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Introduction 2

Translation of Sayings and proverbs from English into Kazakh 4

Sayings and proverbs in English translated into Kazakh 4

Two major classes of Proverbs and Sayings 13

Syntactic types of Proverbs and Sayings 17

A Detailed Analysis of Translation 24

The level of the purport of communication 27

The level of identification of situation 27

The level of method of description of the situation 28

The level of syntactic meanings 29

The level of word semantics 30

Conclusion 32

Bibliography 34

Appendix 35


Translation is a very ancient kind of human activity. As soon as groups of people with different languages were born in human history, bilinguals appeared and they helped to communicate between collectives of different languages. With the development of the written language, written translators join oral ones. They translated different texts of official, religious and business character. Translation had the main social function at first. It made possible inter-linguistic communication of people. The spreading of the written translation opened to people the wide access to cultural achievements of other nations; it made possible interaction and inter-enrichment of literature and culture. The knowledge of foreign languages let to read original books, but not everybody can learn at least one foreign language.

My work is devoted to the basic points of theory of translation and the difficulties of translation of English proverbs and sayings into Kazakh.

My course paper consists of the following parts:

  1. Introduction

  2. The main part where I consider the following questions such as:

  1. Sayings and Proverbs in English

  2. Two major classes of Proverbs and Sayings

  3. Syntactic types of Proverbs and Sayings

  1. A Detailed Analysis of Translation

  2. Conclusion

  3. Bibliography

  4. Appendix

The main aims of my course paper are the investigation of the meaning of English proverbs and sayings and give the correct equivalents into Kazakh language. To open and describe the common linguistic basis of translation, that is to show which peculiarities of linguistic systems and regularities of the language operation are the basis of the translating process, make this process possible and determine its character and borders;

To determine the translation as the subject of the linguistic research, to show its difference from the other kinds of linguistic mediation;

To work out the basis of classification of kinds of the translating activity;

To open the essence of the translating equivalence as the basis of the communicative identity of the original texts and the translation;

To determine the idea “the translating norm” and to work out the principles

I haven’t dealt with the sayings and proverbs translation in Kazakh language before because of lack of information about it. This is one more reason for choosing this theme as my project course paper. For me it was interesting to know more about the proverbs and sayings and analyze how they are translated. In the Practical part of my course paper are given a lot of examples from English into Kazakh and you may get more information about the translation of these phraseological units: proverbs and sayings.

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