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How to Get to Know the English

It is often said that the English are cold and unfriendly, but in fact this is because they are rather shy. If you are a foreigner there are a number of ways to get to know the English. For example, imagine you are in a park where there are lots of people with dogs. You can say to someone “What a lovely dog you have!” This is a very good way to start a conversation, even if a dog isn’t lively at all. In fact, the English love dogs very much.

Another way is to stand at the bus stop and say “What extraordinary weather we are having!” Remember that everyone thinks the weather in England is extraordinary. The other person will say “Yes, it’s too hot” if it’s sunny and “Yes, it’s wonderful for the garden” if it’s raining. Then, anyone, who is listening will disagree, because no one agrees about the weather in England. After five minutes you have made lots of friends (and a few enemies, as well).

Another good way is to stand on a street corner with a map looking lost. After only two or three minutes, someone comes up to you and gives directions. Sometimes two or more people offer their help. Everyone suggests a different route because no one knows how to get there or even where you are at the moment. But that’s not the point. The point is get to know the English, not to find the way After all, you have got a map for that.

But the best way is to go into a pub and ask in a loud voice “Can I buy anyone a drink?” This is universal to get to know people. Of course, it’s quite expensive, but you can’t put a price on friends, can you?


shy - застенчивый, direction - напрaвление

VI. Work in pairs. Discuss the things you should do to get to know people in your country.

Do you know that in Britain:

  • strangers usually don’t talk to each other on trains;

  • it is polite to queue for everything: buses, theatre tickets, in shops, etc;

  • people say “thank you ” when they give money to a shop assistant;

  • people open presents in front of people they receive them from;

  • people don’t take their shoes off when whey enter a house;

  • people wash in their own bath water.

These are national habits. What are the national habits in your country? Do you find any British habits strange and unusual? Do you share any of these habits with the British?

Part IV Speech Exercises

  1. Imagine you are a teacher giving a lesson of geography. Tell your students all you know about Great Britain.

  2. You are a journalist. Interview a student from London University. What questions are you going to ask him?

  3. Speak on: a). your sea trip to Great Britain; b). your friend’s sea trip to Great Britain; c). your first impressions of visiting London.

  4. What will you write to your friend about your stay in Great Britain?

  5. You are planning to visit Great Britain. You’ve never been there before. Phone the travel agency and ask what you are interested in.

Key to exercise for:

1. b; 2. The house of Lords; 3. c(630); 4. B (7%) ; 5. b; 6. a; 7. c; 8. b; 9. c;10. b; 11. c;

12. c, e, f.

УДК 4 (Англ.) (075.8)

ББК 81.2 Англ. Я 73

М 54

Авторы: Н.А. Новик, И.И. Илюкевич, А.М. Лазаренко, Т.В. Левкович, И.И. Лихтарович, И.Г. Маликова, А.Н. Семенов, Г.Л. Теплякова, С.В. Федосеева.

Методическое пособие по развитию навыков устной речи на английском языке для студентов 1-2 курсов. В 2Ч. Ч.1./Н.А. Новик, И.И. Илюкевич, А.М. Лазаренко и др. – Мн.: БГУИР, 2001.- 72 с.


Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов I – II курсов

дневной и вечерней формы обучения.

Цель пособия – развитие навыка говорения на английском языке по темам “Рабочий день студента”, “Наш университет”, ”Беларусь”, ”Великобритания”.

Для каждой темы, состоящей из 4-х разделов, разработан комплекс речевых упражнений и ситуаций, подобраны аутентичные тексты и диалоги.

УДК 4 (Англ.) (075.8)

ББК 81.2 Англ. Я 73

ISBN © Коллектив авторов, 2001

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