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The Working Day of a Businessman.

Mr. White is a successful British businessman. He is the president of a trade firm. He is in business for about 15 years already. His company produces good equipment. The equipment is sold well in England. But he needs more customers. He has an idea. Why not sell his equipment abroad? He wants to look for new customers in foreign markets. He knows that it will take months or years to become a successful exporter. Anyhow, he has decided to go to Russia to study the market and the possibility to sell the equipment there.

Mr. White’s working day begins very early. He gets up at 6 o’clock. His wife and children get up later. He goes to the bathroom to take a bath. Then he has breakfast. For breakfast he has some bacon and eggs, tea and sandwiches. He goes for work at 7 o’clock. His office hours begin at 8 o’clock, but he usually comes earlier to get ready for work.

In the morning the secretary brings him letters and cables. He reads the mail and sends the answers to foreign firms. He often receives businessmen from some countries of Europe in his office. They usually come to discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery and other business points. Sometimes he goes abroad on business to have talks with foreign customers. He speaks two foreign languages.

At 12.30 Mr. White has lunch. He finishes work at 6 o’clock in the evening, but if there is some urgent business, he stays at the office later.

Mr. White usually has dinner ay home. After dinner he reads newspapers and magazines, listens to the radio or watches TV and helps his wife about the house. He goes to bed at 11.

Mr. White is busy 6 days a week. But he likes his work and believes that his business will develop quickly.


1. The Future Indefinite Tense (будущее неопределённое время).





shall+V (I, we)






Shall____ V?


Who will+V?

Примеры образования утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных форм:

+ We shall write 2 difficult tests tomorrow.

My sister will enter the University next year.

- We shan’t write 2 difficult tests tomorrow.

My sister won’t enter the University next year.

? 1) общий

Shall we write 2 difficult tests tomorrow?

Ответ: Yes, we shall. We shall write 2 difficult tests tomorrow.

Will my sister enter the University next year?

Ответ: Yes, she will. My sister will enter the University next year.

2) альтернативный

Shall we write 2 difficult tests or dictations tomorrow?

Ответ: We shall write 2 difficult tests tomorrow.

Will my sister enter the University or college next year?

Ответ: My sister will enter the University next year.

3) a)разделительный(+)

We shall write 2 difficult tests tomorrow, shan’t we?

Ответ: Yes, we shall. We shall write 2 difficult tests tomorrow.

My sister will enter the University next year, won’t she?

Ответ: Yes, she will. My sister will enter the University next year.

b) разделительный (-)

We shan’t write 2 difficult tests tomorrow, shall we?

Ответ: Yes, we shall. We shan’t write 2 difficult tests tomorrow.

My sister won’t enter the University next year, will she?

Ответ: Yes, she will. My sister won’t enter the University next year.

4) a) специальный (tomorrow)

When shall we write 2 difficult tests?

b) специальный (tests)

What shall we write tomorrow?

c) специальный (difficult)

What kind of tests shall we write tomorrow?

d) специальный (2)

How many difficult tests shall we write tomorrow?

e) специальный (shall write)

What shall we do tomorrow?

f)специальный (next year)

When will my sister enter the University?

g) специальный (the University)

What will my sister enter next year?

h) специальный (will enter)

What will my sister do next year?

5) вопрос к подлежащему

Who will write 2 difficult tests tomorrow?

Who will enter the University next year?

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