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Part II Conversation: Examinations Are Coming Standard Phrases

to like smth. in particular нравиться в особенности

actually на самом деле, действительно

exactly именно так, совершенно верно

probably вероятно, наверняка

I am dead certain я полностью уверен

It is not my thing это не мое/ это не для меня

It’s up to you все зависит от тебя

That’s it, I give up! всё, я сдаюсь!

I can’t stand it any more Я не могу этого больше терпеть

You’ll fail/ flunk an exam in smth Ты провалишь экзамен по

compulsory обязательный

optional факультативный, необязательный

Come on! Брось ты!


I. Complete the missing standard phrases in the following conversations

  • You … a lot of lectures.

  • I know, but I don’t have much time to study during football season.

  • You’d better be careful, you’ll … your exams.

* *

  • What you … of the play, Nick?

  • Superb! I liked the first act ….

  • Me too.

* *

  • When … your sister … from the University?

  • Two years ago. She is a post-graduate now.

* *

  • You are doing your first year, aren’t you?

* *

  • I can’t stand philosophy! …

II. Translate the following short conversations in English using standard phrases

1.- Ты учишься на первом курсе, не так ли?

  • Да, именно так.

2. – Это правда, что ваши лекции обязательны?

  • Нет, они все факультативные.

3. – Я полностью уверен, что провалюсь на химии.

  • Да брось, ты наверняка справишься лучше, чем ты думаешь.

4. – Я не могу этого больше терпеть! Всё, я сдаюсь!

  • Ну, все зависит от тебя.

5. – Почему ты пропускаешь обязательные занятия?

- На самом деле, я думал об этих занятиях и решил, что это не для меня.

III. Listen to the conversation “Alex’s First Examinations Are Coming” and answer the following questions:

1. What University does Alex study at? 2. What are his Faculty and the year? 3. Is it easy for him to study there? 4. Do the studies take all his time? 5. What subjects does he consider the most difficult ones? 6. What credit did he fail? 7. What decision did he arrive at?

IV. Listen to the conversation “Alex’s First Examinations Are Coming” again and read it imitating the speakers’ pronunciation

- What do you think of the concert, Nick?

- That was amazing! I liked the brass band in particular. But I didn’t catch its name. Do you know where it is from?

- Oh, it’s special pride of our University. They were awarded the title of the national band.

- What University do you study at?

- The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

- You’re doing your first year then, aren’t you?

- Yes, that’s right. I entered it last summer and I’m a first-year student of the Faculty of Computer-Aided Design. I’m very interested in studying radioelectronics but sometimes it’s rather difficult and I don’t have much time even for my football practice.

- Well, the things are always like that with University studies.

- I know you are graduating from the University, aren’t you, Nick?

- It’s not actually a University. I am in my last year at the Technical College and, in addition, I often attend public lectures at the University of London.

- Is it true that your lectures in Great Britain are not compulsory?

- Well, yes, they are optional.

- You know, here to prepare well for the seminars and then for credits I need to attend all the lectures and to take notes of everything.

- You’ll have your first examinations soon, I guess. I can’t really remember how I passed my exams for the first time. But I reckon they were easy.

- Maybe they were easy enough for you but they will be much too hard for me. I’m dead certain I’ll fail in chemistry and descriptive geometry.

- Oh, come on. You’ll probably do better than you think.

- No, I’ve already flunked my credit in philosophy. It wasn’t really my thing.

- I guess it is difficult for everyone to try to interest oneself in subjects like that.

- Exactly! That’s it, I give up.

- Well, it’s up to you, but isn’t it better to do some more reading?

- No, I’ve had enough of reading.

- Then take a day off, relax and get down to work again.

- I can’t stand it any more. I don’t know why I decided to go to this university. I think I’ll run away and join the army or something.


Technical College – технический колледж (высшее техническое учебное заведение, не входящее в состав университета)

to reckon – полагать, думать

to get down to work – приниматься за работу

credit – зачет

  1. Memorize and play out the conversation “Alex’s First Examinations Are Coming”

VI. Role-play the following situations;

a)Your friend has just failed in maths and he doesn’t think it was his fault. Explain that he is wrong.

b) You are a post- graduate. Your younger sister/brother is a first-year student. She/he is already tired of studying.


I. Read the text and tell us what difference between the BSUIR and the University of Cambridge you’ve noticed

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