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Лексичний матеріал

Граматичний матеріал

1.The Legal Profession.

1. Future Simple Tense.

I. Граматичний матеріал: Future Simple Tense

Завдання 1.1. Вивчіть випадки вживання та форми Future Simple Tense.

Вживається для означення дії, що відбуватиметься у майбутньому. Обставини

часу, які характерні для Future Simple Tense: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,

next week/month/year, in + термін (in a month, in three years), later, tonight.

Форми присудку: will + дієслово ( will ask, will set up);

will not (won’t) + дієслово (won’t ask, won’t accuse).

Завдання 1.2. Підкресліть присудок, поставте до речення загальне питання.

1. We will have to understand the nature of lawyers’ craft.


2. The number of lawyers will exceed in Ukraine.


3. The salary of lawyers will grow.


4. More women will desire to be lawyers.


5. A career in law will be very popular.


6. The salaries of lawyers will be substantially greater.


7. Some law firms will offer additional bonuses to their law associates.


8. High salaries will strengthen the attraction of law profession.


Завдання 1.3. Підкресліть присудок, поставте речення у заперечну форму.

1.We will open a new law firm in New York.


2. We will discuss the project and details of the various costs.


3. We will collect information about possible location of the new office.


4. We will develop a contract with the real estate agency.


5. We will estimate costs for moving to New York.


II. Лексичний матеріал: The Legal Profession

Завдання 2.1. Прочитайте текст, підкресліть присудок у Future Simple Tense.


To better understand judges and the power they wield, we will have to understand lawyers and the nature of their craft.

Today, the number of lawyers in the United States exceeded 800,000.

The rate at which the legal profession is growing will probably continue to outpace the rate of population growth through the end of the century.

More than 40 percent of first-year law students today are women and nearly 10 percent are minority group members.

Why a career in law is so popular? We know that in 1988 the average salary of experienced lawyers in private practices was $ 110,000. If we include in this average the salaries of all lawyers, the figure will probably be much lower, certainly well below the $108,000 average salary of physicians.

But lawyers' salaries are still substantially greater than those of many other professionals. Salaries for new minted lawyers heading for elite New York law firms will approach $300,000; some firms will offer additional bonuses for clerkship experience in the federal courts and state supreme courts. The glamour of legal practice will strengthen the attraction of its financial rewards.

1. to wield = to have

володіти (владою, авторитетом, впливом)

2. craft

професія, ремесло

3. to exceed


4. to outpace


5. rate

норма, рівень, показник

6. minority group

група нацменшини

7. average salary

середня зарплатня

8. experienced


9. private practices

приватна практика

10. figure

число, показник

11.well below

набагато нижчий

12. physician


13. substantially

значно, суттєво

14. new minted lawyer

новоспечений юрист

15. to approach


16. clerkship experience


17. glamour


18. financial reward

фінансова винагорода

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