic bonds.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) (прямые иностранные инвестиции)

purchase of physical assets, such as plants and equipment, establishment of foreign subsidiaries, investment in additional production facilities in a foreign country, to be managed by the parent corporation.

Full employment (полная занятость)

1) using all available economic resources to produce goods and services; 2) occurs when 94 to 96 percent of the civilian labor force is employed.

a tangible product that is used to satisfy wants; that is considered desirable or "good" by those who own it or could acquire it.

Government (as an economic actor) (государство как экономический субъект)

provides the function of providing economic stabilization; the function of improving the distribution of income; the function of a locating resources to production of public goods.

Government purchases ( G ) (государственные закупки товаров и услуг)

spending for goods and services by all levels of government.

Gross domestic product (GDP) (валовой внутренний продукт (ВВП)

the output produced by factors of production located in the domestic economy regardless of who owns these factors.

Gross national product (GNP) (валовой национальный продукт (ВНП)

the total market value of all final goods and services produced in the economy during a particular time period, usually a year.

Herfindahl—Hirschman index (индекс Харфиндела—Хиршмана)

the sum of the squared percentage market shares of all firms in an industry; a measure of the level of concentration in that industry.

Household (домашнее хозяйство, домохозяйство)

a group living together and pooling major expenses in the same dwelling unit; households demand goods and services in the product market and supply resources (land, labor, capital) to the resource market.

Imperfect competition (несовершенная конкуренция)

all markets except pure competition; monopoly, monopsony, monopolistic competition, monopsonistic competition, oligopoly, and oligopsony.

Indirect business taxes (косвенные налоги на бизнес)

such taxes as sales, excise, and business property taxes, license fees, and tariffs which firms treat as costs of producing a product and pass on (in whole or in part) to buyers of the product by charging them higher prices.

Induction (индукция)

a method of reasoning that proceeds from facts to generalization.

Inflation (инфляция)

a rise in the general (average) level of prices in the economy. International reserves (резервная валюта)

a means of payment generally acceptable in settlement of balances among countries; e. g. gold, dollars, other "key currencies".

Investment ( I ) (валовые частные внутренние инвестиции)

all output produced during the year which is not used for present consumption.

Joint venture (совместное предприятие)

— a business venture that is owned by two or more other business ventures. Often the business owners are from different countries.

Labor (труд)

the physical and mental efforts of humans directed toward production. Labor market (рынок труда)

a market in which labor time is bought by employers, although the workers themselves are not bought.

Land (земля)

plots of ground and other natural resources used in the production of goods and services.

Law of comparative advantage (принцип сравнительных преимуществ)

the individual with the lowest opportunity cost of producing a particular good should specialize in producing that good. The law of comparative advantage in the case of international economics states that countries specialize in producing and exporting the goods that they produce at a lower relative cost than other countries.

Liability (задолженность, обязательство, пассив фирмы или отдельного лица)

anything that is owed to another individual or institution; a debt with a monetary value.

Lorenz curve (кривая Лоренца)

a curve which can be used to show the distribution of income in an economy; the cumulated percentage of families (income receivers) is measured along the horizontal axis and the cumulated percentage of income is measured along the vertical axis.

M1 (Ml, узкое определение денежного предложения)

the narrowly defined money supply; the currency and checkable deposits not owned by the Federal government, Federal Reserve Banks, or Depository institutions.

M2 (M2, определение денежного предложения)

more broadly defined money supply; equal to Ml plus noncheckable savings deposits and small time deposits (deposits of less than $ 100,000).

МЗ (МЗ, определение денежного предложения)

a monetary aggregate consisting of M2 plus large time deposits (deposits of $ 100,000 or more).

Macroeconomics (макроэкономика)

study of the behavior of entire economies and the combined effects of individual choices on the overall performance of the economy as reflected by the nation's price level, total production, and level of employment.

Marginal cost (предельные издержки)

the extra (additional) cost of producing one more unit of output; equal to the change in total cost divided by the change in output.

