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RSTU 80 glorious years.doc
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an opportunity – возможность,

activities – виды деятельности,

an enterprise – предприятие,

a chair – кафедра,

to perform – выполнять, осуществлять,

a graduate – выпускник,

a curriculum – учебный план.


The University


a number of chairs

a number of specialities


The department(s)

a number of departments


general and special subjects


The curriculum

specialists in different areas (for different fields of science)


the qualification of…

The diploma


the right to work at (in)…

The structure of the University

a rich library

is known for

high academic standards


Cultural and social life

students with learning (sporting, leisure) opportunities such as …

can boast

students societies, vocational clubs, various contests and sports competitions, etc.


to include – включать;

to train – обучать; готовить;

to offer – предлагать;

to comprise – включать; охватывать;

to grant – предоставлять;

to be known for – быть известным;

to provide – предоставлять;

to boast – хвастаться.

Exercise 4. Using the sentences prepared, compose a short story about:

  • the University,

  • your department,

  • your speciality.

In order to list something, use the patterns:

They are as follows ... .

They are the following … .

The most important of them are … .

Here are several of them … .

One of them is … .

The story can be like this:

There are a lot of departments at our University. One of them is … . The department trains specialists in 3 programs. They are as follows: … .

Exercise 5. Read the text and render it in English.

The Moscow State University of Railway Engineering

The Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (Московский государственный университет путей сообщения) is the leading and largest transport institution of Russia with more than 17,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. The University is a base institution in Education and Methodology Association in the field of railway transport and transport construction. Every year about 25,000 top managers and specialists take professional development courses in the Moscow State University of Railway Engineers.

The University comprises seven Institutes: the Institute of Rail Track, Construction and Structures; the Institute of Control Systems, Telecommunication and Electrification; the Institute of Transport Engineering and Operations Management; the Institute of Rail Operation and Information Technologies; Economics and Finance Institute; the Institute of Humanities; Law Institute. There are also four departments: the Department of Ecological Safety; Part time Programs Department; Military Training Department; the Department of Pre-university Training.

The University trains students in 52 study programs. Nowadays there are 17 bachelor programs and 13 master programs of different areas. The University is known for high academic standards and high quality tuition. It trains qualified specialists for 10 fields of science and 61 scientific specialities. There are currently more than 400 students taking post-graduate courses and those working for their doctor's degree. The University has 12 Doctorate Scientific Councils.

The total area of the University is 224.5 thousand square meters. The University has 54 buildings, twelve of which are educational ones. It provides students with 7 hostels, the University Community Centre, and the Sports Centre. It can boast one of the largest University libraries in Moscow with more than 2.5 million books, its status being an extra-category one. The corporate computer network (Internet/Intranet) has been developed at the University for about 1,000 users among which there are departments, research and academic laboratories.

Cultural and social life includes students building teams, students scientific societies, students extra employment service, vocational clubs, various contests and sports competitions, inter-university activities, leisure activities, etc.

Scientific research work is closely connected with modernization of transport complexes operation; introduction of new technologies, forms and methods of transportation processes operation; solving economic and ecological problems of railway transport; providing rail traffic safety.

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