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Home Vocabulary Exercises

I. Arrange the following words into your own sentences

  1. the, center, of, is situated, in, University, the, the, city.

  2. takes, it, me, usually, not more, 20 minutes, to get, than, to, the, University.

  3. in, am, for, I, my, always, classes, time.

  4. always, Nick, for, lectures, his, late, is; why, ?

  5. time-table, according, have, our, we, to, day, lectures, every, four, three, or.

  6. are, 3 o’clock, the, at, classes, over.

  7. home, usually, I, p.m., at, 6 o’clock, arrive.

  8. TV, after, like, listen, to, watch, music, or, I, dinner, to.

  9. swimming-pool, week, three, a, training, my, I, the, have, in, times.

  10. at, parents, my, return, home, usually, 6 o’clock.

  11. news, watch, I, the, in, evening, the, always.

II. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

Now I’m a first-year … of the Belarusian State University. I usually … at 7 o’clock, have breakfast and go to the … . I go to the University by … . The bus-stop is 5 minutes’ walk from my … .it takes me 20 … to get to the University. Our … begin at 8 o’clock. According to our … we have 3 lectures every day. The classes are … at 3 o’clock. After classes I go to the … , look through my notes of the lectures and get ready for the … and lab works. I usually … home at 6 o’clock p.m. I have dinner alone because my …usually come home later. After dinner I go to my room and … TV or listen to music. At 9 o’clock I usually have a cup of tea and a … . At 10 o’clock I go to bed.

arrive, bus, classes, get up, house, library, minutes, over, parents, sandwich, seminars, student, time-table, university, watch.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary

  1. I usually get up … 7 o’clock … the morning.

  2. … 6 o’clock … evening I go home.

  3. … Sunday evening we usually go …the movies or … a concert.

  4. … the afternoon he works hard …English.

  5. Sometimes the students spend 4 hours … the library.

  6. My brother is … home now.

  7. … Sunday morning I get … late.

  8. The teacher switches … the light.

  9. Don’t go … in such bad weather.

  10. … week days I usually get … early.

IV. Use the proper tense forms

Last year James (to become) a student of the University of Toronto. Presently

James (to be) a serious student. He (to work) hard. He (to get up) early every day because he (to like not) to sleep late, and he (to have) breakfast at 7 o’clock. He (to get) to the University at 7.50 because he (to like) to start his day early. He (to study) physics and astronomy and he (to have) a part-time job. He (to teach) every noon, Monday through Friday. Every Wednesday and Friday morning he (to have) a physics discussion section with his students. His physics lab (to be) on Monday from 8 to 12 and he (to do) lab work on Friday from 2 to 6. His astronomy classes (to be) on Tuesday and Thursday in the afternoon. James (to be, not) athletic, but he (to want, not) to get fat, so he (to jog) at the beach on Wednesday and Saturday in the late afternoon. He also (to play) tennis with Bill on Sunday morning. He (to be) always very busy. It is 12 o’clock on Sunday, James and Bill (to talk).

Bill: What you (to do) this afternoon?

James: I (to go) to the library.

Bill: You (to work) hard! You often (to go) to the library?

James: Every day. You see I (to take) my astronomy exam in two weeks.

Bill: How long you (to be going) to stay in the library?

James: Till 7 o’clock.

Bill: You (to want) to go to the cinema with me tonight?

James: I’d love to, but I’ve got appointment for 7.30.

V. Translate into English

1. В июле я сдавал вступительные экзамены, сдал их хорошо и был принят в


2. Каждое утро я просыпаюсь в семь часов ровно.

3. Мне требуется не больше 20 минут, чтобы приготовить себе завтрак.

4. За завтраком вся наша семья собирается вместе и обсуждает планы на день.

5. Я не люблю опаздывать в университет, поэтому я выхожу их дома рано.

6. Я усердно работаю на занятиях и в библиотеке и надеюсь сдать экзамены хорошо.

7. Наряду с моими занятиями я занимаюсь теннисом.

8. Прежде чем заснуть, я немного читаю, но иногда я чувствую себя таким уставшим, что засыпаю сразу.

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