Marginal revenue (предельный годовой доход)

the change in the total revenue of the firm that results from the sale of one additional unit of its product; equal to the change in the total revenue divided by the change in the quantity of the product sold.

Market (рынок)

a set of arrangements through which buyers and sellers carry out exchange at mutually agreeable terms.

Market economy (рыночное хозяйство)

an economic system in which the interaction of buyers and sellers is the main mechanism for making economic choices.

Market structure (структура рынка)

describes the important features of a market, such as the number of firms, type of product, ease of entry, and forms of competition.

Microeconomics (микроэкономика)

study of the behavior of economic actors, the factors that affect individual economic choices, how changes in these factors alter such choices, and their coordination.

Mixed economy (смешанная экономика)

economy in which the outcome is the result of individual decisions that are affected by significant government intervention, but in which there is no central plan.

Money (деньги)

anything that is generally accepted in an economy as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a store of purchasing power, and a standard for deferred payment. Money market (денежный рынок)

the market in which the demand for and the supply of money determine the interest rate in the economy.

Money supply (денежное предложение)

narrowly defined Ml, more broadly defined M2 and M3.

Monetary multiplier (денежный мультипликатор)

the multiple of its excess reserve by which the commercial banking system can expand the money supply and demand deposits by making new loans (or buying securities); and equal to one divided by the required reserve ratio.

Monopolistic competition (монополистическая конкуренция)

a market in which many firms sell a differentiated product, into which entry is relatively easy, in which the firm has some control over the price at which the product it produces is sold, and in which there is considerable nonprice competition.

Monopoly (монополия)

(1) a market in which the number of sellers is so few that each seller is able to influence the total supply and the price of the good or service; (2) a major industry in which a small number of firms control all or a large portion of its output.

Monopsony (монопсония)

a market in which there is only one buyer of the good and service.

Multinational corporation (многонациональная корпорация (ТНК))

a business firm chartered as a corporation in one nation which employs resources and sells its products (often through subsidiary corporations) in other nations of the world; a company that has direct investments in more than one country.

Multiplier (мультипликатор)

the ratio of the change (increase) in the equilibrium NNP to the change

(increase) in investment.

Mutual savings bank (взаимно сберегательный банк)

— a firm without stockholders which accept deposits primarily from small individual savers and which lends primarily to individuals to finance the purchases of residences.

National income (N1) (национальный доход (НД)

total income earned by resource suppliers for their contributions to the production of the GNP; equals NNP plus government subsidies minus indirect business taxes, or simply: N1 = NNP — indirect business taxes.

Natural monopoly (естественная монополия)

an industry in which the economies of scale are so great that the product can be produced by one firm at an average cost which is lower than it would be if it were produced by more than one firm.

Natural rate of unemployment (естественный уровень безработицы)

the rate that occurs when the economy is producing its potential level of GNP. Net exports (X — M) (чистый экспорт)

exports, X, minus imports, M; the value of domestic products purchased by foreigners minus the value of foreign products purchased by domestic residents. Net national product (NNP) (чистый национальный продукт)

equals GNP minus depreciation: NNP = GNP — D.

Nominal GNP (номинальный ВНП)

national output valued at prices prevailing during the period in question. Nonprice competition (неценовая конкуренция)

the means, other than decreasing the prices of their products, which firms employ to attempt to increase the sale of their products and which includes quality competition, advertising, and sales promotion activities.

Non-tariff barriers (NTBs) (нетарифные ограничения)

government measures other than tariffs that restrict imports; such measures have become relatively more conspicuous impediments to trade as tariffs have been reduced during the period since World War II.

Оkun's law (закон Оукена)

a change in the rate of full-time unemployment associated with the percentage change in GNP.

Oligopoly (олигополия)

a market in which a few firms sell either a standardized or differentiated product, into which entry is difficult, in which the firm's control over the price at which it sells its product is limited by mutual interdependence (except when there is collusion among firms), and in which there is typically a great deal of nonprice competition.

Oligopsony (олигопсония)