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Home Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Arrange the following words into your own sentences

  1. Exports, equipment, transport, Belarus.

  2. Belarus’, fuel, expenditure, import, is, largest.

  3. Moscow, Warsaw, and , the, railroad, connects, major

  4. Consideration, plans, a, for, industry, under, developing, nuclear, power, are.

  5. Timber-producing, are, the; areas, located, and, in, the, regions, Minsk, Brest,Gomel.

  6. Proud, country, of, we, our, are.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

  1. Belarus recovered … in postwar years.

  2. Live-stock breeding and dairy farming …more than half of all agricultural production.

  3. A substantial … of wetlands have been drained.

  4. Although Belarus … … stands of forest, the forestry industry is underdeveloped.

  5. Fuel is Belarus’ largest import …

  6. Agriculture … by industry as the republic’s leading economic sector.

  7. Belarus exports transport … (mainly tractors).

rapidly, equipment, has been replaced, valuable, possesses, expenditure, amount,


  1. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given below

1. Plans … developing a nuclear power industry are … consideration and meet a big protest … the population. 2. Russia supplies Belarus … oil and gas. 3. … its navigable rivers and the Dnepr-Bug Canal system, Belarus has access … the Baltic and Black Seas. 4. Belarus accounts … about 50 per cent … total net material product. 5. A substantial amount … wetlands have been converted … agricultural land. 6. Agriculture dominated the economy … Belarus … centuries. 7. Citizens of Belarus are proud … their country.

for, through, among, into, of, to, with, under

  1. Translate into English

  1. Студенты должны иметь доступ к хорошим книгам.

  2. Большая сумма денег ежегодно тратится на покупку нового оборудования.

  3. Он внёс большой вклад в разработку этой модели.

  4. Ваши предложения всё ещё рассматриваются.

  5. Агентство обеспечило нас нужной информацией.

  6. Страна быстро восстановила свою экономику от последствий войны.

  7. Беларусь – страна древних традиций и культуры.

Text Comprehension Exercises

  1. Listen to the text “Belarus” and answer the following questions

  1. Is Belarus agricultural or industrial country?

  2. Does Belarus have a developed transport system?

  3. Is Belarus a dependent on Russian mineral resources?

  4. Has Belarus its own culture and traditions?

  1. Listen to the text again and say which of the following replies is correct

  1. The republic’s leading economic sector is a) agriculture, b) industry, c) forestry.

  2. Live-stock breeding and dairy farming a) contribute more than half of all agricultural production; b) contribute 30% of all agricultural production; c) are not important in the total net material product.

  3. The largest import expenditure of the republic is a) tractors, b) fuel, c) foodstuffs.

  4. Belarus produces a) motor vehicles, chemicals, lumber products, machinery and consumer goods; b) fuel: oil and gas, and peat; c) a lot of electric power

  5. About 60 per cent of Belarus’ export go to a) the USA; b) the Western European countries; c) the former Soviet republics.

  6. Education is free and compulsory for a) adults; b) children between the ages of 6 and 15; c) young men between the ages of 15 and 25.

  7. The leading drama theatre is the Yanka Kupala Belarusian State Academic theatre founded a) in 1920; b) in 1950;c) in 1912.

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