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Text comprehension exercises

  1. Listen to the text “The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics“ and answer the following questions

1. When did the history of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radiolectronics begin?

2. How many faculties are there at the University?

3. What subjects are taught at the University?

4. Where do the graduates of the University work?

  1. Listen to the text again and say which of the following replies is correct

  1. a) The Minsk Radioengineering Institute celebrated its 20th anniversary as the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

b) The Minsk Radioengineering Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary as the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

  1. The Minsk Radioengineering Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary as the Belarus State Polytechnic Academy.

  1. a) The educative process is conducted by highly competent teaching staff.

b) The educative process is conducted by post-graduate students.

  1. The educative process is badly organized.

  1. a) Different subjects are taught at every faculty.

  1. Different subjects are taught at the University depending on a faculty and a year of study.

  2. The same subjects are taught at different faculties.

  1. a) The course of study lasts 6 years.

  1. The course of study lasts 5 years.

  2. The length of a course of study depends on a faculty.

  1. a) The students are awarded grants monthly.

  1. The students financed from the state budget get their grants monthly.

  2. The students financed by their parents get their grants every day.

Text exercises

  1. Read the text “The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics”and find in it English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

аспирантура и докторантура; вечернее отделение; замкнутая система телевидения; находиться в распоряжении; получать специальность; радиотехника; преподавательский состав; лабораторное оборудование; жизненная необходимость; возможности; стипендия; курс обучения; изучение иностранных языков; большое внимание; степень; получать стипендию; выполнять исследования, в заключение

  1. Read the text and answer the following questions

1. When was the Minsk Radioengineering Institute founded?

2. When was the Minsk Radioengineering Institute granted the status of University?

3. How many students study at the University?

4. What faculties are there at the University?

5. What can you say about the teaching staff?

6. What is at the disposal of the students?

7. What facilities do the students have in mastering foreign languages?

8. How long does the course of study last?

9. When are terminal exams held?

10. Where do the students from other cities lodge?

11. Where can the students improve their health?

12. What does the Students’ Club organize?

13. Does the University have right to be proud of the graduates? Why?

  1. Degree or disagree with the following sentences, in your answers use the expressions of agreement or disagreement

1. On September 1, 1964 the Radioengineering Institute admitted students for the first time.

2. The Minsk Radioengineering Institute was established on the basis of the Belarusian State University.

3. The Minsk Radioengineering Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary as the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

4. Over 7 thousand students study at 6 faculties and 34 departments.

5. The educative process is conducted by highly competent teaching staff.

6. Training scientist of highest qualification is conducted at post-graduate and doctorate courses.

7. The students of the University attend physics, technical drawing, biology, geography.

8. The academic year is divided into two terms. The first term runs from September to January, the second - from January to June.

9. The students from other cities lodge in different hotels.

  1. Develop the following ideas, use the words and word combinations provided in brackets

1. The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics is the national leader among educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus (to train; professionals and scientists; fields of science; radioengineering).

2. On September 1, 1964 the Minsk Radioengineering Institute admitted students for the first time (to be established; the Polytechnic Institute of the Republic of Belarus; to be enrolled; the full-time and evening departments; faculties).

3. The educative process and scientific investigations are conducted by highly competent teaching staff (an academician; a full-member of New-York Academy of Science; professors; doctors of science; docents; candidates of science).

4. Training scientists of highest qualification is conducted at post-graduate and doctorate courses (specialities; to be admitted; every year).

5. The University has all necessary facilities for teaching (up-to-date computer and laboratory equipment; closed-circuit TV; language laboratories; library; reading halls; to be at the disposal of smb.).

6. Different subjects are taught at the University (the faculty; to attend; higher mathematics; descriptive geometry; special attention; theoretical foundations of electroengineering; outlook; to be influenced by).

7. Foreign languages are of great importance for highly qualified specialists (to deny; the vital importance; to master; to have opportunity; to acquire the speciality; a translator; free of charge).

8. The students have good recreation conditions (the Students’ Club; to organize; parties; discos; festivals; to take pride in; brass band; vocal group; the ballet dance group).

  1. Extend the following statements, use the text for your reference

1. The Belarusian State University of Radioelectronics offers training ... .

2. The Minsk Radioengineering Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary as ... .

3. The University has all necessary facilities for ....

4. The outlook of the students is influenced considerably by ... .

5. The students have one more opportunity to advanced in ... .

6. The students can improve their health in ... .

7. The University takes special pride in ... .

8. The graduates of the University work at ... .

  1. Speak on:

1. the history of the BSUIR,

2. the faculties and departments of the University,

3. the teaching staff of the University,

4. the teaching facilities and subjects taught at the University,

5. students’ leisure and recreation opportunities.

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