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Part IV Speech Exercises

  1. Prove that

  1. the geographical location of Belarus is profitable for national economy.

  2. Belarus is a country of blue lakes and green forests.

  1. Is it true that our country is rich in customs and traditions.

  2. Say what you and your friend will advise a foreigner. Recommend some places of interest (attractions) which are, in your opinion, worth visiting.

  3. You are a reporter for the “Globe and Mail”, interview Mr. Smith who has just returned from Belarus. Ask him about his impression of the country.

  4. Imagine you are a teacher giving a lesson of history. Tell your students about important historical events which took place in Belarus.

  5. You are willing participate in the international conference “Belarus Today and Tomorrow.” The Organizing Committee requires a short abstract. What will you write in it?

  6. Phone Ms. Jones, an economic adviser of the IMF, who is an expert in Belarus. Ask her about the country’s economy and investment opportunities in Belarus.

  7. What will you write to your pen pal living in Canada who is interested in Belarus.

Unit IV great britain


Great Britain is the largest island in Europe, it consists of England, Scotland and Wales and together with Northern Ireland it forms the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which is the official title of the country. If you look at the map of Great Britain you will see that England is the largest and most populous division of the island of Great Britain, making up the south and east. Wales is in the west and Scotland is in the north. Northern Ireland is located in the northeast corner of Ireland, the second largest island in the British Isles. Great Britain covers the total area of about 90,000 square miles. This is nearly the same size as the Federal Republic of Germany, New Zealand and half the size of France. From south to north it stretches for over 900 km, and is just under 500 km across in the widest part and 60 km in the narrowest.

From the European continent the British Isles are separated by the English Channel and the North Sea. The UK is washed in the east by the North Sea, and in the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The United Kingdom’s only land border with another nation is between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The English Channel, in its widest part in the west is 220 km wide, and in the narrowest, what is called the Strait of Dover, only 32 km.

Apart from Britain the territories of six European countries look into the coasts of the North Sea -- France, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark and Norway and for some of them this sea is the only exit to the World Ocean. The most important sea routes pass through the English Channel and the North Sea linking Europe with the Americas and other continents. The advantageous position of Great Britain created favorable conditions for the development of shipping, trade and the economy as a whole.

There are many rivers and lakes in the British Isles. The largest river of Great Britain, the Severn, is 390 km long. Among other important rivers are the Trent, Tyne, Clyde, Thames and others.

The largest lakes in Great Britain are Loch Lomond (70 sq. km) and Lock Ness (56 sq. km).

The mountains are mainly situated in Scotland and Wales. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis (1343) in Scotland.

The population of the country is about 60 million. By the year of 2010, the population is expected to increase to 61,127,000. Great Britain is one of the most densely populated countries and ranks about fourteenth in the world in terms of its population.

The population took on the characteristics of a modern, developed, and prosperous state. Life expectancy in 1997 was 75 years for men and 80 years for women. Britain’s population is overwhelmingly urban, with 89.4 percent living in urban areas and 10.6 percent living in rural areas.

The Atlantic Ocean has a significant effect on Britain’s climate. Due to the warm waters of the Gulf Stream the climate of Britain is mild throughout the year. The surrounding waters moderate temperatures all year round, making the UK warmer in winter and cooler in summer. The mean annual temperature in the far north of Scotland is 6°C and in warmer southwestern England it is 11°C. In general, temperatures are ordinarily around 15°C in summer and around 5°C in winter, temperatures rarely exceed 32°C or drop below - 10°C nowhere in the British Isles. Frosts when the temperature dips below 0°C are rare.

The capital of the United Kingdom, London, is one of the largest cities in the world with the population of about 7 million. It is the industrial and political centre of the country. In terms of population other important cities in Great Britain include Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield, the latter four of which are situated in the north of England.

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