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Home Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Arrange the following words into your own sentences

  1. Covers, Great Britain, area, total, the, of, about, square, miles, 90000.

  2. Is, 220 km, the, English Channel, wide.

  3. Sea, the, important, must, routes, pass. The English Channel, through.

  4. Many, there are, and, rivers, lakes.

  5. The, 390 km, is, long, Severn.

  6. Mainly, the, mountains, situated, in, are, Scotland.

  7. London, city, the, is, population, with, the, 7 million, of, about.

  8. In 1997, was, 75 years, expectancy, life, 80 years, men, for, women, for.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

  1. In … of population other important cities include Birmingham, Liverpool, etc.

  2. The European countries … the coasts of the North Sea.

  3. The advantageous position of Great Britain created … conditions for trade.

  4. Great Britain is nearly the same … as the Federal Republic of Germany, New Zealand and half the size of France.

  5. England is the largest and most … division of the island of Great Britain, making up the south and east.

  6. Life … in 1997 was 75 years for men and 80 years for women.

  7. By the year 2010, the population … … to increase to 61,127,000

  8. Britain’s population is overwhelmingly … , with 89.4 percent living in urban areas and 10.6 percent living in … areas.

  9. The United Kingdom … … in the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

to look into, to be bordered, urban, to be expected, expectancy, size, populous, favorable, terms

  1. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given below

  1. London is one … the largest cities … the world … the population … about 7 million.

  2. … terms … population other important cities include Birmingham and Liverpool.

  3. The largest lakes … Great Britain are Loch Lomond and Loch Ness.

  4. Great Britain consists … England, Scotland and Wales.

  5. … south … north Great Britain stretches … over 900 km.

  6. The territories … six European countries look … the coasts … the North Sea.

  7. The most important sea routes pass … the English Channel and the North Sea.

  8. It created favorable conditions … the development … shipping, trade and economy.

for, of, of, into, of, through, from, to, for, of, in, of, of, of, in, with, of

  1. Translate into English

  1. Климат Британии умеренный благодаря теплым водам Гольфстрима.

  2. Летом температура воздуха не превышает 15 °С.

  3. В целом, понижение температуры ниже 0°С зимой бывает редко.

  4. Великобритания занимает территорию почти равную территориям Федеративной Республики Германии, Новой Зеландии и половине территории Франции.

  5. Ла-Манш в самой узкой части называется Дуврским проливом.

  6. Выгодное географическое положение создало благоприятные условия для развития промышленности, торговли и экономики в целом.

  7. Британия – одна из наиболее густо населенных стран мира.

  8. Англия – самая большая и наиболее густонаселенная часть страны.

  9. Ожидается, что население страны значительно возрастет к 2010 году.

  10. Население страны обладает свойствами, характерными для современного, развитого и процветающего государства.

Text Comprehension Exercises

  1. Listen to the text “Great Britain” and answer the following questions

  1. The geographical position of the country is advantageous, isn’t it?

  2. Is Great Britain a densely populated country?

  3. What is Great Britain washed by?

  1. Listen to the text again and say which of the following replies is correct

1. a) The total area of Great Britain is the same as the area of the Federal Republic of Germany,

New Zealand and half size of France.

b) The total area of Great Britain is half the size of Canada.

c) The total area of Great Britain is the same as that of Spain.

2. a) The important sea routes don’t pass through the English Channel and the North


b) The most important sea routes pass through the English Channel and the North

Sea linking Europe with the Americas and other continents.

c) The most important sea routes pass through the English Channel and the North

Sea linking Africa with Asia.

3. a) The mountains are mainly situated in England.

  1. The mountains are mainly located in Northern Ireland.

  2. The mountains are mainly located in Scotland and Wales.

4. a) The population of London is about 2 million.

b) The population of London is mainly 20 ml.

c) The population of London is mainly 6 ml.

5. a) In general the climate of Great Britain is rather cold.

b) In general the climate of Great Britain is pretty bad.

c) In general the climate is mild in Great Britain.

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