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Independent schools

Independent schools are private, nonprofit schools governed by elected boards of trustees. This category includes such famous private schools as Andover and Exeter. Independent schools draw their funds from tuition payments, charitable contributions, and endowments rather than fron taxes or church funds. They may be affiliated with a religious institution but cannot receive funds or governance from them. Of the 28,000 private schools in the United States, only about 1,500 are independent. About two-thirds of those are members of the National Association of Indepen-dent Schools, (6)____and have agreed to practice nondiscriminatory policies. Many accept boarding as well as day students. Private day schools generally cost from a few thousand to more than $10,000 per student per year, while a boarding school charges each student approximately $ 20,000 annually.

Parochial schools

Parochial schools are church-related schools, most commonly owned and operated by Catholic parishes or dioceses but also by Protestant denominations. Hebrew schools may also be termed parochial. The majority of the private schools in the United States are parochial schools. (7)______Teachers may

be clergy or lay persons who may or may not be trained educators. Your child doesn't have to be Catholic to attend a parochial school, but she will still be required to attend religious education classes and prayer services. Parochial schools generally cost between $ 1,200 and $ 2,400 per year for an elementary school student and between $ 4,600 and $ 7,500 for a high school student.

Proprietary schools

Proprietary schools are private schools that are run for profit. This is a relatively new category of school. They do not answer to any board of trustees or elected officials. Because of this they claim to be able to respond quickly to the demands of the market. Many belong to an organization called the National Independent Private Schools Association. Tuition is compara­ble to that of private, nonprofit schools.

A receive tax dollars but the sponsoring group B to allow students from out of state to attend

C The academic curriculum at these schools is supplemented with re­quired daily religious instruction and prayer. D be coed or single sex

E who live within the borders of their district F than conventional public schools G have high grades

H which means they have been accredited by a recognized state or region­al body

Key: 1 E; 2 A; 3 F, 4 B; 5 D; 6 H; 7 C.

6. Speaking

Do ex. 7, p. 48.

7. Summary

Do ex. 4, p. 47.

8. Homework

Ex. 5, p. 47.

Урок № 28


Мета уроку:

  • формувати навички письма;

  • вдосконалювати навички усного мовлен­ня, читання;

  • розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;

  • ви­ховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання: підручники, роздатковий матеріал, робочі зошити, словники

Тип уроку: комбінований

Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент (перевірка наявності учнів, готовність їх до уроку)

Т: Good afternoon boys and girls! (Доброго дня хлопці та дівчата!)