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Лексичний матеріал

Граматичний матеріал

1. He’s going to be governor.

2. Political Rally

1. Непряма мова (Reported Speech)

I. Граматичний матеріал: Непряма мова (The Reported Speech)

Завдання 1.1. Вивчіть особливості вживання непрямої мови.

Непряма мова вживається у складнопідрядних реченнях. Якщо присудок головного речення виражений дієсловом у будь-якій формі минулого часу, то присудок підрядного речення вживається у формі минулого часу, логічно узгодженого з присудком головного речення.

Наприклад: I was sure that you knew her address.

He said that it was the best party in his life.

He said that she had called him several times the day before.

He said that she would call him the next day.

He asked why she was crying.

He asked why she had left the suitcase in the lounge.

She asked if the book was mine.

She asked to give her a couple of minutes.

She asked us to come in.

She asked not to stand in her way.

Завдання 1.2. Прочитайте розмову, знайдіть речення з непрямою мовою.

He’s going to be governor

Mr. Whiteman is going to be governor of the state. He is participating in the political rally. The students are discussing their political likes and dislikes.

Sandra: What did Jessica tell you about the new set of designs Jim and I gave her?

Keiko: She said they were much better than the first ones you showed her.

Jim: Did she say anything else?

Keiko: No. Don’t worry. She really likes them. She said to come to her office at 2:00

and she’d discuss them with you.

Sandra: Did you see Whiteman’s speech on TV last night?

Keiko: Yes.

Jim: No, I didn’t. What did he have to say?

Sandra: He spoke about what he would do during the next four years if he were

elected governor.

Jim: Did anyone ask him questions?

Sandra: No. It was just a short speech. But I think he’s holding a new conference later

next week.

Keiko: I wonder if he will get elected. I have read that a lot of people think governor

Martin made quite a few mistakes.

Jim: I agree with that.

Sandra: Really? I’ve been thinking about voting for him again. I think he’s tried to be

good governor. Sometimes he’s been misunderstood, but don’t you think he’s


Jim: Are you kidding? He’s one of the most insincere politicians in the country.

I’m sure he thinks he’ll be re-elected, but if I were him, I wouldn’t count

chickens before they’ve hatched.

Sandra: My boyfriend agrees with you. He says I don’t know enough about politics.

Maybe I should reconsider and not vote for him.

Keiko: It’s too confusing for me. I’m glad I don’t have to vote in this election.

Завдання 1.3. Вкажіть, які речення відповідають змісту тексту.




1.Sandra said that she had given the new set

of designs to Jessica.

2. Jessica said that she didn’t like the


3. Jessica said that she would discuss the

designs at 2:00.

4. Keiko said that she hadn’t seen

Whiteman’s speech on TV.

5. Whiteman spoke about what he would do

during the next four years.

6. Sandra asked if anyone asked Whiteman


7. Sandra thought that Whiteman would hold

a new conference later next week.

8. Keiko said that Martin had made a lot of


9. Jim said that Martin had made a few


10. Sandra said that Whiteman was a sincere


11. Jim said that Martin was very self-


12. Sandra said that she had a boyfriend.

13. Sandra said that she would vote for


14. Keiko said that she would vote for


Завдання 1.4. Перекладіть наступні речення, використовуючи узгодження


1. He said

a) що він зайнятий____________________________________________________

b) що він чекає на телефонний дзвінок


c) що він уже все зробив


d) що він не бачив мене вчора


2. He asked

де вони мешкають __________________________________________________________________

що я зараз роблю___________________________________________________

коли ти повернешся_________________________________________________

чому вони не відповіли на його листа__________________________________

3. She wanted to know

чи я можу їй допомогти_____________________________________________

чи не знаю я його адресу____________________________________________

чи бачила я цей фільм______________________________________________

чи був він вчора у нас______________________________________________

4. I asked

щоб вони принесла справу___________________________________________

щоб він допоміг мені________________________________________________

щоб вона не виходила без охорони____________________________________

щоб вони не розмовляли ____________________________________________

5. She told them

сидіти тихо________________________________________________________

прочитати першу сторінку___________________________________________

не виходити з аудиторії_____________________________________________

не розмовляти_____________________________________________________