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6. Writing

Practise the vocabulary.

Do ex. 4, p. 56.

Fill in the gaps with the new words on p. 56.

  1. The price lunch.

  2. We had fish for the main .

  3. The buffet here of several different Chinese dishes.

  4. The from Mexico are really incredible in this restaurant.

  5. Vegetarian is very popular nowadays.

  6. Thanksgiving is a really big in the States.

  7. To apples means to cook them slowly in liquid.

7. Speaking

Do ex. 6, p. 56.

8. Reading

Do ex. 7, p. 57.

9. Summary

Do ex. 8, p. 57.

10. Homework

Ex. 5, p. 57.

Урок № 30


Мета уроку:

  • вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички вимови, аудіювання, чи­тання й усного мовлення;

  • розвивати логічне мислення;

  • виховувати правиль­не ставлення до їжі, а також загальну культуру учнів.

Обладнання: підручники, роздатковий матеріал, робочі зошити, словники

Тип уроку: комбінований

Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент (перевірка наявності учнів, готовність їх до уроку)

Т: Good afternoon boys and girls! (Доброго дня хлопці та дівчата!)

I’m glad to see you. (я рада вас бачити.)

Take your seats, please! (Сідайте!)

Who is on duty today? (Хто черговий?)

Who is absent today? (Хто відсутній?)

Thank you! Sit down, please. (Дякую! Сідайте, будь ласка.)

Введення в іншомовну атмосферу


Iі. Мотивація навчальної діяльності учнів

Iіi. Вивчення нового матеріал


1. Warm-up

Do ex. 1, p. 58.

2. Reading

► Do the quiz.

1) Lemons taste .

  1. salty

  2. sour

  3. bitter

  4. crunchy

2) Potato chips are not .

  1. crisp

  2. crunchy

  3. juicy

  4. junk food

3) In a restaurant, we normally eat an appetizer .

  1. just before dessert

  2. first

  3. last

  4. only if we are not very hungry

4) Finger food .

  1. makes your fingernails grow longer

  2. is only in eaten in countries where they don't have silverware

  3. is slang for a bad gesture

  4. is food you can politely eat with your hands

5) Light food is the opposite of .

  1. heavy food

  2. rich food

  3. bland food

  4. junk food

6) If something is tasty, you .

  1. don't really enjoy eating it

  2. think it tastes good

  3. hate eating it

  4. only eat it for breakfast

7) Spicy food includes .

  1. milk

  2. lemons

  3. chili peppers

  4. bananas

8) If milk is sour it is .

  1. from a coconut

  2. too old

  3. too fresh

  4. from a goat

9) A beverage is .

  1. Beverley's birthday

  2. normally crunchy

  3. an alcoholic drink

  4. any drink

10) All of these are bitter except .

  1. black coffee

  2. strong tea without sugar or milk

  3. unsweetened baking chocolate

  4. pizza

  1. Sweet foods don't include___.

  1. cake

  2. pickles

  3. ice cream

  4. candy

12) Rich food is always .

  1. expensive

  2. crunchy

  3. dessert

  4. fattening

Key: 1 b; 2 c; 3 b, 4 d; 5 a; 6 b; 7 c; 8 b; 9 d; 10 d; 11 b; 12 d.

3. Writing and speaking

Work in pairs.

Do ex. 2, p. 58.

Add more own words to each column.

4. Summary

Give quick answers.

  1. Do you like Japanese food? What kind of Japanese food do you like?

  2. Do you like deep fried food?

  3. Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most?

  4. Do you like peas and carrots? How about spinach?

  5. Do you like to eat a lot of food every day?

  6. Do you like to eat at fast food restaurants?

  7. Do you like to eat cakes?

  8. Do you like to eat junk food?

  9. Do you like to eat some desserts after dinner?

  10. Do you like to have breakfast each morning? Why or why not?

  11. Do you like to try new food and drinks?

  12. Do you often eat out?

  13. Do you prefer fish or meat?

  14. Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?

  15. Do you prefer your own country's food or other kinds of food?

  16. Do you read the nutritional information on the foods you buy?

  17. Do you think fast food, soda and sweets should be sold in school cafeterias?


Ex. 3, p. 58.